Hadith #20: The Callers Beginning - Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

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is the hadith of that tremendous companion abdullah ibn may allah be pleased with him and again the book that we're dealing with is the dawah and the duat the daai and the da'wah i s from the quran a hadith from the authentic sunnah of the prophet salallahu the one who's giving darwin the one who's teaching not just me all of you he's married he's practicing has without relatives not practicing he's in the school he's on social media the dawah and the da so we come to this hadith may allah be pleased with both of them tremendous hadith the prophet salallahu he said every action that you do in life every action for the rest of your life it has a time of being excited and enthusiastic about that action every single action that you do when you engage in it at the beginning you're pumped up and you're excited about it and that excitement is going to be followed by fetora fetra is the feeling of being lazy commune lethargic tired you can't maintain that excitement throughout that action that has presented itself so every single action that you do you're going to be pumped up and excited when it first started when you first start that action but then after some time you're going to become used to it and then you're going to become lazy you're going to become lethargic and you're not going to be so excited and so active the prophet says sallallahu allah what you said so therefore anyone who when he becomes tired and lazy and lethargic and inactive he's not as excited as long as that is according to my sunnah you'll be rightly guided but when you become inactive and tired and lethargic and lazy if you're like that and you're not practicing my sunnah you're going to be destroyed this hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a tremendous hadith and it's one of those hadith that clearly showed the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was a person who taught the people good he was a you have to ask yourself are you teaching people good are you teaching people good you you you as you sit there you have a lot of people to teach you're married you have children are you teaching good absolutely somebody was selling them said and he was when he heard people mentioning two of the muslims from the community one was and i bid he worshipped a lot fasting he was doing all kinds of things and the other one was a scholar the people were talking about this one and that one prophet muhammed interjected and he told the people allah the virtues of the one who knows the religion the teacher who knows what he's doing the virtues of him over the one who's worshipping a lot is like the virtues of me rasulullah over the least one amongst you the hadith goes to show that knowledge is premier but knowledge you work by not just having knowledge you having books on your shoulder but knowledge you're giving dhawa to you yourself are practicing it and then he went on to mention in this same incident a tremendous hadith in allah that allah and all of the angels in the heavens even the ants that are in the earth that are walking around in many many and even all of the fish in the ocean they make dua for the one who's teaching people good so as a dad you're teaching your people your kids eat with your right hand that's teaching people good so don't be healed on yourself everybody had hair has something to give something to say don't think it's just a hati don't think it's just a person no you have to give dawah to your relatives who don't know you just come to the message you sitting there holding on to the wall and you said it not that's not enough enough allah is enough but allah all of them and all of the people in the earth the two earths the hadith said and all of the ants on the earth that are in the ant hole as well as all of the fish in the ocean they make dua to lies we're jealous for the one who's teaching people good if you have a wife that's teaching your kids adep then stop being rough and tough and appreciate that situation the prophet was like that sallallahu alaihi wasallam he taught the people and in this hadith today he's teaching us a hadith that is actually i won't say a weapon but he equips you for life there's certain hadith they serve as lessons that we have to remember for the life like this hadith right here every action that you do in your life you abdullah when you first get involved in it you're pumped up you're excited about it everyone is like that and then the time is going to come where you get used to it and then you become lethargic you become lazy you're not so excited about it he says sallallahu salaam that time when you become lethargic and lazy if you are lethargic and lazy but it's according to my sunnah you'll be guided or right you'll be successful but when you become lethargic and lazy and you just throw in the towel and it's not according to my sunnah as you'll see inshallah you're going to be destroyed there are a number of hadith that teach us lessons in life meaning now is not the time for those a hadith we took one previously he said that the people were like 100 camels you can barely find a camel suitable to ride so you should know in your life the people that you're dealing with the vast majority of them are not competent they're not qualified don't lend them your money don't marry him to your sister don't marry her don't marry him don't hire him because of a majority of people they don't know what they're doing they're like 100 camels you could barely find one suitable to ride that hadith equips you for life and when you go into something you got to realize okay the people and whatever i'm about to do rasulullah gave me this information something about the reality of the people that doesn't mean that you exist being negative and you exist being pessimistic no you exist with your keen knowing i'm going to give everybody an equal opportunity but i know what to expect i'm not going to be shocked when people let me down and he gave us a lot of hadith come on to dean to dan he taught us as you do is going to be done unto you that's a lesson of life you do good by people you do good in the dunya that good is coming back to you you do wrong by people you do this is a life lesson as you do is coming back to you so we have all of those ayat of the quran if you help allah allah will help you as you do is going to come back to you and he'll establish your feet firmly he told sallallahu she was riding behind him on his riding beasts hey young man remember allah and allah remember you remember allah and you'll find allah in front of you remember a lot in the good times when you're young and you have health and you have time and you have money remember allah during those times and allah will remember you when you don't have money we don't have good health those are from the teachings of life he was a mual m and he taught us so many things like that so many so many this hadith is one of them one of the lessons of life for the one who has ocd and with swats he said if one of you is sitting in the masjid and you think you passed when you think you're not sure he said don't get up until you smell the odor or until you hear the sound so i may we'll do fajr time today i want to make salatul maghreb inshallah and then if i don't and i can't remember when i broke my wudu i don't remember when i broke my wudu i don't remember then i have ullu i have because this hadith presents a principle and that principle is aliyakin when you were sure about something that you're clean about something is not taken away as a result of doubt so the one who has with swats he wants to know did i divorce my wife did i not divorce brother you are married to your wife you are married to your wife you have uldu that is your wife that is your property that is your card because a person has with was shaytan comes to him have him thinking am i really a muslim am i really this hey you have your queen that's your wife so if someone came and got involved and she went to someone to get a hola and they're telling you you're divorced from her and they didn't divorce you from her with your kin with your participation with your knowledge you're married to that girl so anything you know with your kin is not lifted off except that you have to have deleo it goes away with your keen not with doubt so the prophet taught us those kinds of hadith they are many this is one of them remember this every action has its time of being excited and being pumped up and then after that it's going to be followed by being tired and inactive and not engaged lazy lethargic he said when that time comes if you're lazy and tired and lethargic but you're doing my sunnah you'll be guided or right but when that lazy time comes and you are not on my sunnah you're going to be destroyed that's the hadith of the nibiru sallallahu before explaining has a background in the hadith the background why did he say it he said it salallahu because of one of his companions who was known for azor and it was none other than abdullah even he was one of those companions his name was abdullah and they narrated the majority of the hadith abdullah even and he had more hadith than any other companion he used to write the hadith even more than abu hurairah also ibn norman also eben zuber abdullah zubair he was a scholar from the companions but he's not from the four a bad allah so this man abdullah ibn ahmed had more hadith even than abu hurairah because he used to write down and he used to write down so he's the narrator of the he the hadith is because of him his father amir even was a tremendous man in jail i don't know any personality today who is comparable and similar to this man in jahiliyyah and in islam his father was the man and he had that boy this son may allah be pleased with both of them his father married the son off and when he married his son off his son was a zahid a shab zahid not just i'm sad if he i'm on the tsunami practicing but you have no nawafin you have no song you have none of that this man was a zahid like some other companions like abu dharr da was a zahid on another level not like the people we see today so this man abdullah bin ahmed he used to leave his wife alone he wouldn't pay attention to her he wouldn't mix with her he wouldn't give her her rights so the news came to the prophet salallahu and he approached the issue and he said what's going on the man said i'm ready to do it i'm strong i can handle it he said i want to fast tell me what i have to do he told him that what you should do is you should fast three days and every month because if you fast three days 10 20 30 it's like you fasted the whole month he said i could do more than that he said to him make more make more rasula raise it raise it raise it into finally he said the best fast is the fastest than the bee of islam the father of suleimans so this companion fasted one day and broke his fast the next day one day broke his fast the next day one day and he spent the entirety of his youth doing that he said ya rasulullah i want to read the quran how can i read the quran the prophet says salallahu and complete it once every month a juice every day he said i can do more i can do more i'm young i'm ready he told him then read it in 15 days half of the time 15 i can do more read it in seven days i can do more read it in five days and there's a narration he let him read it in three days can you imagine how much it takes to read the quran in three days anybody here ever read the quran in 15 days anybody half of the month this man said i want to complete it in three days and he would stay up in kyamalay so the prophet says for every action there is a time when you are active and then that activity is going to be met with a time when you get tired and you're lethargic and you're lazy and you're less engaged abdullah i've been ahmed lost and narrated this hadith he spent his life doing that when he got older he was weak and he was infirm his eyes went his eyesight he didn't have the strength he told his students i wish i would have listened to the prophet salallahu when he was trying to make tahfif on me he was trying to make it easy but i did it and this is my situation we say and we don't criticize him we get benefit from his story be a zahid but be moderate according to your situation this hadith of the prophet is as you can see a tremendous hadith when you get a job for the first time especially after being unemployed you get a job we talked about our shabbat you get a job corona has been locked down you unemployed you've been using your money and your savings and now you finally get a job when you first get that job you could be a conductor on the train you could be accepting the tickets at the train station opening up the the barrier you could be a teacher you could work in a school in the lunchroom you could be an uber driver when you first get that job you're pumped up yes i got a job but after some time you're going to say man i hate this job i don't like this job because you get used to it unless allah blessed you with one of them real jobs that you wake up in the morning be like yes and even in the job that i have sometimes is very taxing dealing with some of the community members the pope come to the message and say where's abu usami say he's not here but here's his number here's his telephone number that makes this job very young man why are you giving the pope on my telephone number don't give anybody my number so you get a job and you're pumped up it happens everybody another example of that and there are many is the month of ramadan when ramadan comes we're pumped up today we saw the moon everybody comes to the masjid taught our way we doing it and then tomorrow we're getting in it and getting at it and then the next day but by the time that 10th 11th 12th day comes people say uh you know islam is easy to make things difficult for people let me just take a break for three or four days what happened to all that enthusiasm at the beginning of ramadan when you were avoiding people i'm not trying to talk i don't want to curse i don't want to waste time because you pumped up every action is like that another example of that is your marriage at the beginning of the marriage the brother for mere poor pakistani people as an example they put on that nice thing he really don't work he doesn't dress like that but he put that nice thing on has those shoes that come up like that he's pumped up he's marry his girl he's like man this is my queen i'm in it [Music] and she's the greatest thing since sliced bread sharif happy but then after three four five years in the marriage he's looking at his wife oh boy what happened to all of that excitement rasulullah is teaching you something sallallahu alaihi sign up put your hand up if you didn't experience this he gets married masha'allah he travels all the way over to the maldives the maldives they have over a hundred islands there you're in the plane you know that propeller plane in the plane he's saying wow look at all these islands i'm gonna get married take his wife to a bungalow this is exotic it's beautiful come back to the uk with his wife after three or four or five years it's a problem she's the same girl you marry and you took her to the bungalow but you get used to it so i want to say to all of you married brothers and i say this to myself i was hock to everybody here when you start getting drama and you start saying man i made a mistake and it's not working you have to ask yourself what happened to those days of halawa those sweet days it's not just her it's you too so stick in here stick in here so there's many examples of that but today we're talking about the dawah and the duat people giving dollar so i'm giving darwin you're giving dawah so when it comes to dawah you have to understand i have to understand when you first start giving down the community the masjid is packed like sardines in a tent no room to get in no room all the way to the back of the door you don't have to bring any food because people were there the sheikh just came doing 40 hadith already know we everybody's pumped up beluga murang everybody is in the spot even with the sisters first lesson third lesson four phrases after that people start falling off like flies so as the one who's teaching you have to understand that as the people responsible for the dawah you have to understand that don't blame the teacher when the people start falling off it may be because of him but it's just the nature of the people they're pumped up the sheikh has come all the way from mauritania and he memorized the kotor sitta and he knows five and he's coming to teach us and we all come out but after five six seven eight nine ten classes we'll find many reasons not to go to the class that is the nature of the tao and that's the nature of people so then to be of islam allah why do you sell them is teaching us this issue there's another narration of this hadith that i have to add on to it similar to it he mentions allah foreign you
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
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Keywords: salafi, green, lane, masjid, glm, mosque, quran, sunnah, hadeeth, hadith, arabic, abu, usamah, anti, isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, bidah, shirk, grave, death, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, jinn, possession, mishari, taha, junaid, mishary, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic, reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti, menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami, palestine, aqsa
Id: Nh1jx79bQlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 24sec (3864 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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