halloween GRWM / Q&A

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hello everyone and happy halloween probably posting this after halloween let's be real because i'm making it on october 31st so you know i'm probably posting it days later i just woke up i have no plans today but it's halloween i was like gotta dress up bought some stuff and i decided i'm gonna be catherine pierce from the vampire diaries because you know she's a bad if you watch the show and i was like kind of neat to be here and she does serve looks in the show so i'm doing her i'm using this picture as my inspiration when they went to the mask ball and she pretended to be elena so i'm pretending to be catherine who's pretending to be elena so i'm just gonna do my makeup a catherine inspired look show you the whole thing and then i'm also gonna be answering questions because i asked you guys to ask me questions on my instagram story and you asked me so many and i'm gonna answer them while i get ready to make it more interesting let's get started okay so first before i start my makeup i'm putting on my catherine necklace oh my god i ordered this off amazon it came with both like the elena and the katherine necklace and it was only like 12.99 i'm putting it on okay so i already straightened my hair last night so i wouldn't have to do it today and then she wears a mask if you know i showed the picture but if you watch the show you know she wears like a black mask during the scene so like i don't really have to do my makeup that good to be honest but i'm still going to because when i like flip it up you'll see my face if you see me looking down that's because my mirror is down here i'm also going to put my hair up so these are the soft focus glow drops the illuminating glow pine primer by radial just rub that in okay so i'm just gonna start off by answering the first question which is what is your favorite tv shows because i feel like it's fitting for this video so my favorite tv shows are shameless the us version which is on netflix if you haven't watched it watch it it's so good but that is probably my favorite show all time i just love it so much i can't even explain and i feel like it's underrated and also the vampire diaries which is fitting for this video because i'm being a character from the vampire diaries if you haven't watched vampire diaries it's on netflix at least in the us watch it you won't regret it it's so good okay moving on to foundation real quick i use the l'oreal paris infallible 24 hour freshware foundation it's drugstore works for me those are like my top two 100 sure that those are my top two but besides those i really like gossip girl criminal minds that 70s show looking for alaska i've watched like every show known to man if you ask me a show i've definitely probably watched it definitely probably i've most likely watched it comment your favorites because i'm re-watching vampire diaries at the moment which is what inspired me to do today's look but i'm almost done so maybe i'll start a new show because i've been rewatching all my favorites recently instead of starting anything new because i can't find anything new i've already watched like literally watch everything okay then i'm using the covergirl true blend undercover concealer the next question is what is your toxic trait and i really liked this question because it made me self-reflect um honestly my toxic trait is i too so one is that i'm really reserved and like the opposite of an over share i don't share anything about my personality not my personality but like my feelings i'd rather just not talk about feelings and just assume that we both like each other then discuss it because i find emotions and feelings like when someone's like talking about liking you like for some reason i think it's so cringy and embarrassing like when someone's admitting feelings i don't know why that's so bad like i'd rather us just know like we talk every day and like assume that we know that we like how we feel which is bad because then that can lead to miscommunication and all that i know that's why it's my toxic treat i read books like i watch shows and i think it's so cute when the characters like confess their feels for each other but then like in real life like it's just cringy and embarrassing to me but maybe that's just because i haven't liked anyone for real which is also a problem it's not for this question though and then my other one would probably be like i like to try to make people jealous to see if they care about me like as like a test like i'll do things to see how they'll react which is so immature and stupid i know but i do that i do that i do i'll admit okay now i'm using the airspun loose face powder to set my face so yes i will like say like mention things about other people or like things i'm doing that might not even be true just to see if they'll spark a reaction and if they don't react i'm like oh my god they don't care about me just because like i know i blame everything on books and stuff but like you know in books how the guys are always really protective and jealous and like that's like how they show that they care i don't know if that's like a real life thing but it hasn't been for me because most of the time they just don't give a and i'm like oh i just look stupid and then i'm going in with the nesting face by pretty vulgar just a contour and blush palette and i'm using the light shade and the medium shade so just bronze first oh oh my god why did i just do that i just put it in the middle of my forehead girl my next question do you have any siblings yes i have two brothers one older and one younger my older brother he's 21 he's a senior in college and he goes to cornell university he's a genius and then my little brother my little brother my younger brother he's a sophomore in high school he just got his learner's permit his driving permit today how exciting is that yeah those are my brothers no sisters or anything but i kind of like it it's kind of fun and now i'm gonna contour because nina dobrev has like a really good cheekbones really good bone structure really good face in general so i'm using a more precise brush and the kat von d shade and light that's completely gone because i got it in the eighth grade and i'm just chiseling out my cheekbones the next question do you like college why or why not okay i love the social aspect of college living on your own no rules do whatever you want in a college town you can literally do anything i mean i'm not that crazy so i don't really do much but i just love the independence of living on my own but at the same time it is a lot of work like school is a lot of work and because i'm not sure what i want to do which is another question i'm not 100 sure what i want to do with my life like career-wise i just don't nothing is calling my name i'm studying communications but i've always just like like i've always done well in school but i've always just not been the biggest fan of school i'm not one of those people that just love school i like learning but i like learning on my own i don't like learning out of a textbook things that i don't care about i like watching videos and reading and doing my own thing and like seeing for myself about things i actually care about and now that i have my contour on i'm going to bake underneath it so it's like a more defined line and then the next question which goes off of the last one what is asu like i'm interested in going there but don't know much about it okay so asu is a huge school i think it might be the biggest school in america which means huge sports like football games huge lecture classes which personally i like it also has the reputation of being a huge party school which obviously not right now because of corona but like if you want to be a party school you can make it a party school there's a party every night i'm going off like normal times like last year also i'm just using that same palette and using the blush in here but you can go out every night and you'll find something there's also like bars and everything there's no shortage of nightlife but it's also i don't like parting that much and i have a great time doing everything else like you can literally do whatever the weather is always nice like it's 80 degrees today and it's halloween the campus is super pretty there's palm trees everywhere it's just a pretty campus there's like huge greek life if you're into that huge sports club for everything you can imagine any major you can imagine it's just a huge school you'll meet people from all over i'm nose contouring with the shade and light by the way i definitely recommend asu if you want to go to a big school and have like the full college experience asu is definitely your place to be okay now i'm gonna highlight with the wet and wild mega glow highlighting power in the shade golden flower crown and then the next question is how tall are you i'm five foot six inches which is like medium height not tall but not short can you do more vlogs yes actually i would love to do more vlogs i don't really do much at home because i'm still kind of like quarantined you know because i don't want coronavirus but i could definitely just like do like morning routine or like night routine not even routines but like just vlog style you know my apartment i feel like that would be fun i'm highlighting my nose with the same highlighter should i do that or i could like vlog if i ever do do something my birthday is in two weeks i'm turning 19 on november 14th which is quite exciting i have no plans though but yes i'll try to do more vlogs now moving on to eyeshadow james charles x morphe palette very pretty except i'm not using the fun colors i'm just gonna do like a golden brown smokey eye if you could only live in one fictional world for the rest of your life where would you live and i loved this question because every time i read a book or watch a show i'm like oh i want to live here so i mean i do like if it were a book and if it were a tv show two different answers for a book i would want to live in the addicted series if you know me you know i'm obsessed the addicted series it's a normal world like it's nothing like fantasy or anything but it's like this friend group and i just want to be in their friend group so so bad it's a 10 book series and they're like the best friends i've ever seen and i just want a friend group like that so bad that i would just want to live in their world to be their friend and then for show definitely vampire diaries but only if i could be a vampire if i had to be a human in their world hell no hell no i would die so fast but if i was a vampire which i want to be and i would live forever and all the boys in that show are literally to die for so definitely vampire diaries and then for another tv show this is random because it isn't one of my favorite shows but i would like to live in the outer banks world too and like be their friend just because they have fun the pogue life you know like ride around the boat in the outer banks comment what world you would like to live in even if it's fantasy or like realistic comment down below because i'm interested that's a good question someone said do you have a boyfriend no someone also said are you talking to anyone no then another one worst date story i don't have a worst date because i've never been on a date but i do have a funny story not a date but like if someone i was talking to put that in quotes because it was a horror story so basically i was talking to someone for like eight months snapchatting every day talking like having full conversations throughout the day every single day and like they didn't live in my state so you'd assume it was like talking but like not going anywhere you know we were definitely talking and then i'm realized that i'm blocked from his instagram story because my friend goes and she went on his insta and he had a story and she's like oh i'm gonna watch his story and i was like that's weird i didn't see his instagram story because i'm blocked from it she clicks on it she's like clicking through he has a few posts he posts happy 11 months with the love of my life he had a girlfriend the entire time so i was like should i dm her like what should i do because like obviously he was talking to me so i sent her a message but she never responded i was like hey i just saw blah blah story and i didn't know you guys were dating but we've kind of been talking for like eight months hope all is good she left me on scene and they're still together so i tried my best i haven't talked to a man since thanks for coming to my story time okay i'm doing my eyebrows using the maybelline brow ultra slim defining pencil actually as i do this eyebrow i was reminded a lot of people ask me how did you get that scar through your eyebrow what happened your eyebrow why'd you shave your eyebrow like that what the is wrong with your eyebrows yeah i've been hearing it since i was like seven years old i didn't shave it i didn't do it on purpose i would literally never do that when i was like five i was jumping on a spinny chair fell off hit my head on a coffee table and i had to get stitches through my eyebrow all the way down my face so i have a scar hair doesn't grow there and i fill it in sometimes i leave it sometimes i don't know but everyone loves to comment about it i've answered it before on tick tock but i thought i would just answer that in a q a okay i'm editing this and i just accidentally deleted the clip where i did my eyeliner so you don't get to see that sorry if you want to see it you can watch my everyday makeup routine so i'm almost on the makeup i'm just gonna do eyelashes and mascara answer another question then i'm gonna move on to hair because she has a very distinct hairstyle in this scene that i'm doing what are your favorite songs at the moment i have a playlist on my spotify called this is my favorite song i also have a lot of playlists in general my spotify of all different moods events feelings artists that i love and honestly i think you guys love it too because you do be hyping up my spotify you can follow me on spotify at stephboore to see what i like listening to okay i'm gonna put on fake eyelashes i'm really sorry i don't know what the name of these are because i literally just have them thrown in a random pack i'm gonna put these on real quick off camera okay i'm back eyelashes are on i'm gonna do my lips now using the nyx lip liner in the shade natural i'm just gonna overlap my lips a little on the bottom and then just normal line them on the top okay that's my lip liner on she has red lipstick on so i'm just not gonna put lipstick on until after i do my hair because red lipstick gets everywhere but let's go do my hair here's my makeup so far but let's do my hair now and i'll continue answering your questions okay so i actually just changed this black lace dress and now i'm going to do my hair and she does it in like this kind of half up half down straight in style in this scene with like a poof in the back i'm going to attempt to do this i don't know how it's gonna go but we'll see so the question i'm gonna answer as i do this what is your dream job and honestly i don't really dream of working that's just like not my thing i don't wanna work which i don't know if a lot of people want to work but you know you have to but i feel like if i could choose anything to be my dream it would be being an actress because i just attempted to do that and i realized i had to brush my hair and i was all naughty but i would want to be an actress because when i watch tv shows i'm like oh my god this looks like it would be so fun to act in this and like the cast and the crew and everything just seems so fun and like i don't know acting that just seems like a life that's just something that i've always been interested in since i was a kid i used to be a child actress or i wanted to be but i was in like commercials and stuff when i was like a pre-teen i was on the show 30 rock for like an episode i did like small things like that then i moved to arizona from new jersey so i was like close to new york city but now i'm not though i had to stop everything now i'm in college because i'm a realist and i know that making it in that industry is very unlikely but yeah that's like my dream would definitely be being an actress in a tv show but i would also like to just be in like the crew or like an agent or something in the whole like film world or like tv just in general like i would like to be something maybe on the business side that's why i'm in college i don't know something like that okay so now this weird poof is pinned i'm gonna do the sides like back like that next question is will you go live more and honestly yes i really need to because every time i go live i'm like this is so fun like i need to do this more and then i just don't and i don't know why i do that because i honestly do think it's a lot of fun like last time i was live i was telling you guys all about the tea with like my friend group from high school and like why it was so toxic and like all our beef and stuff and it was so funny and you guys were telling me your stories with your friend groups and like your drama and i was like trying to give you advice and stuff and it was so fun we're also talking about like books and tv shows and movies and like just like hanging out and it was fun but yeah i definitely need to go live more follow me on tick tock if you want to partake in my lives where we can actually discuss things and be friends she has two pieces out kind of looks like it so that's the hair all done i'm actually kind of proud it kind of looks like hers and now i'm gonna put red lips on fenty beauty red lipstick in the shade uncensored it's super bright but don't worry i'll darken it okay that's this lipstick all dried and done okay so i'm gonna put my mask on and i feel like this is gonna really bring the look together okay i'm gonna try to put some without destroying my hair oh why do i kind of oh my god i'm kind of her oh i have vampire teeth should i put them on no because she doesn't have them on in this scene i'll put them on later i don't know if i'll show you that you can watch my tech talks at step 4 to see me with my fangs in is this my completed look i think so i'm going to try to recreate catherine's pictures from the masked ball but other than that this is the end of my transformation video happy halloween i know i'm probably posting this like a few days after halloween but it's still fun whatever but yes that's my catherine pierce get ready with me all complete i hope you enjoyed like comment subscribe for more videos thank you so much for 10 000 subscribers by the way that is literally insane like wow thank you from the bottom of my heart follow me on my other social medias i'll link down below my instagram to check out the pictures i took yeah thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Steph Bohrer
Views: 18,039
Rating: 4.9892378 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, makeup tutorial, tutorial, q&a, juicy, hair, hair tutorial, tvd, the vampire diaries, vampire diaries, Nina Dobrev, Elena Gilbert, Katherine Pierce, Katherine, Elena, halloween, grwm, get ready with me, transformation, question, answer
Id: jVwgsV_pO1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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