Halo’s Original Human-Forerunner War | Halo Lore

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thousands of years ago way before the war of zeta halo humanity was a thriving civilization that was so far in advance of what it is today colonizing planets all over the milky way galaxy humanity was on a whole new level of technological achievement forming alliances with other species to strengthen their planets and forces however after encountering a terrifying foe on the edge of their galaxy humanity was suddenly forced to flee from their own colonized space as this form of powder took over their planets but this escape only led to further problems as an even more advanced species known as the forerunners saw this as over aggression and started hitting back at humanity forcing them into a new war but what happened leading up to these events what was this powder and what exactly did it do and what were the events of the human forerunner war and how did it affect the course of history for humanity and the galaxy well in today's video we look back to over 100 000 years ago where humanity was once thriving and explore the end of their technological age these are the events of the human forerunner war [Music] the year was around 150 000 bce and humanity or what we would know now as the prehistoric human civilization had fully formed and had started expanding their empire colonizing planets all along the orion arm of the milky way galaxy humanity grew fast over the years but their power in the galaxy was nothing compared to the forerunners and their empire at the time because of how big of an empire the forerunners had humanity decided to grow on their own and eventually built up their own empire of at least 20 000 worlds in a thousand systems the didact a higher-up member of the forerunner stated that he felt humanity was the second greatest military power within the galaxy and could be their biggest rival if things were to go that way as the humans continued their expansion over the next 40 000 years they would encounter the extremely smart and technologically advanced species of the sansheim around the year of a hundred and ten thousand bce and bring them into an alliance to continue expanding the humans empire producing technology that could easily rival that of the forums their main base for the alliance was on the planet of sharom hakore where they would build themselves up and develop their technologies the more they grew however the more the forerunners became fearful of them with the didact scene humanity is one of the most conscientious bigoted and self-centered species in the galaxy and should be watched at all times but as the human empire continued to expand out into the milky way galaxy they would go on to encounter an automated cargo ship that was of unknown origin to both humans and the saint shayum the ship was said to have come from one of the magellanic clouds and crashed on some of the planets near the edge of the galaxy when finding the ship there was no crew no sign of any intelligent life form it seemed to be completely abandoned however investigating further the humans would find transparent cylinders filled with a mysterious unknown powder bringing it back to their labs to analyze the humans would initially find that the powder was completely harmless and served no real purpose the only thing the humans found from this powder was that it was composed of lifeless short chain organic molecules and because of this the humans had a new idea of how they would test it to see what it was capable of here they would test the powder on the small domesticated animal called the feru which both the humans and the saint sharon chose as their favorite household pet once again the powder seemed pretty harmless at first and once again wasn't shown any signs of doing anything in particular to the pharu however after some time it became clear that this powder was composed of the terrifying flood's genetic material and started to mutate the pharaoh altering its genome and started using it to create its own flood supercell the main source of all flood biomass across the galaxy as the mutations started to happen within the pharaoh it would start turning them into basic flood forms with fleshy tentacle-like rods sticking out of their body with the fairy population being infected the flood would start passing the infection onto both humanity and the saint shayun because of the fact that they kept these creatures as pets on their home worlds the flood had now started to spread and both humanity and the saint shame had to act quickly the flood had now began the feral phase word spread slowly to the high command of the human empire and by the time word had got there about what the powder really was and what it was capable of human planets were fully infected and the flood had started to completely ravage everything they could get their hands on humans had to retreat from their part of space and ventured into forerunner controlled space to escape the terrifying flood infections the humans immediately started taking over four runner worlds to make up for the planets they had lost to the flood but also to try and get two steps ahead of their new enemy the humans started setting up quarantine zones as well for all those infected with the flood including the saint shayum however these quarantine attempts were to fail as the flood would go on to continue taking everything from the human empire but humanity had one plan to try and get rid of the flood infection once and for all here the leaders took a third of the population and genetically altered them inserting specific genes that were designed to fight flood biomass after the third of the population were altered by their leaders they were then fed to the flood despite being a massive unethical practice this experiment actually worked as the genes started aggressively killing off the biomatter destroying almost all of the flood they had encountered humanity had won but at what cost the flood appeared to be destroyed completely however they were wrong some still survived and like humanity had just done they had started to go into hiding to ensure their survival to the human empire the flood was seen as gone for goods their cure had worked or so they thought because nine thousand years later the flood would return and in much greater force this was ultimately their plan to do a tactical retreat however before humanity came up with what they thought was the cure the forerunners had a different view on why the humans were there in the first place unaware of why humanity was actually there in the first place believing they were just aggressively expanding their empire as they would just invade the planet the forerunners hit back at humanity and declared war against them not understanding the flood was the bigger threat in all of this [Music] humanity during their move into the forerunner space had been completely wiping out all of the species on the planet which had been resettled there by the forerunners this was simply a command made by the lord of admirals who wanted to sterilize planets to make sure the flood infestations could not expand any further out but to the forerunners the flood was not a true threat and instead that was seen as more of humanity's arrogance and aggression to show their overall strength during these tactics by the lord of admirals the humans would also go on to kill millions of defenseless forerunners in the process making the forerunner commanders extremely angry about what they were witnessing as stated the foreigners did not see the flood as a problem like the humans did so didn't understand why this could be happening it had to just be human aggression and that was it the forerunners immediately started hitting them where it hurt attacking humanity's colonies hard with their first being the homeworld of urda now known as earth this was a huge blow to humanity's morale and they could not be dealing with a war on both fronts humanity couldn't hit back at the forerunner's homeworld however as they never got close to venturing into the forerunner orion complex only managing to get up to 15 000 light years from it after this initial blow to humanity the didact came up with a new plan here he initiated the star hopping plan where 4runner fleets would only do strategic jumps to important human worlds to attack them ignoring lesser ones making sure humanity was hit hard and fast whilst the forerunners could conserve their resources and just fight efficiently during this two-front war however humanity desperately sought answers for controlling the flood a few scientists would encounter the ancient species of the primordial located on chirum her core the researchers knew it had the answers they needed and questioned it about the flood however the answers they received were so horrific the scientists couldn't continue to live and immediately committed suicide rather than live with that knowledge the truth was the precursors were the forerunner's oldest enemy the precursors were the ones who told the forerunners they could not hold the mantle of responsibility and were outright refused this fate stating that the mantle would be passed down to humanity the forerunners outraged by this defeated all the precursors despite them being far more advanced than them as the precursors were a tier zero civilization meaning they were transcentient beings the theoretical ceiling for technological achievement a few of the precursors survived however and started coming up with a plan for their survival here they decided that a few of them would take into the form of a desiccated powder that powder being the one the humans found the dust was meant to bring the precursors back to their original form and bring back the age of the precursors however over time they would become flawed and corrupted and would mean that all they could do was bring about a cancerous plague and death everywhere they went with their betrayal in the back of their minds the precursors now corrupted sought out after their creations and embraced their new selves and sought out to create new life within the galaxy that new life being in the form of the flood and that all life would go on to know only suffering and would never have a chance to rebel against their makers again but for this they needed humanity if they were to hit back against their creations as humanity used their genetically altered population to destroy what they thought was the full flood infection their forces were spread incredibly thin losing over one third of their population and their allies of the san shiyun losing a ton of their population as well however this was an even bigger problem considering they were still at war against the forerunners who had been obliterating human worlds all over the galaxy both the flood and the forerunners had run the human resources right down and their morale was again at an all-time low despite this however humanity was still able to hold up on their own and fend off against the forerunner forces despite how many were thrown at them this was all thanks to humanity's political and morale commander who encouraged humans to study for on the technologies from their earlier conflicts with them however the war was nearing its end and humanity's end was soon approaching the died act with his warrior servants and naval fleets were able to push humanity back to their planet of chirum hakkor where both humanity and the sanshiyum alliance was based the human empire was now cut off as this mammoth fleet invaded them but the humans were smart and had gathered precursor technology and used it to create formidable fortifications capable of standing out against the strongest fleets in the galaxy with the humans and the sanshiyum using this old technology made from the once massively advanced species of the precursors they were able to construct unbending filaments helping them link their orbital platforms to help boost their defenses even more because of this incredible technology at their disposal humanity was able to defend themselves from the overwhelming didact forces with humanity holding off the forerunner forces for over 50 years being attacked constantly but eventually humanity couldn't defend anymore there was no way they could call in reinforcements to help them fend off this devastating force of the didact's fleets this was also helped by the fact that during this conflict the san shiyun commander agreed to a secret deal with the forerunners behind the human's back to soften their punishment for the war stripping them of their technologies and placing their homeworld under quarantine if they surrendered now with this surrender they also gave the forerunners permission to gain access to the chirim hakkor defenses with the sanshiyum turning their back on humanity the forerunners were able to breach what was at first believed to be impregnable security and land on the planet eventually thanks to the sanchem betrayal humanity fell after just three years of ground combat some of the remaining forces fighting against the foreigners took the easy way out and committed suicide as they felt it was the more honorable way to go out instead of tortured by the forerunners and held as prisoners the human empire had now officially fallen and the forerunners were victorious in the human forerunner war was humanity showed their strength for a long time against two different foes their numbers were too low to even stand a chance against them as they had their final stand at churum core the died act during this war had lost all of his children during it and was set on eradicating humanity from all of existence something he set about doing for thousands of years with humanity defeated the forerunners tore down everything of prehistoric human civilization humans were being executed in their masses for starting the conflict and being supposedly naturally violent and overly aggressive with most of the humans being wiped out the remaining individuals would be sent back to their homeworlds and were stripped of all their technology and genetically pushed back to around the stone age of evolution as well as splintering off into subspecies such as the florians the humans would have been completely executed and made extinct after what they had ultimately done to the forerunner planets but the sudden disappearance of the flood made the forerunners believe the humans truly had found a cure for it and kept them alive to study their genetics to work out what the cure was but their de-evolution and stripping of technology was ultimately their punishment for starting the war the sansheim were punished as well but not nearly as much as humanity due to the deal they signed with the forerunners their home world was shut off from all other life forms and placed under quarantine with a forerunner military fortress orbiting the planet they would be experimented on in the coming years and used as test subjects for the forerunners to further their existence because of the return of the flood and as for the floods they were still in hiding while the forerunners were now fully aware of how deadly they truly were but confused where they had gone and why they were in what they thought was hiding the forerunners truly believed the humans had come up with the cure to stop the flood from spreading but now with them gone and their technology erased they had to work out what it was by studying the species they were once warring with the humans remaining on their planet of churum hakko would have their minds extracted via composers and cycled through a road of interrogation for thousands of years hoping to find the memories to find this cure for the flood eventually many within the forerunner ranks including the librarian would start questioning if there really was a cure for the flood with her suggesting something else was at play regarding their retreat into the stars eventually it was figured out that the flood's retreat was indeed planned done for the purpose of preserving humanity from destruction at the forerunner's hands and for the purpose of wasting the forerunner's time and resources in the desperate hunt for the supposed cure that ultimately didn't exist with this being figured out the flood after waiting for 9 000 years would attack with their vast numbers triggering the devastating war known as the forerunner flood war that would see the firing of the halo rings and the resetting of all life including humans and the rebuilding of the galaxy ultimately leading to more wars and the return of everything that once was one hundred thousand years ago with humans fighting back against the flood once again whilst also dealing with the new third party of the covenant led by their once allies the sen shion over the many years humanity defended themselves from the overwhelming threat of the forerunners who were angry at humanity's supposed aggression for taking over their worlds destroying their natural life they had been preserving and setting up their colonies on the fore on the planets but if the foreigners just knew why humanity had turned up why they were running and realistically how deadly the flood were to start with the two species could have joined together fought back against the flood and hopefully wipe them from existence and if they could find a way to destroy them could eventually go on to help each other to rebuild their worlds and maybe develop them both into tier zero of technological achievements instead the forerunners would have to fight against the flood alone in a war they could never win the human forerunner war was the end of an era for humanity and the sensho it was the turning point for the galaxy that would lead to the modern day events of the current universe and ultimately the war and near-extinction of a whole species was due to one miscommunication and misjudgment between humanity and the forums will humanity and the remaining forerunners ever join forces together in the future or will the events of the past ever be made up between the two factions to help each other fight back against the potential of the flood or even the precursors returning only time can really tell [Music] and that is the relatively short story of the human forerunner war the end of the human empire as well as the human sensaium alliance as well as the start of the forum flood war that would reset the whole galaxy i hope you all enjoyed this video and do let me know what you'd like to see in future videos if you did enjoy this video do leave a like a nice comment and subscribe if you haven't already and if you really really like this video and channel why not support me on patreon or as a youtube channel member for early access to these videos as well as them being completely ad free and speaking of i'd like to thank my supporters real quick big thanks to our small fish guys our big fishes ducane 23 sacrum rhino head eddie christopher andrew last persona user and arto krem our sharks the avp man and connor and our huge megalodons sinus jacob garcia well such gaming chernobyl stalker shadow sgt and ryan everett also big shout out to our youtube channel members our wise ones jambu and fiery italian as well as all my amazing subscribers over on twitch all your support means the world to me and means i can make these videos for you guys so thank you all so so much but that is all for now thanks again for watching and i shall see you all in the next one cheers [Music] you
Channel: WiseFish
Views: 162,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo lore, halo forerunner lore, halo lore explained, halo flood lore, forerunner flood war, halo precursors, forerunner flood, halo lore accurate, human forerunner war, halo lore flood, halo lore precursors, all halo lore explained, halo 4 lore, forerunner flood war animation, forerunner flood war timeline, flood origins halo, halo origins, halo story explained, flood lore, flood halo, halo flood, halo precursors vs forerunners
Id: uexLI20MLgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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