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[Music] as you can all tell I purchased another unusual products from the Internet in my endless pursuit of aesthetic perfection and infinite gains now if you've ever seen those videos on YouTube where guys get a rock put it in the palm of their hand and crush it with their bare finger strength then you'll know what this is for now those videos don't actually exist but you can use your imagination to understand that this is for strengthening my grip that's right my hand grip you've ever shaken a man's hand and he said wow you have a great handshake son you're gonna do big things in this world and you'll know that you for you get from having a great handshake and some superb finger strength conveniently enough though the actual instruction manual comes with a 30-day challenge for me the completionist I am right it says always start slowly a few minutes a day every other day hold your hands open for five to thirty seconds each time close repeat that's actually pretty challenging I'm not gonna lie it's putting a lot of strain on my fingers right now I can't deny that week one perform one set week to perform two sets do as many reps as it takes to feel fatigued to progress more and more each day or as instructed by your medical advisor now since I'm not a little bit boy we're gonna make our own workout for the next thirty days here's the summary for those of you with the low attention span I'll be stretching these little for 30 minutes each day for the next 30 days every single day no rest days none of this nonsense I'll be squeezing til my heart's content squeezing till my fingers are sore squeezing till my forearms are sore squeezing till my brains sore extending these little fingers until the end of time do you catch my drift the goal is for me to be able to squeeze a rock into ashes that's my goal I'm throwing it out there into the universe we're just gonna throw that manifestation dart at that theoretical bull's eye and see what happens okay I'm gonna repair this thing real quick and then I'm gonna extend or rather squeeze squeeze is that it I'm not really squeezing and then I'm gonna extend away for the next 30 days you get the gist you're not stupid let's go Q Karen I'm just being overdramatic this thing doesn't hurt that much but definitely starting to feel the strain a little bit alright so I just finished my first squeeze session extension session I don't know whatever the hell you want to call it I just extended my hands for 30 minutes 15 on this hand 15 on this hand and yeah there's something empowering about this 29 more days the off alright it's day number two of me stretching these little fingers for 30 minutes a day unexpectedly though this workouts pretty killer on my wrists on my forearms a little bit on my hands in general with that being said tomorrow I'm gonna go out into the field I'm gonna try to shake some hands I really want to get an indication of where my handshake is on the spectrum of handshakes is it a dead fish is it okay Schmidt is it too stiff is it too strong of a handshake for now though I'll be getting some carpal tunnel syndrome wish me luck how's it going man good so I've been doing this hand strengthener test I'm trying to ask people how well they feel financially is very honest assessment of how well I shake hands 1 through 10 sure particular emphasis on finger strength and whatnot all right let's give it a go what are your thoughts six okay what do I need to improve okay like that and that's more firm yeah okay that's better like it's marked off me man okay deal means more strength yeah well it gives it's more like that I see okay all right Stephen appreciate it man thank you for giving me that honest assessment valuable survey data pretty fit man have a good one thanks again all right what do you thoughts on the handshake one eight pretty firm handshake yes so what can I work on finger strength what what's going on here any faults with my hands down nothing pretty solid solid appreciate that thank you minutes alright Cheers you got a good feel for my handshake one through ten how would you rate it okay what do I need to improve on okay okay okay gotcha gotcha but like finger strength everything is good you think okay all right appreciate your help have a good one yes all right it's the number for this hand grip machine is effective in theory but in reality it's not really putting a ton of strain on my fingers right now quite frankly it's a bit flimsy for my taste I'll have it tightly secured to my wrist stretching these fingers to my heart's content and then Shaboom out of nowhere the velcro wrist strap goes undone and then this machine's flying off my hand while I'm trying to get juicy on the go made in China garbage yo man five days in with this sucker right here this doesn't feel like enough resistance look at that it's too easy I suppose so as you can see there's another notch here if I lower it right here boom one notch lower boom another notch lower lowered we are on the maximum level of resistance here for the fingers now it's a little bit more difficult I gotta say I'm gonna give this level of resistance a chance but right now this is just embarrassing to be honest we'll let the process do its thing and both limbs shaking hands like Arnold Schwarzenegger at the end of this I don't know the 25 more days to go all right it's day number eight of me cranking away on this wrist machine here I'm currently in a toilet in London right now as we speak stretching away with the finger machine pretty relaxing environment to do so I gotta say and the fact that I can crank away while I'm in the toilet stall gives you some perspective s of the flexibility of this machine 22 more days to go and unsurprisingly my perpetual pursuit for gains took me across the seven shining seas it's day number 12 I'm looking like violet ever garden with these hands right here I am in Chernobyl Ukraine notice the tasteful decorations beautiful in fact I'm in the nuclear exclusion zone right now this is where the nuclear power reactor went kaboom I'm a little frightened at the moment but not frightened enough to not get these games pray to God I don't die recently a lot of people have been asking me you know Tyler you've been on this hand exerciser machine for fifteen whole days and where are the games everyone cares about the games they feel to consider that gains may perhaps be a scarce resource available to the select few the Alfa's of our society perhaps right you ever consider things like water happiness gains are scarce things that people may perceive to be essential you think everyone can get gains you think everyone can be happy certain things are simply not possible given a certain environment for instance you want gains stop eating Junior Mints that goes for swedish fish - it was for nerds we tell it to you best that's right you slot it applies to Pop Tarts as well life style bodily care and then the meat and potatoes the exercise folks so multifaceted moulting me it's a multi-faceted multi variable game we're playing here and it's not as simple as you might have thought maybe I'm being melodramatic here's what the grinders might say grind everyday and results will show and why don't make donald's workers become billionaires I'll tell you why value-added to society is insufficient replaceable and simply valued significantly less than my boy Bill Gates this is real-life economics at play that makes sense ah so the moral of the story is 15 more days to go and I should have one of the strongest handshakes at a Nordic Viking would tremble before my very presence you call that drama I call that real life it's day number 16 and I've maxed out the stretch capacity of these little finger resistance pockets right here so they used to be on the second notch to ride around here I said hell no so I stretched them out just the tad bit and here we are at ring level 3 ultimate resistance only the fingers of true alpha-male chad's can complete this task sorry champs it's an exclusive status yeah-yo 20 days in with this little gizmo on my palm I've been starting to question lately why exactly this product exists like where are the people out there who are trying to get firm handshakes you know with the exception of the few token chumps out there who are trying to get that sturdy handshake of a Chad okay so I just searched how to be an alpha male nothing in there really talked about a strong handshake but I think that's just one of those unspoken secrets the upper upward percentile of alphas just don't want those new betas to here so yeah I was just thinking this thing is just kind of stupid by Nature I'm basically just moving my fingers up and down so best case this joint these tendons are more powerful me I don't know yeah this is kind of just one of those things I feel like I would make fun of in the real world but when I saw it I was like this should be a YouTube video I definitely feel like the strength of the muscles in this hand have gotten a little more kaboom like how do you measure finger gains I don't know day number 23 getting hand games while drones are assaulting game day number 24 in the grandiose spectacular extravagant mini warehouse office space sweatshop ending Josh how you like the space so you like the office it's day number 25 and I'm so confident that my handshake has 10x in terms of strength overall respectability in the last 20 days but I'm wearing a v-neck in public I'm gonna shake some chumps hands real quick and see what they think all right what's your assessment first ah 9 okay how about you what's going on man pleasure to meet you 7 all right what's up guys I need the honest review the handshake cuts in was that okay my bad the other guy said I was too soft so he's been calibrating my handshake off too strong okay good to meet you that's a little more calibrated 1 through 10 what is it what do I need to work on though that's too strong I've gotten to yo what's wrong head what do you know I'm trying to get you to cheers see ya I got some advice for these people they suck at shaking hands I'm gonna be frank those are some of the weakest hands I've ever shook so without a doubt it's 100% working it's been 30 days of me extending my fingers from the stranger apparatus or real quick today's video is sponsored by Squarespace now have you ever wanted to build a website but you just couldn't figure out how to do it well no worries folks squarespace's website development tools are so easy that even a blindfolded baby can make a website in under 10 minutes with 24/7 365 days a year support Squarespace has got your back always and you can really make a website for whatever you need if you're a musician designer swall boy restaurant or youtuber we got you so go start your Squarespace free trial today at squarespace.com slash Tyler Oliveira and use code Tyler Oliveira at checkout to get 10% off your first purchase just click the link in the description and use code Tyler Oliveira at checkout back to the video anyways before we get into the nitty-gritty of this I have one confession to make I'm bald now this may not have been what you were expecting I'll bet you thought I was gonna reveal a hot new girlfriend but no I just went to the barber shop and he shaved my head absolutely bald and then he even had the audacity to put aftershave on my head and it was this weird tingly burning sensation and I can't say it felt all that bad but anyways all will be explained just make sure to subscribe to the channel and in the next 4 weeks or so you'll understand why I'm bald but anyway this device is unusual I thought I was gonna strengthen my grip but honestly I think it was more so a little bit of a forearm exercise than anything I didn't really think about it in this way until I studied the anatomy of this little device and that these were essentially little tendons the overall grip has probably increased but it's one of those things where it's not really enough to compel me to think anything actually happened I wouldn't even bother to show you before and after picture of the hands because there's no actual way and held that the width of my fingers actually increased every device I've used for 30 days has shown some form of result in my opinion if we did some sort of 3d x-ray skin I might see some sort of crazy exponential increase in muscle mass but perhaps I'm just blind while those results weren't all that impressive what if I wore a forearm strengthener for 30 days straight [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tyler Oliveira
Views: 679,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hand strengthener exercises, hand strengthener before and after, hand grip exercise, hand gripper before and after, hand gripper workout, 30 day transformation, insane transformation, hand strengthener, finger strength exercises, finger strengthener, hand strengthener 30 day results, fitness transformation, i used a hand gripper for 30 days, how to get better grip, how to get vascular forearms, strong forearms, how to get stronger forearms, fitness, hand, how to get stronger
Id: 3JvJlmIOh7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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