What's new in Davinci Resolve 18.5 Beta!

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what an update black magic you've done it again they've added the thing that everyone was asking for auto generated captions these captions here generated automatically within DaVinci Resolve studio and it's all thanks to the latest update DaVinci Resolve 18.5 which is available to download right now so what are you waiting for go download it I've linked it down in the description below now it is a pretty big update this one it's probably one of the biggest since the original DaVinci Resolve 18 came out and it brings a handful of really awesome new headline features obviously like the auto generated captions but it also brings a bunch of nice quality of life improvements as well so let's talk about it because you know I'm excited so let's jump into it now it's actually only a week or so ago where I made a video talking about all of the things I'd like to see in future versions of DaVinci Resolve and one of them being Auto generated captions now I had absolutely no idea they were in the works but off the back of that video Blackmagic actually got in touch and asked if I wanted to check out the beta for this one which is how I'm able to make this video and get it out to you at launch so yeah now I'm not going to cover everything there's just too much in this update to be honest but what I am going to do is whiz you through the updates which are most relevant to me and hopefully nice and relevant to you as well the full sort of release notes and everything is linked down below so you can go have a read for yourself to see the full list of everything they've included in this one so with all that out the way let's jump into DaVinci Resolve and take a look and we're going to start off talking with the big ones the big boys upfront Auto generated captions now these are Studio only which I know may upset some people you do have to be on the paid for studio version of DaVinci Resolve to get access to these which we kind of expected to be honest if you you're one of those that commented on my previous video saying if they had Auto generated captions I'd buy Studio I guess it's time to go and buy a studio because in my testing honestly they work really quite well they're fast they're reliable and they even generally manage to understand my dodgy accent now it's all done on a per timeline basis so basically you edit your timeline exactly the same that you usually would and then right at the end you generate your captions so here's the timeline it's about 10 minutes long so to generate our captions we simply click on timeline at the very top and then we come down to create subtitles from audio there's a couple of options and then we simply hit create and then it'll start analyzing and creating the subtitles now I've got OBS recording at the moment which is also using my GPU it's still pretty quick to be honest even with OBS running but it's even faster without I get about 25 times real speed so this entire timeline can be done in about 20 seconds or so on my Nvidia RTX 4080 which is plenty fast enough for me once it's done you'll get a simple subtitle track on your timeline like so and if we hit play like to see here's some of the features you can see it's already working away now if we give one of them a click in the inspector we can go to caption and we can amend each of the captions we can make our way through all of them we can change the style of this one particular caption or we can go to the track and then amend the style the position the color the font of the entire track so how the subtitles look across the entire timeline as you can see it's pretty quick and it's really easy to use and customize and whatever else now at the moment you can't do any kind of really fancy animations with it it doesn't look like some of the other more fancy versions out there but it fundamentally works and for the first iteration of this I think it's a really really great start and knowing Blackmagic they'll only keep improving it over time and adding more customization and the ability to do more stuff so great start so glad it's there captions hey now next up they've added something out and it's called Auto transcriptions now this is kind of similar to the auto generated captions but instead of creating your subtitles it will essentially just transcribe the entire thing and give you a script but it's an interactive script now again for me this has been pretty quick pretty reliable it runs about 30 times real speed for me and again it even manages to understand my dodgy accent so let me show you how this works so for the transcriptions all you need to do find a clip you can actually do it on a timeline as well if you prefer but I'm going to go to this Peter McKinnon clip here I'm going to right click and then there's an option to transcribe audio alternatively there's a brand new handy dandy little icon right here for transcribe audio you can actually do this for multiple so you can select multiple things and then give it a click so let's just do it for the one and after a few moments this transcription window will appear so this is the script for this clip but what we're going actually do is just click on the word obviously and it will jump to the word obviously and then if I hit Play I'm Not the captain and that was obviously I'm not the captain and it'll just run through now I want to show you this really quickly if I jump up to this section here I say that is Kirk AKA Captain Kirk who is and then it says burp it's Kirk AKA Captain Kirk who is I had a bit of gas did a little burp and it just marked that on there it will do laughs it'll do clicks whistles all that sort of stuff it's really really clever now once you've got this done you can click on the little magnifying glass in the top right hand corner to do a search you can export this entire thing as a text file if you want to and then you can also use this to build up your timeline so if I select this section here let's just hover do about there like so down in the bottom right hand corner you've got inserts and append so if I just insert it's going to insert that bit that I selected so if we scroll down we'll select this paragraph here and then we'll insert that and as you can see you can actually build up the timeline just by highlighting the text within the transcription super cool neat hey now next up there's something called Auto Audio classification this will automatically listen to and then filter all of your audio files basically now this is just easier again if I show you how this works so within the smart bins you've now got this collections over here and we've got video clips and it will automatically filter out the videos and then we've got Audio Only so this is all of my mp3s wav files and whatever else we've then got dialogue music and effects so if I go to this audio only or highlight everything within here right click audio classification and then we're going to analyze and then after a few moments once it's done lighting if we go to dialogue all of my main dialogue audio is in there music in music and sound effects in sound effects not as much of a game changer as some of the other audio effects but it's still a pretty cool addition now I've been saying audio a lot in there which is convenient because this video is sponsored by audio audio is a highly created music subscription service that doesn't charge you monthly you can either buy a lifetime license or you can get your first year of all of their music and sound effects for just 59 bucks using the code Alex 70. and the cool part of audio is that it's a lifetime license so any music or sound effects that you download during that year you're licensed to continue using forever even after you cancel and the license is super easy to download and it's always accessible from their website and it covers you for basically anything YouTube videos commercial video Work podcasts movies and even Video Games Plus most importantly their music selection is awesome you've got everything from Lo-Fi beats rock hip-hop classical and everything in between so why not check them out there's a link down in the description below you can use the code Alex 70 to get that massive 70 off and they have your first year for just 59 dollars cool next up the cut page is getting some serious upgrades again I spoke about this in the previous video I guess I sort of had a thought they would be doing this and they are the cut page now because of the iPad version the cup page needs to stand alone on its own two feet it's not just the page you go to to start cutting and then move on it needs to be a standalone editing Suite essentially on one page and that's what they're doing they're upgrading it they're changing it and they're giving it some extra features so what have we got well for starters there's subtitles including those Auto generated ones you can do subtitles at all on the previous cut page now you can and you can generate your own and we've got scene cut detection again this is available only for the studio users this was a feature which was available in older versions of resolve but now it's just super accessible directly on the cut page scene cut detection will just automatically look through and really long video look for the cut and then automatically cut that up for you on your timeline it's really really clever stuff so here's the cut page and these two features actually appear on this new menu so over here to the left of the timeline we've got these three new buttons the middle one is timeline actions we give that a click we've got some extra controls within here like adding video tracks and whatever else the top two create subtitles from audio and detect scene cuts and because they exist on there in that format we can be pretty sure they will also exist on the iPad version as well now something else they've added to the cut page you can now toggle on and off the Ripple function so the cut page doesn't really allow any gaps as soon as you cut something it'll automatically fill in the gaps you now have the option to turn that on or off which is interesting because it basically means you can now edit on the cut page in a more traditional manner basically just gives people more options which is never a bad thing now one other thing I've added which I think is essential and so glad that finally added it you can now do split edit AKA Jay and Alcott on the cut page which you couldn't do before over on the left we have this other new icon which is our enlarged track we'll give that a click and it makes it a little bit easier to see what we're doing if we click on this edit point we can then just you know roll it forwards and back as we usually would but now we also have the option if we hover our Mouse over the audio section down here and now we can move this edit point forwards or back allowing us to do J and Al Cuts such a simple thing but it needed to be added so I'm really glad they've added that onto there now there are a few other bits and Bobs but I've just linked them down below we'll move on from the cut page and talk about the edit page which I know most of you are more interested in than the cut page and other than the things I mentioned at the beginning there's nothing too spectacular here they haven't changed things up or added any super cool new features but they have added some nice useful quality of life improvements as well now the first one which is a new feature actually but it's um support for fast per timeline backups you can set the duration of how often these backups occur and then to access them you simply find your timeline within the media pool right click and then you've got restore timeline backups and you can see all of the times that this has been backed up and then if I want to restore one let's go with this one here we give it a click and it's going to restore this main timeline backup so we've still got the main timeline the one we're just on but now we have the old backup as well useful never going to complain about more backups they've also added the ability to add and delete keyframes with keyboard shortcuts and they've added the ability to amend keyframes even while previewing so previously to amend keyframes you'd have to pause your playback and then the keyframe and then go back and play again now you can amend the keyframes while you're playing sounds like a small thing but again it just makes life that little bit easier the valid the ability to export stills from both the edit and cut Pages another quite handy one you're creating a thumbnail you want to grab a quick still from your project you can now do it all you need to do click file at the very top then go to export current frame as still then you've got the option to export as a JPEG a PNG a tiff loads of options within there oh this is a good one retime curve now invokes this speed curve by default anyone that's ever tried to do any sort of re-timing or speed ramping knows this was a strange one they've now fixed it basically what it means is if we right click on here and then we go to retime curve it will open up re-time speed by default it used to open up re-time frame which no one ever used so you'd always have to manually come and swap these over now it just defaults to retime curve and sticking with small fixes which go a long way that I've now added the ability to stabilize multiple selected clips from the edit timeline hooray so previously you used to have to go to each individual Clip open up the inspector stabilize weight and then move on to the next one now you can just highlight a bunch of clips and stabilize them all in one big go and they've improved it even further by now giving you a little pop-up which tells you which clip it's on and the progress so you know how long you're gonna have to wait small steps but really does go a long way to make life a little bit easier now they've also added a handful of new effects templates and transitions onto the edit page and the cut page now there's nothing too fancy in here but it's nice to have So within the effects area we've now got a graphics cross overlay a highlight stretch a noise Distortion paper Edge repeat shape slice stretch a couple of new ones there and then we've also got oh that's a good look and then within video transitions under Fusion transitions we've got a block glitch a circle spin a detailed dissolve a draw that was already there edgy uh fold logo wipe Luma wipe Mosaic you get it there's some new stuff quick export is now available on both the edit and color pages again it just saves you a few extra clicks you don't need to always go over to the deliver page you just click a button and off you go they've also changed how vertical timelines work now when you create a vertical timeline it will automatically default to full frame with crop which basically just means if you create a vertical timeline whenever you drop something on it it'll automatically be zoomed in to fill the frame and last but not least about the edit page this is another Studio only feature but they've improved super scaling and they've made it more accessible so if you've never heard of super scaling it allows you to basically artificially boost up the resolution solution of footage so if you've got some 1080p footage you want to throw it on a 4K timeline you can apply super scaling just to make it look a little bit better now it used to be in a weird spot it was in clip properties but now it's available from the inspector So within the inspector right at the bottom you've got super scaling there's a new 2x enhanced version and you've got more control over the sharpening and the noise reduction now there's a whole bunch of updates regarding the color page which I'm going to gloss over because I don't really do the color page as well as some other people do so I'll leave it up to the colorist but what I will mention the big main one I believe is they now have the ability to do per timeline color management so if you use the color management within DaVinci Resolve they used to be set to per project now you can do that per timeline so let's skip ahead to Fusion they've added support for USD based workflows within Fusion so this is not something I'm too familiar with but it says the U Universal scene descriptor USD framework is a set of Open Standards for interacting describing saving and interpreting 3D scene info in a single common format okay cool sound for me but you know hopefully that's really useful for others I'm sure it is that's where they've added it so there you go they've also added something called a new multi-merge tool to composite and manage multiple layers this is cool so if you've ever used the merge tool you know that you can only merge basically two things into it there's now a multi-merge so you can merge as many things as you like rather than having to merge two things into a merge and then merge that merge into another merge which has got two things in it you can just do it all in one should make life a little bit easier and lastly they've added an AI based resolve FX relight tool to add virtual lighting within studio now this one is a studio only feature because it uses DaVinci resolve's neural engine the AI stuff now I haven't played with this extensively so I don't really know how it works but I jumped on to have a real quick look and it looks cool so you can really quickly create like a map as you're seeing on screen now and then when you move the lights around it will just cast shadows in the right directions there's also some additional control so you can change the light source you can change the intensity the specularity controls there's all sort of stuff that you can have a play with in there so there you go now to wrap up because this video has gone on for too long I've got a couple of other honorable mentions number one I can feel you Grimace already you can now upload directly to tick tock from within DaVinci Resolve now I know it's Tick Tock but Tick Tock is Big Business a lot of Brands a lot of businesses use tick tock they're using vertical video so to be able to upload directly from DaVinci Resolve again just saves people that additional step so why not you can choose to ignore it but it's there if you want it and something else you can choose to ignore but is there if you want it you can now render gifts from DaVinci Resolve which I think is great because I love a good GIF so it's now an option as a format within the deliver page so you can create your own gifs into DaVinci Resolve and render them out you can also render out jpegs and PNG and last but not least there's the usual system improvements and stability improvements too one thing they have mentioned is there is now apparently smoother video updates when the system cannot play in real time so previously it just really stutter if your machine was a little bit slower they've apparently improved that so it's a little bit more manageable you can still work with it even if your system is a little bit slow and there you go that's all the main stuff that's in directors of 18.5 I hope you enjoyed this video hopefully it wasn't too waffely for you let me know what you think down below thanks for watching take it easy I'll see you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 107,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18
Id: ccNoltSg7kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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