GYM SHARK - 3 HOUR Motivational Speech Video | Gym Workout Motivation

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in order to craft a life that you love more than the life you have today you have to stop being a little irrational George Bernard Shaw said reasonable people adapt themselves to the world unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves all progress therefore depends on unreasonable people most people are just sheep they just follow what everyone else does it happens everywhere in life and my philosophy has always been this you can follow the Sheep but it's always going to take you down the most crowded Road in life instead go the opposite direction your chances are always going to be better and quicker and more efficient than following what every other person is doing because they're only doing it because they see everyone else doing it in the first place it's this weird psychotic Loop that we all get into that drives me nuts making the right decisions it's a one-on-one battle whatever majority of the crowd's doing Find Your Way doing the opposite and see nine times out of tenants be all great productive people have this in common they divorce themselves from society on a daily basis and if you do these kinds of things the world will call you eccentric this develop the interior core where it doesn't matter if people call you crazy so you have two options right now you can either be one of life's reasonable people or you can be someone who's slightly unreasonable somebody who demands more from life you can be world class you can fit in with the world you don't get to do both this is where you got to develop the interior core where it doesn't matter if people call you crazy one of the things limiting you from your income your impact a world-class life you care too much about what people think about you it served us thousands of years ago we wanted to fit into the crowd because if we left the crowd we would die of starvation or we would be eaten by saber-toothed tigers now we're in the Modern Age and we are frightened we are terrified if we leave the crowd but you can be a Titan or you can be average you can't do both and part of being at World Class you've got really do the prayer meditation journaling affirmation declarations and be around people who read don't care that much about what people think of them one thing I've learned is everyone has an opinion why let people other people deny you from a life that will make history some of y'all you lying to yourself you say you want to be great you say you want to get to the next level you say you want to be dominant on that field you say you want a promotion you say you want to start your own business but listen to me very close when you talk too much shut up go to work and show me show me what you got show me wash the dishes and wash the dishes 100 mop the floor am I put 100 go to work and do your work don't just go to work when you feel like it go to work even when you down and out even when you're not feeling it still do it every single day work on it every day is it that you're not where you're supposed to be because you don't have what it takes are you not where you're supposed to be because you don't have the ability or you not where you're supposed to be because you know how to tell it are you not where you're supposed to be because you don't have the opportunity no no no no what it boil down to is you not where you supposed to be cause you average every single thing you do is average and yet you want to be great and you want to be phenomenal forget about it I'm suggesting to you that if you want to be great since you're the person in the class and you last one to leave please small I suggest that you study every single babe you take every single note beast mode you go to the training and you're listening and you're writing and your beast mode when you want to become a diamond your whole attitude change your whole mindset your thinking your relationship shift the decisions that you make your energy all of it changes see this is something that you can't be in this business this business has to be in you continue to work continue that course believing in the worldly calls the end state of it all knowing that the pressures and the problems coming and welcoming those are the situations that are going to formulate and more towards the person you want to be except this as a reality sacrifice this stay for the investment in the future of greatness so I'm telling you in life you start running from a class you start running from a subject that you don't like it will haunt you for the rest of your natural life it ain't going nowhere you gotta take that thing out like you got to take the breath out so some of y'all are afraid of math go after it go get it don't run from it no more go get it you go in there and go get that grade you go in there and get that information so you can pass that class you gotta go get it I want you to go in confidence that you've never had before and every journey in your life slam you go back and slay them don't kill them slay them when you want to do something great with your life something that is beyond those Visions other people around you see for themselves they're going to try to tear you down they'll tell you you can't do it you don't have what it takes you're just a dreamer people that don't have any dreams for themselves they tend to be dream Killers they're family and friends and loved ones in most cases they will be the first to try and talk you out of your dreams your visions and ideas they will say who wants you when you put on all that weight who wants you when you're looking like this and been through this and been through that nobody's interested in you nobody's checking for you they'll laugh at you they'll call you names because they have no dreams they have no hunger for Success they don't have an appetite they don't want it but I want to remind you to continue to dream and dream big when they fight against you in your dreams of the future that hurts they won't see it like you do but they don't have to only you do you're the only one who has to see it for yourself I want to win so bad my hunger and app success is intimidating it scares the [ __ ] out of people and people around me say slow down stop you're doing too much your appetite is too big I can't help myself I want to win don't let these opinions of other people pull you off course how do you do that you ignore and out work each each and every one of them you see while they watch you and talk [ __ ] about you you put in more effort you work diligently you focus on taking things to the next level they'll keep spreading rumors and you will keep working they'll keep talking negatively and you will keep working they'll keep focusing on everything and everyone else and you'll keep working and when they finally take a look around at their lives and compare it to yours they'll come to the realization that they have absolutely no valid reasons to criticize anymore and they will be the ones to lose while you will be the one to succeed I will not be outworked you may be smarter you may be faster you may be better than me in nine different categories but you will never work harder than me I will make my dreams come true I don't care what it takes I'll pay whatever price is required only those that can see the invisible can do what seems to be impossible you have to be relentless you have to never let off the gas never stop never quit never allow anyone to talk you out of the dream Division and ideas that God has sent you you gotta grind and hustle you're gonna even have the doubt the spirit of Doubt is going to kick in and you're gonna say why did I move out here everybody laughed at me everybody was looking at me like man you crazy as a mother you just gonna leave your city the comfortability of your house your family your environment all your friends your loved one to go seek a dream and seek something that you're passionate about absolutely don't expect people to understand you don't expect it to make sense to anybody why you've got to do this why you have got to go why you leave this is a good job I'm going they pay you well I'm going why I don't understand you don't have to I'm going for me because I've made a different kind of commitment with my life this is something I have got to do because it's very easy to become your environment it's very easy to become duplicates of the mediocre and average people surrounding you so wake up every day and decide that you love yourself enough to commit yourself to you if you concern yourself with what everyone else is doing and how everyone else feels about the things you're pursuing you'll never get anything done so you got to focus on yourself you've got to focus on your dream on your vision on what it is you want in your life supposed to live your life focus on your intentions and do your thing all the people that are living on the top have all decided that I'm going to commit myself to this career this Vision this goal training education no parties they're gonna call you names they're gonna say you're corny they're gonna call you a square they're gonna say that you're a weirdo because you don't [ __ ] with nobody those are the characteristics of a champion those are the characteristics of someone that have said that I've decided that I'm going to create a shift in Universe if you look at documentaries on Steve Jobs and Oprah and all of the above they are weird because they've seen things that no one else seen for their career path they're living beyond what is expected because they were obedient when you get to the point where you do the work consistently you invest in yourself consistently you make sacrifices consistently when everybody else is slacking off when everybody's partying when everybody's making excuses you will dominate every single person you're up against and your limits become non-existent if we looked at your background you should have been a basket case you should have had a nervous breakdown and lost your mind but there's something in your gut in your heart in your spirit in your innermost being that said hold on that instinct that's still small voice is about to turn your life around and it doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life because that's going to happen all that matters is that you got to get up again down get back up again fall down get back up again they ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how when it is done the hardships that we've had are actually the things that teach us the skills and the perspective we need to actually become what we want to be and if you quit it's your falter if you stop all the pain will be for nothing if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth but you got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody cowards do that and that ain't you you're better than that get control of yourself get control of your emotions don't angry don't get frustrated instead stay calm and figure out how to move forward don't you stop until you turn that house into a hole that mess into a message that passed into a testimony don't you stop until you see increase whatever it is I want this price is going to get a much higher than this it's going to get harder than this and I've decided in advance it's going to be difficult and I've decided in advance to stay in I'm going to stay in the heart I'm going to stay fighting I'm going to stay busting it I'm going to pay the price until I get what it is that I deserve the people in life that win play offense not defense stop backing into everything stand up bow your back a little bit start to walk a little different start to be that best version of you you need to look yourself in the mirror and encourage yourself and say I'm still gifted I've been through some pain but I'm still gifted I buried some loved ones but I'm still gifted I've had some setbacks but I'm still you have to resolve yourselves today that you're going to win that you're going to dominate that you're not average and ordinary it has to become a point where you make a decision we're going to dominate we're here to win we are not here to play and that takes some intestinal fortitude it takes a decision I'm where I'm at because I just flat beside it at some point I get to just choose who I am the world doesn't tell me who I am and in Every Family there's a the one that eventually shows up in a family they rise up it changes the whole family forever I'm the damn one and in your family you could be the one it's you you've got to make it your personal business to make it happen and you've got to resolve within yourself that I'm the one I'm the one to make this happen I'm the one to become successful in this business but you know it's going to be hard but find out what will make it worth it for you when life drops you to your knees your reasons will help you get back up why are you here less because I want to make Mama proud of me while you're here Les I promise my kids I'm gonna do for them I'm gonna give them a better life I want to leave him a legacy I'm not going to get my phone back go back fool go back no no the people that are running after that dream know they're gonna have hard times they keep on running because they're saying within themselves I'm the one I'm the one no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets I'm going to make it we're gonna all experience some hard knocks in life you're gonna make some mistakes you're gonna fall flat on your face you're going to be criticized when you come out into the arena called life you're going to feel awkward and stupid and dumb sometimes life will test you like that how bad do you really want it I bet you one I'm gonna take your car you will have creditors calling you every day how focused can you be you're going to lose all of the materialistic things you have how positive can you be now you're gonna lose your job and people who you thought will help you won't be there for you where is your feeling of being empowered having the capacity to create now what's going to happen to you I say that what's necessary is that you stand courageously daring that you become bold in spite of this I'm not giving up on my tree I want a guy who struggled I want the guy that failed and could still get back up again your problem is your pain has identified you your pain has reached and some of you as long as it's a perfect day you operate in excellence the sooner the circumstances change you quit you give up it's what makes E.T different than everybody else I just kept going not going and I kept going and I kept saying one day but you know what I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna quit in the process I'm not gonna give up I'm not gonna give in my life change your name don't let it change your name don't you be nasty just cause they're nasty don't you be hateful just cause you're hateful don't you be binge focused because they're Victor don't lose yourselves in your situation don't let your situation eat up yourself learn to be your own booster when I started trying to convince myself I can be a businessman after flopping and failing and losing thousands of dollars and feeling stupid and dumb and having people take advantage of me because of what I didn't know I had to talk to myself because people were saying to me that I was Dumb and somewhere in the back of my mind I was saying you're right look at what I've done I had to say no no no no no no no no no no less hey hey come on man get yourself together you can handle this you just haven't figured it out yet it's all right this is your training period this is the tuition you have to pay for what you don't know you can do this other people have done it doesn't take an Einstein get you some people that can teach you some stuff that you don't know get you some people that have done it successfully and learn from them take some seminars Workshop read some books on how to manage your business change the way you see yourself and begin to attend to the personal details understand that nobody's going to take care of your business better than you see this is something that you can't be in this business this business has to be in you if you trust yourself if you believe and don't doubt if everything in you you can do it you can do it when you say a situation a person is hopeless you're smelling the door in the face of God there's no guarantee that because somebody is now down on their luck they can never come back who can guarantee that you can't make that you can't have your dream all we need to do is we look at our grief as we get ready hit the floor I'm destined I'll leave favor don't let circumstances turn you around don't let Hard Times turn you around whatever you're experiencing you know that this too shall pass that you have the ability to make it happen why you got a sense of entitlement I deserve this and whatever I have to do I'm willing to step up into face life and grab it in the car and say give it up because it's mine oh how much longer are you gonna wait how much longer you're gonna wait another 30 seconds gonna Wait Another Minute gonna wait another hour maybe we'll start a couple hours you know what how about I just wait till tomorrow you're gonna wait till tomorrow you're gonna wait another week you're gonna wait another month how much are you gonna wait all great people start they start anywhere at any place and at any time they start whether they're hurting they start whether they're excited it does not matter where they are they just start just start just do the work you just go and procrastination dies you can't control your own brain and your brain controls you your foot you have control over your mind you just have to assert it weakness doesn't get a vote laziness doesn't get a vote sadness doesn't get a vote frustration doesn't get a vote negativity doesn't get a vote your temper doesn't get a vote so next time you are feeling weak or lazy or soft tell those feelings they don't get a vote when that alarm clock goes off at four or five in the morning your mind says no you just say this is what we do it's what we do now you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there you don't get better on a daggone couch you get better by coming out here and getting the [ __ ] after every daggone day and then once you do this over and over and over again it becomes like breathing I don't want to live this lifestyle but to get to the other side of this I have to you have to suffer you have to make that a tattoo on your [ __ ] brain so when that hard time comes again in you don't forget it you have to struggle the bigger the struggle the bigger the peace expand yourself take yourself out your comfort zone if you stay in your comfort zone that's where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt so you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you ever want to be successful you have to attack you have to keep attacking the enemy has to know he is not going to give up you must break the soil whatever the [ __ ] is in front of you if you keep on attacking something nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is Relentless but you have to have the will the heart the courage to go that distance when you're exactly jacked up you have nothing left to give and give more it starts with you it's about a commitment to you that's what's wrong with a lot of you because you want somebody else to be more committed to you than you want to be to yourself and you got to get to the point where no other human wants it for you more do you want you right now make the decision that any price is worth it for you to make your family proud of you for you to make your dream happen stop negotiating the Priceless negotiation to keep doing in your mind is this really where I'm supposed to be this is what I'm supposed to be doing steals all your energy it steals your focus but those are going to get laser focused become totally immersed in your dream that know those babies of yours your parents they're worth the sacrifice your hardships your challenges your situation will either be the reason you don't make it or it will be the story you tell when you do make and you get to make that choice I don't want to talk to somebody who ain't so happy but you still believe I want to talk to somebody who's wrestling in their flesh but you still believe you got a reason inside of yourself I'm better than this [Music] I'm stronger than this I will survive this who on this Earth would still be going right now you are you are some things are going to happen that are not in your control you're gonna get knocked around don't let your environment make you weak you got to get to the point of your life where you say I have had it I'm not going to live like this anymore no there's got to be more for me I got tired of losing I got tired of coming up short I got time to eating out of trash cans I got tired of watching everybody else graduate I got tired at some point you got to be [ __ ] tired of not being number one you have to be and you gotta can play Angry you think things are gonna just go your way well they're not gonna just go your way you think things are gonna just happen for you well they're not just gonna happen for you you gotta make them happen see life don't give you what you want life don't get you what you'd love to have everybody would love to be successful right everybody wants success they want Financial Independence life gives you what you will excel if you will excel failure hardships disappointment that's exactly what life's gonna give you right if you want to win you gotta show up and demand for yourself success and fulfillment and happiness you gotta believe I can do this I was created for this I was called for this you have to arm in your mind start preparing yourself for what's out here in life no confidence build self-esteem you gotta start the other Treatise [ __ ] in the world you turn your life around if you change your attitude you change your attitude you change your altitude stop sitting in here with a life of mediocrity when that ain't what God created you for you have to start living your life in expectation you have got to start expecting great things to happen for you in order for it to happen the moment you change the frequency that your Tower emits different things come back to you start working and developing yourself now and prepare yourself for what it is that you want because you expect to get it yes it can happen yes you can have it yes you can be it yes you can do it but you have to be very proactive you can't sit back and wait for it to happen we're gonna go get it I cannot allow what happens on the outside to impact my attitude no matter what else is going on you gotta make up in your mind it's either a blessing or it's a lesson if you fail you get back God you say how can I do it differently this time I can't stop I won't stop get out of cruise control and get in control get in control of your day get in control of your hours get in control of your second by taking control of your life [Music] what you got to give up to become great with a sacrifice what promises you gotta make to yourself [Music] thought process greatness is a lifestyle this is what you live it's once you get everything breathe [Music] to want and to be ambitious and to want to be successful is not enough that's just desire to know what you want to understand why you're doing it to dedicate every breath in your body to achieve if you feel you have something to give if you feel that your particular Talent is worth developing is worth caring for then there's nothing you can't achieve if you want to take the island burn the boats or that there's no way to go back it's amazing what happens when it's a must versus a [ __ ] Clarity is power the more clear you are about exactly what it is you want the more your brain know that don't stop narrow your focus to one idea one make it your priority and stick with it no matter what your mind will say okay we're gonna figure it out because he is not going to stop I don't know one [ __ ] that is successful that doesn't take inventory of every [ __ ] comment that anybody has ever made to them every time somebody doubts them they get [ __ ] pissed and when they get pissed they go out and do productive things they don't dwell they don't sit at home cry in their beer they go to the gym they get their business plan together they do whatever the [ __ ] it takes to smash people in the [ __ ] mouth with their progress build the kind of life that says I told you so without having to say a [ __ ] word it's about taking what people say you can't do and shove it down their [ __ ] throat 100 [ __ ] nothing that's how I operate and that's how you should be talking about it too effort is isolated nobody can dictate and what is 100 in the mind don't give in don't be like everybody else don't give up Don't Settle because things are hard don't let people talk you into their life become stronger become better become faster become smarter become more productive I'm ready to work that thing I'm ready to come up out of my fear and my bound and my worry I'm ready to work every day and every opportunity I'm ready to work that thing once you know where you are supposed to be you need to run run these four nights it means more effort it needs more energy it costs more to do it you gotta spend more you'll use more muscles you'll burn more fuel you'll expect more energy because Destiny is expensive you have not stepped into a great Destiny with a mediocre effort you have to hit that thing with all your life and all of your strength and all your person doesn't do he pays the price a little bit more he works hard a little bit more he believes in a little bit more he makes Mane a little bit more he saves money a little bit more they do it and do it and do it until the job gets done if you want to become somebody do it if you want to go and finish for yourself do it if you want to become financially independent do it you do it and do it and do it so if you want that half a million dollar house enough can Range Rover and you guys want it's still throttle or no champagne bottle there's a lot said in our self-help culture about starting things you have a business that you want to start yeah you should absolutely go and start that you have a project that you've been thinking about for a while go start there's this whole idea that if you can just get yourself to start you know starting is the hardest thing you've got to get into it go for it do it stop talking about it start the problem is if people are bad at starting they're even worse at finishing things they take all of this enjoyment from starting forgetting that there is Untold enjoyment in finishing the satisfaction of getting something done of feeling like you have a completed project for getting to the end of it and being able to put that stamp that says I'm done I finished I don't need to look at this again it's done there is so much enjoyment that we can take from that that we do not get when we half-heartedly move from one project to the next as soon as one gets difficult or lacks interest we move on to the next one are you interested in achieving these goals or are you committed if you're interested you'll do what's convenient you'll come up with stories and excuses and reasons why you can't but if you're committed you'll go of your stories you'll let go of your excuses you'll let go of all the reasons you currently have that are formulating your identity of yourself and you learn how to let that go and become who you are destined to become you trying to get to the next level you just interested you can yourself forget about it if you want to get to the next level if you want to eat it if you want to live it if you want to be it if you want to do it stop talking about it and give me full commitment you can be person who says this is going to form no matter what happens no matter how frustrated I get no matter how angry I get no matter what I'm [ __ ] doing this if you're committed you'll start today to let go of your stories your excuses your reasons why you can't and why you won't go upgrade your knowledge you'll upgrade your skills you'll come in every single day and figure out how you how to achieved those goals it's about executing regardless of your emotions these test days they test your fortitude your endurance your discipline your grit your dedication your determination your mental toughness at the very moment when everything in you wants to do absolutely nothing you gotta get the job done stop having dialogue with your emotions stop negotiating with your feelings and start to act that's where people separate themselves from the pack that's where people earn the right to success they earn the money they earn the life they earn the relationships they earn the body in those little moments where they don't want to do what they need to do but move forward regardless of how they feel that's what Champions know Champions understand and champions [ __ ] thrive on if you can believe it you can receive it if you can conceive it you can attain it the most powerful tool that you have right now in your life in your body is your mind that's why the enemy fights you in your mind he fights you in your mind for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he the devil doesn't have to tie you up for you to be bound he just has to tie up your head with stressed with worry with aggravation with low self-esteem with pettiness with anger with hostility with rebellion and he can make you physically sick because your mind is safe you just have to get your mind out of trouble lay your hands on your head and say give me a new mind give me a new mind means Give Me A New Perspective Give Me A New Perspective give me a new way of looking at my situation give me a new way of looking at my circumstances get my mind ready for this year because when I get this year there's going to be blessings there's going to be Miracles there's going to be opportunities oh yes there's going to be some struggles it's going to be some challenges it's going to be some tests but even the struggles are an opportunity for me to show off the victory if my mind can handle the change if you can get your mind out you can get your money out you get your family out you can get your job out you get your career out you can get your health out you can get your Prosperity out if you can get your mind out no devil in hell no weapon formed against you no enemy that hates you can stop you from being free grab Yourself by the head and say we're coming out of this how do you hang in there during the hard difficult times Les you must have faith you've got to believe in yourself you've got to believe in your abilities You Got to Believe In Your Service your company your ideas unquestionably you got to have faith and that Faith gives you patience you got to keep moving and keep plugging away you gotta love it it's got to be what you are supposed to do you want to sing it even though they won't invite you to Carnegie Hall you're gonna sing to anybody that listen to your coup sing it to yourself you got it right even if no one published your book right because that was given to you to do you do what it is you're supposed to you're supposed to build something you're supposed to create something I don't know how to do it learn do whatever is required go into action with your dream and don't avoid where the fights are get in the midst of the fight get knocked down so you can learn how to fight so you can hold your position stand up for your dreams not for what you want in your life decide that your life is so meaningful to you that you love you and you love life so much that you're going to stand up for something you want stand up for what you believe in because you can fall for anything so what I say to you that you are powerful you have Miracle working power in your life right now but you've got to work on yourself you've got to develop yourself you've got to talk to yourself day in and day out selling yourself on you and on your potentials and you've got to know that you are worth all of your effort and that the key to your motivation as you get a larger vision of yourself is to know that you have something to give it's to know that you have a reason for being in the universe at this point in time take that leap of faith trust yourself and believe and everything is going to be all right you are not where you're supposed to be because of you is all you you tell yourself lies Reasons I'm too tired I need to rest I'm too hungry I'm too full something else is more important I don't have time wise lies lies lies people ask where discipline comes from I tell them it comes from movie but there's a deeper level discipline comes from the truth the framework of discipline and if you lie to yourself you will not find discipline the truth is that you know yo you could do more you know you could be more that's what's driving you crazy all your excuses are lies the truth will set you free the truth delivers discipline but the truth is you have time you have the skill you have the knowledge and the willpower and the discipline to get it done don't really want to work out I work out don't really want to hammer on a project I hammer on a project don't really want to get up and get out of bed I get up and get out of bed don't give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ears shut that down do not listen instead go through the motions lift the weights Sprint the hill work on the projects get out of bed anybody they want to do when they anybody could show up to work and give a hundred percent when they're in the mood to do so but what happens on the days that you don't feel like killing it what happens on the days you don't feel like going to the gym what happens on the days that you don't feel like getting out of bed because those are the [ __ ] days that are going to find where you end up in your life nobody wakes up in the morning every day of their life fired up the reason I'm successful is because I execute whether I have the [ __ ] fire or whether I don't have the [ __ ] fire and that's discipline that's disciplined to do this that you don't want to do because you know it needs to be [ __ ] done and do something away from the normality of what you've been doing why not try it man shock the system get out the fool in the [ __ ] morning one day just one day and go for a [ __ ] run commit to one day and see how you feel as you're jogging it back in around five or something as your neighbors are still asleep when your day's already provided something for you mentally you'll feel like wow man that was in a lie when everybody else says no this is not comfortable we shouldn't do this you say yes mother I'm gonna introduce myself to it when we talk about regret I think guarantee you how you feel about your life at the end of your time here is going to come down to your ability to cultivate discipline it's going to come down to you developing the ability to do the things that you don't feel like doing because you know that it's the right thing to [ __ ] do because we are or we repeatedly do every day therefore Excellence is Not an Accident for the Habit it's habitual it's in us every single day the people that are top movie stars over and over and over again lucky it's training to win it to earn it over and over again you gotta do your best work when you're at least motivated so those days you don't want to do it guess what you gotta do you gotta second the [ __ ] up and do it nobody is void of a pit at some moment just because you're in a pit does not mean it's over you keep standing no matter how rough the sea you keep standing no matter what you don't give up cause I gotta keep moving even though everything in me wants to just lay down and quit you can't read somebody else's book about some theory on how to do some guy who set up in a nice warm office and wrote some book with a nice cup of coffee in the [ __ ] hand no I want to see that guy who immersed himself in [ __ ] hell and he thought about quitting and leaving and his wife and his kids and why am I here is it worth it all this crazy [ __ ] and found out a way to get through it because in the worst of [ __ ] times you are alone you must get your [ __ ] self out of the [ __ ] sewer no one's coming enough for sure to get you it's your brain you are the only person that can pull yourself out it's those people were able to control that feeling of flight and say no [ __ ] there's a way through this there's always a way where there's a will there's a way for every situation you confront there is a strategy that will bring you out the only thing that's going to make you happy is to step up it's to raise the standard it's to discover what you're capable of and feel that incredible power pushing through whatever's holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self I don't care if you have to inch away day by day and it hurts and nobody can see what you're really going through if you don't quit the pit will become your platform I'm telling somebody right now your lowest moment will be the place of your greatest testimony you got more than you think you can do more than you think you can go further than you say you can have more than you think and stop blaming somebody else over what you don't have it's time for you to know what you got in your hands if you take the minute and look at your life every time you're about to step into new territory all hell breaks loose and send the storm to stop you from getting there the situation that you're dealing with right now will come to pass it will come to yes it came to pass over it don't worry don't worry I'll send it you will still be standing there telling your children I remember the time I thought I was going to die but some kind of we made it made us will come talk to me when you step into your fears and continue to push yourself to go on it will enable you to transcend yourself I lost a lot of stuff I lost a lot of friends I lost a lot of strength I lost a lot of time I lost a lot of money but I was still believing that follow my name I was still believing bro I was believing lonely I was believing believing betrayed I was still believing and you gotta stand still and you gotta gird up the loins of your mind and you gotta take a defensive stand against the enemy against the spirit of give up against the spirit of human reasoning and you gotta stand there and protect and preserve your heart and those unborn things that are inside of your spirit you gotta fight to protect them now a few of you know what it is to have something to so scold you so burn you so beat you so pulverize you that your fight goes out of you and you're so scattered and so broken and so fragmented that you don't even know whether you could ever live again or whether you ever smile again or whether you will ever live to fight another day or whether you'll be able to pull yourself together just to fake a smile for a few minutes in front of people to say I'm doing okay knowing you're lying on the inside I'm talking about going through so much that something inside of you dies and you wonder can I get back up again in that moment when life comes at you the [ __ ] hardest you will panic and you will forget who the [ __ ] you are success will taste stressful because your opportunities come rats in opposition opportunity Commerce in chaos it is good to be uncomfortable I've never met anybody who was terribly creative or gifted or strong in leadership who was also comfortable those exceptional people who are uncomfortable with the times that rise to the challenge because they refuse to allow the chaos around them to determine the Conqueror within them people who resist the toll to go down and stand fiercely in spite of opposition and say I'm going to do it anyway I don't care what it is I don't care how many times you've had to cry yourself to sleep I don't care how difficult it is don't you dare give up now because whatever is over you defines you and whatever defines you limits you you better put some strength in your back plant your feet square your shoulders and stand up to it don't you dare sit down don't you dare crumble under the weight of it don't you dare give in because of the nature of it don't you dare go home and raise the white flag of surrender this is not your season to die this is not your season to quit there's joy there's peace there's breakthrough but you'll never see it if you're gonna stand up for it I'm not trying to Veer to the left or be it to the right or gradually get it together I'm getting ready to do something so radical and so massive I'm gonna turn the whole Thief 180 degrees and when that thing tells you to quit you look at it in his eye and say I ain't going nowhere I will break you before you break me I will break you you will not defeat me you will not destroy me you can't take me you will not break me you will not stop me you will not defeat me the only way I lose is if I quit it's going to be a dog fight you can contain for a while but you cannot stop this you can't stop it you've been through so much hell you gonna quit now don't cry to give up try to keep going sometimes in life you have to hit back allow your pain to push you to Greatness I've been broken so much I've been defeated so much I've been disappointed so much in my life that I know what it feels like and I can handle it and when you get the success it's not about skill when you get to a certain level of success it's about stamina are you hearing what I'm telling you once you get to that point you cannot be broken anymore from the chaos 10 still and let the chaos run from you there are many people who have the limitations in their minds who have lost that fire in their eyes [Music] who because of the experiences of life said no I can't do that a lot of people never try anything differently because they have been convinced by people in their lives that they can't do it they're living within the context of the opinions that other people have of them the low expectations many people doubt themselves because when they thought about doing something at some critical point in their life somebody they respected and honored someone they trusted said you can't do that and they accepted that people's opinion of you is none of your business nor should you make it yours someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality it's not what they say about you that matters it is what you say about you that threatens your destiny you will never be defeated by what they say about you you will be defeated by what you say about you what would your life be like if you decided not to care what people thought of you what would your life be like if you decided to give up some of your fears what would your life be like if you decided to become courageous so if you had a place in your life and you ain't happy with it you have to change something but you have to make a conscious interest decision that you're going to change and it's not dependent on anybody else it don't matter what your mama think it don't matter what your co-workers think it no matter what your siblings think it don't matter what your children think it don't matter they have nothing to do with it this decision is yours and yours alone ridicule is the price of iCarly you aren't going to divorce yourself from the crowd you are going to be met by the naysayers the critics they're going to laugh at you your job is to form notify your interior core where it doesn't matter if people call you crazy in any level creates an opportunity for Envy the only way to avoid it is to stay down if you lay dead even the animals won't bite you the risk of being bitten is the cost of getting up all your excuses are lies little lies that you think makes life easier but they don't now I know in the morning you got that blanket giving you a warm hug and you got the the pillow which is whispering in your ear telling you it's okay time to stay just a little longer but don't listen to them they're lying to you listen to your alarm clock which is telling you to get up and get something listen to the weight room the pull-up bar which is telling you to face reality and listen to your will which is telling you to get up and Crush everything regardless of how you feel don't negotiate with weakness kill it see in life you can go through life you can come up with reasons or you can come up with results you can come up with excuses or you can come up with achievements you can go through life blaming or you can come up with Solutions the choice is in your hands satisfaction or despair we can choose that you don't get better on the daggone couch you get better by coming out here and getting up after every daggone day when that alarm clock goes off at four or five in the morning your mind says no you just say this is what we do now my new Norm is you get up every [ __ ] morning at four o'clock and you suffer that became my new [ __ ] life most people want to get out of it I said no [ __ ] this is your new life this is who you are I don't care how small it is I don't care how minuscule the movement is but make movement move forward and do that every single day no matter what you aren't getting it any closer to your Five-Year Plan or your three year plan or your seven year plan or any plan that you've got unless you get up and start getting after it today just say you want it choose to say it but when it's show time when the sun comes up you got all the books you got all it takes you got all the access now it's time to hunt and what separates you from everybody else is that when it's time to hunt you ready to hunt body won't surprise but nobody loves to process Everybody Wants To Be A Champion but nobody's willing to put in the work that it takes to be a champion everybody wants to hold up the trophy and say man I get it but nobody is willing to put in the work that it takes to do it I love the process I love the thought of working for what I want and I firmly believe you never supposed to wish for it more than you're willing to work for your expectations never supposed to exceed yeah but a lot of people they wish and they're not willing to work and the great thing about life life has a funny way of testing all of us and seeing how bad we really want what it is that we say we want when you work for something and give you a different type of attachment to it the harder you work the harder it is to surrender that's why casket give up so easy they ain't got nothing to invested but when a cat worked for something like when a cabin sacrifice for some where you gonna have a cold day in Hell before you take it from them write down one or two things that you're going to commit to doing every single day no matter what you're gonna use that motivation to become a machine every single day no matter what you don't think about it when you have built a habit it's ingrained in your nervous system in such a way that the brain doesn't even have to consider whether or not we'll get done it just gets done because you committed commitment so the thing that you're going to do and then you do it every single day that is what transforms you it's not the grand Visions it's the tiny actions that move towards a worthy ideal the good feelings in your body is an indication that there's something that you want now you get to work by doing it every single day none of us ever get through this life without heartache without turmoil we're all going to fail at something everyone's failed at something life is a trial and trials are never supposed to be easy life is hard it's hard handling the tragedies of life [Music] when you're working on something and and you put everything you have in it and it doesn't work out you lose your money in other people's money it's hard it is okay to be scared it is okay to cry but giving up should not be an option and it doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life because that's going to happen all that matters is that you got to get up because when you fail you get up and then you fail and then you get up and that keeps you going that's how humans are strong failure is an option but giving up is not find a way if you believe and you have faith and you can get knocked down and get back up again and you believe in perseverance as a great human quality you find your way you gotta have that resiliency over and over again you gotta make a commitment to keep stepping up to the plate and Swinging for the fences do what you do swing for the fences understanding when you swing for the fences sometimes you'll miss did you know Hank Aaron had twice as many strikeouts as he had home runs but he kept swinging for the fences most times he missed and when he hit it he knocked it out the park what is your shot to do what you do keep swinging it keeps driving change is going to happen in your life setback's gonna happen but a setback is nothing but a setup the champions is not the potential it's not their genetics it's their perseverance always show up always willing to fail because in failure that's part of success your chest is not a marathon of life and just UPS successful storm away through failures through facing your fears through falling down getting back up that's what creates the champion I dare you to work on yourself for six months I need to shut out the world I need to shout out all the distractions I dare you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream every day when I wake up I got all kind of Demands you got all kind of Demands and the reason why you're not where you want to be you taking all other people's stuff before you spend enough time with yourself to get to know you and get to know what you want and what you should do come on y'all y'all heard a million times in case of an emergency put the dog on mask on yourself first and the problem with most of you in this room you're giving it to everybody else first and then you pissed when you give it to everybody else first and you come up short and you wonder why you came up short because you gave it to everybody else first take care of you guys didn't understand what you don't have to do you don't have to work hard you don't have to eat right you don't have to sleep right you don't have to do more than what's required of you you don't have to be a good teammate you don't have to be a good leader you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do but you also don't have to win you don't have to be a success in life you don't have to help your team win you don't have to play so the greatest things in life they sacrifice the discipline and that's why so few people achieve great things because they don't want to sacrifice they don't want to discipline for some greater so you see all these people that have great things in life that you look up to it's because they were sacrificed and disciplined long before you ever knew them every day do something that moves you toward that goal that keeps that goal alive and insight and in Focus however small or insignificant that step might seem take it do it make it happen because that goal isn't going to achieve itself all on some of y'all so caught up on the game that you don't get it it is in practicing it isn't eating right it isn't making good decisions that you look a certain way it is how you practice it is what you do that makes you look like you look it is the process of the Bride that shaped you and forms you is not the game and that's why most of y'all get beat in the cave or make mistakes in the game because you think grinding is what happens when the sun comes out you think Brothers will happen when the lights come on you think right is what happened with people getting to stay that's not grind the real grind is in the dark when nobody sees you when nobody knows what you're doing when you studying without coach when you put in those extra reps when you're watching those videos and you get inspired when you change your music it's the process that makes you sweet you concentrate on winning you concentrate on dominate listen to me focus on this stuff and when we focus on that that's where our energy is gonna go so all the little stuff you talking about all the little social media kind of do what you supposed to do you ain't no way no more get off social media it's killing you stop Netflix who are you watching watch you I is the TV off it's gonna be there you got a job to do that's what you're getting paid for have some pride cut off the TV son cut that dog on football game up it ain't do enough for you they making millions you not more stuff comes to you when you execute son I don't care how good you I don't care how talented you are I don't care how much you work on yourself there are some times when things aren't going to go right there are times when anything that can happen will happen everybody has a turn back moment everybody has a crossroad you can either decide to continue or to quit to go forward or to go back [Music] I need you to evaluate yourself and ask yourself the question how are you hired when you have a trial or a tribulation how are you wired when you hear the word no does it break you I'm wired differently I get excited I'll know my love no I love it it turns me on no Eric I'll be back I'll be back I'll be stronger when I come back don't Sean to know every no you take to know when you recycle it you hold on to it you Embrace every note and you let each of know make you callous to know you get so strong that when you hear no it turns you on there's gonna be some Stars the scars gonna come you might as well get blessed by the Stars they gonna come there's gonna be scars there's gonna be defects there's going to be prop you running from the blessing they're going to be scars there's gonna be some hiccups we're gonna take some L's we gon get hurt we gonna cry we all go through it you think you're the only one some of you know you let your pain [ __ ] you you let your pain make you quit if you get past it on the other side of it it's going to be phenomenal I don't want you go through this process but nevertheless take me through the fire I need you to look at that sickness that's going on in your life right now whatever it is I want you to say I can be I will beat it I must I got a family live for I ain't through yet my life ain't over yet there's some things in life you don't need no degree for you don't need no money for it you don't need no support for it there's something like you're just gonna get through when you tell yourself I'm gonna get through this yeah [Music] and I'm not retreating I'm not running I don't care what they say on paper I don't care if you say we outnumber we live by this and we die by this we don't retreat we don't run we don't stand we don't live we gonna die by what we stand for and everybody gonna know what we represent and what we're a part of got staying power I got staying power be encouraged today that no matter what you walk through no matter how broken your marriage is no matter how many times you fail there is within you a spirit that is greater than what going on around value if you would be willing to fight your way through this battle fight your way through cancer fight your way through that academic struggle fight your way through divorce fight your way through it if you are willing to fight your way through that singing career fight your way through boxing fight your way through football I'm telling you at the end of the fight is going to come Victory life is not easy at all [Music] there's gonna be challenges you're gonna get beat down that's the way life is you say to sort of put a mask on your face and you go home and lay in your bed when no one's looking at you and you don't have to impress anybody and you're yourself and fear comes in maybe you don't know for sure what's going to be happening in the future and it scares you just that fear paralyzes you and I just want to ask you today do you think you have hope at some point everything's gonna go south on you everything's gonna go south and you're going to say this is it this is how I end now you can either accept that or you can get to work [Music] that's all it is you just begin you do the math you solve one problem then you solve the next one and it doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life because that's gonna happen all that matters that you gotta get up you have to get up life is hot sometimes easy it's not an option but it's worth fighting is worth believing it's worth giving yourself a chance is worth mustering yourself up standing up inside yourself it's worth fighting relentlessly never giving up is worth it you can do it you can do it there's problems that we go through that cause stress worry anxiety and fear but you might be in the Battle of your life I want to encourage you it's not about what's happening around you it's always about what's happening inside of you just because you feel afraid doesn't mean you have to be afraid just because you feel discouraged doesn't mean you have to be discouraged just because you have fear doesn't mean fear has to have you okay how dark it look for you I don't care what they just said to you I don't care what the verdict is I don't care what the haters say it ain't over no matter what happens to you it ain't over ain't no such a thing as over just sentence out of your mouth is a story that you are putting out I'm not gonna make it I Quit let's get a divorce business is never coming back we've lost too many people I've made too many mistakes I'm a failure nobody can help me I've done too many bad things I don't know what's coming out of your mouth but it's a death sentence we have to make sure that whenever I feel when I sing a death sentence I must speak a life sentence oh I'm feeling the sentence of death I'm stealing the thoughts of anxiety I'm stealing the thoughts that I'm done I feel like I've been used and it hurts and it's difficult but when that happens I start speaking out a life sentence no I'm just gonna keep showing up no I'm gonna get back up the righteous man he falls seven times but he gets back up some of you have been knocked out my life and you got up and saw the flood he hit me sometimes in life you have to hit back recycle your cane get something from it you already in pain you used to do something with it allow it to take you to the next level allow your pain to push you to Greatness do I support what do you want man I want to be Diamond tell me something I don't know everybody wants it but the reality of it is everybody gonna get it and the crazy thing is if you want it you can get it it's not right somebody to stop you on the goods you hadn't telling you you can't get it it's a matter of will it's a matter of hard work it's a matter of sacrifices it's a matter of dedication it's a matter of commitment the difference is not the genetic code the potential it's a guy that's willing to get knocked down finally done some unfortunate stand back up the perseverance to see it Through the Never Say Die attitude we know the battle ahead Journey your ass gonna get tough we know we gonna face obstacles we know it's gonna be some discomfort we know they're gonna try to break us we know they're coming for us we know that's gonna happen already so let's make up in our minds before the battle that we gonna be victorious don't cry to give up cry to keep going I don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a reward from it at the end of paying a success I don't care if you sick I don't care what you're going through if you're not dead he ain't through with you yet as long as you waking up you still in the game as long as you're alive you can still make it happen as long as the breath in your natural Booth you still in the game you still can win now get your butt up how many of you can honestly look yourself in the mirror and say I am doing my best because if you can you're [ __ ] lying to yourself your job right now and how you execute that job is going to create the success habits that you're going to need down the road how you do one thing is how you do everything if it's making fries if you ain't making the best [ __ ] fries every [ __ ] time guess what you ain't gonna [ __ ] make it if you can't sweep the warehouse floor better than the next guy you ain't gonna [ __ ] make it because here's the truth losers always talk about how they hate to lose but they don't do anything about it but you know what winners do winners will do whatever the [ __ ] it takes winners will show up and stay late every [ __ ] day until they're winning winners will talk to anybody that can that can help them and take the lessons to heart and put them in play losers talk about hating the loose losers say they hate to lose losers talk about how they want to win winners do what the [ __ ] it takes and that means beating the next guy if you aren't going to work at your job every day and look and all the other [ __ ] in picking dude I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of all of you you don't have what it takes winners want to be the best winners have pride in being dominant amongst their teammates all men are created equal some just work harder you want to know what it takes to succeed as fast as you want to breathe it's what goes on when the cameras go off hard work determination and grit you will not outwork me I will get up earlier than you I will go to sleep late in you I will put in more hours to you I will read more to you I will grow I will do whatever it takes you gotta eat it you gotta drink it you gotta sleep it like it has to consume who you are and if you're going to be the best the cream of the crop if you're going to be the Apex you gotta be it not talk about it now people know when they think about this area that's something you do that you eat and sleep at and that you do that you do that people know it you gotta be it it has to consume you it has to take over you that when I see you without even knowing you I ought to be able to look at you and from your ethos I ought to see you are the best of the best I don't know what you're doing without you saying one word in order you've got to work on it when other folks are having a good time you got to have the strength of character to concentrate to read to digest information the stronger your mindset is the greater your skill set is going to be Michael and Kobe weren't the greatest athletes but their mindset is what separates those individuals separate yourself you playing against other teams and you know exactly what they're doing separate yourself stop doing what they doing if you stop doing what they doing You're Gonna Be A Champion stop following no more following no more doing their miles is doing set the door for standards it's time for y'all to set the standard we can't be decent Enrique we can foot off the end we are going to be relentless we are not gonna give him the chance to regroup he will not get the chance to recover we are not going to stop until there is nothing left to pursue you've got to do more you've got to become valuable you've got to understand that what you get paid to do the minimum and everything on top of that is your investment in your future get out of bed come here in the morning going for it or else sleeping put yourself in the opportunity to get that break so the more you throw against the wall something will eventually it doesn't sit premiums to Die the first step into making a dream a reality is waking the [ __ ] up if you go to the gym and you work out and you come back and you look in the mirror you will see nothing and if you go to the gym the next day and you come back and you look in the mirror you will see nothing so clearly there's no results can't be measured it must not be effective so we quit or if you fundamentally believe that this is the right course of action and you stick with it you commit yourself to the regime the exercise but if you stick with it consistently I'm not exactly sure what day but I know you'll start getting into shape if you hit an oak tree a thousand times in a thousand different spots what's going to happen absolutely nothing but if you hit an oak tree a thousand times in the exact same spot you know what's gonna happen you're gonna bring it down you're going to do the impossible people put out goals dreams and aspirations and what they want to accomplish but you very rarely hear people say what they're willing to sacrifice in order to make it happen they'll tell you to go with the dream the aspiration they'll tell you they want to be great but they're not going to say I'ma stop going out on Friday night they're not gonna say I'm a sacrifice and I'm gonna stay late I don't hang with people you can only get up when they got something to motivate them that's not something I want to hang out with I want to hang with somebody I don't care what's the circumstances I don't care what the situation you put it on your back and you're like let's go when you hear me not at that dog I gotta clear my mind or some stuff and when I get up there I gotta do what I gotta do well because success is not a failing it's a mindset you have to commit to becoming better you have to commit to being a person of action you have to commit to being someone who doesn't just talk but follows through you have to plan ahead and by planning ahead you have to create a life in your head that is so [ __ ] great that even if you fall short you're going to be better than everybody else your problem is you start something you stop it you start something you stop it you feel good you do it you don't feel good you quit stop doing stuff in January that you know you're not gonna do in March I'm just saying whatever you do be on time and be consistent people who do stuff consistently and on time they surpass people who talented and gift it sometimes it ain't about being the most talented sometimes it ain't about being the smartest sometimes it's about consistency consistency just keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it you'll never stop you never give up and never quit and keep doing it day after day play after playing second after second should work every day like somebody's working 24 hours a day to take it away from you if you're not working to get better on a daily basis if you're not pursuing the Fulfillment of your own true potential you are losing you're either getting better or you're getting compact by people who every time you kick back and you think you're the greatest and you think you're the sh and you think you're the best at what you do there's somebody that's one inch behind you that gets better than you if you do this the only way it doesn't happen is you're not focusing on it and you're not giving it energy so even if you're better than me it doesn't matter if I'm putting energy out in the world the world is going to respond because you know it ain't no way it's not gonna happen the only way I'm not going to do the best is if I'm not out there you're acting like doing well is an option that's not an option show up that means I've come every single time full time it means every time I come I put in 120 or I don't go why cause I'm trying to be the best every single day you wake up if you're gonna have energy if you're gonna have Drive every day you wake up you got to start with that Vision people look at those of us who are successful like we superhuman we're not we're normal people like you the only difference is we wake up with Clarity we wake up knowing exactly what we want we wake up knowing exactly what our purpose is when you understand what you're after when you know what your outcomes are when you know what you desire you wake up every single morning and you go after it and if you're not willing to do it every single day you're not going to beat the man that's doing every single day I'm not the best but they have not I work for me I'm not the best I'm a beast the real Beast is when their legs give up the real beasts when they Tire the real beasts find a way to pull some out when nobody else ain't got nothing [Music] no one's coming no one's coming to push you no one's coming to save you no one's gonna work on that project for you No One's Gonna study for you no one's gonna work out for you it's up to you and you alone to get it done it's your job to make yourself do the crap you don't want to do so you can be everything that you're supposed to be and you're so damn busy waiting to feel like it and you're never going to nothing happens till something moves nothing is gonna happen in your life until you get up and stop moving so make movement move forward you must discipline yourself to get up and get it done now well what about jet lag wonder if there's a time change what if there's no good gym don't care time change don't care jet lag don't care don't have a good gym don't care just shut your mind down it gets no vote set up your gear set up your weights and do the work just do the work go through the motions get it done the greatest version of you it's not the I can do anything the greatest version of you is the disciplined version of you the greatest version of you is the version that has parameters no I don't do that I don't drink that I don't go there with these people I'm focused I have a prize that's in front of me I know what I'm supposed to do and that ain't it I have to stay right here most people can't succeed because they can't deal with all the old [ __ ] pull them off the game plan you're gonna have to get real [ __ ] comfortable and sticking to your own plan and telling them no when they want to go out on Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday you gotta let everything go with that thing you pursued you can't chase two rabbits and catch both of them [Music] it's just a matter of perspective you're either gonna be a [ __ ] sheep and you could be a lion you get her but if you want to sit there and cry [ __ ] and moan and wine since I can't can't and you sit your ass on that bench with the losers and you stay there but don't expect me to turn around and Pat you on the back and say hey good job for being a [ __ ] clear get up and do something about it after it says about Metals certificates houses money cars Fame all that [ __ ] it's about scars the Stars show you're willingness to get to the side and so your failures okay so you're not ruinous start from scratch and so what you're wanting to do to go the distance to see what you're careful of everybody's name is not the whole Factor they hold the water if they're ever cold they hold the rest I'm good I don't live off their homes I wish the water was cold I wish the [ __ ] rain where the aliens and the distance is unknown unknown that's what you know who Know Who You Are I want to know what the [ __ ] I'm made of I want to know what I can overcome and I know that the harder the obstacle to overcome the more strength I'm going to gain from it it's about taking personal responsibility for your life it's a love no more excuses it's about no more Trials of tribulations get in your way it's about getting them as early as you need two it's about doing whatever it takes and that's the [ __ ] your way Know Who You Are you walked out are you a gazelle are you a lion and let me tell you the difference between a gazelle and a lion when the gazelle wakes up it runs but if a lion ain't chasing it it stops running but when the lion wakes up you don't need nobody to push it it pushes itself why because he realizes that if he does not catch that gazelle not only him but his family don't eat what are you playing this game for what's your passion what's your drive what's your purpose that's your purpose for playing this game no alarm clock needed my passion wakes me up my drive wakes me up my determination was my ability to be doing ab whatever I want it wakes me up what wakes you up what drives you why are you playing this game is it just a game or do you eat it do you sleeping do you drink it have you possessed the game when you are a liar it does not make a difference you realize that if your family is going to eat that if that pack of lions is to survive then you gotta go hunt you a good fan you're gonna come up short you're a gazelle you don't have an average experience you're a student I need you in lying mode you're an entrepreneur I need you in line mode you trying to lose weight lion Mo you can't do nothing significant in gazelle Mode Nothing impressive happens in gazelle mode nothing happened in run mode give up mode quick mode everything happened in line mode like I'm coming to get you a part of being a beast just ain't eating a gazelle a part of being a beast is the hearts it's the heart that they're excited about they like to see the gazelles run then boom they take off cause real lions like to hunt they love the process just as much as they love the prize and some of y'all just want to score you don't like the process you're not in love with the process a true Hunter's goal is not the prize a true Hunter's goal is to hunt that's what they live for they live to hunt they don't just live to catch it it's the whole process I'm like the lion I'm nothing as hell I don't need something external to motivate me I find something within when you are a true Hunter you don't go by time you go by the gazelle when you are a true Hunter you hunt until you get a gazelle and you don't stop until you get one and then you get another and get another and you get another keep playing the game grinding keep working look at your belief system every single day and stick with it don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process from this day forward I will give 120 or nothing at all when you want something bad you can't count the cost because if you count the cost and you see how much it costs you like quit you might give up so you got to go in knowing that I don't count the cause I do as many push-ups as it takes as many reps as it takes I study as long as it takes I pay whatever the price is why because if I start counting the cost I might quit I might give up I might surrender don't count the cause you get to a point where you don't count it you just do whatever it takes to get whatever you want winners win and losers lose and if you create a culture of losing if you keep being a victim if you keep letting losing happen to you if you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way it's gonna become a culture you gotta give up that mediocre part of you you gotta give up is common thinking you've got telling you you can't do this that you can't have this that it's not possible for you you got to give that up and you got to trust yourself you've got to know you came here with the stuff in you you are winner you were born to win it is your right to win it is your right to have your dream you don't get this stuff you don't get these ideas unless you also have the capacity to make it happen use your your gift and become stronger become better become faster become smarter become more productive and you know what you will build a life that says I told you so without having to say a [ __ ] word all your excuses are lies little lies that you think makes life easier but they don't [Music] now I know in the morning got that blanket giving you a warm hug you got the the pillow which is whispering in your ear telling you it's okay don't you stay just a little longer but don't listen to them they're lying to you listen to your alarm clock which is telling you to get up and get some listen to the weight room the pull-up bar which is telling you to face reality and listen to your will which is telling you to get up and Crush everything regardless of how you feel don't negotiate with weakness kill it see in life you can go through life you can come up with reasons or you can come up with results you can come up with excuses or you can come up with achievements you can go through life blaming or you can come up with Solutions the choice is in your hands satisfaction or despair we can choose that you don't get better on the dag on couch you get better by coming out here and getting up after every daggone day when that alarm clock goes off at four or five in the morning your mind says no you say this is what we do now my new Norm is you get good morning at four o'clock and you suffer that became my new [ __ ] life most people want to get out of me I said no I'm gonna this is your new life this is who you are I don't care how small it is I don't care how minuscule the movement is but make movement move forward and do that every single day no matter what you aren't getting it any closer to your five year plan or your three-year plan or your seven year plan or anything unless you get up and start getting after it decided to get to the next level when you're just interested you kidding yourself forget about it kids they want to get to the next level if you want to eat it if you want to live it if you want to be it if you want to do it stop talking about it and give me full commitments you can be the person who says this is going to [ __ ] work no matter what happens no matter how frustrated I get no matter how angry I get no matter what I'm [ __ ] doing this if you're committed come in he'll start today to let go your stories your excuses your reasons why you can't and why you won't you'll upgrade your knowledge you'll upgrade your skills you'll come in every single day and figure out how you can achieve those goals it's about executing regardless of your emotions these test days they test your fortitude your endurance your discipline your grit your dedication your determination your mental toughness at the very moment when everything in you wants to do absolutely nothing you gotta get the job done stop having dialogue with your emotions stop negotiating with your feelings and start to act that's where people separate themselves from the pack that's where people earn the right to success they earn the money they earn the life they earn the relationships they earn the body in those little moments where they don't want to do what they need to do but move forward regardless of how they feel that's what Champions know Champions understand and champions [ __ ] thrive on what if you give it everything you have and you come up short what if you get weak along the way and you're throwing a towel on yourself you surrender what then a lot of people become discouraged they become frustrated and they say oh what the heck and they go back to doing what they were doing before saying it doesn't work if somebody came and knocked you down booming ain't nothing you can do about it but if I come back a week later you still on the ground we got a problem and some of you you say Eric it ain't my fault you right the way you were born what happened to you is not your fault but dog on it you still on the ground after 20 years you have absolutely nothing to do with what happened to you it's not your fault you got knocked on the ground you had absolutely nothing to do with that and I'm not blaming you for that but if I come back a week later you're still on the ground that's your fault if I come back a year later you're still on the ground that's your fault getting knocked down there's nothing you can do about it but getting back up every single thing to do with you and you will promise me that from this day forward you will not be defeated you don't belong at the bottom and it's time for you to get your butt from down there it's time for you to stop being comfortable at the buck get your butt up and get to where you're supposed to be keep playing the game keep grinding keep working and that other stuff will take care of itself I can and cause I'm capable I will because I'm strong I must cause they counting on me I can I will I must I will my way through every situation every try I will I don't care if it's cancer I will way through it I don't care I don't care if I'm struggling in school I'm getting a degree I will my way through it I don't care if you fail the boards go again I don't care if you fail the law exam go again will your way through it some things you can steal your just come through some stuff you gotta wheel your way through this is not a year that you're gonna be doing a lot of talking this is the year for grinding this is not the year the year dreaming we're not dreaming no more wishing no more we're not watching other people ride the ride no more this is our year where we don't need phenomenal skill we just need a phenomenal will so they gonna say no when you knock on the door I will it's gonna rain sometimes I will you gonna feel discouraged sometimes I will no matter what the obstacle I will I will I will what all of us at some time or another have agonized over making a decision some decisions of major decisions and also there are a lot of small decisions that we don't make that they tax our minds they drain our energy they create a lot of anxiety and nervous nervous torment because we don't take care of it we decide not to decide which is a decision imagine you're on your debt bed and standing around your Deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we came to you because you could have brought us to life they say and now we have to go to the Grave together so I ask you today how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes how much time do you spend working on you how much time do you spend every day working on your dream what kind of investment have you made in you the tour mentality is I can't wait to see what happens great to me in 2022 you are gonna get [ __ ] sh as a result life does not reward people who wait to see what happens what you put in you will get out so if you want 2022 to actually be different you have to not only be willing to visualize and manifest you have to be willing to grit it out you have to be willing to push through discomfort nothing that you're about to try or do or achieve that is worthwhile is going to be comfortable for you during the process of creating it and I want you to take the word hope and I want you to throw it on the [ __ ] ground and I want you to replace it with the word I will [ __ ] do in 2022 won't be unto you if you go into another year and waste another year with the old mentality while somebody's in the hospital begging God for the opportunity that you have right now you better step into this moment you're only here for a short time if you're not going to show people what's possible who the [ __ ] else is who's going to show your kids who's going to show your aunts and uncles who's going to show your [ __ ] niece and nephews are you going to fail those people are you going to buy into the narrative that you can't stand up for your dreams stop for what you want in your life decide that your life is so meaningful to you that you love you and you love life so much that you're going to stand up for something you want you know what I don't want to cater you want to get out in the field where the action is and you will be amazed after the struggle there will be a calm period and things will begin to click for you come out here with what you got you don't have enough money don't worry about it you got the dream you must be patient persistent and positive no matter what but aren't there some guarantees you can give us yes you're going to die you can't get out of life alive so I'm saying to you you got six months to live live your life now live your dreams now not acting like this is your last day on the planet [Music] short-term thinking says the donut tastes good eat it short-term thinking says one workout doesn't matter I can skip short-term thinking encourages you to make short-term emotional decisions that hurt you in the long run the more short-term decisions you make decisions that are based on that immediate gratification decisions based on quick emotional satisfaction and further from the path you will stray that's why I say you've got to pay attention you have to watch every single second because those seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours and hours turn into days and and to years you need tactical wins you need to win battles in order to win the war you need to get out of bed you need to run you need to work out you need to read and study and practice and you need to do things that you don't necessarily want to do and I know that can be hard that's why people lose the war the daily fight is a challenge you will not always want to do what you need to do you will not always feel like doing something you need to do you may not want to fight that battle but you need to you need to know your strategic goals and you need to know why they are important and then you need to get up get out of your damn bed get off your phone get out of the soft and addictive comfort zone and get into the combat zone where you have to fight where you have to dig deep you have to be vigilant you have to be on guard you have to hold the line on the seemingly insignificant little things things that shouldn't matter but things that do you gotta stop telling yourself that you're doing enough you have to do more and life is never enough into your field this overwhelming feeling oh man I'm out working the trial I'm not working everybody I'm doing more once you get there that's what you know you've got enough think strategic all the time before any action or any inaction ask yourself is this action going to make me stronger or weaker you you tell yourself the truth and the truth is you have time you have the skill you have knowledge and and most people don't ever make it where they want to go because they give themselves mental outs they can say oh this business doesn't make enough money so they quit you have to learn to train your brain with a zero options mentality you have to learn to seek out to be uncomfortable you have to put yourself in positions where your back is against the wall that's when you're gonna [ __ ] fight through the inspiration of desperation you become more creative than ever before throw your whole self into it so most people go at it tentatively they don't give all their stuff they don't concentrate and if you don't have what you want stop telling yourself the story because you don't have the money over time that's [ __ ] it's because you haven't asked yourself where you would burn your boats if you want to take them your [ __ ] boats and you will take the island because people when they're gonna either die or succeed tend to succeed when you don't have any other option but to succeed your chances of success are pretty [ __ ] good it is I am going to [ __ ] see see no matter what I have to do no matter how hard it is no matter how difficult the road no matter how many obstacles stand in my way no matter how many people stand in my way no matter what on the days I don't feel like it guess what I'm still getting up I'm still putting my [ __ ] work boots on and I'm still going out and kicking [ __ ] ass that's what people who succeed do the battle the battle is actually in your head you're not gonna hear noises you're not gonna hear gunfire you're not gonna hear any explosions it's not that kind of battle what's in your head is weakness and laziness and they're not attacking they're sneaking around they're poisoning the strength in your brain you are putting things off because in the short term it's easier it's more comfortable it's more pleasurable to be distracted or to indulge yourself doing something else than it is to sit down and do the actual work to create the outputs that matter when they are needed and I know what it's like to tell yourself I'm going to start on Monday and then for the next five days you Gorge yourself or you're extra lazy or you treat yourself extra much because you know you're gonna do it this time and this time I'm serious and this time I'm for real and I'm gonna get it done except you're not and you know you're not and if you really wanted to change and if you really want to make a change and you really want to be different and you really want it to be this time to start freaking out I don't care if it's nine o'clock at night do something productive towards what it is you're trying to become because I could tell you right now for sure that the people who tell themselves I'm going to start Monday never can start Monday all you have to do to kill procrastination is just dark you just go and procrastination dies so don't wonder how you overcome procrastination it's easy all you do to overcome procrastination is go waiting for something to move you remove yourself every day move yourself in the morning move yourself in the afternoon Move Yourself at night Move Yourself be very intentional and very deliberate about moving yourself you control your feelings don't nobody else control your feelings when you tell me I ain't feeling it no more you don't got nothing to do with something external it's some internal that you ain't pushing no more you push you you gotta move you every single day if you get to a point of your day and you download out if you get to a point of your day and you exhausted you'll get to a point of your day and you're not feeling it you can stop right there and change the mood nothing chose you you control your feelings you control your mood nobody control your move you saw something through you all but see something that throw you back on the only way to get out of the mental trap is to stop thinking and actually start doing it because all the research shows that if we can push you to get started on something you'll likely keep going little things you're putting off do it and do it right now when you make a decision to do after you flip your brain onto the frequency that you have to be on to do it you don't have to know how to do it you only have to know you're going to do it just commit that you wake up and every single damn day you push yourself to take one small action forward there's always going to be a reason to wait there's always going to be something that is inconvenient for you to work through there's always going to be a busy casual it's always going to be that way you have to [ __ ] work through it there's always going to be a reason for you to do what it takes now if you want it bad enough but a lot of you [ __ ] just don't want it unless you're committed a hundred percent you just aren't gonna make it the processes of success are always inconvenient in the beginning they don't stay that way if you stick with it if you give it time if you work through the inconveniences they become habit it's just something automatic and if you can create automatic actions that are positive in your life you're going to create automatic winning no more rationalizing no more reasons no more distractions I need to shut out the world I dare you to give up everything that is keeping you from your dream the clubs [ __ ] the body they're hanging out and getting drunk now is the time to stay focused if it's gonna happen it's gonna be you that makes it happen the only [ __ ] thing that beats you is you the only thing that can stop you is you and most of y'all are not under Covenant and Covenant means me and you if the company go down we go down with it we do not Retreat we do not give up we do not surrender and the reason why most of you are not successful is because every single time stuff's not going your way you give up you quit you let go and people feel weakness they feel it you can feel when somebody's not committed when they're not all in when they're not dedicated and there's another level you get to when you go all in everything is a test everything as an opportunity if you allow it to be you must shrink your focus down to one thing one business one focus at one time and master it and get great at it for an extended period of time the more you shrink your options in pursuit of your dream the more it'll open them up in your life later what are the things that are stealing your focus who are the people that are stealing your focus and begin to eliminate these distractions get laser focused and obsessed on what you want be starving and hungry to get it be desperate to get it the combination of desperation and hunger with laser focus over an extended period of time is the formula to be great at something and the only way you prove to yourself that you really want it is that you no longer hit the snooze button you no longer focus when you're studying you no longer take shortcuts you're no longer playing games you are willing to do whatever it takes I'll do whatever it takes to get to that Milestone when you build this mental toughness by looking at every little thing as a test of your will and your ability to do what you say you're going to do your life is going to get better difference between beasts and average people is that average people live from Check to Check average people don't think about their future they're consumed with the presence you're not going to be the best if you're not intentional and deliberate you got to be intentional and deliberate whether you're making money or not making money you got to decide that you're going to do something and you got to do it every Monday every Tuesday every Wednesday every Thursday probably some of you in this room you're not intentional and deliberate you're a good person to just hope the good stuff is gonna happen to you you gotta be a morning person ask the new person night person you got to be when you feel good person when you're sick person when you tired person I'm liar differently I look at my wife every single day and I said I gotta grind I got a grind for my wife and so I exit you for my mom I asked for my grandma I execute for my sister that's why I can't quit and give up even though I get tired just like everybody else you have to be relentless you have to never let off the gas never stop never quit people who are extremely well accomplished they have the ability to mentally flip that switch to where they don't have a choice but to do the things they need to do they will talk as if they 'll succeed the world is going to [ __ ] end listen to me this is how you do it first with no money no Human Resources no building no funding no support the first thing we did was we dreamed we wrote The Dream doll we slept a dream we ain't the dream we rehearsed a dream we looked at the dream who talked about the dream we slept with the dream we woke up to the dream we want a dream and now boom it's all reality and yes it's gonna be hard and it's going to be difficult and you get more no's than you do yes but when you hold out things will begin to happen you won't even understand power and you don't get here by quitting you tired you get here by quitting finish when you're done you don't stop when you tired you'll stop when you're done you're still stop when you complete it when you execute it execution is worship there's a moment when you say to yourself it can't be done at some point everything's going to go south on you then you're going to say this is it this is how I end now you can either accept that or you can get to work you just begin you do the math you solve one problem and you solve the next one instead of backing down you push yourself forward into the unknown do you realize that every day you thought you weren't gonna make it do you remember them days where you thought it was absolutely unbearable and you thought you wasn't going to endure that one do you know that your survival rate for every last one of them bad days is 100 you batting a thousands you survived every hater you survived all the evictions you've survived the firings you survived all to tell you know we ain't hiding you survived all the trouble you've ever been in your survival rate is 100 you got to proactively prepare to catch yourselves when you find yourself getting negative with people that you have allowed to push your buttons when you find yourself becoming negative about what's happening to you in the circumstances that you're involved in this belongs to you this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to nobody you're going to hit a wall everybody hits the wall and that wall shocks some people that wall knocked the life out of some people that wall discourage some people the wall is painful some will choose to go back but there's some small number who when they hit that wall they decide wait a minute I'm supposed to be over there this person doesn't care about the pain because this person knows something there's no gain without pain so this person comes back anyhow again and again and again and if you keep on hit that wall here's what happens to you that you will have an incredible breakthrough and it's as if the universe says Let's help him out I admire that kind of tenacity let's give her a hand let's Center assistant center resources it will come out of nowhere as you're working times with tears falling down your face and you'll look back on the times and you will cherish those times whatever storm you found yourself in today don't give up and I know it hurts and I know you don't want to take it anymore your dreams look like you're seeing them from underwater but don't give up you have not seen the best days of your life yet but you have to start living your life in expectation you have got to start expecting great things to happen for you in order for it to happen if you live your life in expectations that's what happens to you if you live your life in despair that's what happens to you say this to yourself every day it's not over until I win it's not over till I get through it not over till I get over not over till I get what I want y'all can't open a day look out I'm gonna come back and take the hinges off ladies and gentlemen that's how we must be no guts no glory you've got to be willing to face rejection and know again and again and again the feed again and again and again and every time knocks you down you Jeff everything it's not over until I win It's Not Over oh it's not over yet don't count me out yet it's you ladies and gentlemen you've got to take personal responsibility to make it happen nobody care more about your dream than you no one is going to care more about you becoming Diamond than you if you want to make it happen it's you that you've got to take personal responsibility to make it happen I'm speaking to the people who want more the people who want to be the Pinnacle the people who want to be accomplished the people who want to make a [ __ ] difference you guys are going to have to go all the [ __ ] make a 100 commitment to give the best effort you've ever given to outwork out improve out strategize Outlast like never before you can't be motivated anymore you don't need others to motivate you you have to be self-motivated you have to dedicate every [ __ ] breath every [ __ ] ounce of energy and every [ __ ] thought and effort that you possibly have in your heart to becoming what it is you want to be if you really want to make an impact you're going to get a lot of judgment you're going to get a lot of hate people are going to just dis on you people are gonna say who do you think you are if no one thinks you're crazy you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potential I actually appreciate my haters my haters keep me grinding I tell them all the time if you want to pay attention to success watch me a lion never negotiates winning hyena he ain't waking up in the morning and saying I'm gonna go hang out with some hyenas cause he don't concern himself with the conversations of hyenas a eagle flies at a certain altitude and the only other bird flies at that altitude is another Eagle so if he find himself flocking with pigeons he may be flying too low see sometimes we asking ourselves why my friends treating me like this you hanging out with pigeons why are they talking about me like this man you hanging out with pigeons Eagles ain't got time to gossip Kings don't gossip fool's party King celebrate I might not be the fastest the strongest the smartest none of that crowd but I'll work your ass and I flat out want it more than you it's relentlessness man it's pushing past barriers it's every time you get somewhere it's one to go to the next level you guys are entitled to sh well you're entitled to is an opportunity to show up and be your best everyone's like oh Craig you're lucky you got this great you're lucky everything you just like bullsh because before it was luck it was a belief and every day with no one watching at five in the morning by myself I trained it because I believed in it in hopes that one day my trained ability collided with an opportunity to show it off that's what luck is that's what success is nothing subjective in there it's all you you gotta look at how much you're working you got to look at how much effort you're making the intention you're putting out there you're gonna go where nobody else wants to go you got to work the hours nobody else wants the hours you have to resell of yourself today that you're going to dominate but you're not average and ordinary it has to become a point where you make a decision we're gonna dominate we're here to win we are not here to play and that takes some intestinal fortitude I'm wearing a map because I just flat decided I'm Gonna Be a Player I decided at some point I get them to choose who I am the world doesn't tell me who I am I write these chapters you don't need the world's permission you don't need anyone's keep permission to be great only permission you need is from that mother through stares at you back in the mirror every day and a willingness to do the hard [ __ ] work longer harder and better than anyone so what are you gonna do are you gonna buy another success program looking for the secret recipe that doesn't exist or you're gonna go do something right [ __ ] now and do something that brings you closer to Greatness that's your choice effort it's 100 in the mind yo coach no player nobody else can make you run to the ball nobody else can make you finish the tackle nobody else can do it that's why it's the most isolated things in this earth right now it's effort because that's all about you wins and losses coming down with us know why they can judge ever because ever is between you and you everybody got nothing to do with nobody else got to be the hardest workers in the world the Masters make the hardest things in the world look easiest and in the moments where you push yourself when no one else is around those moments have a tendency to lead to success and not only that but in what world do we not work every day you gotta work every [ __ ] day doesn't end it takes every second of your [ __ ] life anybody says balance yeah balance is important for a lot of people it is if you want to go to that edge where people do not like you don't understand you question everything you can do you've arrived damn man how many movies you're gonna make or how much are you going to do like you do a lot of say yes because my ambition of course why not I love what I do with people like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this guy I'm in the right [ __ ] spot of obsession and drive that's the difference [Music] of when you say I want to be something and I don't have no choice when I want to be something then you're going to present a lot of Broken Dreams when you are destined to do something the conversation is totally different because it's a lifestyle at some point you got to be [ __ ] tired of not being number one you have to be and you gotta can play angry and I play Angry for greatness hey I made a decision that enough is enough I'm tired of being average I'm tired of being good I'm tired I want to move to the nicest neighborhood I want to fly first class I made a decision enough is enough it's showtime I wake up every morning at three o'clock live cause you just gotta get there before the genius get there they ain't waking up to eight so if you get up at three you ain't got to be smarter than them you just gotta be faster than them you just gotta get to the spot before they get to the spots you ain't gotta be them you ain't got to be on [ __ ] you don't you don't have to be as smart you don't have to become them you can stay you but you gotta get there before they get there if you're gonna stay you you have to get this concept of going all in you have to get this beast mode I want to position myself for greatness I don't know everything I'm not accomplished everything I'm not wearing still growing I'm still trying to get better you got you got a selfish and stop doing and on doing it you start getting it you don't get out of life what you want you get out of life what you earn every day I feel like eating every day I feel like giving my wife the best life every day I feel like driving in a nice car every day I feel like flying first class every single day of my life I feel like giving 100 every single day I don't have days where I don't feel like it why because I'm counting on me my wife's counting on me I don't have days to waste when when you wake up early in the morning when everything else secondary to you you're going to be sick be successful but until you do that you'll never have it when you want as bad as you want to breathe then then you'll be successful I'm speaking to the people who want more the people who want to be the Pinnacle the people who want to be accomplished the people who want to make a [ __ ] difference you guys are gonna have to go all the [ __ ] make a 100 commitment to give the best effort you've ever given to outwork out improve out strategize Outlast like never before you can't be motivated anymore you don't need others to motivate you you have to be self-motivated you can't listen to your mom you can't listen to your dad you can't listen to your friends you can't listen to the [ __ ] internet you can't stick your [ __ ] toe in the pool and say oh you know I don't know this kind of feels weird no you have to dedicate every [ __ ] breath every [ __ ] ounce of energy and every [ __ ] thought and effort that you possibly have in your heart becoming what it is you want to be if you really want to make an impact you're going to get a lot of judgment you're going to get a lot of hate people are going to just dis on you people are gonna say who do you think you are if no one thinks you're crazy you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potential I actually appreciate my haters my haters keep me grinding I tell them all the time if you want to pay attention to success watch me a lion never negotiates winning hyena he ain't waking up in the morning and saying I'm gonna go hang out with some hyenas he ain't going to the same clubs where he know the hyenas don't like him anyway because he don't concern himself with the conversations of hyenas a eagle flies at a certain altitude and the only other bird flies at that altitude is another Eagle so if you find himself flocking with pigeons he may be flying too low see sometimes we asking ourselves why my friends treat me like this you hanging out with pigeons talking about me like he like this man you hanging out with pigeons the Eagles ain't got time to gossip Kings don't gossip fool's party King celebrate who got to come out your comfort zone because your comfort zone is the deadliest place you will ever be you should never feel comfortable you should be happy satisfied your ability to go all in and when I say all in I mean all the [ __ ] in every moment every minute every hour every day every week every month every [ __ ] year for as long as if he takes for you to get where you're going you should be consumed with that path if you want to show me you want to win that bad pack your calendar you packed your calendar that's how you show the world that you want to win because everything is based off of activity very hard when you go up against somebody that shows up every flipping day where you sit there and say take a damn week off go on vacation why don't you slow down for a day or a month or two months or three months please let me catch up because hungry people they're just more urgent than everybody else if I need to learn a skill set today I'm gonna go buy the course today I'm gonna get better at it today not tomorrow not this afternoon not later on tonight today what you do at night matters what you do in the morning matters what you do when your friends are out drinking matters what you do on Saturday matters what you do on Sunday matters the success clock doesn't give a [ __ ] what day it is it's gonna run no matter what and you guys pretend like you can work at seven eight ten hours a day and then spend the rest of your time get off and you think you're gonna be somewhere and you're not and you're surrounded by people who enable the stop process your good friends your family people who have accepted mediocrity as a lie oh you don't need to work on weekends why do you work so hard at night why do you get up so early and do that why do you train so hard why are you reading all these books when we're out drinking beer when you obsessed they're like I'm gonna be so close why can't you be satisfied why do you always gotta get things so perfect why you spend so much time here and you're obsessed people think you're nuts anybody ever tell you hey look just be satisfied with what you got no don't believe him get him away from you you should never be satisfied with what you got you should double your business triple it because the attempt to get more makes you into something better Easy never pays well so if you're thinking that it's just gonna be a walk in the park you're dead [ __ ] wrong you have a bit of effort and energy you have to pull it off and you have to work harder than everyone else work while they sleep learn while they party save while they spend and live like they dream you're gonna have so many people tell you you don't have what it takes you you of all people gonna do that you're being unrealistic you're not gonna make it don't believe a word they say you're gonna have to block out the noise of everyone around you and focus on yourself you go after and you give it all you have if you lose at least you try man I failed it's ten times more of a man than someone said what if because what if never went to the arena in life it's not the genetic guy who wins or the guy with the most potential that wins is a person with the greatest perseverance that one's always willing to get up and go ahead and get it go ahead again that's the guy who has his hand raised later in life guys that's the guy you guys need to be every true leader they're called weird they're called eccentric when you do the things of real leadership you're going to be called strange get strong enough in your own skin that when people laugh at you or when they throw stones at you you keep on going what are you going to do now how are you going to control that now how are you going to flip it upside down and say Roger that now I'm gonna harness this [ __ ] and you'll read about me years from now can you hear about who wronged you in the past they gonna have to feel you they gonna have to see you don't get even don't worry about getting even when you already beat the odds the dream come true you gotta stay focused some people rather get even than get ahead stay focused on where you want to go I just kept on doing what I was supposed to do you have to be relentless you have to never let off the gas never stop never quit never allow anyone to talk you out of the dream Division and ideas that God has sent you we all get knocked out I've had my haters I've had people who've come against me who try to sabotage me I like them stop crying nobody cares be demanding let it hit you but don't let it punk you stop letting people affect your day affect your life affect the outcome or what's going to happen to you waste no more effort wrestling with other people you're your future is not predicated on the decision of someone else you wasted too much of your life your life trying to change other people's mind about you it doesn't matter what they think about you you see yourself the Fulfillment of your dreams lies within you and you alone when you understand and accept this then nothing or no one can deny you greatness everybody said you don't read well enough you're not a critical thinker I'm not but I'm a beast you ain't got to be smart when you're a beast you ain't got to be the most talented when you abuse you ain't got to be the mortality when you got that dog I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail and I will succeed I'm gonna [ __ ] make myself good enough you dreaming I'm obsessed I want to prove people wrong while they talk you keep working while they gossip behind your back you keep working and at the end of it all they will lose and you will win what if all of us took that attitude after we Face a rejection and a no or we have a meeting and no one shows up or somebody say you can count on me and they don't come through what if we have that kind of attitude the cause repossessed nobody believes in you you've lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you're still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and say to yourself it's not over until I win life will yield to you and I'll go to war for what I want I will go to war for what I love so I won't stand down so if you get in my way I'll eat a step home you will step over you this is your territory this is your Turf this is your field this is your core this is your home but thanks what's yours you aren't given any breaks in life you make them for yourself we are all being tested in life and how you face that test determines the rest of your life and there's a lot of times where I don't know how I'm gonna move forward but I ask myself one question can you take another step and that answer is always yes those circumstances will make us [ __ ] stronger and those [ __ ] demons are coming at you and they're attacking you if you feel you can't handle them you have to invent someone that can we all have the ability to transform ourselves to bring more out regardless of what's in front of you you still must grind I feel that most things I do but still I cry I don't want to do after I do but still I grind and that one day you see me on a dark alley run at one o'clock in the morning know one thing I was grinding it happened it had Solitude where I try and I try and I try again with everything I have to be the best that was yesterday better than I thought I could be because I will not stop I want with all other men want but when the pressure hits when the opposition hits when the challenge hits when the pain Creeps in when uncertainly Creeps in when it cuts when the scars when the bruises come I just want a little bit more than they want it and if you ain't got no heart to me if you ain't been working harder than me if you ain't sacrifice more than me I'm gonna destroy you and I'm not retreated I'm not running I don't care what they say on paper I don't care if you say we outnumber we live by this and we die by this we don't run it we don't retreat have you lost your mind I put in too many I swear too much blood too much tear I want I will grow up with well then nobody pay me I work for this sweat blood tears everything inside something that hadn't even happened yet some of you are so worried about the threat of trouble you not in trouble it's just it's just a trouble has threatened you never leave you allow those thoughts to dwell in your mind it will succeed at robbing you of your peace dropping you of your joy to a nervous breakdown you thought [Music] this is no time to lose your hair this is no time to quit there's no time to say no time to give in you may advance [Music] yes I am the BBQ give you being you gotta drive you got you for whatever you do you cannot give up you cannot give in you're the only person that can stop you so stop talking like a victim stop thinking like a victim stop acting like a victim and walk into your destiny walk into it I'm gonna tell you the truth you're gonna be attacked betrayed exposed and humiliated life is going to break you and it's going to see how bad you really want it that's the moment when you are truly alone and what will you do then can you summon the will to fight on through all the pain and Rise Again who are you that will be the defining question of your life and I think you already know the answer because your pain is your power you suffer so you can be much stronger I don't know what that dream is that you have I don't care how far-fetched it might appear to be I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream but here's what I know that that dream that you're holding in your mind that it's possible Albert Einstein said imagination is everything it's a preview to Life's coming attractions everything you imagine is a preview to a Coming Attraction once you understand that and quit looking at your imagination as Hocus Pocus it opens up a wide range of things and possibilities and if you're bold enough if you're strong enough if you can handle the pain you can make it happen you just can't quit in the middle of the journey yeah in every project there's Escape hatches and if you don't vote them close when the going gets tough boom away you go when you make up your mind to do something quitting should never be an option if you're going to quit quit when you're at your Peak when you're very very successful but don't quit because you're tired of paying the price if you pay the price the reward is going to be that much sweeter I can accept failure everyone fails at some point but I cannot accept not trying when you've tried your best when you've given a hundred and twenty percent you should never feel bad you pick yourself up you look at it from another perspective you come up with another solution and you go at it again you're a problem solver you're not soft you're not weak you don't quit you don't surrender you fall seven times you get up eight you chase after that thing you believe you deserve until you get it and you let nothing stand in your way you can't ever feel bad when you put forth a hundred and twenty percent you can't let the outcomes make you feel wack you're not wack you're a warrior you won't always win but you gotta always try absolutely refuse to quit when you know what you're doing what you're studying the price you're paying is going to pay enormous dividends in the long run you've got to learn the seated good and everything that could be negative and sometimes tragedy strike not to hurt you but to elevate you in a way if the tragedy never happened you will never be elevated so you got to say to yourself I will learn to see the good in everything bad my life these challenges these tribulations these things will make me stronger with every decision comes a result with every decision that comes at alcohol and so in order for you to make your dreams and goals become a reality you gotta be a great decision maker it's one thing to talk about your dreams but it's another thing to wake up when you know you're supposed to wake up to try again when you failed for the hundredth time to say no to quitting when your body is screaming that you stop those decisions they are the path to your dream there will be nobody in this world that will stop you from becoming what you want to become except you if you walk out of this long a day you owe you to make good decisions because when you make bad decisions you destroy you you're killing you you're destroying you and I told you that if you make good decisions you reap the benefits of it many of us feel like right now there's a mountain in front of you that seems immovable but I'm telling you the power of good choices the power of hard work tenacity refusing to quit refusing to say I can't I give up and I quit but beginning to say in the really relief I can I must I will I received I won't be defeated nothing in front of me is willing to stop because I can control me I can control the controllable and that's how hard I work that's my desire to refuse to quit no matter what I will not give up until I achieve my dream [Music] you can be world class you can fit in with the world you don't get to do both if you want to have the results only five percent of the population has you've got to be willing to think and behave like only five percent of the population and if you do these kinds of things the world will call you eccentric this is where your where you got to develop the interior core where it doesn't matter if people call you crazy one of the things limiting you from your income you use life you care too much about what people think about you sounds really obvious everyone has an opinion and let the opinions of other people deny you from a life that will make history why are you so anti-social because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do some fun and cool you always study it because I'm trying to get it you ain't doing nothing and for those of us who get up and go out we've got something to say about how you doing stop talking about some performance stop telling us what to do or how to do it you keep gossiping and I'll keep working keep talking smack and I'll keep working you keep focusing on everyone else and I'll keep working and when you finally look around at where you are and where I'm at that you have news and I will win you don't have time to worry about anybody else's course because it's going to take all of your energy that's why it's important for you to work on yourself listen to tapes building yourself up talking to yourself with power feeling and conviction day in and day out you got to focus on you as you convince you as you sell yourself every day every day every day you will begin to see a difference in the things that you're doing selling yourself and your ability to perform a job to achieve a certain objective telling yourself every day here I go again and I got what it takes this is my day and nothing out here is going to stop me I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail and I will succeed just give me against me period I'm obsessed I want to prove people wrong and you've got to learn how to tune out the critics outside and the critic inside and since I'm going to do this I'm going to harness my will and I'm not going to let anything stop stay on that basketball court stay in that football field call the homies texting and calling and trying to bad about being so focused it's grind season homie it's not about today it's about the future will work now and all of this that she is your loved ones it's all going to be on a whole other strategy disappointments not about the defeats not about your mistakes not about what you don't have not about who doesn't approve of you doesn't like you it's insignificant your life in your hands you have the power to turn your life around you've got the power to snatch Victory from the jaws of defeat you've got the or to be dead on you to be that decisive about your life all of us have experienced some tragedy and if we haven't we will and you can even let it destroy your life or you can build upon it you can permit it to let it hold you down or you can decide I'm not going to let that happen to me I'm bigger than this the night is dark as just before the dog I promise you the dawn is coming and it doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life because that's going to happen all the matters is that you got to get up everybody can see everybody has sight but very few people have vision for every minute that you think you can't do it I need you to offset it you're dreaming about the fact that you can whatever your dream is whatever your goal is you're not going to be able to make it happen if you don't have a dream party every day we gotta take out 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes however much time you have and you gotta actually go in a room close the door and you gotta see yourself doing it you gotta feel yourself doing it you gotta actually walk in it you gotta go in the future live it out come back in the present and start working toward it every single day we're not waiting for it to happen we just don't have sight sight is for people who live in the present we have Vision we're going to make it happen before it happens you have to know that this thing is going to work come hell or high water whatever it is that I set out to do it may not happen in six months it may not happen in a year it may not happen in two years but at some point my dream is going to become a reality cannot get it please I'm trying to tell you you can win despite the circumstance you can win the spiky adversity you can win despite the situation you can win despite how much money you got in your bank you can win you can pull it off as long as you're a program with what you can't do and what you can't be and what you can't have you will never get up but I dare you to go into your phone blues and spin around and come out Superman wait a minute a minute I'm better than this man don't you know God wants you through too much for you to give up here and die people can't do just anything to you right can't do just anything to you I don't care what comes up against you I don't care how big they are I don't care how far you can decide that you're going to change that you're going to stand up to life I got me here I can get me out of this and I'm getting out I'm not going to be a volunteer victim you can decide I'm going to work on myself and develop myself I'm going to empower me I'm not going to settle for this this is not going to be it for my life I deserve more than this can you get control when you stop letting life control you when you get to the point where a tragedy or a child don't make you cry some of you are phenomenally skills but once life hits you with a punch or two you ready to quit but not only steel is cute but it is a phenomenal will that says every time I get knocked down I will get back up and I will succeed I will not surrender foreign [Music] that try the human soul so violently and so perplexing that if the truth we're told all of us have had moments that we wanted to throw up our hands and walk away depression frustration anxiety pain disillusion it's just a natural part of the process of becoming a stronger version of yourself it happens to us spiritually and it happens in the world physically you actually have a say-so in how your life goes you have a determining voice into where your life can go you have no say-so in what happens to you but you have a say-so in what you do about it see life is 10 of what happens to you is 90 what you do about it everything you see that's beautiful starts out as a seed but that seed got to get dirt on it see you get tripped out cause you got dirt on you but you need dirt on you to develop because dirt ain't just dirt dirt is fertilizer dirt is nutrients dirt gives you the strip for your seed to push through so you gotta have dirt on you to push through something see you get mad when haters come your way you get mad cause you get a setback you get mad cause you get thrown off course you get mad cause you get a detour that's just dirt you get mad cause they talking about you that's dirt you getting mad cause you you lost your mama that's dirt but show me something that has grown into something beautiful that didn't have no dirt on it you got to have dirt on you to grow into what God got for you I'm better I'm better than I was when I went down it was good for me that I've been Afflicted I'm better for it I didn't like it but I'm better for it I couldn't see down there but I'm better folks yeah I was planted in a bad place but I'm better for every time you go through certain parts and you can't see your way out remember you've been planted not been buried I'm not buried in this mess I'm planted in it I'm planted in it and if I'm planting it expect me to come back up again and when I come back up you won't recognize me because I'm going to be transformed by the experiences that I have endured I ain't going nowhere I will break you before you break me you will not defeat me you will not destroy me I'm unbreakable now you gotta take some ales To Be A Champion you ain't gotta take no else to be a winner but you gotta take some L's to be a champion and you tripping on your heels your hair's about to prepare you everybody's gotta complain so they're hitting the [ __ ] mouth so when you're playing fails when you get knocked down the [ __ ] campus when everything falls apart in your life and your plan is dumb what the [ __ ] are you gonna do there's only one [ __ ] ass put yourself in a position where you can't Retreat where it's Do or Die sink or swim here's what you'll find out you'll develop incredible swimming skills through the inspiration of desperation you become more creative than ever before when your mind knows it's not going to quit your body will adapt to whatever is in front of it learn to not let life hijack your brain don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person you must own your mind don't let life own yours as long as you have breath in your mouth don't you ever give up don't you ever give in because I never told you it'd be easy or with mental topless you can get it done I don't care how hard you fall follow your back cause you you can follow your back you can lick off and then you can look up you can get up I'm not gonna let this get me down I'm not gonna let this destroy me I'm coming back and I'll be stronger and better because of it I don't care where you come from I don't care where you were raised I don't care what color you are I don't care what gender you are I don't care about any of that if you do the work consistently if you invest in yourself consistently one plus one is always going to equal two two plus two is gonna equal four and ten years a [ __ ] work is gonna pay off you can do this don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done it takes courage to act part of being hungry when you've been defeated it takes courage to start over again because of past experiences past defeats past pain we look back well it didn't work out then it probably won't work out now courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm Michael Jordan said in one of his interviews I missed 9 000 shots when I was playing basketball at the NBA games does it make him a failure no he's one of the greatest basketball players of all times but he failed 9 000 times we all fail it's okay what is not the case that when you fail you stay down whoever stays down is a loser and winners will fail and get up fail and get up fail and get up you always get up that is a winner and I'm telling you you're not where you want to be financially and it's not going to take 20 shots you're not where you want to be in your marriage and it's not going to take 20 shots you are not where you want to be in your personal life you are not the person you want to be and it's not going to take you 20 shots for some of you is one more shot for some of you is two more shots and you have not given yourself enough credit to say I just need to get up a half hour earlier and my whole life will change I just need to get up one hour early I just need to work one hour longer and when just doesn't make any logical sense to go on that's when you use your emotion your anger your frustration your fear to push further when your feelings are screaming that you've had enough when you think you are going to break emotionally override that emotion with concrete logic and willpower that says one thing I don't stop you've got to make those kind of declarations to yourself I Unstoppable this will not get me down I'm not going to be tonight I'm going to go up in here I'm going to do this you can't have any doubts you gotta believe this for yourself you gotta Believe I Can Do This I was created for this I was called for this I was curved for this I'm a shake for this I was meant for this you gotta be doubtless or you can't Harvest you got to be the kind of person that you are fearless Fearless [ __ ] lead fill his people alone you are unstoppable and because you are unstoppable because you've got power that you haven't even began to use yet you are to yourself to release your breaks some people want to always step into something that is always finish because they don't understand the power of the process it's good to be afflicted it's good to have to worry how I'm gonna make it it's going to have to scuffle your way up the heart on the battle the sweet of the victory it's good to you what see when you win as hard as a struggle see what you become in the process is more important than the dream that's far more important the kind of person you become the character that you build the courage that you develop the faith that you're manifesting you get up in the morning you look yourself in the mirror you're a different kind of person you walk with a different kind of spirit it is easy to be negative today it is easy to have low morale today anybody can do that but if you can begin to harness yourself and say that where I am I'm gonna do the best I can with what I got because that is an expression of who I am and you'll be surprised of the things that you're able to do when you learn how to block things out when you learn how to keep that eyes single you'll be surprised of the ideas that will come to you you can decide I'm going to work on myself and develop myself I'm going to empower me I got what it takes this is my day and nothing out here is going to stop me [Music] doing everybody it's against you or don't believe in you no more the long feeling oh it hurts very badly I know what that's like and look at you with that look and say why don't you try something else why don't you give up get away from these people that's in your life that ain't doing nothing get away from people in your life that's hating get away from them get away from them if you take a oak tree seed and you put it in a two foot pot that sea will never become the oak tree that oak trees are capable of becoming because it's gonna get stifled by the two foot pot let's check this out ain't nothing wrong with the seed the seed just fell pray to the environment don't you allow your environment to dictate the oak tree that you become anytime you move from being normal to trying to be exceptional people aren't gonna like this most normal people it makes them feel like [ __ ] so they're gonna judge you and that's why every true leader they're called weird they're called eccentric when you do the things of real leaders ship you're gonna be called strange get strong enough in your own skin that when people laugh at you or when they throw stones at you you keep on going I respect any [ __ ] that wakes up every day in work they ass off to live a life and lifestyle a clubbing partying hanging out that ain't for me I'm gonna be out here running in the hot sun practicing while everybody else is clubbing and hanging out you got your focus right don't expect people to understand you don't expect to anybody why you've got to do this why go why you mean this is a good job I'm going they pay you well I'm going why I don't understand you don't have to I'm going for me this is something I have got to do how are you going to make it I don't know but I will the universe responds to the man or woman that refuses to be denied because that is your commitment that business that you want that book you want to write that dream that you have of controlling your destiny that is yours that's available to you but you've got to be willing to stand there and face disappointment not have support be lonely doubt yourself sometimes be rejected again and again and again become bankrupt if necessary again and again and again and refuse to turn around until life gives it up life will always be to a large extent what you make it not what circumstances will make of it not what other people will make of it not what other people say it will be not what the environment will try and dictate to you but what you make of your life so when you're uncommon get ready for the criticism when you're uncommon get ready for the office you're uncommon get ready for the common people not to understand you if I decided to experience the fear of rejection the fear of no the fear of failure the fear of standing by myself the fear of people not liking me what else is available of taking a chance of fear of losing it all what else is available to me you got ta ending your dream people laughing at you and they're doubting you it takes guts ladies and gentlemen let me tell you I believe in Revenge like he said the best revenge success kill them with kindness towards you with a success when your life is [ __ ] hard your life is coming at you you will panic and you will forget who the [ __ ] you are because in the worst of [ __ ] times you are alone you must get your [ __ ] self out of the [ __ ] sewer no one's coming in the store to get you it's dark it's nasty there's rats down there it's your brain you are the only person that could prove yourself out anything you focus your mind on you can change you don't like the way your life is going the only one who can change it you don't have to be an alcoholic you don't have to be a failure you don't have to be anything you don't want to be if you ever decide to change your mind and if you're having one of those dark days it's okay it's okay to feel that Darkness Embrace that Darkness I don't care who you are I don't care what title you hold I don't care what position you're in I don't care what it looks like to people about your life life you have to get up in the chaos he creates a conqueror in the man those exceptional people who are uncomfortable with the time that rise to the challenge because they refuse to allow the chaos around them to the to the fiercely in spite of opposition and say I'm going to do it anyway hey you're gonna have people to do things to you things are going to happen to you and the most important thing to do is to harness your will and let it go move so you can grow so you can get on with your life it doesn't matter about what happens to you what matters is what are you going to do about it start working and developing yourself now and prepare yourself for what it is that you want because you're back to get it you know you understand you don't like how you feel right now stop still why are you why are you over a step why would you be weeping and worried over one judge your life by where you are here you are the only way you are will pass it was more than you you now that's representing your bank account there's more in you right now that's being reflected by your life right now your life is not a true reflection of your potential you've got to believe in yourself you got to stand up you can't talk tough times never last but tough people do you going through hell don't stop keep moving you keep on swinging and the universe will yield that's why the devil wants you want to shut up and just when you think he got you now you must be easy no is it worth it yes yes your life is worth it tend to tell stripped from the Tails stand still and let the chaos run from you from you life will knock you between the eyes it will catch you on the Blind Side come out of nowhere stuff you can't anticipate that will knock the wind out of you you want to give up you will not be challenged in your convenience you will be challenged in your chaos when you run out of money when things don't work out for you when things happen that you could not anticipate what are the reasons that you can think of that can keep you strong if you know the why for living you can endure almost anyhow you will be tested and how you face that test and how you overcome that test determines the rest of your life the women tell you that you must have in life is that regardless of what's in front of you you still must grind I'll never be in the Olympics I never be professional athletes but still I cry I feel that most things I do but still I grind I don't want to do have to I do but still I grind you don't have to force yourself or motivate yourself to think negatively to be depressed to hate somebody to want revenge to want to get back at somebody to beat yourself up over the head you don't have to make any effort to do that your mind is on automatic it will do that by itself but if you want to begin to move into your own personal greatness if you want to begin to really enjoy a happy successful healthy life you've got to be willing to go against the tide you've got to be willing to harness your will and say in spite of this I'm in control here I'm not gonna let this get me down I'm not gonna let this destroy me before you are boxed and buried decide that you're gonna box and bury your fears decide that you're going to begin to live life on a new level seeking out New Horizons it's necessary that you look for ways to always find a way to put out when everybody else thinks that you would defeated but you've got to take personal responsibility to know that in order to become successful you've got to make it your personal business to do it decide that you're going to push yourself most people won't do that most people give up on themselves easily you know the human spirit is powerful this nothing is powerful it's hard to kill the human spirit that when you have a made-up mind you don't care about the facts you don't care about the odds the power to hold on in spite of everything the power to endure this is the Winner's quality the hunger the ability to face defeat again and again without giving up this is a Winner's quality you have that quality within you in life we have to continue pushing past the odds use everything this ward has to give you for fuel stand up for your dreams stand up for what you want in your life decide that your life is so meaningful to you that you love you and you love life so much that you're going to stand up for what you believe in because you can fall for anything I'm doing this because I want to make my mom a Potter I'm doing this because I want my children to have a better life I'm doing this because all my life I've been told I'll be a loser that I wouldn't make it I'm doing this to make them alive I believe like Frank Sinatra he said the best revenge in life is massive success but if life's got you down I need you when the defining moment comes after you define the moment or the moment defines you have you to find a moment you decided that you're gonna not concern yourself with the naysayers that you're not going to concern yourself with what has happened or what hasn't happened but you're going to make the commitment to do what you've got to do so that you can have a lifestyle that you've never experienced before or at the moment defines you and you decide to play it safe in 20 years from now you say to yourself what if I would have taken a chance on myself what if I would have stayed in the game what if I would have kept making the phone calls what if what if and what if but let me tell you something something amazing begins to happen when you make the decision to move forward on your goals and your dreams if you are an underdog you gotta believe Against All Odds you got to learn to close your ears to everybody you got to learn to close your ears to everything you got to learn to block out the distractions and you gotta learn to get focused all right be very intentional very deliberate very strategic you're very deliberate about what time you wake up you're very deliberate about what time you go to bed you're very deliberate about what you eat what you don't do you're very deliberate about the people you bring in your life you are very very focused intentional and deliberate winners win and losers lose and if you create a culture of losing if you keep being a victim if you keep letting losing happen to you if you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way it's gonna become a culture sure see we gotta look our trauma in the face we gotta embrace the pain in the darkness and allow it to mold us the dark times are when we build higher dream harder push further love deeper that's forming your future it's pushing you forward when you go through a storm it strengthens you when you come through that kind of experience and able to reclaim your life you come back with a certain kind of power and you'll never be the same again after that experience there are certain things when you go through those things and you come up out of those things you come up a different kind of person different Spirit different Power different energy don't ever say what you're going through some rough time I'm going through a really bad tragic time no see I'm going through a character building experience that setback is going to become a comeback go through the darkness come out on the other side something new and allow that person to change the world the journey is not easy everyone's hot off the start but after a month or so into it with the wear and tear and the grind starts to hit you you start losing focus on the horizon do you not get called away in the daily hiccups the ups and downs and the wear and tear you focus on his speed bumps the daily activities losing sight of their true purpose most of you won't be successful because when you're studying and you get tired you quit don't cry to give up cry to keep going don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a reward from it it's between a winner and a loser values there for some time since the winner gets back up again until it goes his way I don't care how hard you fall I don't care if nobody don't believe in you it only takes you believing in yourself to get this thing done and listen to me it ain't failure if you learn from it baby so if you fall following your back so you can look up because if you can look up then you can get up I dare you to take a little pain I dare you at the end of pain is Success if you can stay in the race if you can stay in the fight your own future it's okay to not be okay it's just not okay to stay that way the one thing I know about emotions is that they change one hour from right now you will not feel the same way and I want to encourage you tonight that you might be in your darkest moment you might be going through hell in high water but I know this it is always too soon to quit you have a reason to live your best days are in front of you get up your future is brighter than your past get up your ladder is greater than your former get up because the best it's still yet to come there's some things in life you don't need no degree for you don't need no money for it you don't need no support for it there's something the light you just gonna get through when you tell yourself I'm gonna get through this I need you to look at that sickness that's going up your life right now whatever it is I want you to say I can't be I can't read it I will beat it I must you think it's gonna be easy forget about it all right don't even try to be successful it's a wrap it's not going to be easy but I want you to feel that pain going through your body as pain needs your body that's what's gonna take its place success and when that thing tells you to quit you look at it in his eye and say I ain't going nowhere I will break you before you break me you will not defeat me you will not destroy me I'm unbreakable now take your pain use your plan to push you past whatever you control take the fact that your father wasn't in your life change the fact that it took me 12 years she started with nothing to lose your pain you take your pain and let your legs push you to another level you have come too far to quit now you have invested too much to quit now you have lost too much to quit now get a reward for your pain don't cry about it don't whine about it get a reward for it I didn't quit not in stock I didn't whine you know what I did I got my reward for it I don't take else no more no more errors in my life all we do is win win every decision that you make has consequences are you making yourself better are you making yourself worse are you moving forward are you moving back are you making progress or are you stagnating every little decision you make counts and most people will not be successful they will not reach whatever they wrote Because when there's not anything emotionally attached to it they're gonna quit and give up most people were closer they ever thought they were to finishing that big thing but they never finished it because they didn't feel like finishing it when they were doing it and it was paid and most people quit in the pay because the pain hurts so bad that they don't know if they want to keep going to get to go because you're going to wake up most days and not feel like it you're gonna wake up most days and not be pumped up you're gonna wake up most days and not feel like doing it but when you can get to a point that you do it anyway then there's no way you won't reach any of your goals you are not where you want to be night cause you need if you don't need number nothing else you need to learn to tell you know you keep talking about everybody else you can't tell no you can't tell you no you can't tell you stop you can't tell you quit you gotta get to a point where you're disciplined it's a muscle the mind is a muscle emotion is a muscle I don't negotiate with myself well maybe I'll do it tomorrow I'm gonna do this or let me wait two more minutes till I'm ready there's not much with me for decades I go I say we do I'm not here to discuss this with my mind there's mind and their soul and spirit and Soul and Spirit my soul can knows and when I say jump you [ __ ] jump I'm not here to have a discussion with you but you have to take control and train this brain if you don't train this brain it'll use you instead of you using it everyone wants some life hack that eliminates the need to do the work but that does not exist you have to do the work you've got to hold the line you've got to make it happen well could you be if you worked as hard as you could what could you be if you imposed real discipline in your life I said you break up the volume on that question Max it out and then go again people who win [ __ ] douche and people who lose talks you can win if you choose to learn the things that you need to do and then you can do them that's reality that's the sh nobody wants to admit because admitting so means that you have to take responsibility for where you are currently and you have to say I am where I am currently because I didn't do X Y and Z and guess what that it hurts a little bit but once you accept that truth you are able to then move forward with the actions required to get you to where you want to go you have no business being average but now you Justified reasons why you can't get up at five you have these great reasons why you have to do everything while you don't execute you've got an excuse for why you're an average I guarantee you if you were humble enough if you were hungry enough if you really wanted what you said you'd sit down and you study what you do and you say I can do this better but I'm not exhausted all my time I'm not exhausted on my research that's something missing you're not where you're supposed to be it's not gonna take a ride but it's a small Gap and the Gap is called execution if you want to execute just a little bit more you're going to hold it around you have to master the monotonous it's the boring it's the everyday it's the regular it means doing the sh that most people are too [ __ ] undisciplined to do day in and day out with perfection doing it better than everybody else doing it's the best of your ability you have to remind yourself that these little things that you do are go going to lead to the big things are you going to do your workout or are you not are you going to do your cardio or are you not you think things are gonna just go your way well they're not gonna just go your way you gotta make them go your way you think things are gonna just happen for you whether or not it's gonna happen for you you gotta make them happen discipline your body get up early and go get after it and you'll become the person you want to be and you become that person through one small decision at a time you gotta get tired of losing you got to get to the point of your life where you say I have had it I've had it with blowing in a restaurant looking on one side to see what I want to eat and then look on the other side to see what I could afford I'd had it living like that I'd had it borrowing money from people I'd had a living like a cringing animal when you don't have any money and runs your blood pressure up you hear me poverty sucks make no mistake about it you gotta decide I have heard it I'm not going to live like this anymore there'll be more for me and let me tell you something you deserve it you deserve a better life there is more to your life than you've been living you deserve it there's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have have to believe there's something different can happen the first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go I want to see how far I can go I want to see what I can accomplish I want to see what I can do what I can do what I can have I want to see I don't want to see what I think I can do I don't want to see what I think is possible I want to see what my life will look like if I didn't count the cost when you want something bad you can't count for cars because if you count the cost and you see how much it costs you know I quit you might give up so you got to go in knowing that I don't count the cars I do as many push-ups as it take as many sit-ups as it take as many reps as it takes I study as long as it takes I pay whatever the price is why because if I start counting the cars I'm like quit I might give up I'm right so rich don't count the boss we'll get to a point where you don't count it you just do whatever it takes to get whatever you want find when your dreams is a lonely solitary scary dangerous Pursuit you can't wait for somebody to think you can do it because they don't think you can do nothing they can't do nobody knows but you nobody knows what you are even sometimes you don't really even know what you are you gotta take your shot I have opinions and feelings about yourself independent of the feedback look at your belief system every single day and stick with it don't rush the process trust the process don't rush the process trust the process you got to be Fearless you got to be relentless you've got to learn how to become resourceful you've got to learn how to become creative at for the creative person is they believe there is always an answer if you don't think there's an answer how creative are you going to be how long are you going to hang with that idea how long are you going to try to work it and percolate it and create it and make it something bigger and you've got to be so relentless regardless of what comes down the pipe that you're always looking for a way to get over always looking for a way that you can break through always looking for a way that you can win always looking for way that you can strike a telling blow but you gotta understand you can always get a little bit better you can always Excel a little bit more you can always push it a little further you can always climb a little bit higher you can always better your best you can always go beyond anything that you have ever done and so all you're looking for is new breakthroughs through practice and practice you'll get better and better and when you know what you want you will do anything it takes to get it you're gonna do whatever it takes do you hear me you're gonna go your own way you're gonna do a table too we're gonna be smart the fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge everything is a pill that's worthwhile and there's not going to come to you and it's not going to fall in your lap and it's not going to be something that oh my gosh it just was so simple it's always going to be difficult you need it why why do you need a y cause some days you're gonna look at that alarm clock and you're gonna say I don't want to get up but that wise gonna say I'll push yourself get up your mama needs you your Daddy needs you your children need you get up your wives gonna push you when you can't push yourself when you wanna quit and give up your wives gonna give you the edge you need that Advantage you need that lift that you need to get to the next level yo why what your why does for you is saying you can't quit you can't give up you can't stop if there's no money you make I'm sorry you're greatest if nobody giving you an opportunity to create your goals are gonna push you your dreams are gonna push you the opportunity of a lifetime is gonna drive you you will study as long as it takes you won't go to sleep until you have the knowledge that you're able to do if you do what is easy your life will be hard can you do what is easy complain about your situation your circumstances stand around and be a volunteer victim like everybody else surrender and give up on your dreams become depressed and bitter and angry anybody can do that if you do what is easy your life will be hard but if you do what is hard keep coming back again and again and again get up dressed every day knowing some way somehow with a spirit of expectation I can do this if you do that over and over and over again your life will be easy you have to understand that easy quick nonsense is made for the sheep and the Sheep never [ __ ] win choose the hard path the path of responsibility hard work and sacrifice the path of discipline humility and ownership that ultimately leads to Freedom you want to exercise as your freedom on the world but you don't want to exercise it on yourself oh you shut the world down to tell you what you can't do but you won't say nothing you when you don't do what you supposed to do you're not getting out when you're supposed to get up you're procrastinate but you let you slide you want to hold them accountable hold yourself accountable too you always want to blame other people you want to hold other people to the fire but you're not holding yourself to the fire there are things you like you have absolutely no control you are like a slave to you you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50 what's wrong with you get rid of them excuses you need to stop throwing fingers at people and you start pointing fingers at yourself what did you not do and the reason why we fast from time to time is not that we have to fast but at some point you gotta fast because you gotta tell the flesh who's in control I'm in control you're not in control I know you don't want to wake up you don't have an option get up we trying to eat that's a certain lifestyle we want because I owe it to myself you can't nobody stop me but me you are not where you want to be not because you need any more gifts you need to discipline yourself you need to learn to tell you no tell you stop tell you quit you got to get to a point where you're discipline it might require you saying no to your friends it might require you changing your diet whatever it takes you got to be willing to do it and you keep saying you're not there because of something else because it's easier to blame somebody else I have to take complete ownership I had to look at all the things that I didn't have control over and say I gotta take control why when you master yourself you put yourself in a position that a lot of people can't do what you do and then you become rare and diamonds are rare that's why they cost so much you have to be willing to bring it out you have to be willing to push through discomfort nothing that you're about to try or do that is worthwhile is going to be comfortable for you during the process of creating it stop with this no stop with this I wish and start replacing those terms with I will [ __ ] do no matter what do with your feelings you do it because you're supposed to it's a lifestyle they said hitting that it's news button in the morning and not making your bed not cleaning your house you'll hit the snooze button you get up you don't want to go run you go run you want to go swim you go swim you want to make your bed you make your bed now we're gonna clean your house and clean your house you know where to sell you can study that's how you start to callous your mind it's going to suck it's not gonna be fun do something that sucks every single day of your life that's how you grow make every day your Masterpiece The Secret of your success is determined by what we here's the crazy part all you gotta do is look in the mirror all you gotta do is deal with yourself and then we're gonna get you a hole in the level embrace the pressure pressure creates diamonds start to take the pressure that you feel from what it is you want to do and turn that into productive action let it be the thing that makes you get where you want to go when everybody else is just taking it easy no more playing after today I need you to take control over every single error and we're gonna do it one day at a time and you're gonna get control and then someday gonna be your day you should live long enough a lot of stuff will come against you what do you want me to tell you that it's going to be a picnic no it's not will there be times when you can't make ends meet yes that's a part of it will you have some opposition will there be times you won't know what to do yes that's a part of it and everybody has what's called a turn back moment or the direction you're going you would have to make a decision to keep going or you turn back the sad thing is the average person turns back but the thing you have to keep in mind before you give up is that if you give up the guarantee is it will never happen that's the guarantee of quitting only way the possibility remains that it can happen is if you never give up no matter what the pressure in your life right now has a purpose it's not crushing you it's pushing what's on the inside of you out it shows you who you are opportunity comes in chaos when crisis strike in your life and in the Chinese language crisis mean danger but it also means opportunity a chance to stand up a chance to get it right a chance to make a u-turn guess what you are strong enough to do it and your life is worth whatever you have to go through and you can kick on out of those circumstances whatever they are where you say I'm going to keep on kicking I'm never gonna give up how are you going to make it I don't know but I will where there's a will there's a way there's a way that you can begin to handle this there's a way out here somewhere there's a solution if I really work hard and use my mind and I get creative there's something out there that I have a disco there's always an answer you can do more than you think you can do you can have more than you think you can have possibilities for you are unlimited if you're coming back from adversity and Devastation it's unlimited of what you can do there's no guarantee that because somebody is now down on their luck they can never come back who can guarantee that you can't make no one can do that you don't know what the possibilities are for your life you want your stuff that's necessarily you take responsibility for it that you make it happen that you don't give up that you don't take any objection or disappointment or defeat personally that you keep on keeping on that you all decide that I can't make it because you feel through the light at the end of the tunnel that you realize that's a part of the program the difference is not the genetic code it's a guy that you only get knocked knock knock on Fortune stand back up the perseverance and see it through but Never Say Die attitude and I go in there man and if I don't win I showed up I give my ballot after and tomorrow I'll do the same thing I'll continue and flush against the wall every day I'll try it again try it again and I'll never get comfortable I'll feel rejected I try how do you feel rejected when you try the person who didn't try should feel rejected the person that didn't try should feel defeated the person that didn't try should feel some type of way I tried I've been rejected I feel good about myself I tried I don't feel bad I gave it 120 you can't never feel bad when you put forth 120 you can't let the outcomes make you feel whack I'm not hot I'm a warrior I know why you know how much I went through to make that thing happen you will not stop me you will not defeat me the only way I lose is if I quit and I've made up in my mind that I will get a reward for the pain that I go through you can't defeat me we spend our whole lives trying to fit in we want to be normal for the people we idolize the most are the ones that stand out if you want to be great you want to be best [ __ ] ever at which you do you need to be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so [ __ ] obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes when you are misunderstood to the point where people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that why are you in the [ __ ] gym at one o'clock in the [ __ ] morning what's wrong when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive best at what you do you have to be unbalanced to fight every bit of [ __ ] energy and strength that you have to pull it off and it takes the [ __ ] obsessed to where people think you're crazy but who really want this you gotta learn to sacrifice we gotta learn to give up to go up while he was golfing I was studying while they were shooting Hoops I was studying while they was playing games and sitting up and eating and joking in the restaurant I will study it you get out of something something that you're not willing to put into it you have to put your everything your everything your mind your energy your effort your discipline nothing is going to jump out the fire if you don't something in there but if you dare to be great if you dare to go to limits that you've never went to before they will remember your legacy forever you know what you gotta do to get to Paradise you gotta fight like [ __ ] hell yeah in Paradise Paradise starts in hell the ones that can fight the ones that come back those are the ones that succeed if it's something you once envisioned and now it's real it's going you brought so much emotion to it that you Unleashed All you desire you became obsessed with it you started with a concrete wanted and you focused on it continuously ninja forever Focus grows energy grows you have to be obsessive you have to be it's only you want to win that your calendar you packed your calendar that's how you show the world that you want to win because everything is based off of activity it's mathematically impossible for you not doing at the highest level if your calendar is packed from day till night every single day day after day after day after day after day without you winning you gotta work s and you gotta gotta work hard you gotta and do both those times it's something that you need thousands of [ __ ] times in your life and you don't reach it if not constantly is this the greatest and when you do this long enough winning becomes not something that you aspire to do when it becomes who the [ __ ] you are foreign ask yourself what remarkably stupid things am I doing on a regular basis to absolutely screw up my life what would happen if you just stopped wasting the opportunities that are in front of you because you're not everything you could be and you know it and you could be way better you could be incomparably better across multiple dimensions easy choices hard life hard choices easy life what we most fear doing asking saying these are very often exactly what we most need to do there's a lot of things in life that we can't control but we choose not to let's say tomorrow you now set in your mind you get a six o'clock in the morning that alarm clock goes off at six o'clock in the morning the first is think this whatever I said yesterday I was comfortable it was a nice day yesterday I made this [ __ ] plan at eight o'clock at night now it's six o'clock in the morning I'm tired you hit that snooze button you've now lost the War I say get a 6 45 now can you do this a few times you go in the shower now your day's all late so now you feel real guilty now you can miss your workout you're running late for work now and yesterday was going to do is to [ __ ] you up you must win the war in the morning so then when you go into life that you cannot control you've already mentally won so many battles early in the [ __ ] morning so you're going into [ __ ] War having already won something so you're not going to war to feed it you're going to war no one I did my pressure against myself I read I meditated whatever you do you prepared for what the life is going to bring you you can be that person who no matter what's going on still says skip I am going to do what I have to do to get to where the I have to go I don't think about getting up I just [ __ ] get up and you just do it you make it a habit you got to get over your mind when you feel exhausted and say there's a second win in me I'm gonna find it but if you find yourself saying I can't do something I don't want to do something but you know if you made yourself do it you're going to be a better human being immediately some people say well that's not a very safe life that's not very secure life if you want security go to prison if you want freedom this is how you live don't even use the word commit don't even think about the word discipline just do the thing every single day whether you feel like it or not your only commitment is to the ACT activity not to the grand scheme not to the big picture not to the implications of what it is that you're doing and is it habits are the build the building blocks of Our Lives not the goals of the grand schemes or the vision or the big idea it's what you can do every single day that matters more than anything no excuses Do It Go full of no girlfriend do it tired or not time do it you said you don't do it out your mouth you're a man now and a man is only as good as his word not his emotions no emotions don't win championships so whatever is going to cause you not to be your best stop it this is about you retraining your brain to understand this is a [ __ ] process that we learn of discipline and execution and competition with ourselves and if you want to dictate the success that you're going to create you've got to learn to master this that everybody else thinks is irrelevant the biggest war you'll ever go through is right between your own ears it's in your mind the mind is a very powerful thing it has a tactical advantage over you all the time it knows where you don't want to go so it will guide you away from that and that's why the mind will always win until you reprogram it you gotta figure out a way to reprogram your mind to get outside the bridge I don't know what to do I realize I must do that the great to do things when they don't always want to and that's the separation now disciplined in nothing and discipline is doing what you hate to do but do it like you love it because really the only person that you're fighting every day is yourself it's not your boss it's not this or that yeah those are all obstacles a lot of you cannot control those obstacles but you can't control yourself we have to regain control of our mind how you gain mental toughness how you become the person you want to be is constantly facing the things that you don't want to face normally anything gets accomplished you gotta work hard I can't remember what the so this paragraph to pass this test to get the military read again if they're not getting it read again but it's not getting it write it out and guess what happened I got it I can't swim I'm negative buoying go back again I can't swim go back again go back again go back again I got it I realize that I keep going back and going back your mind was safe okay we're gonna figure it out because he is not going to stop to find real permanent peace you first must go through suffering you must go through the Dark Side of who you are and we demand more for myself than any person that's obsessed that wants to this gift because they know no matter what's out there whether it's snowing or this or damn tropical storm with this 20 below you don't care they're gonna run it doesn't matter what the [ __ ] mine that's if we don't shy away we don't quit see you through his walls to where I want to go you have to literally do the thing on a day by day what you're wanting what do you want yourself to look like you want your bank account to look like what do you want to look like physically six months from now or a year from now you have not the little things that you do are going to lead to the thing you really have if you think you're working hard you're not working hard enough nobody's doing more you always have another upper level performance you can always push ing order get up a little earlier work a little longer wherever you ever eat more morals if you have complete control like whether you did it or not people don't have limits we put limits on ourselves some people are born with extraordinary size strength speed and talent but without determination that town never flourishes at the end of the day Talent will not win the game it is work ethic that will win the game no one is born a world champion the successful do what they must what they can to be the best to be number one you need to get so busy it's so consumed so obsessed with activity that you don't know about the celebrities that are getting a divorce like who cares man why because I'm too damn busy dude your success is going to come from activity from being obsessed from being like so into it that you lose track of time it is this type of determination that just happens to build tremendous confidence confidence in knowing that most likely your competitors are not doing the same sacrifices determination gives you that mental Edge life is going to test that will every time life is going to see how bad you want what you say you want people think commitment is just saying yes I'll do it because their environment is right and it's cute but what commitment is commitment is staying true to what you said you were going to do as long after the move that you have set it in has left meaning when you don't feel like getting up in the morning you get your butt up in the morning you do what you said you were going to do anyway meaning when you don't feel like sacrifice you get your butt up and you sacrifice anyway meaning when you don't feel like being dedicated to it you stay your butt dedicated anyway because you understand what the process will go on to produce later on in your life and we have to get to the point where we're willing to impose our will on certain things impose your will on it life will give in to you if it knows you're serious about whatever it is that you're trying to do life will give into you but it falls down to it imma go get it I'm a flat outboard here and nothing will not stop me from getting enough may not be enough 50 calls might not be enough 120 might not be enough I don't know I'm just telling you that sometimes enough is not enough and so what do you have to do you gotta dig deep and find more it takes energy and it takes effort that's all you need to do to be successful you need to put more energy into what you're doing to anybody else so you're getting up at four it ain't working get up to 3 30. so you read the book once and then you didn't get it read it twice read it three times I don't care what happened yesterday when you got up if your dream ain't a reality don't give up don't give it I just want you to go a little harder put forth a little bit more energy give me a little bit more effort but don't give up and don't give in there's gonna be some struggles are you hear me without struggle there is no progress but I'm telling you you can do it you can make it happen
Channel: DON'T QUIT
Views: 7,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational speech, motivational video, inspirational speech, inspirational video, 3 hour motivational speech video, gym workout motivation, gym workout, gym motivation, workout motivation, speech with english subtitles
Id: XWbdG6aodoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 11sec (11891 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.