hades - patrochilles dialogue & story

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lad all this generosity i don't want you to get the wrong idea i'm alone yes but my heart belongs to another ever since i was alive i hope you understand i somehow knew that was the case achilles i wanted you to have this anyway just don't drown your sorrows as they seem to make you stronger thank you then and do not worry about me i'm long since past my sorrow and the rage i felt when first my heart was broken now it's but another scar they say it's of scars that give us character i was a fool you see the gods promised me eternal glory beyond death i could have stayed out of the war stayed home with patroclus i threw everything away and sent so very many to this place what's done is done sir in my mind you're the greatest warrior who ever lived so is it glory you still seek or is it patroclus it isn't glory anymore lad i'm sure of that it's rocklers however i fear he's gone to me forever although his shade might yet reside within this realm we left on terms i'd not forgive if i were him though i had better get back to my post now i think it's all forgettable with just a single drink and yet i always hesitate go on stranger plenty more shades looking to fight with you out there i'm just passing through you seem less warlike than the rest may i ask your name sir i'm zagreus names are there to be forgotten stranger you shouldn't be here may the fates favor your journey that shade that was petrocus how fair are your labors lad you have a certain look about you everything all right it's just within elysium i happened on a shade it's your patroclus he's all right but he seems like he's known better times than these is there something i should say to him if i run into him again oh well then please send him my regards and all my love i think of him always but i cannot see him any longer and you mustn't ask me why do you understand no leave me be please lad i need some time i take care then sir damned obstinate about every detail always so unyielding to your doom what is that on your wrist there stranger let me see is that a bracer of the myrmidons achilles this is his bracer yes you recognize it then are you a murmured on yourself i heard they were unstoppable well now if we were so unstoppable we'd not be here would we may that bracer protect you more than it's like protected our phalanxes hey listen a moment lad i require your discretion with regards to whom we spoke about last time the shade you met with an elite i understand what can i do about this sir it must be something but you have to let me know what's going on simply put he is the reason that i'm here petroglyphs lost his life before i did because of me i shortly followed in a rage when i arrived here i received a hero's welcome the father himself ushered me to elise him but that's not what i wanted you wanted to see patroclus but he's an elysium or you oh no i signed a pact lad felt the terms were good enough he could live there well i'd live here at least for now such steels are most uncommon and their confidentiality must be upheld but let's speak no more of this for now all right some other time why does the soul remain after the body bleeds and dies and turns to ash is this the final cruelty of the gods or evidence perhaps that we have some immortal stuff in ourselves so how's achilles doing lately stranger i figured you could tell me since you've all this access to him and i don't he's forced to do my father's bidding and sworn to secrecy apparently i don't pretend to fully understand but all in all i think he's doing well i hope you'll see him for yourself you don't fully understand but hope i see well if you do get to the bottom of this little mystery at some point you'll indulge me won't you i'll see what i can do about it sir the fallen warrior in elysium we spoke of he seems like a good man though was he always the despondent sword no lad i was that sort i think but he was not he was one of the only men i knew who did not look upon me as a threat he saw something in me i never knew was there and in turn with him i felt how to describe it calm whole i'm restless all the time i can only imagine he had this wry humor about him like he was wise beyond his years equality i trust shall see him through his struggles now although i hope to residing in elysium would mean he wouldn't have to struggle any longer he shouldn't sir and neither should you you chose to die in glory not to live in peace and all for what such a waste all for your foolish pride that you should care more to be remembered by those you shall never know than to be loved say isn't that the leafy right nearby you've been through so much don't you ever you could just drink deeply of the river of forgetfulness and be done with no it has been rather tempting yes and i have taken sips from time to time but i have some memories i'm not quite ready to give up on yet achilles would you tell me something more of patroclus you mentioned you were very close we could have been no closer the arches of our bodies yet mingled together somewhere on the surface there what can i tell you lad i loved him with all my heart and he loved me too soon but now you're both here in the underworld can't you go seek him out or alter you arrange from with my father i tried lad i have tried on both accounts what you propose is not that simple it turns out but i shall tell you what when next you see patroclus on your journeys you keep speaking to him for me won't you i'll do what i can both alive i thought you were invincible i knew of no one nothing stronger other than the love he shared was i deceived and thinking this view of us must say that's an impressive spear you've got there stranger rather like the one achilles held he gave it to you then followed him beyond the grave only to be handed off it's a bit more complicated than that sir though yes this is the very same as he once wielded i'm honored to carry it now i'll bet perhaps you'll even come to surpass the body count achilles piled up with it back in his day seeing as you seem to have limitless opportunity to use it you have to tell me more about this pact you signed achilles you and patroclus so you're doomed to never be together then you must safeguard the details of it lad although it's not as bad as you make out i insured patroclus is provided for we wouldn't have been together anyway initially he wasn't sent into elysium you see there has to be a way for me to make this right not just for him for you you've other pressing matters to attend too loud and patroclus and i have ample time to wait this out i know you mean well but do not discuss this matter with your father now i fear that it can make things worse do you understand i do i think truly must the gods despise us each in turn to have divided us like this he's never going to return to me is he he's in your father's service now he's never getting out neither are you no that's not acceptable to me none of it how bold so what do you intend to do you're leaving anyway i'll figure something out but you do something for me in the meantime don't give in to what you're feeling now alright achilles loves you still like you don't know i'm past the point of making promises but thank you for your words i love him still in turn i pray the fates help you in your endeavors there achilles now that i have access to the administrative area again i will have access to the archives and i have some authority to void those under certain circumstances so about your pact i know you mean well lad and from the bottom of my heart but once it was i thank you truly for the thought however don't exert your influence on this not now at least the fates can twist intentions i don't want to take the risk you're sure well then i'll wait but i am going to ask you again we have to find a way to fix this patroclus is waiting you're wallowing away somewhere same as i but where and why not here he's just as obstinate as ever isn't he always refused to budge he ever tell you of the war in which we fought i thought i should say he could have ended it but he refused to take up arms achilles hasn't been particularly forthcoming about his mortal days now so he wouldn't fight i've heard that mortals sometimes frown on that but why should he have fought if he didn't believe in the cause he shared our cause so what if it was not completely his if not for his stubbornness i well i would have come here just a bit later i think he blames himself for what happened to you you know i figured he failed to defend you or something not that he didn't fight at all although he said something about how once you died he shortly followed in a rage i wouldn't know a thing about that stranger for you see i was already dead getting my place here in the afterlife all sorted out took quite some time getting accustomed to all this i know that it's a painful subject sir but can you tell me what exactly happened in the war that claimed patroclus and yourself he brought it up said you refused to fight until he died i did refuse to fight until he died but at that point look lad if we're going to discuss these matters best we do so in the lounge not here the fool of a king i served i'd never take up arms for him but patroclus he always had a different way of looking at things as i refused to fight he rose to the occasion took up my armor led my brothers into battle in my guise fought nobly but then he well and after you found out you sought vengeance for him took vengeance that i did they got me finally of course but not before i broke them first the war soon ended after that it is an awful contradiction that to quickly end war one he don't extinguish many lives at once i had not realized it at the time did you allow yourself to die so that you could see patroclus again here i don't know maybe i only know that i was filled with rage rage that subsided soon after i arrived here i felt empty i never saw metropolis again but i learned my brothers honored my last request as my ashes were laid to rest with his anyway i appreciate the drink suppose i'd best be getting back to standing quietly about though that war lad don't ask me about it again all right of course where are you now i wonder and what thoughts are running through your mind a question if you don't mind stranger because i've had one nagging at me since we last discussed the subject what exactly happened to achilles can you say after i died that is i've heard the rumors but i don't trust any of this boastful lot well from what i gathered sir after you fell he was overcome with grief and anger he joined the war just like you urged and single-handedly he almost ended it so then he threw away his life soon enough after i lost mine yet despite vanquishing an army on his own he wound up in the lowest pits of tartarus instead of here among the great you should know sir you were buried together your ashes that is it was his final request as for how he came to be at my father's house that's something i think he can best explain and i will do everything i can to make sure that he has the opportunity our ashes you say together the fool we could have lived not been reduced to meal for the worms but i appreciate the information stranger now please go how is he anyway if you've encountered him of late during your journeys lad the fallen warrior you've run into an elysium that is he's doing relatively well i think there's a lot you've told me that he didn't know about what led up to his present circumstances and your own you told him then without requesting my consent to tell him first what exactly did you say to him achilles i i'm sorry i just told him about your ashes being intermingled that whole thing and about the pact you told me once to send him your love and regards this brought him no joy only questions you told me not to speak to father not to him you're right i should have specified or shouldn't have because what you said probably is for the best i didn't mean to lose my temper with you lad it's just look thank you for looking out for him for both of us just please be careful i swear i will what more could i have even done could i have swayed you any other way i tried with all my might with all my heart you must know that and still it was never enough i've meant to ask you something stranger would you mind doing me a favor please if it happens to come up along your path suppose i ought to tell it to you first prior to asking a response no of course sir what is it what's on your mind if i know my achilles then he's being rather guarded when it comes to this predicament we're in how can somebody be so brash yet hate to take unnecessary risks just let him know i said to risk it all risk it all risk what all he wants what's best for you he wouldn't want anything to happen it's already long since happened i dare say that right now provided what you said is true then it appears we've more to gain than lose isn't fear for the weak i have a message for you from the fallen warrior over in elysium achilles he says he simply said to let you know to risk it all to risk it all he said to risk it all yes is there something significant about that phrase when last he said to risk it all to me i didn't listen to him then but should have i should have he's asking you to take another chance no he's giving me another chance i think hi leave me loud for now thank you for telling me i need your help with something loud as i'm about to risk it all i think will you hear me out of course sir what is it i'm listening the pact i signed with your father it must be buried somewhere down in the administrative chamber there i dared not ask that you located had a fear that tampering with it would only make things worse except except that fear is for the weak achilles sir indeed besides your father has been more abiding than i expected with how you were able to nullify the terms for orpheus and sisters alike so perhaps my case isn't a lost cause yet i'll speak with nyx about it the next chance i get and i'll be careful sir i promise you you have my thanks it's the revised achilles pact in the name of hades the shade of achilles is hereby no longer barred from visiting elysium achilles your packed with father is officially amended sir specifically it no longer has any stipulation barring you from entering elysium during the indefinite term of your employment on my authority in the name of hades thank you for your service what are you you're serious i'm able to go you're right i feel it i'm unbound so i can simply leave right now you can simply leave right now and might i add it's about damn time i should get going then although i'm unprepared i didn't think it would come to this note that i had no faith in you it's just incidentally there's this one glade out in elysium i highly recommend go to him sir you've waited long enough fear is for the weak fear is for the weak farewell for now lad i can't thank you enough farewell for now sir and then when that hey that's achilles isn't it i swear but not for you pat i don't even like to think about what i'd have done the war would have gone differently than i suppose i thought we might run into you but how strange to see you face to face out here lad to see this place myself i still can't quite believe any of this he really can't though i keep telling him it's true nothing's accomplished without risk isn't that so but we of course have you to thank stranger our troubles needn't have been your concern nonsense sir you're my friend and achilles i don't know where i would even be if not for you well no need to get emotional is there we mermaids were not the sentimental type achilles is simply on break is all from a demanding job you have a demanding job as well so here my customary gift sir you're back how was it in elysium was everything all right it went well lad as well as i could have hoped better than i might have feared hey don't take petrocus calling you stranger personally all right he has less charitable terms for those he doesn't care for come on achilles i want details here what happened with you too if you don't mind well thankfully your efforts meant that no words really needed to be said when i arrived he simply said my name then we just were two souls together in one spot the way shades linger it looks mournful right but it isn't always that's wonderful to hear he seemed uplifted in your presence you must have lots of catching up to do lots of making up for lost time and finally we have some time to spare it's odd because so many of my memories of him are from a time of war now we can make new memories in peace anyway see you out there again sometime i hope count on it sir i thought that i was lost just wandering but not even moving just being here achilles has returned to work for now but waiting for him knowing he'll return rather than waiting for the sake of it for nothing such a different feeling stranger i'd forgotten it entirely i think i'm happy for the both of you so is everything all right then the circumstances under which you were separated in life it's unimaginable really how does one move on from a thing like that anger fades i guess stranger even the famous anger of achilles anger burns hot then burns out what's left is a dull ache but underneath it there was something else it felt as though well i was still alive that feeling it's worth holding on to i don't see that last bottle of ambrosia anywhere which i can only take to mean you need another here sir thanks for seeing me through all of this time after time you're thanking me stranger i've been here for some time i think and yet some of your customs i'll admit remain quite strange to me you've done more for me than i've any right to expect from anyone it's just a bottle of ambrosia sir it's really no big deal okay fine it's rather difficult to come by but still you jest but i do not i'd offer you my lifelong gratitude but well you know you've got the rest of your life ahead of you as far as i'm concerned is starting a new right you can call me zagreus or stranger whatever suits you and i'm patroclus by the way i'm realizing now we've not officially met it's good to know you zagrius stranger [Music] here sir to you and to patroclus may the remainder of eternity more than make up for everything it took for you to come this far oh thank you lad prince zagreus you really oughtn't have in fact i shall accept this from you once again but not a baltimore really i mean i meant no offense of course it's just i thought you enjoyed this stuff now we do enjoy it quite a bit in fact but in elysium it's something to be earned more than accepted and well perhaps being there a bit of a whole pride is coming back all good you have much to be proud of achilles you're a great warrior a great instructor a great friend if indeed i have something to be proud of lad is that someone such as you can say a thing like that to me and mean it i mean it
Channel: Arlen Gradovsky
Views: 424,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, patroclus, achilles
Id: Qt7FWky4jh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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