HAM Radio Basics- HAM 101
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TinHatRanch
Views: 778,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio basics, ham radio technician class license course, ham radio tutorial, ham radio repeater, ham radio license, ham radio license test
Id: Ow1hxClR5J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Where is the obligatory post from ham_not_HAM? By the way, it's ham, not HAM.
More proof that it is VERY difficult to produce a good "What is Ham Radio all about" video. Feels rushed (but maybe the kids won't think so). Gets a few things wrong right off the bat (few police use VHF any more, especially in the bigger cities). And doesn't take advantage of video's show-and-tell (this is mostly just the 'tell' part), at least so far. OTOH, good production techniques, as far as it goes. And this is just the intro, so we'll see.
It's aimed at 'preppers,' a group that understands the need for communications off the grid, but often lacks enough knowledge and experience to utilize the tools available. Just from the name 'Tin Hat Ranch,' I can tell the producers have a sense of humor about their passion. I think they'll help make some good hams.
I did my own "Intro to Amateur Radio" video back in 1999, for a class I was teaching with my friend Jeff AC4ZO. I had 'amateur' cameras, but 'pro' editing available to me. These two videos are very different. See which does the job for you: https://youtu.be/rCueLYt_vQY
Nothing like a good lecture with minimal text and overly busy background. Good job with chroma cutting out the green screen. (Needs more key and fill lighting though.)
The best part (perhaps?) is nowhere in the video is "ham" written, so he just needs to fix the video title and text to correct the mistake.
Could do without the emcomm / prepper shtick.
A good beginners guide, thanks.
I really enjoyed it and it answered some of the basic questions I had. I'm not a prepper though or a person experienced in ham. I'm just interested and this cleared things up a bit for me. I'll check out the next video!