Halloween Power Up | PJ Masks Official

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[Music] anywhere are you using allies yeah but I call a cat I'd have my allies power to let me try how do you use allies to see things super close-up are you okay yeah but I'm stuck lying is my thing why don't you land because flying is awesome besides if we all fly we can get Romeo faster maybe you can show us some moves like how to stop and do look doing fine just try and keep up gasping geckos she's fast she sure is let's go PJ masks come out to play these powers are pretty good can I get the rest of the powers [Music] [Music] [Music] with your powers this is all my fault if I hadn't been so upset about you guys getting my flying powers you would have already stopped Romeo it's worse for me we need to wash you down with the water jet from the gekko-mobile I won't you tell us where it is you haven't actually lost it have no I know where it is it's just it's just it's just I know how to stop Romeo it's time for him to worry about gang eggs with the Giant seen my fart NATO could make that stink so bad Gekko stop you can't throw that I'm not going to but he'll back off if he thinks I will [Music] [Music] he's going to break that each an egg I only grabbed it because I panicked any only panicked because because I don't want to tell you the truth it's time to be a hero I did lose the gekko-mobile and I need your help to find it why didn't you say so before because you think I'm always losing things Gekko we're sorry we know you aren't always losing things we were only kidding because you lost a few things this morning and now that we know it's lost we can start looking how do we find an invisible vehicle [Music] [Music] I'm not useless you can still be part of the plants get that shrinker back happily I can't see things okay but it's not as funny without a tiny cat boy hey maybe I should shrink you ninjalinos - you don't even know well you can't point the shrinkie oh yes I can - your time is up hand over that shrink hijos villain shriek that featherbrain flapper [Music] care to be shrunk PG [Music] no really could get hurt I should have let him use the pogo dozer how don't worry outlet Oh [Music] at last super family [Music] [Music] okay should I start with my skies I'm squeegee or maybe the squash which one oh I plan to use this sniffle with what are we going to do I've got an idea [Music] really cat boy you're going to have another go on the pogo dozer no I know I can't ride it as well as Gekko so it's time to be a hero and my hip hop is turn cool chameleons pop on cowboy let's do this together let's go [Music] this oughta be good yeah check out geckos no wait it's my it's working [Music] either you put that playground equipment back or you get a taste of my master Fang dragging in my couch or new you obtain negative you asked for it are you alright we're fine master Fang you kick Magee are super tough though normally they don't hit each other can we please work together and stop the robot now I can be flossy flash sorry she doesn't fit with master Fang you can be sloppy their dog sidekick bark if there's danger wolf but I don't want to bark like a dog watch how it's done the robots distracted now's our chance to write ready kick Magee you pay I can use my SuperSpeed to a super fast great kick and I'll use my super strength for a kick Magee power fine but what about me sorry but sloppy doesn't have any special moves okay let's go I told you I'm not sloppy but I will be blasting blast you need to listen to me negative hey last chance to give us back the playground equipment I will never let you take my Robo bestie it is my new best friend robot you're trapped Kip McKean Master Fang always get their man even when their aunt is a robot and don't forget these it's flossy flash with a new and improved [Music] I'm robot sorry I've never been better because I've suddenly decided no my super Gekko sense says that night ninja went that way come on that loopy lizard thinks some made-up power will win this game he's got another thing coming my super Gekko sense wasn't wrong I'm sure night ninja went that way huh we're sticky spots stuck we won't get anywhere till we unspotted gekko-mobile that'll take ages just follow me my super Gekko sense says night ninjas going to sneak up on HQ from behind on the other side of the lake but your super sense was wrong twice now we can't risk it being off again then I'll go on my own and prove to you that I'm right wait we need to help out let or not you two could get our flag [Music] now let's take a run off all alone what if Nate needs it gets him let's go and find him but then no one will be guarding HQ Oh so cowboy and I will let I do have super Gekko sense sticky splat that means night ninja which means my super Gekko sense worked it's real it's really real oh please you didn't sense where I was I knew where you were going I was wrong the whole time the only reason you came here was to set up a trap for me yes I'm on your friends leave HQ to come and find you oh I'm going to capture your flag I'm sorry you had to come help me now the no one's guarding HQ hey night and then just gonna win I don't even have super Gekko sense you already have super cool powers like camouflage and super lizard grip and they're just as amazing as you are you're right thanks guys wriggling reptiles he's got her flag but he hasn't won yet [Music] are we yes and Ferdie and i are going to stop you [Music] we need to find a way into HQ you have a plan okay buddy I believe in you [Music] [Music] great job Bertie I'm gonna go help cowboy gecko can you turn off the Luna beam [Music] [Music] [Music] and so gecko and I much better now get to work in fast forward [Music] [Music] I'll let up onto the roof and down the hatch just wet the remote and Gekko you can hop up the tower and smash the dish why aren't you doing it just because you're the leader it doesn't mean your ideas are always best and you've managed to do everything your way but but ah I wish I could stop jumping being controlled is horrible wait I've been controlling you and ignoring all of your ideas now Romeo is going to control everyone it's okay we'll think of something yes being a good leader means listening to other people's ideas it's time to be a hero and listen you know well if we just let Romeo keep controlling you then you can distract him while we take care of the tower in the dish [Music] [Music] and if you try and follow me I'll just sub you again what negative we will only obey Romeo now something weirds going on oh yeah let's shine some light on this mystery it was easy without their superpowers but if you're in those cages who are they wait the picture player said robots that's okay come one outlet at all no but you thought it was when it was really my incredible robot copies and if I hadn't lost my circuit board it would have been one of them to a circuit board you mean this my circuit board don't be too confident kitty cat suit my buh-buh-buh-buh gecko will put you in a cage [Music] cat-boy yes so we can help you not without your powers don't worry I'll get your pajamas oh yes you pajamas are mine gecko build a supercomputer to power them but now my unstoppable get him and bring me back the circuit board huh I can feel my tail again autopilot this is no time for games wait you're taking your new scooter yeah it'll come in handy but it's just a regular scooter what's this button for I don't know fine takes a lot of practice really it seems pretty easy to me see totally easy I'm so good at this oops okay but just be careful today have a lighter sure you guys go on the owl-glider but follow me maybe you can learn some of my amazing flying skills [Music] should've been looking for the hot-air balloon by my cat's whiskers let's see pointing at a lie [Music] wriggling reptiles I think I might walk from now on did you see how well I flew here keep an eye on me I'll let and maybe you can learn some of my tricks tricks but you nearly fell yeah I'm amazing on this bad boy right my flying is really going to help but see you're flying aren't you forgetting someone else who can fly come on guys maybe you can both help the team with flying nice painting MA no more balloon rides for those silly feet on my scooter and get the hot-air balloon that's gonna take some tricky fly don't worry I'll let you can leave that to me dance - bet you can't do this oh I wish you could be in our concert whoa you really knocked my super Gekko camouflage out of whack what it's okay check go Sofia - well disco lizard just what a pop star like me needs for a show it'll really help my singing pop star pop star pop hey where did everyone go oh come on ninjalinos let's try another room much better I'm sorry I'm never afraid but then I thought about being in front of everyone at the concert tomorrow don't worry cat boy but now what I guess the concerts off wait I just had an idea [Music] this is more me on with the show okay if I tie the instruments to the end of this rope I like to fly the other end up to you and the ceiling cool chameleons I can pull them up with my super I can't believe he thinks he's a pop star he'll play a much nicer concert up on stage tomorrow did you tie it to all of the instruments uh-huh I think so I don't gonna stop messing around and get ready for my some mashing fun now I'm so sorry I was thinking about tomorrow again and I must have tied the rope all wrong yeah I'd be a much better leader than that we play and mess around and have lots of fun ridiculous looks like they change teams cool oh you naughty Nelly knows I'll be back soon for my chariot and then there's going to be trouble big trouble they're so cute this is fun great but before we have fun let's get this indoors and safe somewhere it's heavy I can use my super Gekko muscles it'll be more fun if my ninjalinos do it only I'll call them what do you say ality knees it does look like fun but it's not getting the job done outlets oh just let me enjoy being leaner first odd words my [Music] [Music] sorry I didn't mean to snap come on night ninja will be back any moment we should hide the chariot somewhere safe behind those crates wait I want to try something fun first I will a teeny salute do this now salutes your leader that's not right try again we need to salute me properly one two three go at least now we can get the chariot safe before night ninja turns up I gotta learn to not get so distracted are you okay I'm fine I'm just super slow this is all my fault if I hadn't kept letting myself be distracted we'd have caught Romeo by now you should go on without no way Gekko we're a team you're right cowboy I might be slow but if I focus I can still help let's do it it's time to see hero I'm going to need someone to carry me I would like you distract Romeo while I use my super Gekko strength to take care of that clock cowboy if I will let get zapped then it's up to you to keep Romeo busy okay but you're still moving in slow motion how are you going to get to the clock don't worry nothing's gonna distract me this time [Music] no distractions this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the broken album glider must be inside HQ well these pjp brains get dizzy let's pull HQ down and smash the owl-glider for good [Music] [Music] now is the cowboy oh that was amazing flying Thanks it was incredible outlet but right now we need to stop night ninja and you're the only one who can really fly you just proved it you're right he may about fool me before and now I'm going to show him what flying's really about they're stuck to HQ [Music] come to see your little tower tumble down not while I have wings cowboy keep your nerve in their wing steady and follow me when I sneeze down push the leaver heart forward [Music] [Music] [Music] if will be my mom we're going to steal these floats and make me to parade Queen [Music] I'll get you to the parade ground superfast [Music] nice entrance do-gooders its giant gecko here to stop you taking the floats especially the lizard one it's my favorite no way once I've got them all I'm taking my afraid and waking everyone up we can't let her wake everyone up and see her but don't worry I've got a plan wait so do I and mines big gecko what are you doing super sizing this bin if I make it just a bit bigger it'll be perfect to hold Luna girl and her mods [Music] hurry gecko shrink it don't worry I'll fix that later I just need to make the VIN even bigger [Music] [Music] there's a few extra boys and your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can we please do our plan now just give me one more try I've got another idea and with all these tap boys they can't pass will use these logs offense Romeo win but how will we get the machine back [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing no problem but flying's about the only answer why didn't you use your camouflage camouflage there's always a different way to solve it what's happening I got you better brain that's what final a window [Music] use your flying skills to overpower the antigravity I can't control it one et mess down now we need to be Romeo and save outlet I'll go after him you rescue her super cast down but I don't have the right powers things echo think flying like our let didn't work maybe I can jump like a boy but I have lizard likes I can't leap like a cat put the cat car cam Oh cat pulled over omelette open the top and grab her what doesn't matter with Decca weighing you down I can reach you now [Music] where is it let's check out the owl-glider know how old God has gone to its so is the gecko wheel okay how are we going to be heroes without our vehicles um maybe we could use our bikes our bikes it's worth a try you're gonna learn yours my bikes okay for the daytime but heroes need super cars to stop crime I say we try it at least until we find out who's got our vehicles come on I can't believe we're gonna be heroes on bikes my bike I never worry about falling off you should try flying with your zealot okay [Music] that was the most graceful landing I've ever made he cat boy you should try your super skills on your bite too this is great I guess but it's not as cool as my cat car come on let's just get to the part this weird wall of cars and there's a noise coming from inside okay let's check it out my cat car what are you up to Romeo how did you get our super vehicles out of HQ easy I was using my amazing electromagnet to get some of these daytime cars but then it's up your vehicle's way no to our vehicles weren't yours to take oh is that why you're stuck biting you silly little bikes what who me oh look Romeo you can't just steal cars and you certainly can't keep our super vehicles why do you mean Oh three anyway I don't I'll try them all and keep the best one you can have the others back [Music] just checking that geckos okay from down here so guys what's going on I don't know I can't anymore so that's some kind of clumsy ray not some kind the most genius clumsy buddy no geckos been zapped yeah because you won't admit that you're zapped to your clumsy driving is the only reason gecko got out of the cat-car clumsy me no way check out my graceful cat moves as I disable that ray super cat say no cat boy wait maybe he wasn't easy for me since I'm not clumsy this is a catastrophe you two are really clumsy how are we going to ends app you why won't you just admit that you're clumsy - because I'm not I'm as graceful as if I was trying to keep my eye on you interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] we need to do that move now one minute almost got us machines ready we'll explain it again I already understand I just don't want to do it why not where I want you join in if you know what to do maybe she doesn't know what to do is that it you feel bad about getting it wrong before your word you get it wrong again I'd be the same way but you don't need to worry because no way I can do that trick easy but why do it when I can also do [Music] [Music] that was close what about Romeo and his machines they're already now great colors little butterfly would you mind do you like this one or this one this is taking too long what we need is some super catfish [Music] what you were really rough cat boy cut it out you're making it unhappy but this is the best way to get at home and there are more to catch look okay but let us try and help these ones come on I over here yeah come on do you like red what Tapley can't you be gentle you're making those butterflies really miserable but I'm helping them now where's Luna girl with the others Hey look aren't these your moss [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not going anywhere pretty butterflies not so fast lunar girl the PJ masks are here to take those butterflies back oh alright moths one last chance [Music] [Applause] you want some busy little girl above my nine lives you can't stop me now of course I can with my new sidekick not like you're setting lions and tigers on me cat for the butterfly catcher [Music] [Music] [Music] you could've broken it you can't win Romeo huh fluttering feathers you sound like me and I don't sound like me no you sound like me cats whiskers which buttons do I press oh hey what was wrong with his voice [Music] boy stealing now Romeo PJ masks I [Music] thought that this was hard to do to recite a poem out loud to you I thought you'd laugh and I'll make fun but it was easy and now I'm done well done great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe I should have passed a cowboy it's going to be okay I will let we have you know cowboy gecko I'm so sorry I just want you to see how good I am at soccer but we already know that I will ahead you'd be even better if you pass the ball you're right it's a team game and we're a team - time to be hero we need to get outlet out of this man ball ah we could pop it what's some sort of really big pointy thing what about the flagpole outside the museum gecko you rolled a ball cat-boy going frightening got him oh where are those PJ pests [Music] [Music] [Music] we slow down we need to play as a team gecko use just super muscles cat-boy use your super speed and [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Chat for ones like to win when they see [Music] happily you have to stop worrying about staying dry if we don't stop Luna girl by Dawn she's going to cloud up the whole sky I'm sorry I hate getting wet but you're right I won't let you down again let's go I can do it I can do it [Music] [Music] [Music] let the cat out of the bag so that's how to win hi superhero bows were definitely the best no way my nerves were way cooler so I went I'd say my superhero moves to the best so I win again know what kids are scared to meet the winner huh happily boy hey Luna girls caught them oh I hadn't kept trying to beat them then we'd still be together [Music] good but I bet they aren't strong enough to bring back the biggest joy of all that's what easy I'll just have them all work together to bring it to me [Music] [Music] that was close thanks a lot no problem sorry I was mean to you before gecko me to cowboy I guess we got carried away no you two it was my fault I'm sorry I made everything into a competition just because I wanted to win all the time Oh cap we likes you come here you have to go now stop it we're not playing tag [Music] [Music] [Music] boy I think it just wants to have fun with you yeah I wouldn't play with you if it was up to something play the mess it's made it's a catastrophe it was really you who did most of this no go on off you go cat-boy it's scared you can't just send it away we have to a ninja Lee no on the loose must mean ight ninjas up to something we need to get out there and find him to the owl-glider [Music] fine Thank You Josh super allies I don't see anything what about you cowboy no I don't see anything either [Music] you're not supposed to be here happily I'm sure he just wants our help No if I'm going to keep us safe I'd have to get out of here I will let I think I might be able to stop Romeo look not now gecko come back here can we what can we do don't worry about me mommy was getting away quick stop [Music] we may be superheroes right now Cowboys a super ice block Oh so the two of us need a plan to go and fast that's what I was trying to tell you I hey I know what we could do then I'll need your help what was my plan I could okay what do I do [Music] that's better okay I'll tie this to the lab then you use your super strength to stop it move it yeah but then we take control of the ice machine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] slithering serpents if only I'd stuck up for my own [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 7,994,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, Disney Jr
Id: 3_FBqQTW5hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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