HAMBURGER AMERICA FOOD DOCUMENTARY Discovery Health Diet Nutrition full documentary
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Channel: Gabriel Souza
Views: 116,503
Rating: 4.6328707 out of 5
Keywords: diet, yt:crop=16:9, hamburger, food, health, america
Id: Jkdez36sURc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 2sec (3242 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Speaking of Motzβs Thereβs a place with the same name in Detroit. Super good little burge joint.
This is reminiscent of the Rick Sebak shows on MPT or PBS. I feel like I saw one on Hamburgers with the same places showcased or Im just remembering this one watching it with "A Hotdog Program" back to back.
Released in 2003 legendary hamburger historian George Motz takes you across the country to understand the history of the hamburger. Hamburger America takes you on a cross country road trip stopping once in Chicago, IL; Santa Fe, NM; Sedalia, MO; Memphis, TN; Meers, OK; Milwaukee, WI; Meriden, CT, and New Haven , the birthplace of the hamburger sandwich.
Locations, in no particular order:
Ted's Steamed Cheeseburgers of Meriden, CT (Home of the Steamed Cheeseburger)
Dyer's Burgers of Memphis, TN (Home of the 100+ Year Old Grease Fried Hamburger)
Louis' Lunch of New Haven, CT (Home of the original, served on toast, hamburger, since 1900)
The Bobcat Bite of Santa Fe, NM (Home to the esteemed green hatch chile covered cheeseburger)
Meers Store of Meers, OK (Home to the massive Cowboy Burger)
The Billy Goat Tavern of Chicago, IL (Home to the "Cheezborger" of SNL skit fame)
Solly's Grille of Milwaukee, WI (Home of the butterburger)
The Wheel Inn of Sodalia, MO (Home to the guberburger, served with a topping of peanut butter)
The Billy Goat Tavern on Michigan Ave make the worst cheeseburger in America. Tasteless dry patty, tasteless cheese and a dry tasteless bun. Absolutely the worst burger I have ever eaten anywhere!!!