PJ Masks Toys Videos - PJ Masks Slime Trouble! Catboy, Owlette and Gekko Toys | PJ Masks Official

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Yucko is about to have a lovely swim in his pool I can't wait to cool off what what is this this isn't water this is sludge slithering serpents it's everywhere who's ruined my pool gecko what's happened you'll pull is green and sludgy I don't know cat boy it's a disaster hmm this is very suspicious there must be a reason for this mess Hey look it's a trail of sludge leading out the door someone has to be behind this Romeo must have something to do with this let's follow the trail guys it might lead us to the culprits you it's so slimy come on guys it's only a bit of swampy sludge follow me I wonder where it will leave the PJ masks followed the trail across the city and were led to a beach oh no look the sea has been turned to sludge this is a disaster what is the sludge made of cat-boy seems to be a green slimy substance that has turned the water thickness sludgy I can't believe this we can't let this happen to the sea a little birdie tells me Romeo has had a part in this hey guys look over there hey look it's the BJ masks quick let's get out of here quick let's follow Romeo a night ninja I'm sure they came this way what's this a sludge machine this must be what's causing all of the water in the city to turn into sludge there's no off switch I think it's been set up to pump sludge forever our only hope is to take a sample of the sludge and then see if we can create some sort of substance which will reverse the process I'm going to have to get inside this machine here goes be careful in the head Gekko I'll be back in a second Gekko plunged into the machine I've got it guys here is a sample of the sludge we can take this back to HQ and do some tests nice work Gekko hopefully we can stop this sludge a mess I'm going to test the substance with our computer it should be able to analyze the chemical makeup of the material I really hope this works gecko great the computer has made an antidote to the sludge and this should reverse the process and turn everything back to normal meanwhile night ninja and Romeo are sneaking around outside they have come to steal the antidote to the sludge we must stop the PJ masks from ruining our plan quietly night ninja I will distract them and you swoop in and take the antidote romeo and night ninja sneak through the HQ hahaha PJ masks you thought you could stop me quickly night ninja take the antidote let's get out of here quickly run they will never catch us quickly run back to the machine they must be heading back to the machine we must think of a way to dispose the antidote stop there Romeo you can't do this the world can't be a swamp forever owlette use your owl wings okay let's go [Music] give that back drop it into the machine outlet he goes goodbye swamp it's working Oh My Beautiful sludgy Swan it's gone PJ masks all shout hooray cos in the night we saved the day well done guys today we're going to be saving our friends before the water turns into a swamp let's go fishing round one guys we've got to save Luna girl carefully ten nine eight seven the clock's ticking guys ah there we go we've got her pull her out guys we saved her don't worry Luna girl you're safe now [Music] it's Luna girl she's on her hoverboard here's round two the water is slowly turning into a swamp we've got to work fast Twitty guys the time is running out six five four Jess you've got him it's Gekko we've managed to save gecko there he is cheeky little gecko gecko super-strong and he's got super Gekko grip hi gecko here's round three Oh No look at how swampy that water's getting quickly is anything in there your time is going guys we've got to be quick three two one I think we just managed it it's owlette high outlet outlet has super owl wings she's super cool you're safe now outlet oh no the water's nearly turned into a swamp look how dark and murky is is there anything in there I can't see anything quickly there must be someone in there oh no the time is going three two one oh it's cat-boy well done we got him just in the last second cat boys the leader of the PJ masks he has super cat reflexes hi cat boy you're safe now we managed to save all of our friends from the swamp wow that was so much fun thanks for your help guys night ninja is fed up of always being beaten by the PJ masks I need to figure out a way to finally get that better offer maybe if I can't beat them then I should join them but they would never let me join not after everything I've done how would I do that maybe I could kidnap cat boy yes that's what I'll do and I'll wear a cap by mask Wow I'm so good at making plans night ninja sneaks into the PJ masks H cute cat boy is asleep Oh No night ninja is going to kidnap him ha ha ha he goes cap boy time to become you hey guys how's it going cat-boy are you okay you don't seem quite right yeah are you okay you don't look too well I'm fine guys so when are we going to catch some bad guys hooray hmm boys seems odd today [Music] where are we going cat boy let's play Luna girl a visit the PJ masks zoom out into the city towards Luna girls lair hey Luna girl what's your evil plan for tonight we've come to stop you cat boy you look different have you had a haircut it's because he's not cat boy what so wait a minute who is that no I'm the real cat boy no I am you're way too short there's only one way to find out night ninja why are you dressed up as me I was fed up of you guys stopping my plans I thought that if I joined you I would always win night ninja you know you could never be part of the PJ masks you are too mischievous I guess so it was worth a try it's good to have you back cat-boy it's good to be back guys hooray [Music] the PJ masks are all geared up and ready to go at their headquarters it's a quiet night tonight isn't it cowboy yes almost too quiet suddenly cat boys mobile starts ringing ring ring ring ring hello hello there is that the PJ masks catboy speaking how can I help it's an emergency all of the cheese in the city has been stolen please help us BJ masks we won't be able to have cheese on our sandwiches and that's the best thing about a sandwich the cheese don't worry we will find out who stole all the cheese from the city PJ masks it's time to be heroes where do you think all the cheese is gone I don't know cowboy but a little birdie tells me that Luna girl has something to do with this let's take the owl-glider out for a fly and see if we can find any clues PJ masks we're on our way into the night to save the day let's go guys are you ready here we go wow the view from up here is amazing alik watch out for that building the PJ masks flew all the way through the city searching for clues where's all the cheese gone do you see any clues outlet no not yet what about you Gekko do you see any clues no I don't see any clues I wonder why someone would want to steal all of the cheese great flying outlet hey guys look at the moon do you think it looks like it's made of cheese hey you're right something doesn't seem quite right about it are you thinking what I'm thinking let's fly to the moon so the PJ masks took off through the sky and into space they went towards the moon we're coming in to land guys in 3 2 1 and we've landed on the moon oh my god I can't believe we're on the moon look it up here it's amazing I don't think it's made of cheese though why don't we look around and see if we can find any clues good idea Rowlett what can you see Hey look over there guys there's a trail of cheese maybe that's what we could see from the earth let's follow the trail of cheese and see where it goes this is a long trail of cheese I wonder where it will end maybe we'll lead to the person who's stolen the cheese keep firing it guys these bits of cheese again bigger I wonder what we're gonna find at the end I know it's Luna girl she's taking all the cheese for herself how greedy I've taken all of the cheese from the city nobody will be able to have cheese on their sandwiches only me Oh No we've got to stop her we need to return the cheese to the earth don't worry guys it's time to be heroes come on let's go you will never catch me PJ masks I've got my hoverboard owlets do you think you can catch up with her if you fly I think I can cat boy let's give it a try here we go I'm catching you up Luna girl once again you've stopped me PJ masks but maybe next time you won't be so lucky so long PJ masks yay well done guys we stopped Luna girl and got all the cheese back now let's take this back to earth so everybody can have cheese on their sandwiches owl --it is hanging out at PJ masks HQ she decides to look at her star chart wait a minute is something wrong that's strange the star constellations are in the wrong place here come cat-boy and Gekko what's up owl it something strange has happened look at the star constellations they've moved fluttering feathers what are we going to do someone must be behind this but who maybe it's Romeo there's only one way to know for sure come on PJ masks let's investigate let's go to the owl-glider [Music] PJ masks we're on our way into the night to save the day [Music] let's fly to the stars [Music] way-hey I love flying I bet my nine lives someone is behind this so beautiful up here at night look the stars are changing leaping lizards outlet you're right but who is doing it oh look it's night ninja the balls will catch him fly after a mallet your time is up night ninja you're too late PJ masks you won't stop me this time you should just give up night ninja there's three of us and we have the owl-glider [Music] night ninja is making a run for it will he outrun the owl-glider look behind you night ninja it's over we've caught you that's what you think I don't think he'll give up easily what's in night ninjas hand it's sticky splat PJ masks better be careful Oh No it's covered in splat I can't fly ha ha ha ha I told you you won't stop me PJ masks no one does that to my glider after him it's time to be a hero [Music] this rooftop is too far away from you PJ masks the minute I see you climbing up here I'll vanish what are we going to do vanish that gives me an idea super Gekko camouflage wait a minute where's Gekko gone it's time to pay for what you've done night ninja take this oh no sticky splat unstuck you got what you deserve well done gecko you were amazing it was a team effort you flew us here and cat-boy leads us that's right PJ masks all shout hooray cos in the night we saved the day [Music] [Music] [Music] oh look it's some eggs I think we need to find Romeo's lab what have you done with your lab Romeo you haven't shrunk it down again let's look inside the eggs and see where it's hiding let's start over here good idea let's have a look I can't see an opening we're going to have to break it open [Music] carefully does it what's that [Music] [Music] oh look at that it's not his lab it's a sticky splat [Music] that's definitely not what we're looking for but let's keep it anyway it's a fun thing to find there's still two eggs left so why don't we have a look inside another one let's go over to this one on the end roll it into the middle thanks from you and now we carefully break this one open too [Music] and what's this inside Hey look at that it's cat boy's mask it's still not Romeo's lab but it's very cool what do you think Romeo well he doesn't look too impressed does he I'm sure you won't mind holding it for a moment though well there's only one egg left so here's hoping his lab is hiding inside come on Romeo give us a hand [Music] let's turn it around and see if there's a good place to start this looks good we can just dig in and carefully open up the egg what's this there we are it's Romeo's lab it was hiding inside this egg the whole time there you are Romeo now you must remember not to shrink your lab down all the time or you'll keep losing it [Music] look at all these cool things we found inside the egg thank goodness we found his lab in the end it was just a normal night at the PJ masks HQ cat voice making a few adjustments to the cat-car hmm let's see if I tighten this then it may give me a slight increase in acceleration suddenly the lights go out what was that hello who turned out the lights I can hardly see I must go and investigate I wonder where Gekko in our letter they might know what's happening this is spooky it's good I have this torch to hand great I'm ready to investigate now I can see better hmm there's nothing going on here nothing going on here hmm where is everyone I must find my friends finally cat-boy finds gecko and owlette hey guys what's happening why of all the lights gone off we're not sure cat boy but it seems suspicious I don't like it a little bird tells me this has Romeo written all over it okay guys let's investigate does anything look out of place to you any clues hey look here's a clue look at these footprints they're glowing in the dark do you think that whoever left these footprints is responsible for the power cut the footprint seemed to lead out of the door and onto the street hmm I think we should all split up and look for more clues I'll follow these footprints and you guys go and look for more I'm not sure if that's the best idea Gekko we don't know who could be hiding in the dark it's best to stay together owlette does have a good point but I think we can cover more ground if we split up good idea Gekko be careful I will be good luck I hope he'll be okay let's go and find some more clues meanwhile Gekko has followed the footprints to the door hmm these prints are glowing in the dark very suspicious suddenly a net falls from the ceiling and trapped him it's Romeo I've captured you now Gekko gasping geckos you won't get away with this Romeo catboy owlette will rescue me I knew you'd fall for my trap you just wait you underestimate the PJ masks this is perfect I will use the Gekko 'mobile to make my perfect getaway how dare you use the Gekko 'mobile whatever you do don't scratch it meanwhile catboy owlette are searching for more clues around their HQ Hey look there owlette more glow-in-the-dark footprints they don't seem to lead anywhere it's a dead end oh no cat boy I have a bad feeling about this suddenly they hear an engine starts outside what was that that sounds like the gekko-mobile fluttering feathers Romeo's captured Gekko and is making his getaway in the keka 'mobile so long catboy owlette geckos coming with me now quickly to the cat-car I made a few adjustments this morning to the cat-car so we should be able to catch up with Romeo and save Gekko PJ masks we're on our way into the night to save the day did you see where he went I think he went that way cat boy quickly cat-boy yeah now let's speed through the night after Romeo the cat-car surges forward they're catching him up careful PJ masks I can see a mallet I just need a bit more speed finally they catch up with Romeo I knew we catch you up you're no match for us Romeo it seems that once again you foiled my plan PJ masks slithering serpents that was close thanks for saving me guys that's no problem Gekko we knew we could catch Romeo until next time PJ masks maybe then you won't be so lucky I think if we've learnt anything from today it's that we need to stick together no matter how heroic we feel on our own we can feel ten times more heroic as a team I agree me too let's get back to HQ guys and turn those lights back on PJ masks all shout hooray cos in the night we saved the day let's wing the planet song planet song sing along let's make the planet song with EJ Mars Mercury Venus and Earth Mars and then Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune make solar system mercury is small and great small and grey small and gray it reverses to the Sun in the solar system me I'm yellow and yellow hot and yellow it's the second from the Sun in the solar system planets chapters where we live where we live where we live it's the life from the Sun in the solar system Mars is very red and rocky red and rocky red and rocky it's the ball from the Sun in the solar system let's assume they're planets on Planet song sing along let's all sing the planet song with PJ masks Mercury Venus and Earth Mars and then Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune make the solar system [Music] Jews has become them all of them all of them all it's made from the Sun in the solar system Saturn had found icy winds icy rings icy rings it's the same from the Sun in the solar system Uranus is icy blue icy blue icy blue it's a seven from the Sun in the solar system [Music] Neptune is blue and stormy new employee blue and for me it's the furthest from the Sun in the solar system Mercury Venus and up Mars and then Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune eight the solar system we have found the planets all planets don't sing along we thumb the planet so with me J Maas DJ Mars [Music] it was April Fool's Day in the PJ masks H cube and Gekko has some pranks to play on his friends I've got a magnet and I'm going to play some tricks on cat boy and outlet meanwhile our ladies upstairs working on the owl-glider hmm I wonder what I can do to the owl-glider to make it fly better oh my why is the outliner moving away from me come back al-qaeda how is this happening geckos using his magnet to make the al-qaeda move Oh No come back out glider where are you going come back ha ha that was fun now let's go play a prank on cat boy hey look cat boys asleep I wonder what he's dreaming about I'll use this opportunity to put some magnets on his feet he won't be able to walk [Music] now if I just stick them here there we go there's the first magnet there's the second magnet on the other foot when cat-boy wakes up I'm gonna challenge him to a race and you won't be able to keep up with me that was a really good catnap I'll go and see what geckos doing hey gecko what are you up to today hey cat boy do you fancy having a race yeah why not let's go for it but you know that I'm much faster than you gecko we'll see about that cat boy I'll race you from here to the PJ masks lift deal three two one go I can't lift my feet I can't seem to run anywhere I win I win I told you I'd win cat boy how is this happening I don't understand I'm normally much faster than you gecko happy april fools everyone I've pranked you both owlette I made your al-qaeda move without you knowing and cat boy I put magnets on your feet so you can run very fast happy April Fool's everyone Oh gecko you're such a joker cheeky gecko it was a suspiciously quiet night and the PJ masks we're keeping an eye out for any strange happening so far or was peaceful but PJ masks knew something's up something didn't quite feel right my cat ears are tingling I can sense a disturbance in the night leaping lizards me too I wonder who will be up to no good tonight I don't know Gekko but there's one thing I know for sure the PJ masks will stop them ha ha ha they were masks I have come to finish you all do you remember the giant magnet that was stolen last month well me and Luna girl are planning to unleash it tonight I'm here to distract you while Luna girl gets into position thanks for telling us the plan night ninja will stop you oh no night ninja is winning meanwhile Luna girl is getting into position to unleash the magnet this magnet I can make the PJ masks 2d forever it's time to become as thin as paper PJ masks Oh No look over there Luna girl has the magnet here no way 2d I can't believe it we're done for so long PJ masks good luck saving the world now guys this is serious we can't be 2d forever look at me I have no sides calm down Gekko we can solve this you never know it might be good to be 2d I don't think so we won't be as strong I don't have my super Gekko grip anymore come on guys let's go to bed and solve this in the morning the next day the PJ masks ventured outside to see what they could find by the river there's no signs of Luna girl guys I don't like being 2d I feel like I'm gonna blow away in the wind let's go back to HQ guys and suit up hopefully something will emerge tonight hey Gekko look what I can do now that I'm 2d I can bend check this out boy I can lie flat on the ground huh you look funny Gekko this is too much guys we can't live like this let's go to Luna girls lab we must stop her PJ masks we're on our way into the night to save the day the PJ masks flew out into the city over the rooftops and towards Luna bells lab do you think we'll ever be 3d again of course we will get up we're nearly there guys look down there there's Luna girls lab haha my magnetic lab is at full force soon the whole world will become 2d nobody will be able to stop me apart from us give it up Luna girl how do we become 3d again Luna girl you can't leave us like this yeah I want my super Gekko grip back hahaha hey look guys do you think that if we went through that magnet we would be able to reverse the power of the magnet you stay away from the magnet stay away PJ masks go now let go through it worked come on guys go through the magnet yes we did it well done guys with rudy' again how dare you PJ masks Oh No the magnet is at full force it's unstable let's get out of here quick get to the owl-glider I'll get you next time PJ masks I'll get you next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 2,808,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, Disney Jr
Id: fNH4Bb9IQ0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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