广东梅州客家菜,梅菜扣肉,酿豆腐,娘酒鸡,阿星逛百年围龙屋Hakka dishes in Meizhou, Guangdong

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Hello everyone, I'm Axing Axing is now in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province Come to Meizhou this season Although it's a little hot But the air is fresh and the scenery is beautiful Meizhou has another name the Hakka City of the World what it means There are many Hakka people living here for generations How do the Hakka people understand? It is also well explained from the literal meaning It means they're not locals from the other places  like guests stay here call the Hakka Where did these people migrate from? the Central Plains ancient dynasties they didn't come here just once Thousands of years of history Basically because of the war Came all the way south to here After coming here, they formed their own unique culture Hakka culture This Hakka is very interesting He is not 56 ethnic groups You can't say what Hakka he is He's not a place either can not be collectively referred to by region he is a group These groups actually exist in more than a dozen provinces in China The most places are Jiangxi and Fujian and here in Guangdong Today we come to the Hakka City of the World, Meizhou Experience the Hakka Culture Try Hakka Food go Want to learn about Hakka culture I think it's good to start at two One is to know how to eat we have to eat Another is to take a look at the local houses what environment do they live in The building complex beside me is called Weilong House There are hundreds of Weilong houses in the entire Meizhou area But this is the only one selected The book "Chinese Classical Residential Architecture" it is typically very large The structure is also relatively complete why complete In front of it is a semicircle pond Go to the back is the enclosure also a semicircle The front is a semicircle, the back is a semicircle The house in the middle is a bit square It's a round place Although an oval But pay attention to the Chinese classical heaven is round and the earth is square This Weilong house is called Renhou Wengong Temple The person surnamed Wen lives here There are dozens of generations How many rooms are there? More than 400 rooms It was full at the time Just think about how big this family is This house is over 500 years old It is divided into the main room, the horizontal room and the surrounding room Huatai and ponds these five parts This is a typical building of a Weilong house Here in Meizhou, there are large and small dragon houses no matter how big or small There is a pond in front It's all semi-circular What's the point of this? Wealth is water in Chinese Feng Shui To gather water is to gather wealth And it's also fireproof In case it catches fire water directly And the water running down the eaves this canal that aqueduct all gathered here It's absolutely comfortable to live in this building This door is from here there are people cooking here I thought it became an attraction Someone still lives Once you come in a small courtyard This building has a sense of age blue tile It says Ren Hou Wengong Temple There are a lot of people eating here It's supposed to be a family event This should be a family member they back again What do these Hakka people call this history of their migration? called Yiguan Nandu This is printed once, twice, three times five times in total This is the largest From the Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Until the end of the Qing Dynasty Why are there more than 400 rooms here? come in and see No. 88, Qunfeng Village This village is called Qunfeng Village Walking in here is a crosswalk how many rooms are there behind No one lives there now It's so cool inside warm winter and cool summer The design of this Weilong house is also very scientific Every room gets sunlight from the aisle because it follows the trajectory of the sunset And after it's surrounded Resist the cold in winter Truly warm in winter and cool in summer Here you can see the historical changes from the water There's a big well over there Wells may have been used in ancient times This groundwater was later used press out There's a plumbing now It's easy to get lost walking in this Weilong house Complicated There's a trail here I feel in here and out The temperature varies by 5 to 10 degrees It's so cool here There's also a wind Above is the beam that shades the sky But walking in here is kind of claustrophobic I can think of the kids Chasing around here It's definitely interesting Exciting to see Blocked in front and back Weilong house how is it surrounded Except for the square This is Weilong curved like a dragon This should be the third floor it goes round and round This is the third floor one room, two room, three room It's more than 400 rooms let me live in a room for a day Can live for a year Someone else lives here also have chickens raised 3 chickens This room is not big by itself smaller But the number of rooms so many There's an open Let's go in and see how big it is very small put this bed Put this on a computer desk internet cable no internet cable in ancient times But all the rooms are full it's hard to imagine These more than 400 people are all from the same ancestor an ancestor all family Too big for this family this perimeter the circle This is the innermost belong to the first circle several circles There is a vacant lot in the first perimeter It's called Huatai What does it means? You can't understand the name at all It is actually the classical architecture of Hakka a most mysterious place how to say This is the aura that gathers all things One place to rule everything It can be said to be a sacred place This is what we call Feng Shui treasure land what is Feng Shui treasure land this one This one is also a semicircle because it's a circle So come to this feng shui treasure very smart Come here, don't talk nonsense no swear words nonsense That can't be right, can it? useful to say I want to get rich There is a tree in this sacred place worth talking about This tree is called the iron tree also called Sutie It is said to be the largest iron tree in China I feel like standing in a circle holding hands Can stand 20 people to surround it Why is there an iron tree in this place? It's because this iron tree saved their ancestors' lives The life of the ancestors of the family In the past, his ancestor might have been farming outside met a bandit Chasing and killing all the way to see this iron tree Just slipped in just dodged Later, this iron tree was planted in the place where the Huatai After encountering a lot of bandits Hakka ancestors figured it out he understand we're going to build a house There must be defensive measures You see the Tulou of the Hakka people There are also Pai house and Wei house have defensive measures There is even a bunker on the corner of some places open a cat window shoot arrows on it fend off these pirate bandits including birds and animals This is the fight with people, the fight with the sky and the fight with the earth to fight with beasts It's because the Hakka people come here and it's not easy build this home This brings me to mind If there was an advertisement for the Weilong house before This advertiser must be like this I used to live in an ordinary house Just worried about bandits coming to rob And these birds and beasts Afraid of being carried away by wolves didn't get a good night's sleep since I saved up live in a Weilong house Such a house is clean and safe It's better to sleep in there spirit is good After you feel better Food intake increased I could never finish a bowl of rice before Now I can eat 5 bowls in one sitting still not full Mom doesn't have to worry about my sleep anymore The Weilong house is really good Eat well, sleep well Choose a beautiful room in the Weilong house Phone 888 to 888 Come and buy it See such a nice Weilong house Axing wanted to stay for one night but couldn't Don't look at more than 400 rooms without me But you can dine in the Weilong house How to say this I found a restaurant nearby is a farmhouse right here 100 years old house Weilong house Hello, welcome welcome What is the name of this farmhouse? called Yongqing Building Yongqinglou Farm This is written to be more than a celebration always be blessed come and try this dish Authentic Hakka Cuisine you haven't eaten yet if you are hungry, I'll get some It's ok get you something to eat The big brother is so enthusiastic Some ingredients are not enough Big sister went to the farmers market to buy Big brother is bringing bananas again It's tea again so enthusiastic The play I heard is also local Hakka listen to this It should be a folk song or something Hakka Opera Is this a Hakka show? This is called Hakka Five Sentence Board five sentence board right There is also a Hakka folk song Hakka folk songs are very traditional you don't understand Can't understand That you come and taste thanks, what is this Also our Hakka purple rice cake purple rice cake Look at what the purple rice cake looks like taste it Eat a little first, I'm a little hungry Eat a little Here is this mooncake It's okay to eat this here is grapefruit it is good Grapefruit is ok Eat these and can be full fine brother, I want to ask you Hakka pronounce how did it get passed down You are from the Central Plains Why is the pronounce different from the one in Henan? Actually tell you The real mandarin is this We were brought here by our ancestors Central Plains official pronunciation The Mandarin in the Central Plains has not changed for thousands of years Central Plains War After the war, various ethnic groups entered Later it became Mandarin That is, thousands of years ago we haven't changed That's what the Central Plains said before right truly The original Hakka pronunciation is the authentic We are authentic Han people Henan dialect has been improved Many people are like this Many people don't understand Why is it different from the Central Plains? Because there were many wars in China at that time foreign invaders mix up languages mess around In the end, it evolved into the present mandarin you say it makes sense Baoshu Tang is the largest Another is Dongshan Tang what else is There are three Tang surnamed Xie Xie It is these three tribes right What Tang is what surname from what Tang is what surname All of people here are named Xie All three families of us have the surname Xie Climb in through the door of this courtyard Do you see it very elegant building No matter how big or small this Weilong house is As big as the Renhou Wengong Temple its pond is big This pond is small And it's all semi-circular Raise some ducks and chickens After a while, let's order a dish that has something to do with chicken called Niangjiu chicken It is also a Hakka characteristic fresh chicken Chicken sacrificed for our food show Give a few more shots put you on the internet beautiful chicken Okay, now the dishes are ready This big brother and sister are not only enthusiastic Cooking is also very good After a while, these four dishes are be fine You can feel it when you eat here The quaintness of a hundred-year-old house This kind of ancient charm is not something we go to the mall That kind of decoration It comes out naturally How to say this look at this table It's really a hundred years old Look at this little plate Just now, the brother said that his family has this flavor dish It's really a hundred years old left at the end of the Qing Dynasty Just look at the breakage This table is no ordinary meal It's called an antique, isn't it? just don't dare to think about it People who used to eat this many are gone And this is awesome this tray what is written on it Twenty-three years of the Republic of China so amazing It's all pulped This is the taste of the Republic A total of four dishes All classic Hakka dishes This is boiled meatballs Also called open pot meatballs This is Niangjiu chicken This is pork belly with vegetables Everyone loves it This is stuffed tofu Which of these four dishes should I eat first? boiled meatballs why You have to eat it as soon as you open the pot let's try The boiled meatballs refer to this this is meatballs This is radish balls I want a double put together try this meat very sticky it has some starch in it Probably tapioca or something Meatball Hurry up and pick up this century-old dipping plate It tastes very glutinous Just like glutinous rice balls But there's a lot of meat in it There should be some shiitake mushrooms in this meatball squid and meat It tastes very delicious Big brother said they eat this meatball locally to dip in this sauce what is this sauce Asi Garlic Chili Sauce Can be seen in the streets Meizhou local specialty very garlicky Dip a radish ball Soft and glutinous feeling Dip a little more Garlic Sauce This sauce is good very rushed Sweet and spicy Mostly garlic This radish ball has little radish flavor Mainly the taste Come to Meizhou to eat Hakka food You will find a variety of balls like meatballs like fried meatballs fish balls It's all kinds can be made into balls Why do the locals love to eat this kind of balls? This has something to do with the handed down Hakka culture Because they are immigrants Come here to build their own home What is the greatest wish? It's a family reunion This ball is the meaning reunion Dip in some meat and try it This sauce is quite tasty After eating the meatballs, here comes Meicai Kourou look at this feeling Duang Duang melt-in-the-mouth Thin, Crispy, Fat, Soft Then uncover the Mei vegetables at the bottom very fragrant This dish needs no introduction many people like to eat It is a must-have dish for a banquet I feel like this dish is in Chinese cuisine Definitely the first tier like Kung Pao Chicken or Fish-flavored shredded pork And this are the first tier One piece rotted so fragrant eat this dish I tell you eat against the wall this why One piece will make people faint you sit here and turn over fell down eat against the wall too exaggerated Anyway, we are going south and north It's like I haven't eaten anything Just eating meat is not good Must have some Mei vegetables Mei vegetables absorbs the fat of the meat The meat absorbs the fragrance of the Mei vegetables This dish is absolutely amazing I don't know who did the research The perfect combination of meat and vegetarian Reminds me like leeks and pork stuffing Dumplings stuffed with leeks and pork are also a perfect combination pork belly with vegetables is famous There are two theories about its origin A saying comes from Su Dongpo Su Dongpo likes to eat pork a lot of pork From Dongpo Meat Derived from Dongpo Meat This is one There is also a saying that it comes from the Central Plains Kaifeng, Henan there is a dish called Mustard Meat Mustard Meat is very similar to this mustard greens on top and steamed also deducted Let's get a thin piece and Mei vegetables dip in this sauce I think the sauce is good It's not delicious Actually, I don't think either statement is accurate why Because it's done all over the country Like this Mustard Meat Let's say this dish is in Sichuan Sichuan cuisine is called Roasted White It's also a bit like Mei vegetables under the Roasted White not actually it is used sprouts or salted vegetables Except for Roasted White Shaoxing in Zhejiang what is this dish called It's called moldy dried vegetables and buckwheat meat This moldy mold it's not Mei vegetables either What kind of mustard greens or large leaf greens are usually can do This Mei vegetable is just a general term For example, you can make Mei vegetables For example, you can make mustard greens And Xuelihong And even large-leaf greens even cabbage or radish leaf all can do But you came to Meizhou This Mei vegetables People make it with Mei vegetables seriously What is this fresh Mei vegetables? It's a bit like mustard greens belonging to the same plant family How did Mei vegetables get its name? There are two statements One is the origin It's Huizhou and Meizhou So it's called Mei Another saying is that in ancient times A fairy descended from heaven This fairy is called Mei Xiangu She gave the seeds of Mei vegetables So it's called Mei All over the country we don't say what kind of dishes are made from But this production process is quite troublesome Many people eat this dish Never thought about how this Mei vegetables came to be I tell you At least three steaming and three drying Three plus three equals six Six processes The troublesome thing is nine steaming and nine drying Eighteen times to get this taste too complicated Make sure you wash it when you cook it why It is because it often contains a lot of sediment It's because it keeps taking it out to the sun sometimes on the road Sometimes drying on a pole There will be some dust, sand must be cleaned Otherwise, take a sip Tooth fell out Look at what I've said so much How is this dish delicious? can't stutter I really have to lean against the wall for a while Otherwise, I will turn over in no time we have to have rice Or eat it with buns coming This rice is farm rice farm brown rice more fragrant good, fragrance The white one we usually eat is polished rice Not really fragrant This is delicious Coming to Guangdong not only became a handsome boy again Gotta take the bottle cap to eat look at this meat Two pieces directly to the top cover look at this oil All this fragrant oil is poured into it Now lift the cap up eyes closed Just pull it up your throat a bit exaggerated Try this stuffed tofu When you come to Hakka, this is a must-eat Hakka dish I didn't expect this dish to be so delicious I thought it was tasteless Because when the sister did There's not much seasoning in it Just some soy sauce and chopped green onion and garlic This dish is called Niang tofu What is Niang? Just stuff the meat in it Also read Rang in some places This dish is one of the famous Hakka three Niang One is stuffed tofu Another is stuffed bitter gourd Dig a hole for the bitter gourd put the meat in And the stuffed eggplant box Hakka food has a characteristic just love casserole Both dishes are made in a casserole Boil it to make it more delicious It will not destroy the original taste and nutrition of the ingredients eat authentic tofu tastes like tofu chicken tastes like chicken Why do Hakka people like to eat stuffed vegetables? there is a saying After they migrated here family reunion At that time, the reunion of northerners must have dumplings But there is no wheat then what should they do Just take the tofu and stuff the stuffing in it Just imitate the form of making dumplings For example, all kinds of things can be plugged chili, eggplant, lotus root Hakka cuisine loves to eat stuffed vegetables love to cook with casserole What is another feature? It's heavy oil and heavy salt Just look at the oil in here so much oil And this dish is quite salty why is this It's because his ancestors came here rebuild home Home from scratch Everyday is heavy Eat something greasy and salty can be appetizing These dishes are quite salty Although people who say this can't eat spicy food There is one dish that is wonderful This dish is so bland How quiet is it? stop talking about oil no salt There's no salt in this dish It's Niangjiu chicken This dish is stewed with Niang wine and chicken Added some ginger choke this smell Chickens is also fresh The flesh is firm why not add salt? This is the dish for women who are confinement it's a supplement The chicken soup was meant to be supplemented It's even better with the addition of the Niang wine Why is Niang wine a tonic? just this thing the Nanny wine In fact, this wine is a kind of yellow wine Add a lot of dates and angelica just like a drug Why is this wine called Niang wine? There are two sayings One is that it used to be done by a woman in the family For example, a mother, such as a wife, do it Another is when a woman is confinement Nourish body and drink this wine Or make this Niangjiu chicken So it is said that Niangjiu has a relationship with women But this In fact, men can drink Ordinary gatherings, or festival drink this It's the first time that Axing drinks Niang wine we taste very choking It has a sweet taste in it sweet when it comes back Although Axing is not good at drinking But we can eat chicken, right? Lots of wine in it As soon as it evaporates, the smell is gone no more alcohol eat directly try the chicken thighs first no salt very fragrant It's just the smell of Niang wine Then there's the ginger flavor This dish is weird Although it has no salt But you still feel the smell in it It's because of the alcohol very mellow It's delicious I said for a long time, to eat quickly It's not delicious if the pork is cold for a while Okay, I'm done with this Hakka home-cooked meal It tastes like a farmhouse All four dishes are delicious In the hall after eating Chatting with big brother over tea Brother told me a story I was so moved when I heard it There were two elderly people a few years ago Both brothers are in their 80s come to eat here Where did these two old men come from? from Mauritius It is because many of people here went to Nanyang before These two old people belong to the country go back their hometown Get off the plane from the airport took a taxi All the way to the village I don't know where the old man lives After seeing their old ancestral home came to eat here Specially ordered this radish ball After the two old men finished eating They hugged their heads and cried with tears the brother describe to me that startled him He thought there was something wrong with the radish balls The old man told him The radish balls you made taste like this One bite reminds me The taste my grandma made for me when I was young How did my childhood live here Suddenly remembered vividly So I suddenly thought same food Everyone tastes different travel all over the world most attractive to you What do you think is the best taste? It's the taste of hometown Okay so
Channel: 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
Views: 1,304,614
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Keywords: 中国美食, 美食探店, 美食家, Chinese Food Tour, 街美食头, Chinese delicious food, street food, Chinese street food, 小吃, 美食纪录片, 中国美食纪录片, Chinese Food Documentary, 阿星探店
Id: mZjmogvp8Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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