Handmaking a Tiny Home Kitchen through Flooding/Snow/Rain & Sunshine

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hello [Music] welcome to winter building a tiny home i should say christmas or could be new year by the time i actually end up getting around to putting this video so happy new year oh only half of them came on oh what doesn't matter anyway today we are building the kitchen in our tiny home i say today it's going to be over the next week or so because it's christmas i'm going to do it slower than normal i'm going to try and make everything from scratch no shop bought kitchen cabinets no plastic work tops we're going to be replicating this waney edged woven feel [Music] that we've made on the outside feel quite exciting really i could make tea to warm up because the weather this week is hilarious morning time to start my rustic kitchen build [Music] no no no no you did like an idiot actually i've done a bit of work since my last video so i should give you a quick tour but it is a quick tour mine because it's tiny [Music] seeing as it's locked down again and seeing as this is a hand-built rustic eco thing i'm going to use a load of old timber that i've got still left over from when i built this thing off cuts random bits of pieces really [Music] it might as well be used if i don't use it here it's not really going to be used and to be honest making things out of weird and wobbly bits of wood is much more fun than straight as a die pieces yes it's harder and irritating sometimes when you're not in the right mood however it will make something which is quite real yep this is it let me take you through my proposed layout for the kitchen it's going to be quite simple then the kitchen's basically going to stretch from here all the way to this back wall i haven't got the hob yet but the hob's going here a 12 volt fridge which will be raised up and then i've got the sink over here oh it's quite quite nice here okay eight six two [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's very late but it's christmas i'm not gonna beat myself up for not getting a huge amount done but i have a basic frame up here is going to be the gas hob here is the fridge and then the sink here oh where's my babies where's my baileys where's my aha there's my baileys yes i ditched the christmas hat because the weather has decided it's obviously not christmas or the new year so it's decided to chuck it down like nobody's business so i've decided no that's it i'm going to be scrooge and i'm just going to pretend like it's normal and i'm hoping that i can do all the work inside but i'm not going to lie to you it is hard soaring and doing everything you need in a tidy tiny tiny space if it's nice weather i cut outside and i do this and do that but it's not nice weather not that i'm english and talk about the weather all the time obviously because that's not what english people do i'll update you later on the weather this is just at the end of the garden here a little bit tired after the very nearly flooding of my mother's house yesterday massive flooding over where the boat is in bedfordshire thousands of people were flooded on christmas day and uh the boat's fine my lovely neighbors have been looking after it and now it's nice again which is just confusing but today is all about my diy workshops and my kitchen in the same way as i did on the boat all those months ago it's an incredibly cheap and easy way of making really nice rustic solid work top and it's ideal for something like this so that's what i'm doing today [Music] so it's christmas day a couple days ago and i was very lucky to get some presents i got this from amber makita job site radio perfect for classic fm on does that show me what i'm like i'm not really a rover i've got a classic film on which would be perfect for my tiny home discos just like we had last week obviously my dad brought me this a stanley work belt which i've been wanting for ages i think will be so useful make my life a whole lot easier and i'll obviously look the part i'm going to put my toolbar on and get to work and put the radio on of course [Music] okay here's the plan now i'm thinking i want to make a very sweet rustic style kitchen cabinet doors that sort of wavy line god this is bad i'm going to do this again do not take the piss out of my drawing it's brilliant okay here is the plan actually now let's let's do it around this way right here is the plan now doors i'm thinking it would be very cool to replicate the outside have a wavy edge and then having a stick okay sorry gonna have to come in here i'm watching this back and it's the most confusing thing i've ever done it's so stupid there's no way you're following along as to what the hell i'm gonna do so you're just gonna have to wait and see what it looks like but don't trust me it it turns out good and it looks really nice better than that trying if this makes sense at all i'll eat my hat don't worry it doesn't make sense you won't have to [Music] it's a snow day [Music] it's so beautiful [Music] well what a weird week of weather we've had time to get cozy away from the snow in my tiny home i think [Music] i've managed to borrow a generator and so i'm actually got power tools today i'm going to be sanding down my worktop and i'm going to carry on building my special doors for the kitchen cabinets well i can't get it working i got it going i got it going yes power we have power it works so i did all that work to get it going and then i realized actually i do need to use hand tools first i need to plane it down a bit so i'll do that now and then i can use the power tools [Music] so i've just done a very rough sand with the belt sander just to sort of flatten it all out but for now i'm going to do some drawing and cutting of where the sink and the hob and the fringes are going to be it's still snowing [Music] another day just clearing everything out just clearing everything out because i've done quite a lot of work on my kitchen that i want to show you but it's so messy in there i thought i'd clear it up first also it is new year's eve yeah that's how long it's taken me to make this video but i'm hoping to finish my kitchen enough that we could have like a happy new year's day meal [Music] i started work last night on the kitchen cabinet doors so today is all about fitting those they've taken a length of cedar that we used when building the outside i had about three pieces left over and one was a really chunky piece with a lovely grain and actually i thought oh that's what i should make kitchen cabinets out what i've done is i've cut them to size and i've cut them down the middle made a space for a stick of hazel a bit like the twisted woven effect you see on the front and hopefully it fits if i imagine it does fit wow yes hello hey that's cool that's really cool hey they fit how great is that [Music] what do you think playing through sweet [Music] well happy new year pizza time well here we go the first test of my new [Music] kitchen [Music] oh no oh no the toppings just fell off oh amber [Laughter] this happy new year i have my first ever actual letter addressed little lord hideaways someone trying to sell me banking it's not as exciting because i wanted it to be
Channel: Jacob Harrell
Views: 24,684
Rating: 4.9749303 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, jacob, jacob harrell, harrell, great big story, JH, building, tiny home, tiny home office, gbs, Boat life, build, woodworking, tiny space, tiny build, countryside, cotswolds, jacob harel, jacob harell, orchards, van, vanlife, boat life, little orchard hideaways, orchard, hideaways, glamping, camping, holiday, vacation, mezzanine, insulation, cold, kitchen, cooking, handmade, fridge, hob, worktop, hideaway, staycation, cabin, off grid, living, wood, woods, shack, hut, shepherd hut, shed, tiny house, house
Id: Ajc13tA285g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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