Hank Williams The Show He Never Gave

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you're here at teen powder you act proud and all that prouder you sing loud and I'll sing louder tonight we're set the whoops on fire you're my mom your fellas WrestleMania frog together Alex well looks will sit on fire we're taking all the honky Tonk tonight we're having fun we show the folks a brand new dance the never has been down I don't care if it's worship you may not me I'll be a little order active oh don't kill it I'll gas up my hot rod school will be over you'll be broke but I'll be broken tonight wish that work on Bobby will sit close to one another up one Street down the other we have a brother I used to get a real kick out of hearing my own songs from the race god I'm feeling fully I just can't stand to be cooped up like this yes sir folks that was Hank Williams a king of country music with another number-one hit king of country music's wished I didn't have to play a big arena on Ohio tomorrow night tonight's and that I should be up on some stage summers yes some nice little place like like one of them bars were driving right on past lately I've been going up on them stages and pretendin but tonight you know I could say it right the boys can be there and somebody'd have fatal a good old Saturday night man we could have the best damn New Year's Eve party anybody ever saw yeah those all the [ __ ] if an app the way you feel about it you can just have your ring back and I tell you he sure was shocked right along about now I guess the boys beat warming up the crowd with why don't you love me like you used to do we why don't you love me like you used to do why do you treat me like a worn-out shoe my hair still curly and my eyes are still free so I don't you leave me like Eric eight of us hey hey yeah I saw him Hank Williams I really did he's along totally my Bobby beat anyone a person fall looks pretty ordinary ladies and gentlemen right now we're proud to introduce you to the finest country gentleman of all time radio recordings and personal foods and the writers singers such great songs is your cheatin heart they don't know my name is ain't Williams and I'm here now I'm here tonight to sing some songs for you so y'all just settle back there we're gonna have us a good time happy new years everybody happy new year why are you only got about an hour left but you know I for one won't be too sad to see 1952 oh I can see a whole lot of changes coming down the road for 1953 well we're gonna have a new administration up there in Washington inauguration day for old Ike and Richard Nixon coming up any time now that's right and well maybe this year our boys are finally gonna win that war over Korea be nasty get that mess all cleaned up have our boys back here with the loved ones would have been nice and well maybe this year the Dodgers are finally gonna be damned of course looking into a new years can be scary sometimes too I don't know what it is but I know sometimes this kind of get a feeling that well is something coming down and come down the row to me or something like I just don't know what know what it is come on boy I play some music that's what people want to hear I mean that's what they paid their money for to oh I need this now you in your sweet baby come and see me mama and we're gonna be all talking oh big honking hon in their round is to the city they're all talking I needed go round this town he haunted Oh get cold in unabated we go home pick out the rounders I got a feeling Oh commonly with the beautiful girl that's what's the matter with me is on the move beautiful gal but she don't care about me no I tried I tried the people satisfy the Cheetahs so now they see I Oh Oh Shalu Michigan uses up a kind of love he was conversing gay thank you so much no some would say that ain't much of a song but I mean it's done all right by me so far it's made me $34,000 I remember one time this fella come up to me you know what he said Hank he said I sure I'm getting tired of hearing you singing that stupid song though I thought why don't you learn a new one well buddy I said that songs done pretty good by me you tell me what songs ever made you thirty four thousand I'll sing that well yeah I remember the first time ever played up there to Grand Old Opry must have been two three years ago sometime in 49 yeah 49 well sir I must have got half dozen oh of course you know they just wouldn't let me get off of that stage I can't run listen to get the hang of this you'd get started on what it is seems like someone went and switched the strings around on me must have been when is out having me a little glass of milk of course I don't play too good the best of ties i play the way i plays I remember the first time I ever heard Teddy here pleading to get daughter I like the way he played so I asked him if he wanted to join the band he said oh I could never play with you mr. Williams cuz the onliest chords I know receive G and B I said Teddy that's all there is now I learned guitar myself and eyes no more 9 or 10 years old by an old negro street singer named a Rufus Payne she taught everybody called fun a name that to talk that's what they called him an old T card he learned everything I have a new bug guitar playing of course he's dead now he he left us many years ago but can't live in the past all the time so come on boys let's let's play some more tunes for this out of folks here I'm sure they won't enjoy yo busy jambalaya well honey you win a kewpie doll now so what song you don't want to eat yeah Jenna Lajja walls and the expense involved or he fell in love for the media big horny happy Collider never let it show so she could never answer your simple he's always for his son demands and held at Tommy Hawk the men were beaten braids and hopes on me too stubborn to ever show a sign because his heart was made of gaudy Elijah was a local Indian never went the where his heart was say only Indian Mary with the cold black head just stood there and never let it show so she could never answer yes and go and then one day a wealthy customer bought that idiot me and two girls so far away though collide to speak she stands there's no es can be and wishes he was still an old pine tree Oh Kinsey hey everyone oh hey nice I'll never touch the stuff oh come on where is it well thank you buddy's name sure does look good but uh you know uh lately I've been trying to cut down on my drinking now you know what I've been doing real good lady oh yeah because I've been trying which is funny what drinkin dude oh man I don't know if any of you out there ever had 1/2 minute once in a while not late when I tell you it kind of messes up your sense of time I remember one time Fred Rose you know that's the fellow who publishes my songs up there nice Phil he called me on the telephone he said Hank said we figure it's time for you to cut a new record I said Fred what's wrong with the one I done last week well he kind of Hamden hard finally said Hank the last record you made was four months ago now since that time your version sold half a million but Tony Bennett's version has sold two million well I finally got the you know the the time sequence straight in my head but there's one little thing I could never figure out just who the hell is Tony Bennett whatever you know times have changed and uh I'm really trying to cut down on my drinking because you know all my buddies up there National my good friends they they got big plans for me when I when I finally get off of this road tour yes sir big plans just so long as I can cut down on the booze big plans the mapa folks never shoulda fire me like that now would they say that date was again well one of these days I'm gonna walk off off the stage howdy folks mighty glad back here at the Opera thanks be to God and course radio station WSM in the national life and accident insurance country well sir I see the opera game changed a whole lot since I've been awake well let go over here and the wings there and there's Ernest Tubb waiting to come on out and there's Roy Acuff and Hanks no one doesn't Minnie Pearl how do you mean he sure is fine to be back up here now if you used to ask me why I've been away so long this is what I tell you too many parties and to me we'll bring your heart someday - meaning evenings spin out on town will cry good fortune gentlemen of the jury the judges speech began the scene was a crowded courtroom and the judge was a stern old man now this prisoner here before you why he's a social enemy an outcast drunkard and you know the penalty his face reflects the nightlife his eyes are sunk with pain but you know his brother gentleman is a very respected man now some ways like him and yet he might have him it hadn't been for drinking buddies last women gin see we took the nightlife off the streets brought it into our own dance with the smiles faithless women and the man who called themselves friends we open up on the world to the ones we love so ever so tell me gentlemen is a bride that we sent him to a set if he drinks why you talk and if he airs you should so I asked is it right to call condemn ama and before you reach your verdict what this man has done be sure you didn't lead him down the road to the place where he stands all over now gentlemen that's my story my testimony stands this man is my own brother and the case in your hands all empty friendships and frivolous out and too many parties and too many well sure well thank you say yeah anybody out there baseball fans oh you know that's something that I really like this listening ball games on radio listen when we're driving along from town to town I never drive myself and also have some other fella to do the driving and don't much care what ballgame it is really I got no home talent even when you're on the road all the time like I am it gets so you can't even remember if you got a home town but I guess is all us drifters you know all the people got no team of their own always end up rooting for them Brooklyn Dodgers the bond you know the way of my lives been going sometimes I feel just like them Brooklyn Dodgers well you remember two years ago back in 50 when they lost the pennant and the last inning of the last season cost me 50 bucks and last year is the same thing Larry had 4 to 1 they're going into the night and they lose it 5 to 4 now this year they did better way better they didn't lose to the last game of the World Series well maybe now uh this next song is called you win again thought I forgot your request didn't you honey well I didn't write it for the bomb but I think tonight I'm going to dedicate it to him to the bums and the Fatherhood will read all their folks always seem to end up losing right in the last inning No Oh pull me around one new are I just can't most fight don't say he's just wonderful Jack I don't know I kind of like heavy Idol better well babe all I got left in this world is a wife for you know sometimes I wished I only had you so birdie sounds so sweet and never talked me into bean I'm sorry you're become he'll give his heart but Alden hello ha you have no shame hippie free-love hanky boy I guess there are should not come you say that they you and again that's about as as true as I can write it you know I always write my songs about what's happening to me see when I say I got the blues we you better believe it boy I mean I could get the Blues better than any man alive I meet a few woman II left you alone and you wish that she would for like my new wife name ability color well I loved her so much I married her three times well two times on the stage at the your --lens Municipal Auditorium but now that we're all hitched up real good and probably why she can be mean and order sometimes though she calls it taking care of me friendship she always smashing my bottles I mean how's a man who live without he's got a bottle or two around the house bill had to come home I seen her pouring a bottle the best Jim Beam right down the toilet I only kept it around for my back pain anyways she even found a bottle I had hidden my old pair of cowboy boots and the one that had taped inside of my guitar and a little bitty one I had hidden a radio there in met with two wires and such all on account of she couldn't get Wheeling West Virginia WWV a real good so she had to go look at of it just honor I believe everybody gets what they deserve miss live now sometimes it don't look like that but things they'd always like the scene now Billie Jean she's my second one you take my first live order or you people are lucky you never met her I love you better than any man ought to love anyone now she's got my house my money my kid heart asked me if I still love my used to be wife all I say no hello buddy else knows your son handy look so satisfy [ __ ] hippie he pumps to you hello a picture passed peacefully as I brushed your own and walk so close Henson a bad time for you I can't be moms it's hard to know another's lips will keep and you hold used to do me I can't help you your mom's still in love with you well cranky thank you very much no work you think that woman's got everything right I mean she made me miserable and still ended up with everything but I think I'm still going to win out in the long run because you see in a hundred years from now if people still listen to my records God women are they gonna know everything there is to know about that woman and me because I wrote it all down right from the start I guess when you look at all in songs and order you know it's it's kind of like well a play that you y'all might reading a book we're here I'll play acting for you now act one that's when you're still hoping well you know how it is see pretty little gal walking down the street and on this thing you can say something like this I put in a 2 dolla beer and annals fall right over here they got soda pop my in the dance hey hey watching us together has bad for me and something out with me and then things start to look like we're really going to work out well I met my future bride - she made it - all rooted to keep this she's my sunday gal well she's got birdie eyes of blue and she thinks I'm her date is going a rocky creek all rooty-tooty every day to this she's my Monday guy well you should see the people stare Helen she walks across the square bouncy bouncy oh sit easy yeah rooted to this she's my Tuesday gal thank you then come back to and that's when you start to see the way it really is if you maybe half as much as you do you're nice to me when there's no one else around you always kneel to let me if you miss me half as much as I'll miss me all you would say yeah we have what did you do I knew I would never be this blue if you only love me help us out you and then finally you see that woman cook what's really good he or cheap to speak much sleeper car No you're cheatin when things calm down like polyamory you come and coal mining he will walk along the way I do you must know my work then come back three that's one ain't no more and just keep hoping that the curtains gonna fall you know it's funny but that's that's the kind of song that you can't lose I mean the ones that stay with you those are the songs you write when you're all alone again you we met in the springtime when blossoms unfold the pastures were green and the medals were gold our love was in flower as the mercury wound Pirlo like the leaves now has withered and gone the roses have faded there's frost at my door the birds in the morning don't sing anymore the grass in the valley I started to die can out in the darkness the whippoorwill cries alone in forsaken by fate and by man alone if you hear me please hold to my hand oh please understand Cooper has she gone to where can she mean she may have forsaken some mother like me she promised to honor they love and obey each mouth was a bully thing that she threw the darkness is falling the sky has turned rain a hound and the distance has started to be oh I wonder what he's been through or say can forgotten without alone and forsaken by fate and my man Olaf you hear me please hold to my all please understand it's funny how it always seems to turn out the same way every single time remember me sundress ring they got Farseer huh he's like home good looking women out there tonight oh boy you see that pretty little girl sitting up front whoo well boys before we go any further I just want to tell you that the witch is mine but I brought you a little something for my private collection as a sort of a consolation prize mighty fine mighty fine have a look at that oh god I'm bushed feels good get these boots off I tell you feeling all right huh not too bad only thing I regret is not killing that fool horse I fell off hey you Katie that was some fine picking tonight boy mighty fine oh thank you sir of course now if I make it just a little better if you just turn on your amp and by the way what string you got broken herbal it's at the CG or D never looked that guitar hi um you all right can I get you anything mr. Williams no no thanks honey I just want a minute alone by myself Oh oh I didn't mean you I just I just mean oh yeah what I couldn't really use right about now is little drink oh I know what you mean but I'm not supposed yeah yeah I know what you need I've been hearing that since I was about 13 years old guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks oh come on Kenny older than I am well I sure feel a whole lot older I just wish I could smile like the way you can tell smile well for you you don't you about you you want yeah well you just smile for the both of us on thank you I died you're gonna have to check that guitar gets the steal for going in making some dancing oh I know bad first a bit flat dear buddy yeah sure could use a drink right anybody got a dream can't anybody hear what I'm saying [ __ ] never touched it I want a drink I need a drink and I want one right now Hank you know you just don't tell me what I need okay okay I'll get you one back sack no pain doc you're the only one that understands now don't I feel better yes coming down you just give good show this sure is one god-awful wait spindly wonder what Billie Jean's doing right now probably wondering when I'm doing well Billy gene Purdy on think you're old ramblin boy Hank he's lost some was up highway 11 between Hale and he turns to just a pining for some human company for some arms wrapped around him good anti come on you've been working on come on sit down case hey JD baby duty let's cruise did you trying oh no hon can I get you anything last water well it's real masculine no sanction oh my name is Betty thank you what you wondered when I was gonna get around back I'm telling you got five minutes you're getting there no blame my women sometimes you get all the women you want don't you well mostly I I get all the women it won't me oh I don't mean you I just want some company you know ready an get your can out here well oh yeah it'll be alright see ya yeah of afraid hi no little girl you better hurry Oh okay I'll take care of it I get it okay this happens all the time I thought ever want to do that what I don't matter me man come on in father I can't start my clean until always whoops oh come on you try some enabler - all right so now now take a look I can't work my lesson I've been in the doghouse the doggone Lord when the kid at kids think something's wrong you know my wife would see you got half the world on your shoulder oh man she said that she'd be dead wrong me what I got to be said about I'm rich and I'm famous now that a pretty little wife accused it of all you ever want to see money in the bank yeah I got everything man hey you know what I mean I remember when you was a nice and sweet something's changed you'd rather fight than he found it won't you oh shoot man I bet you can lay here look till what I'll take you take it all if the woman I don't you mind if I want a honky-tonk around to two or three well baby that's my image don't you worry about me to find your own business find your own man mind your business then you won't be ridin my and if your mind your own business Oh where's he gonna come back okay hotels jack mmmm big old catfish Rainier 14 come on II listen you're gonna start throwing chairs in it you better go on out there more she feel all right there Howdy's thank you see I told you you come back they're gonna hate boom is gonna hate you you just go on help give them a good show okay can't disappoint the folks just can't the first shoulders I gotta I just gotta you can do it Hank oh come on ain't gonna do that no hot looks like your wife miss the bottle backstage you think she's taking care of me they all think that taking care of it who Hank that's all I get poor Hank the pool old Hank is playing his way in this world I'll tell you that and I'll H he know some new to drift he's out of control Oh today love I'm lying over there I told mama goodbye as Pam so whether we have my road I just wanna make sure nobody's feeling too happy do you know that's the way you look like everybody everybody think they all want to hear happy songs all the time I mean that's so how come your cheatin heart is outselling rooty tooty five times I don't know I mean it's because I feel the other side alive that much stronger this cuz most folks ain't sure they're alive unless they're hurting well y'all can really lose next song because was one of the most hurting the songs I ever did right and it's probably the one of the more people who made hits out of than any of them and sure didn't hurt Tony Bennett I'm tried so hard pretty neat spring up your song evil speed I'm Mira from Yoko song it's a soon ha ha Kaena free you doubt to my culture another love before my time meteor hearts land [ __ ] garden don't come let me hook your Robster oh I cannot bring your now my dear and you look nail paint I wander the Opera fine we should get somewhere she's taking me to the offer getting closer I'm tired all this Drive won't be long oh now that's the truth don't less the street myself not real quick now uh where was I don't ask me that boys got a bigger mouth and Huey Long's telling you we're talking about women and I was telling you about my wife we've become such good friends here to not attend one I'm gonna pay a flip side man do you little song I wrote tell how I feel special when I coming off the road off some long - so I'm boy get it you would do good to take my vehicle he is one for you okay everybody just settle down would have a good time they have asked us a lot hey that's okay but it happens all the time but you know one thing you learn with when you're on a road on time with how to handle a rowdy crowd I'm an only thing we're father to us to try to out router them your own self I always try to be about best out rowdiest that I ever did right I'm gonna do it for you right now come on on their own about Mama's after me I'll begin my booboo time you we heard all about go arrest and Hey Oh don't see mama send me oh let's see I said okay we have a handout all about don't see Mama's enemy all the filters are Andy hey son of a gun we're having fun Oh Oh Hey oh thank you oh thank you so much we appreciate that thank about the total fabric come to Tehran what y'all would call it Cajun song I always liked that kind of Cajun music every time we were playing down there Louisiana there boss da was kind of worried at first of them Cajuns I'm not gonna like it but they seemed to take it right off well the first time we ever played up in Baton Rouge they were sawing $20 bills right up on the stage it's too porcine ain't nothing like a real Cajun two-step I mean that's the con where you know the music gets a hold on your feet I ain't nothing you can do about it I'm telling you but I mean the music ain't meant to be talked about right so come on boys this gives a Kia Crowder a listen to what a reed old-fashioned Cajun to settle a letter come on up here DanceSport come on what did you stop playing for come on I got I got some real good dancers oh I thought there's gotta be lights up ahead there somewheres raise that's right ah I'm sure we lost no sometimes I figure being on a roll on time playing these one-nighters week after week you know that's about as close to hell as you can get to on this earth where maybe this way the good Lord figure already done my time and sent me straight to him oh it might seem funny to you that a man that's lived a sort of life I live should be talking about heaven when all I really but I write to talk about Hell but you know somewhere along the road or loop the drifter he cut religion yes sir I mean Saint met many things in this life that I am positive about but I know as soon as I'm standing right here that there's a god out there somewheres as I mean this can't be all is to it it all ends up in a pine box see when I was a little boy my mom I used to take me to revival meetings of the Sun I she used to play the organ up at the Mount Olive Church and well I used to sing in the choir but the thing I'd most like to do be listening gospel preachers of a Sunday morning cuz they please gospel so their words and make your blood run cold still here hoarse and pressures calling out to me talk about Jesus right now my friends I want to tell you about Jesus I want to tell you about Jesus Christ I want to tell you about Jesus Christ the Savior and I want to tell you about Jesus Christ the Saviour of mankind hey and I want to tell you about Jesus Christ the Saviour of mankind who lived on this earth Jesus Christ a savior of mankind who lived on this earth and died on the cross hallelujah babe I want to tell you about Jesus cross the savior of mankind who lives on this earth and died on the cross for you and your sins she's gentle Haake I don't want to tell you about the burn and fire of Hell burning fire hell awaits for you and you and you yes and you and you unless you're afraid unless you repent right now amen right now on your hands and your knees never get a huge forgiveness for your miserable sister what I'm telling you about is pain pain and sorrow on to the end of my I won't tell you about joy joy happiness tears of relief would you rush into the arms of your seat he'll when you rush from the pain and the sorrow and the darkness into the blinding light the blinding light of heaven can you imagine them Oh can't see the light yeah can you see the lights and you right there yes I liked infinitely more powerful today hi hazel on a beacon calling for you the life students from the pleased and the feeding hands of Jesus Christ our Savior mankind who lived on this earth and died on the cross for you and your miserable sales time wanders wingless life filled with sin and now would left my fear say Duran and then Jesus came like a stranger in the risen Lord I saw the light song boy what God is happiness like of my I'll get inside Chris last night Oh well I was a fool to wonder right I I saw the light no more darkness no more night now I'm so happy no soul inside praise the Lord I saw no life I tried Lord knows how hard I try to believe and you know some more as I wake up you his wife absolu oh my I'm so long wrong the car how to God must I go all the neighbors must I look still but turned away from me each day brings a fresh load of care fresh misery to my heart must I ever be the sport of my enemies look upon me O Lord my God listen to me give light of his eyes before the closing death do not let my enemies claim the mastery my persecutors triumph over my fault I cast myself on our mercy I saw but you know I tried so hard to give up looking for that life but I just can't that's all just came you you'll meet many just like me a long lives busy street with shoulders stooped and heads bowed low eyes that stare and defeat their souls to live with in the past where Sorel plays all parts and a living death is all that's left two men with broken hearts life sometimes can be so cruel that a heart will break with Lord why must these Living Dead no pain with every breath some lose faith and love and life when Sora shoots her darts and with hope all gone they walk alone these men with broken hearts now you've never walked in that man's shoes or seen things through his eyes or stood and watched with hellish hands while the heart masajid eyes some were paupers some were Kings some were masters of large but in their shame they're all the same these men with broken hearts and even sleep brings no relief to all these men who cursed their birth they have no dreams of happiness in heaven or on earth how can men have faith in God when faith and man departs and to those who read death comes cheap these man with broken hearts well that's all I don't know what else to say except for good night god bless you say a prayer for me happy new years everybody brand-new dance never has been dog I don't care worship give me that I'll gas up my hot rod skoe will be hotter they focus you'll be broke but I'll be broken tonight worship what's on fire we'll sit close to one another up one speak now will we have oh brother fix-a-flat Oh to you - that man back there is showing - I don't care his worship there is showing su you clap hands an all-star will do the log allowance tomorrow I'll be right back cloud sitting on fire
Channel: kegan32
Views: 350,431
Rating: 4.7961483 out of 5
Id: 3cFd9eLqaTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2016
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