Haggis How it's made. How To Make Haggis. #SRP #haggis #burnsnight

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[Music] i'm beautiful lambs pluck so we got our beautiful liver nice and healthy a pair of lungs a heart the esophagus or windpipe yeah we know where this is going haggis time not for the faint-hearted well hello there my dear friends welcome back to the scott reed project so today dealing with that lambs pluck it's haggis time so what i've got in front of me then is two lambs plucks but only one came with a liver so like i explained lambs plucked we got the lungs the heart and the liver so what i'm going to be doing for mine is i'm going to use obviously the one lamb's liver i had two hearts one set of lungs and a bit of the skirt there i think that will do me for what i've got there i mean you can put it all in by all means but i'm just going to use that bit so i've got my lambs pluck i've got half a pound of fine oatmeal now i made a haggis video quite a few years back actually and i couldn't get fine oatmeal and to me i think that's what was missing from the recipe so there you go half a pound or 250 grams i've got a pound of shredded beef beef suet to put your teeth back in about 500 grams and then two onions but there's two and a dinky one then we're just going to season it up with some salt and pepper and the stock from the cooking process and then these beautiful beef runners from the brilliant western fowler so we're not going to hang about here i want to get this rocket in the roll in and in cooking okay one receptacle there's a creature in it first thing we need to do then is cook off this offal just gonna go through the lungs really are those lungs all those bits inside the valves but i've trimmed away pretty much all the tough ones on the outside then just get your hearts cut through just like that couldn't be easier we're going to get this into a nice pan start the cooking process mmm haggisy andre okay we don't want to cook a little bit jesus out of this so get it in there um appetizing a bring it up to the simmer and we'll simmer it nice for 10 or 15 minutes like anything we make you know the bronze the it all starts with the fifth quarter you know the undesirable bits the nasty bits but what we make with it a little bit of jiggery pokery it's beautiful beautiful products right [Music] okay so my offal is cooked as you can see mmm very appetizing bits of liver lungs hearts i'm going to send that through the mincer first thing i need to do though this liquor we cooked it in while it was water what's left of it turns into this nice stock so i'm going to add some to my fine oats i want quite a thick paste mmm oaty goodness lovely right time to mince all my awful okay then so i've minced the lung liver and the heart those onions i've also minced on top so i'm just going to give that a preliminary mix just to get it nice and incorporated to help it on its way okay so next in with the suet the fat content so get that meshed up and then with the oats [Music] give it another mix a little bit of that liquor to it just to let it down a little bit smells of haggis so what i got here then is a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of white pepper just giving it a mix up there i'm just gonna get it over our mix give it a pinch of nutmeg just get our hands in right that goes in the old sausage machine and we start there's a fun part just put that on hey use it up okay now time for the fun part let me just wind that on a bit nice and gentle slowly slowly catchy monkeys that'll do right i'm using runners beef runners you can use beef buns sheep's stomach an old football whatever you fancy so you put it on i don't think i'm going to need all this obviously it'll only take so much on the spindle so i'm going to leave that much because i want to be able to tie these off so just gently going to fill it so pipe that that was a game didn't have me clamps to hold me the sausage machine so i can use a bit of brute force and ignorance so i want to tie these in two little rings like anything like this sausages black puddings white puddings you do not want to be over filling nice and simple like that and now we can just manipulate it down to the size we want these beauties so they can take quite a bit of stick these beef buns so i'm thinking let's get that out of the way so you can see i'm thinking something like that maybe so it's got a little bit of room to expand and then we just move that along and we tie that special knot yeah i'm happy with that so tie a knot round twice that holds it there like that just tie it off and then again move this down here get that one tied off there around twice then cut and fold that bit of skin over you can see there so this is like a double whammy guaranteed hopefully to stay in he says so just fold that back over the original knot bit fiddly once you get it started you're in okay haggai number one right let's tie these off let's have a look these little beauties there's a big one there for my mate sounds a bit dodgy i'm gonna get them on my rack and gently lower them into the sous-vide machine nice and gentle come on in the water it's beautiful so it's set at 85 degrees just lower them in gently and i'm going to let them do their thing for 50 minutes just check the progress they've been in 40 minutes smelling absolutely amazing i'm not looking too bad at all beautiful it's a thing of beauty man i can see clearly now the steam has gone look at these right i'm gonna get those into a bowl of ice cold water so this water then it's just been sat in the fridge in the chiller nice and cool get these in just let them drop in temperature oh they're looking good aren't they day is looking tip top so i got my lovely cooked finished haggis have a look at it a widow's memory so what we need to do is cook this really simple you can do it in the microwave a few minutes all the classic way just wrap it in some foil put it in a baking dish with a little bit of water in the bottom cover it with some foil and then get it into the oven preheated glass mark 6 180 degrees for about 45 minutes an hour we'll check it after 45 minutes but yeah just gotta let it do its thang okay my friends the moment of truth now granted this is not the most sexiest looking food this is just the way it is you split it open but just have a look at that now the crazy thing about this is it doesn't taste awfully [Music] it's so so good so bearing in mind then that this one was made with fine oats you can make it with panetto meal or if you can't get peanut oatmeal or fine oats as a last resort just normal flaked oats so this beautiful dish is normally served with neeps and tatters neeps being the turnips meaning sweet get your head around that and the tatters is just mashed potato so basically you'd have they'd bring this out open it up like that get a portion on a plate with some neeps and some tatters and then a whiskey sauce over the top here's a little clip of one of my dishes which was absolutely gorgeous made with haggis all i've done is put it into a square form and then just laid it up it looks absolutely superb [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bye [Music] how good did that look anyway my friends that's the humble haggis turning sheep's intestines i suppose for want of a better word into something that believe me tastes far better than it looks so if you like what you're seeing today on the srp please click subscribe when my face comes up down here somewhere also check me out on my social media facebook instagram and twitter at the scott reed project and if you'd like to help the channel along quite a few of you beautiful people are check out my patreon page so until next time my friends if you can get a hold of a sheep's pluck with the lungs give it a go trust me you are making a traditional scottish meal that is absolutely delicious take care
Channel: Scott Rea
Views: 50,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haggis, making haggis, how to make haggis, burns night, making traditional haggis, haggis scott rea, haggis recipoe, haggis neeps and tatties, haggis song, haggis maker, haggis poem, scott rea, #srp, #SRP, burns night address to the haggis, scott rea butcher, robbie burns haggis, scottish recipes, scottish haggis recipe, The Scott Rea Project, lambs liver recipe, lambs liver, lambs heart, lambs heart recipe, how to make haggis from scratch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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