Half-Life 2: BETA: DARK INTERVAL 1.2 - Full Walkthrough

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] community [Music] for you [Music] well you startled me there wait you're one of the passengers from the crowd unit aren't you now that hell did you get out yeah doesn't matter you can't stay here alright look right now we're heading to the port I can sneak you out but you got to do what I say there's couple of guards in the next room I'll distract him you sneak around get out and then I'll find you you ready all right let's go we're never stay long guys hate to bother you but I think I misplaced my food rations you haven't seen him anywhere by chance have you [Music] the birds to see if there's any bracelet transmission go run and he can get to the Brits that way careful though I burn a bar warding another eye biological force detected [Music] [Music] holy Sh what the hell are you finally you're here that's me you sure ain't no ordinary loser between those paws you are [Music] we gotta go before this fellow wakes up [Music] hold on I have a flashlight used to be a normal operation nothing - probably simple really as long as you're useful and workers engineers scientists but ever since we started loving those sorts of odds I hope that this feeling it's gonna end up like this right here look your best bet is deflected snaps lyrica it's only gonna keeping chocolate to check one so just leave it here okay I think we're good to go I'll stay here but someone at the checkpoint [Music] ha gosh it really is you isn't it and yeah Gordon it's me Barney what's the sheriff you still remembered me I'm working her Civil Protection undercover obviously still but don't worry I'm here to get you to safety well whatever you could call safe nowadays I'll escort you to the factory sector but then you'll have to walk on your own for a while oh but first I think you should change into one of these workers who throws less attention all right follow me and try not to look conspicuous you know when we got the news you might be coming to city 17 I really didn't know what to think it's been so lost like these we all kind of soon he just went missing forever good to have you back Gordon we really could use more good clothes and good people you have chosen or been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers I thought so much of cities 17 that I elected to establish my administration here that's all whether you are artists here's an entrance into the inner city we rarely use this checks on usually get people in by brain I guess he's always an exception remember once you're in go through the industrial site into the terminal Plaza you can't miss it just follow the streets when you're at the train station find security it'll be empty and I'll contact you there don't worry about the turrets been inactive since the war before that this was one of the checkpoints you know during the portal storms the force field is neat though let me see if I can reroute the power all right Gordon you should go now get to the station and I'll contact you good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is be a human body juice entered our channels brought an end to that mapped it has we must repay for your kindness mr. open that passage for you god bless this ray astone story is impenetrable nevertheless there is another of our kind who's ever this is resets Israeli presence life our message our brother must be brought here United and strength I can expose the passage of using [Music] [Music] [Music] the Vedic evolved all the Civic oven artists that I don't chase the path is known to us there are Commodore the head below all the streets escape well that bit of heat [Music] we prepare to assist you with us [Music] - outside [Applause] [Music] as versity powerlessness it ever was the magnet is for escape I suppose these would be the power source original charges [Music] [Music] my hair is too much force brevet some time to revise especially perhaps at the repair area in that audiences [Music] [Music] we even testers respect [Music] they machine [Music] this cooperation proved successful we are very close to the exit yet another obstacle as if someone wanted to shield themselves from things the Loess things about austerity a simple attack won't do I raise in resonance we may penetrate this barrier place it over there so we can begin to resonate [Music] [Applause] it's was not misplaced asked if I build your rent of the parlor so [Music] what if advice keep away from the cops they're ticked off today more so than usual [Music] thank you for writing concern of course for the future I also detect really know what's best for us what gives us the right to make this kind of decision again [Music] try to answer every classes and questions let's consider the fact for the first time ever as a species is you know this is a fact Gordon we don't have much time we're already on to you I have a plan to throw them off your tail there's a roof a service tunnel that'll teach you to the quarantine ii used to be a Construction Yard until just recently something happened they cordoned the places and only the higher ranks Hill any details so it'll be tough but this is your best bet in the room across there's a hatch should be tried by the service Tonto shit we don't have any time left go through to the site and find me at the city Arkady be careful [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was done for God Thanks you even came to the quarantine area that you'd be more crazy to stay mr. leering that in case you're curious long story short some idiots decided it would be a good idea to smuggle out one of the canisters and see what's inside all of that inside as well let's see if I can open it they're not much of a fighter but we still should stick together that's our agreement dear that was my old room hey I think I can fix that control panel did you give your crowbar go through while it's open I'll find my way out to suppress sincerely concerned citizen of course your question mr. doesn't help each other I know you green suits you never had anything worth to exchange will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us read again to address the anxiety your concerns rather than two answer every possible question Mike let us consider the fact for the first time as a species this simple fact [Music] three cents like these to remind myself that instinct instinct was our mother instinct conned us and to keep us safe and started strictly to basest of human urges large to produce some worry we should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force they have thrown a switch and exercised our demons are a single stroke they have given us the strength we never could have summoned to without this compulsion today we have mastered ourselves the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] each version 3 - Wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] go Tonya for not making too much noise in the streets Gordon I'm afraid I'll have to leave you one more time one last time I promise next time we talk I'll get your write to dr. kleiner that being said I can't go with you right now you'll have to go out on your own there's an old radio tower just outside the arcade from there you can get underground and get decliners workshop the tunnels have a lot of nasty things in them so you better take this but keep low at least until you're down there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] doing down sometimes I dream about cheese [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah there you are I was wondering how long would take you here I think we're pretty well hidden dr. kleiner came up with some sort of radio repellent for the scan bots so they're discouraged from accidentally flying by and taking shots but enough talk I can't wait to see dr. Klein his face when he sees you step into his lab hey Doc dr. kleiner doc there's someone here to meet you oh I think we can trust this guy oh my goodness Gordon Freeman so it was true we heard you were coming back but I couldn't believe it yet here he is indeed you know Gordon you arrived at a very crucial time we certainly could use a man of your many talents so what's the plan I was gonna find us a transport leave the city but Barnum we've discussed it before I am convinced and we should send Gordon directly to Kraken base come on Doc how the hell am I supposed to get in there you're not I've been working on my prototype and I've already ran some successful tests some seven to be precise seven in a row there is nothing to worry about the crew of the base and I have made some major strides since since the cat since well let's just say I do feel very positive about our chances streets I barely made it here without being arrested damn it all right can we at least give him the suit oh you're right I almost forgot this way Gordon I got it from an old colleague who managed to keep his connections he suggested that I can fix it and one day perhaps find some use for it I suppose the day has come mark 5 it's almost as you remember it although I've made a few modifications still there's only so much I could do with the tools I have try not welcome to the HEV Mach 5 I'm sorry I'm afraid it will never be as new well at least you can now charge it from any standard combined power path guys I never stopped our research on teleportation with the help of my colleagues old and new we managed to compress the Zen relay beyond anything we ever dreamt up and now we can use it transfer you to crackin face momentarily literally the thing still gives me the shivers I don't think I told Gordon about the cat get there is no time Gordon if you please climb into the telepods and we can begin [Music] [Music] sealing the park [Music] right standard compression protocol primary coordinates set relay mode setting to Barney yeah there on the desk there should be a plate with the name you Kawa could you read me the number on it it's a nine nine seven nine three seven nine three point three seven you got it thank you I was just checking my parameters all right Gordon everything's fine don't worry transferring you in five is he still in one piece absolutely everything wait hold on I'm detecting a relationship relation fifteen sacred Stella nine twelve fifteen percent he's beginning it's also a [Music] we're going to attempt down no wait we're losing them again [Music] [Music] well open it I can't the seal must have melted Gordon hold still I'll try and pry it open wait Gordon Gordon can you hear me there you go duck I think he's okay duck oh shit there's no point is Gordon me and Doc will try our old escape route but you need to leave the city AC only doctor Mossman was there she'd know come on she could have sweet I'll take care of dr. Pat you take care of yourself [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bolloxed
Views: 107,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Interval 1.2, Dark Interval part 1, Half-Life 2 Dark Interval, Half-Life 2 Mods, half-life single player mods, Dark Interval Walkthrough, Half-Life 2 Beta, half-life 2 episode 3, half-life 3, Half-Life 2 Beta gameplay, Half-Life 2 cut content, half-life 2 Dark Interval 1.2 Walkthrough, Half-Life 2 Mod Dark Interval, HL2 Mods, HL2 Mod Dark Interval, Garry's Mod, No Commentary, 60 fps, bolloxed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 54sec (4194 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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