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everybody welcome back to growing with Papa J today I want to talk to you about my minimax big green egg now one of the things I like about the minimax is its portability it does have two handles so you can carry it I can throw it in the back of my car I travel with it quite often one thing you got to realize it weighs about 90 pounds so although it's portable I find it's much easier carrying with two people grab the handle one person on each side and you can take it back of the car you can bring it to your campsite whatever you need the minimax setup is very similar to all of its bigger cousins it has a bottom vent for airflow with a screen comes with a daisy wheel so you can adjust air flow with the Big Green Egg temperature has everything to do with air flow the more air you let in the bottom and out the top the higher your temperatures will rise now there's a couple things to consider with that if you're gonna do a low and slow cook you can fill your egg with a lot of lump realize when you fill the egg up there's less air flow meaning it might be more difficult to maintain a high temperature with a low and slow you're looking for under 300 degrees and you'll be fine and you can get a nice long cook with that if I'm gonna sear a steak I'm gonna have less lump in there creating more airflow up and out of the egg so I can reach a higher cook temperature so a few important things to remember when using the minimax first of all airflow as I mentioned before is crucial spend some time and make sure that you've got as much of the ash out of the egg as you possibly can the ash can build up in some of the vent holes and prevent airflow which will prevent your temperature from rising also make sure that your firebox is aligned correctly there's a slot in the front for the air to come in you want to make sure that's perfectly aligned with your bottom vent if it's not you're gonna have some issues where the air cannot flow to its maximum capacity after you adjusted your firebox make sure your fire ring is centered if it's off-center it's gonna be blocking air flow remember air flows the key here I've been able to easily maintain the temperature over 600 degrees but I've also been able to damper down both the top and bottom vents and been able to maintain the temperature under 300 degrees for six seven eight hours one accessory I added to my minimax was the ceramic grill store whoo the advantage of the whoa is it raises my grate just above felt line this allow me to get possibly more lump in the egg but it also allows me to make sure that my great isn't right at the cold level so I can get some separation which helps guarantee that I'm maybe not burning my meats because they're so close to the coals an added benefit of the ceramic grill store whoo is I can place a stone in between so I can get indirect cooking which is very important when I don't want direct flame on the protein I might be cooking I can add a drip pan to this setup it's a very handy tool and depending on the type of cook you're doing it's invaluable when it comes to lighting your big green egg whether it be the minimax or a small medium large or extra-large do whatever works for you for me I use a heat gun I have power nearby so I just plug it in fire up my egg now something to consider if you're doing a low and slow cook I find it best to always light one spot allowing the egg to slowly burn breading out as it goes if I'm gonna do a steak and I want some really hot coals I might light it in three places that way I get a really hot intense fire going and it's spread out wider covering a larger surface area so consider how you like the egg depending on the type of cook you're planning on doing once you've lit the egg give it time to come up to temperature it could take ten minutes it could take 20 minutes it could take an hour if you're doing a low and slow give it time remember as your egg temperature is rising when you're about 50 degrees before your target temperature adjust your vents you started wide open now close them down to achieve the temperature you're looking to cook your protein in once you're done with your cook remember it's important to put your ceramic cap back on and close your bottom vent save that lump for your next cook all you got to do is stir it up let the dust clear and you can relight and start your next cook I hope you've enjoyed this episode of growing with Papa Jay please be sure to check out some of my other videos leave a comment let me know what you think always looking to learn some new things thanks and have a great day
Channel: Grilling with Papa J
Views: 8,314
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: dqeaXhPQsRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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