Half-life: The Lore Behind Hunters

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the law behind hunters after the invasion of planet Earth the combine brought with them the hunter an extremely fast and agile synth that was used to scout areas of interest to the combine and also to escort important items and people much like the majority of the combined army these will likely create it from one of the many unlucky civilizations that's the combine had conquered before coming to earth now a mindless modified weapon for the combine typically deployed in forests and regions with tough terrain hunters are one of the largest synthetic reaches towering over humans with three large muscular legs around them a tough shell on the edge of their likes sharp Barb's a simple but effective weapon for anybody that got too close on their body their most noticeable feature are two large blue flechette launchers these dangerous weapons being able to shoot a dart at their prey from a distance what makes these incredibly dangerous is that they are able to easily destroy biological matter and even missing a shot could prove fatal to their prey due to the darts creating a splash effect when hitting a solid surface resulting and those inside of the range of the splash becoming injured to the right of these launchers there appears to be three compound eyes these types of eyes normally found in insects such as flies underneath their launchers are too small claw-like limbs tipped with metal blades these are used to impale targets when they get too close a noticeable use of these blades is when Alex Vance is attacked on the outskirts of City 17 a hunter was able to pounce and impale her before her companion Gordon Freeman could stop it it has been noted that when injured these creatures leak a greyish white fluid this may be synthetically made to keep the creature moving although some have speculated that this may be one part of the creature that it was made from meaning that hunters could possibly be considered more of a cyborg than synthetic if the blood is in fact biological across their body is a heavy armor this impressive armor protects their bodies from most forms of small firearms making them vicious and almost invulnerable against small groups of people with firearms in combination with this they are also highly mobile and able to move out of the way of projectiles with ease a combination of all of these factors clearly thought-out well by the combine makes the hunter an extremely powerful foe during a battle when with other hunters they tend to use pack hunting techniques similar to wolves using stealth and flanking to take down their enemies like Olsen's hunters have the ability to communicate although not in a standard way that humans would understand these vocalizations are shrill fierce and slightly electronic likely the perfect tone and frequency but the combine would understand to transmit information and possibly request reinforcements if needed noted during the white forest battle the hunters were extremely proficient in protecting the Striders evinced the points of sacrificing themselves to keep the Striders alive when close to death hunters were also shown to have the ability to unleash all of its ammo in a shotgun style in an attempt to take its killer to the grave with it possibly one of the most deformed creations by the combined hunters are definitely one of the most unique and vicious creatures that a resistance member would hate to come into contact with alone hey resistance members thank you for watching this law episode on hunters what did you think what would you like me to cover next as always like share and subscribe if you found this interesting now enjoy your day bye
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 107,734
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Keywords: half life 2, half life, half life lore, half life 3, half life 2 lore, half life alyx, half life 3 confirmed, roanoke gaming half life, half life xen, half life combine, half life nihilanth lore, half life combine lore, half life lore combine, hunter, half life explored, half life review, half life funny, half life story, half life ai, half life vr, half life story recap, half life zen, antlion half life, half live antlion lore, ant lion half life 2, Half-life
Id: Jj8kxSmWt4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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