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that's nice big snapper here thank you man thank you some of these fish will end up in America bye nice yellow snapper yeah couldn't get any better than this what's going on everybody good morning annetta beautiful morning here in Georgetown Guyana this morning captain blackby and myself we're on the mermances and are we buying fish today are we selling fish let me see let me do some videos look around first and see if anything look good to show you guys another beautiful morning hope you're doing all right you're having a great day join us and let's go on another adventure we're going to show y'all The Hustler bustle here on the Meadowbank Wharf how these vendors and these fishermen the struggle that they go through here all right it's early morning the Sun supposed to be rising of that side but for now here these are all fish all right [Music] fifteen thousand eighteen thousand and twenty five thousand it's nice look at this by 15 000 for these blacks so yeah I know we have to come right from the wife because fifteen thousand for that nice size I think it's big cool now look at this way [Music] this is a lot of fish and look at size I look across see what we got locks necklace see that this is a sweet fish we used to call it paper fish back in a circuit we got catfish and we got some eggs over there yeah you know oh my God yeah yeah [Music] morning fellas nice guys shrimp all right nice nice thousand two thousand three thousand foreign here you got my acrylic fish over there thank you um wow you wish the sun in a bar and you got it oh a nice place yeah nice nice a lovely fish you wanna say hello to anybody else in there to my family and all my friends in America yeah all right do I love it all right sure yes nice nice you know long years ago I used to come here um yeah and everybody used to clean fish down the line here straight through the end here he's a clean fish and people just sell out on this wire here morning morning 15 000. all right fifteen thousand Waters hey pleased to meet your man cool morning all right yep out here used to be fishing boots and people sell boots like remember back in the 90s nah two thousand something around 2008 I used to come out here to be all over here this wife a little slippery yeah you look fishy what this remind me in them this way Captain David this wife need to fix I almost fell through a hole up ahead there from this wife I don't know if the authority spend some money and fix this wire for body look at this one mama you gotta you gotta do something to fix this place up look fishy this year is manga Mary to his best a lot all right nice lovely lovely [Music] you know Atlantic Ocean nice across there is really [Music] like a bird on a tree I'm just sitting here I got time it's clear to see from up here the world seems small we can sit together it's so beautiful you and me ant to be The Great Outdoors forever free [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] meant to be The Great Outdoors forever free you and me [Music] ant to be [Music] a great outdoors [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] back to Art the business continued here by blackby don't pick up some bought the fish there right this man is good to see you again thank you these men look at you see that come on man we need something better than this one fishermen deserve something better man look at this man gotta work hard on this kind of work all right you get a smooth one of this man can pull these cards very easily hey that way nice nice so this is where you get cheap fish right on this wire that one yeah this way [Music] yeah look at the island nice big snapper here thank you man thank you thank you man some of these fish will end up in America bye nice yellow snapper couldn't get any better than this let me go farther up ahead sunrise in nearby beautiful as can be now is 16. a lot the 30th July hey the business configured everybody they buy some fish nobody's cleaning them there and we hey everybody what's up what's up front back into these blocks used to be fish cleaning right all the way around another week time all right all right good everybody over here back in 2008. yeah I used to come down here everybody the freshness there I mean these fish catch on scene and just wrap up in the plastic to keep it yay no problem buddy hey who recognized this guy here the first man on Liberty the hot Cyber Market right hurry hurry Mr Harry the bakery and stubborn Market yeah I'll drop it in the comment if I recognize Mr Harry all right so you're getting a fresh fishy goodbye here all right yeah yeah actually what's going on brother pleasure meeting you man yes same here man thank you you want to say hello to anybody back there everybody's in North Carolina you know Encino all right I moved to North Carolina a year ago oh nice beautiful must be beautiful right it's a nice place yeah I partially already you had a friend I had a friend that was living there with you the south is nice nice all right but New York was home man yeah you're hearing Guyana seems to be home as well nice to meet you anyway so damn fellas cleaning up here right now look at that look at the skillet so we can go to another room yeah clean by what ten thousand wow that's a lot wow these guys look baskets cleaning up there are we going out for a walk long day I'll come back you'll be back in a minute big ones and come back yeah we get some more okay okay even faster Daybreak hear some little music there I think you know if you're busy buying them the Shoppers come in to get our stuff you know summer vendors some are consumers [Music] the fish couldn't get cheaper and this one but only thing they struggle to come up here this is what happened in Guyana some of the folks don't like the camera they are they are very aggressive they don't want me to record them hi hi good morning how are you doing all right life can't get better than this good to see you all right [Music] good friend of mine our life can get better than this all right good morning brother good to see you man yeah everybody yes yes nice big Christian take it easy man [Music] lots more lots more fishing [Music] this is a lot of fish here fresh as ever all right so we're walking down to the front all right we'll call you back in a minute fried rice and everything there is n't it whoa everybody nice nice uh these trucks would have buy fish up mahika my Coney Barbies then bring down and Sell Here nice everybody buying the stuff in my house and Boston the business here let me pass it this morning then I had a lot of folks who had a few folks only I love people here but morning morning [Music] you want to show hook anybody [Music] thanks guys no next week [Music] what's up what's up how life can get better boys 10 times let me look at the fish all kind of fish what's this fish lovely lovely a man said he cleaned 900 pounds [Music] for you lovely lovely I hope I hope they watch this video but I hope you watch your videos foreign a lot of fish and you still got selling vending going beyond the gift that's some more fish but I should come behind to get the price increase it go up higher higher rate if you go far around the world hey a lot of cleaning going away buy your fish on the water after you bring it your hand s the selling don't happen out here beyond the gates no problem everybody yeah So when you buy the fish inside the gate you bring it out here and you get the clean yeah [Music] yeah so we can get some engines outboard so tell us here and as you exit this might stop at this one here last yeah what's up fish curry right now all right so we got Mexico man yeah YouTube YouTube [Music] politics this is YouTube showcasing the struggle here the struggle here yeah all right yeah we showcase Guyana so this is the end of the um thing here yeah things out there you can buy your stuff and make your soup and your other things you understand so this is the struggle here in the awesome vendor Cindy the Shoppers you know the boat owners this is the struggle it's real and it's fresh I have the boat hmm couldn't get back to them you see like all right nice right now and then we heading back to the kitchen the blocks yeah we got fight today yeah this man come and ask me if it's not easy for the TV what's your name man my name is Brianna brother yeah thank you for watching the show another wonderful thing you're doing for me brothers everybody yeah yeah I got some nice fresh I got some shrimp it's a small apparently what about 1500 and 2 000 over there all right every day to be here except Mondays every other day all right on this month we got any fish clean up there and then we headed out of here finally we got our fish and shrimp Captain block by and myself we're making our way out and how many year you do this away 36 years you've been coming to this one 15 years at the age of 15 you're starting as a fisherman a young fisherman an apprentice or in the US everybody said a green horn green horn means America's green horn [Music] so we had a note to the kitchen and the fishermen telling me you know they really need the Wharf to be rebuilt are repaired and needs Security on the wharf they also said what's your money yeah yeah Auntie Mavis looking for under my red man I know this man since back in 2007 they use a company wire for lady mama selling fish you know remember Red Man he used to clean the fish away in the summer he's buying selfish as well so the fishermen were telling me you know that one of the fella there they wanted to dredge the um place because they both used to come in close to the wharf back in the days and it is overrun by modno and Bush so they're asking one of them volunteer to dredge the place out all right they'll need the Wharf to be maintained they need water on the wharf they need ice to once again to be sold on the wharf like it used to be long ago you could have come with your boat up to the wife and and ice up fuel up and sail out now you gotta transport eyeshadow different location for ice where where you get ice on locks right at the same place talking about the outside BM the other side so not only wherever they both go somewhere else yeah so so basically you you wish if they could have restored it are you selling on your wife and stuff or yeah yeah more easier [Applause] but they gotta glue the truck you got a little bit the truck yeah yeah so and before time I remember right by the wharf itself it's very hard you can shoot into a box into your boot there so you wish to get that system again yeah man all right yeah so the ice factory can set up that system probably that is only one yeah especially but everything is shut down oh I look highly fresh you see but if you want to make a soup you want a cookie you got your greens you know look at that lovely they can get the system the old system back where the ice used to load from the wife into the boat so maybe the person who have their ice factory there can set up back that system you know rather than loading the trucks which is a more time consuming activity all right and they need security they said on your Wharf the fellows tell me back in the days you had to show an ID before you enter you are forgot to register as a vendor you know or a fishing boat owner and stuff you need to get those system back in place in order to to avoid what is happening on the RFD right now people don't feel safe selling on the war that is what he was telling me people don't feel safe no no on the war because you have people that either by that watch what goes on they're asking for more security on the wharf only one officer usually be on the wharf sometimes indeed we saw one female officer this morning yeah they need to have at least five offices on The Wharf to help you know secure the fish the fish around the vendors the buyers right The Boat Owners you know yeah I mean there's not much to ask for so I hope they're relevant Authority if they watch this video if they could you know listen to the cries of the fishermen they need security they need water on the wire and it's only fair you have water a lot of fish people are willing in a lot of fish here there's no water to wash at them we need running water pipe water here all right and ice back on the wharf again and judge out the mud so the boats can come back all the way back up to next to the uh Wharf like how it used to be back in 2005 and 2000 you know back 15 years ago because 2007 when I used to come the captain David or 2008 it used to have um the boat could have come all the way up to the wharf yeah 25 to 24 to 26 all the peace bills like it Japanese back yeah gotcha gotcha so I hope The Authority could do something you know and up our fishermen standard man we need to up the standard and that's one of the reasons I think our Catfish get banned from Guyana because of the processing them there the sanitation wasn't well I mean if you're not strong don't go on the wharf look at the smell it's not for the faint-hearted yeah all right if you don't like the Flyers and you don't like the the smell there don't go all right everything was good it was nice yeah yeah it was nice 2020 years ago yeah mergings needs to be done all right so we head back to the kitchen now and I'm gonna fight two fish no no all right we made a stop here Mighty boat builders now we have lady Rani right Miss Ronnie taking ship there right now you know Captain blackby replacing his boot that actually sink recently in the in the mighty Atlanta by I am Ponte area right tiger Beach you know the engine shut off and the boat drift ashore where they break up so we are replacing Miss Ronnie and that's Miss Ronnie two right there Tekken ship life every day wow and these these guys are my neighbors used to be my neighbors back in the days when I used to live in Monroe pools where I live right now all right and this is Sonny what's up buddy and the other one there I'm just say brother here 's guys actually put on the roof from your house and the ceiling where I live right now by Cloud Nine and right now I'm telling you you're welcome back to do some work for me we gotta [ __ ] good we gotta shut the uh hose yes and those of you who want um Carpenter a contractor I won't give us a number so people like if I want a gun job or six four five fifty one fifty nine six four one fifty one fifty nine College painting everything you do styling everything all right but it was a pleasure meeting are you man good buddy we were once neighbors bye Captain black bye um Fireside momentarily and you say we got another eat something good the fish can go down well without something good you know and we're walking in the snow right now snow Yeah Johnny Walker white all right you gotta try it yeah buddy we got some garlicky we got some green seasoning some paprika some cayenne pepper and a cube yeah I know we got some salad as well look at that fresh fish [Music] you got your Chef over here doing some things well captain and I on this one says doing me one thing cheers golden brown high water some water fish this swimming in the Atlantic yesterday no we really are swimming and we waiting patiently across here for it while we lashing some avocado for Cutters couldn't get better than that oh wait my walking yeah we got a white man walking it's an avocado and we have some good things in the cover here how can life get any better than this right now yeah from the Atlantic to the car right here Peppa captain whoa all right wow yeah cheers [Music] I follow Mark Williams as well this is cheers [Laughter] yeah man I hope one day my queen come to Guyana cheers I showcase Guyana cuisine more fish frying hmm better than this so what we do next we're gonna eat this fish broccoli [Laughter] are you sure we're gonna finish the bottle maybe half yeah I'll show y'all what's going on right now we gotta rest a fish on ice so that wouldn't spoil captain and I got nakui little fry fish we got not the white lady are we gonna Celebrate life so hope you guys enjoy you know all the fish hope you learned something of the video and hope you saw this struggle of the fishermen on the wharf there all right I want to thank you for the privilege of your time Take Care by you and each other God bless you all peace out and I will see y'all on the next adventure
Views: 550,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zspf-aF0LEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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