Guy Tries To Befriend A Stray Cat For Over A Year | The Dodo

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he was absolutely terrified to me [Music] the previous homeowner had told me that there were a lot of neighborhood cats that just kind of leaving me so that's what i did initially but i realized that he looked really really thin at the time i wasn't really used to cats so i didn't know what really you're supposed to do i was leaving out a can of tuna right on my deck because he looked hungry eventually once or twice a week i started to put cat food out he was still super afraid he would meow and he would make eye contact too before he'd run off [Music] he would just eat out of his little food and water pool outside of my house and if you noticed me on the other side of glass he would run away but eventually he got comfortable with me through the glass and he would just kind of look at me and get back to his food and he'd be okay it gradually got better and better i could open the door and just kind of watch him but i couldn't even get close to touching him so i thought since i'm feeding this cat i felt obligated to get him a house because it gets pretty cold in michigan i insulated it with blankets just like a little home for him the first night i put it out i remember looking at the glass and seeing him in his house he was looking at me he just kind of put his head down and just started sleeping we slept in the house i thought of a pivotal moment as being part of the family i was still trying to get him to come up to me i remember i opened the slider door and this time he wanted in the house he just was afraid he wanted to get the treat but he did trust me and then he actually took it from my hand [Music] basically that was the turning point where i could actually pet him just pet him while my sliders open i was able to capture came in the house for the first time come here here i'll throw one to you ready i kept the slider glass open and throwing treats at him here's another one can you get it from my hand come here and he would eat him i'll throw another one a little bit closer to me they get closer and closer no they're one tear here you go hey here we go he got close enough to me come here checking the place in kind of went really fast from him not being able to be petted to him being petted and coming in the house was a pretty quick process once we reached that milestone [Music] at that point i would keep him inside the house basically just to kind of let them acclimate themselves to the new environment so he did i would just leave him alone hear him running around the house that was really fun he still to this day very much loves being outside i don't want to deny him his right to freedom outside when i let him outside he can be done for hours or even half a day people tease me because in one of the earlier videos and say i'm not a cat person i wanted to stay inside it definitely changed me as a person made me a lot more tolerant and kind of understand and learn what it's like to take care of something else just having someone depend on you is kind of cute say you never choose a cat a cat chooses you and i definitely feel in this situation he for sure chose me like comment and subscribe
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 1,508,529
Rating: 4.9755683 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals
Id: Uk_hJr1ZCDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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