Halloween Northern Lights, Class X1A Solar Flare Hits Earth, Power, Internet Disruption

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Good afternoon, guys. Thank you for joining me. I'm glad all my friends are here. Yesterday at about 11:35 a.m. Eastern Standard time, the sun shot off last X one solar flare. As a result, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center issued a strong geomagnetic storm watch for Saturday tomorrow, October 30, and a moderate watch for Sunday. Yeah. Halloween night, October 31. This solar flare was an X one and a classified being one of the weakest of an exclusive solar flare. The higher the number, the more intense the flare. While X one is considered a major flare, a solar flare in 2003 was so powerful, it overloaded the sensors, which cut out at X 28. According to NASA, this will disrupt satellite, probably cable your internet, your phone service, and they have an illustration of the solar flare when it went off right down there, close to the Southern hemisphere. And they got it in different colors. So you can watch how it reacted. Yeah. Thank God it was only a class one. According to NOAA radio blackouts reaching a level. Our three levels were observed over the last 24 hours. The largest was yesterday. That was at 1535 universal time. Maybe an R one to R two, maybe 70% chance. So for our three or greater 30% chance, that's for today. So for right now, as I'm making this video at 03:22 p.m. Central daylight time, nothing is really going on. We're at a K one, and it did spike up to a K two earlier today. Here's another image of that area where the solar flare came from. Another way to look at solar flares. This solar flare was ten times greater than an M and 100 times greater than a C class solar flare. This solar flare, the X one came from an active region classified as 28. 87. On the sun, the Earth's magnetic field actually protects people from solar radiation. But objects out there in space, such as satellites or, say, the space shuttle. When energetic protons collide with satellites or humans in space, they can penetrate deep into the object that they collide with and cause damage to electronic circuits or biological DNA. Now, for people flying in planes at higher altitudes, they may be exposed to radiation risks a higher radiation risk. Now, when the energetic protons collide with the atmosphere, they ionize the atoms and molecules, thus creating free electrons. These electrons create a layer near the bottom of the ionosphere that can absorb high frequency HF radio waves and make radio communications difficult or impossible. Soho, NASA. Com. Gov image and I'll play this for you when this X flare went off on the Sun Thursday and it starts out. It's all universal time. There it goes and see all those particles flying towards the Earth. Those are the protons. Check that out. Yeah. Earth directed. Good thing it was only an X one solar flare. Many of you are probably familiar with the Carrington vent that was on September 1 and second 189 that induced the largest geomagnetic storm on record. If a solar storm of this magnitude occurred today, it would cause widespread electronic disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended outages of the electrical grid. I've talked about this before. We do make some new power stations here in the United States and of the components here in the United States. But the majority of them come from China. But if many cities at the same time needed to replace different parts for electrical system, yeah, we would be hurting because it's not like they keep many of these parts on the back shelf. Usually, the first thing that blows out is the Transformers. Since this class X solar flare, we have had a C flare, which was a 3.8, a C 3.3, another C, which was A-C-2-A-C-1 and a C 1.1. Here's the current Aurora forecast. They may have auroras that you can watch in Oregon, Pennsylvania and Iowa. I can't move. Let me see if I can move that down for you. There you go. This is what it is for current. And this is only for today. So once again, even though this was a class one X solar flare, the weakest of the weakest, it still can interfere with power GPS, radio, Internet phones, things like that. Thank God it was smaller. So once again, thank you for taking your time to watch my videos. Thank you very much for your support. Thank you for subscribing. Please stay safe and I'll talk to you later. God bless you. Bye.
Channel: Mary Greeley News
Views: 16,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: educational, weather, disaster, technology, science, Class, X1A, Solar Flare, Hits, Earth, Look, For, Aurora, Northern Lights, Power, Internet Disruption, GPS, Smart Grid, Radio, satellite, air travel, planes, radiation, Halloween, spooky, lights
Id: Jl0MIfNPOes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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