Guy looks back at his legendary lap of the TT | Guy Martin's TT years

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A lot of the racers don't know the corners and bends names , but ask them about what gear are they in anywhere and where is the breaking marker or tip in point , and you'll be amazed how much they DO know about the course ..

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Guy is a legend. Funny to me that he doesn't know the name of the corners.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/The_On_Life ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i'm guy martin and um here we are for a bit of a lap of the tt so here we go i start their first super sport race 2010. [Music] all right june 2010 and send me christmas right so yeah yeah um down braille 600 i've only done three laps in practice on this bike so i'm still sort of figuring my way around the bike so yeah i've got a bit of an idea i know from practice that it was um that she was she was quick and as you can see here she's not hanging about so i think just about there we'll get about top gear i don't know top gear on these buttons it's not so fast or 600 not the maybe maybe a 250 mile an hour in a place or two but here we are down into i've said this before and i'll say it again i'm terrible at names but i think this is um cool i'm not i'm not gonna i'm gonna i'm terrible with him i'm gonna read it off the pub quarter bridge i'll say i say really read it off the wall on the public here we are at a quarter bridge going into into braddon bridge so accelerate up here i think you get up to top end of third gear as i think it's probably 100 mile an hour 120 miles an hour maybe back to second gear but this is first lap you see so i've got new tires full tanker petrol i'll probably just go back down to bottom gear just to get a bit of a bit of a run out here into union mill so here we are head down ass off as i say so everything tucked in getting this past snug bruh just get everything tucked in ready for this fast kink here at snubber yeah the right revving up there that's sort of see new tires new tanker fuel let's rub the bike out in third there back a gear into into union mills back another gear there union mills and get on the throttle a bit of a jump just ac just just there by just takes off a little bit you want to be on the throttle but i want to be driving over there and then and that's us that was until until glenn vine is going by i've said before terrible with him so yeah head down [ย __ย ] probably try and get my ass on the back of the seat and my elbows tucked inside minutes get as tucked in as i can just try and get the spa because every every you know you're carrying so much much so much hang on again you carry so much momentum around this place you just need to every little bit makes a difference you know like going through a glen band they just back a gear no brakes and get straight back on the throttle again just just there you get top gear now here we are this is probably on a super bike is not so much on the six on this is probably one of the toughest cars on the track crosby just here listen here screaming i think we looked on the telemetry after that that's the in top gear that's the that's where you get the most revs in top gear i think we was looking at 16 700 revs getting there so it's not doing the bike any favors of that really but then if you geared the bike specifically for that corner then you'd make a bit of a sacrifice everywhere else like going down now into the highlander this is where you're asking for the gear in and if you geared for back at crosby there you'd be sacrificing this part of the track here so that's depending on the wind that can be the fastest part of the track there so here we are in a grieber castle back of gear and back another gear and then apple doing knives it's all about especially the six run around he's all about carrying momentum you know less breaking it's a bit like um hey apple dean bakker oh you'll go back again just drive through here see i'm just first time but you know i think i've not rode this bike for like i brought it one lap in practice on monday one lap or two laps on wednesday and then that's this what day what did i do yeah yeah so i've only done i've already done three laps i'm still getting a bit of feeling my way around the bar but yeah job's going all right out to you and i'm sort of guessing what to do and i'm not seeing anyone i think i'm getting a couple of glimpses up here of adrian archibald just getting an idea of of what i'm doing and i think you see 10 second intervals and i think i've probably gained i don't know the archival just in the distance there so i probably pulled back half of that you know so he's probably got five seconds what i'm thinking aaron hatchbolt's one tt he's not going bad there's my uncle rob there doing me a pitbull for me he obviously doesn't know because the only the first time in spot isn't until glenn helen which is another few miles down here so he just give me a board there to give me an idea of where he's going to be for when i come around on the second lap so i'm catching archibald here and i'm probably thinking to me saying yeah you're not doing so you're so bad martin you know you know you sometimes when you can't see the man in front when he's ten seconds you think you need to pull your finger out here you need to pull your finger out there but seeing attributable you know you know he's playing and he's you know he's been quick all three practice and he's won tt's a couple years ago so i'm pulling him in i can't be doing bad so keep it smooth concentrate on where i'm going getting the airplanes right and job should be right so here we are glenn moore glenn moore filling station i'm not i don't like this but here see you see there it's all resurfaced there's a bit of time out you tire max there and that's all from the front pushing the front pushes over there because the road drops away and it's just i had a bit of a moment i ran over my own foot in practice i lost the front and put my foot down and ran over my own foot and i didn't film me with confidence so yeah i'll go through there with a bit of um what's the word i'm not very good with words i'm not very good with big words go through a bit of um just holding back a little bit i wanna you know i'm not too full of confidence and i've gone back and again to there that's why we're on kate's cottage here or sarah's cottage i get confused between the two really should carry momentum through there and go through there in a second but say like i've said before i'm just getting used to this bag and getting used to where i need to change gears and what have you and then and i'm seeing adrian archibald in the in the distance so this easy i've just got to get it you know i'm sort of thinking i'm going to catch him where am i going to pass him and then that sort of taking my mind off the job where i need to change gear and i need to do this here and do that there and i've been catching out and i'm thinking oh no anyway here we are cronkite body first one's flat second one's flat third one in that's the first one flower but you see adrian maybe ain't taking a flat so i'm having to sort of judge what he's gonna do because you see we're going at these speeds you know hundred and 460 mile an hour you know you're using every inch of the road as you can see here and you've got no room for mistake have you so you know i need to suss out what he's going to do so here going into annelise i'm thinking can i do him on the brakes into here but he's got good driver out there and i'm sort of you know because i've got what we saw seven or eight mile into and i've caught 10 seconds on him already i thought oh no you don't i don't need to be losing time now i don't know where i am in the race i'm a lead in it i'm a tenth place i'm a fifth place i don't know so i just need to get cracking i need to you know i'm catching out as well and he's holding me up here so i think right top of the gara well i go for a bit there do i yeah now you see that's a bit near and i probably i know probably you've always looking at that you think my god that looked like a near-death experience but it's not i can you know i'm dead confident to ride a closer that's as close to adrian as that just you know because of everything that he's done and i've rode with him i wrote wrestling island with him you know doing national road races now and i feel dead confident to ride with him how do you let me help me at one of the last races remember the one on the races like here so i get on with him and i i'm dead i feel that confident in riding with him so pass him down into the thirteen says so now well that's that's it you know i probably probably lost my mojo a little bit trying to get past area and i'm probably trying to you know panicking of it and lost my flow so i'm just gonna have to you know gather me gather me thoughts again and um and get cracking and try and smooth them up like i say it's not about how break you can how late you can break and how soon you get the throttle it's just all about flow and carry momentum like a downhill mountain bike race that's what i was watching that'd have been this is on monday on sunday was the world cup in um in scotland i got excited but that was a good it was a good rest toughest mountain bike race in the world well for a daniel there's but anyway how about some motorbikes wren cullen this is it i'm probably just gathering my thoughts again now this is smooth and smooth off a bit anyway our second pattern calling first pit board there see that yeah he's end up so obviously i'm doing all right i think that was p1 plus 1.7 so i'm thinking right right i must be doing all right even that bit of that whereas you know that the chat where i was trying to get past that but i haven't lost too much time so i must be doing all right you know i'm obviously leading the race so everything must be going well and then he's going through made well who is leading i don't know but she was going well in practice michael dunlap was going well in passage and if michael dunlop's going well he's only 10 seconds again now is he catching me can he see me what's he doing or is it bruce hamster bruce anderson he hasn't had such a good time on a super back of the superstar but on the sixth one but he's always must understand that he was winning leading the race last year about 10 seconds when he had a back problem and um so i'm thinking you know our last point through your head as you're doing this so there we are for balath bridge back to bottom here um you know you've got to show these things especially 600 you know when i was talking back there at crosby that things are running to 16 000 1600 000 but you know especially that bit of cosby there's 16 000 700 revs you know it's not you know it's not oh you know it won't do that forever so you've got to show a little bit of mechanical sympathy especially around the tt you know you just can't murder about every opportunity you just got to show them a bit of respect so here we are on the running to quarry bends now i'm just thinking about what we're looking for there you go back into your corey bends ease through there so we're in fifth gear now fifth you're just easing through there and now sure just about there i can get back on full throttle and now same again head down [ย __ย ] get my elbows inside my knees and get tucked in this is here this is you know first lap and um you know you're not too you're not really tired i mean people have talked about it being you know really really is and it is it's a tough spot but it's not that bad i mean i'm sat down here and i'm sort of relaxing i'm moving my hands about on my handlebars just trying to you know trying to get the blood flowing again just you know trying to relax and you know because you've got a fairly tough part of the track coming up you know got into sorbet which is you know from sixth gear down to bottom gear then we've got ginger uh ginger ale which is a pull on your right inside just after just after solving for the run all the way from there all the way into ramsey now that is hard work see so i've had it fairly light up to now really you know not too much but you'll see just as you go over this earlier that with jeans are all there just here now now i'm when i'm gonna start with names here i haven't got a clue now glenn tram and rings the bell but you can see now you look at how much that camera is rattling about now i'm having to clean up the dli i'm a bit of a passenger down here you know you're just holding the button the bike's handling well and it's going well so i'm sort of fairly able just to hold it flat out and just hang on for dear life but sometimes you get down here especially a superbike you know when it's not quite handling 100 you just killed it fly out through there you just have to hang on and all for the best there's a 600 there i can see you know everything's going well so i'm pretty confident to us to hold it flat out and just and let it move about under you um and you know and chops up the ground so yeah i think glenn challen was a bit bad there and i was going through here you see this here you're going through this there and you've always got to be careful it's not that rare just here on the left that curb jumps out here there's a big k on the tree just to warn you for that curb they're always you know you know we've done i don't know maybe 20 30 laps worth of practice before before this race so i've got a good idea of what to what to look for on it and then here we have a schoolhouse corner just there milton college mill town college i think on the run into ramsey and there we are this is school house called the next one there's a bit of a wall on the right hand side there let's see salmon pink i've always said i think i've said this before in another video i always break a salmon pink wall back a gear and chuck it in into parliament square and now like we've had a real tough bit of work from um ginger all the way into ramsey that wasn't where that was you know i've got four laps to do on this 600 and then i'll try and pay you not pace myself and just you know show up show a bit of respect to the bike because got a last you know it's got last four laps and probably what nearly hour and 20 minutes worth of racing so i'm gonna show a bit of respect and uh and and get cracking so here we are now is it it's a bit of a kind of time for the bike now we're on the road to the runway through mail up to ramsey airpin back to bottom gear and then that's a mountain which is really i suppose it's a bit more short circuit like all right it's open and you've got you know you can see most of the island from up there but it's um it's a lot kind of on the back just going through air into waterworks i can just sort of hear what gears i'm changing what up here i'm maybe i'm thinking for the second race which is tomorrow maybe i should show it a bit more respect and maybe not quite rather than but then i want to win i mean i think probably so at this point here i'm leading or um you know there's whatever the way i think for the whole race there was nothing in it i was leading and i was seconded but it was all by a second plus second minus a second you know it was such a real close race between me and it actually as i learned later on that it was actually in the pit stop i learned that it was in launching now but he's going well i think a man needs to stop him don't you know what's he doing he's won three races this week i need to put a stop to that tomorrow i've got my mate john there you see that p one plus two so that's good for me i'm not doing such a bad job so from where i had the pit board at ranked cullen i never mentioned it i picked border wrench with ambi care show you know radio forwarding here i love the body is i love it bye i'll learn the thing or two off that man i think he's just been come back from cambodia that's where he has an interesting bloke anyway anyway that's my second pitfall that's young john there young johnner um at the gooseneck so here we are now lara said before head down house up get tucked in ready for the run of the mountain and there we are the bike's having to work fairly out of here all right that's not bumpy but it's it's a lot smoother going on on the back you know it's not rattling the back about it's not rattling everything loose on it you know it's eat the bike so you know you can't see you really give it a good impression on the telly there but it's um it's a pretty steep the bike's having to work really hard to pull up here especially for me as well i mean i'm not allowed i'd be about 10. i've been on a bit of a diet really but i think i want to what do i get to i think style the start of this year i was about i wasn't i was knocking on twelve store nothing but now i've got down to ten store and eight so i'm quite happy with that and look there i can see someone else in the distance i think yeah ten seconds in front of me was able to attribute and ten seconds in front of all was cameron donald a bit of an up and down year for cameron at the minute and you know he sure he showed his quality last year at the tt you know what they're doing thursday night at practice he's 131 and a half and everyone was just gobsmacked for the speed that he'd gone around and then the next night the friday night um come off and separated his shoulder and injured a few other bits and bobs he's never really been on it since with the northwest 200 which is another big race before that before the tt that's um that's a fortnight before the tt he didn't quite go there and i just everyone saw and like i thought was he just sort of you know was he sandbagging i mean i don't know would anyone know what sandbagging me it's a bit like um pokerface you know the northwestern it is a big event but really all it is is to block the cobblers out for the tt you know the tt being you know the pinnacle of road racing which is you know whenever was everyone thinking was he just out there for um you know to blow his cobwebs out and just you know sort of um sandbagging but you'll see his tt hasn't quite gone to plan at the moment everyone was coming to the tt you know like i was whether john mcguinney saw ryan hutchinson was thinking the same we thought cameron was going to be the man to catch but he's just not looking like it at the moment you know here we are i've caught yeah caught probably two thirds of the way around around the course and i've already caught 20 seconds but so he's not he's not on the pace well the suzuki 600 goodbye that it is probably i haven't quite got the lights on master champion you can see the speed of it he's not slow at all definitely not so yeah to get back to what i was talking about on the track again so here we are coming up here with rise and this is probably one of my favorite parts of the cast not this little bit here i've never quite sourced this job out back of gear there back to here and i call this bit sort of it was all the mountain box i think but this from this point here to the well to back to capital gate i was one of my favorite powers because i mean here this is the start of the 32nd it's either 32nd is three left-handers the first one there second one there third one there and that takes a bit of building up to that just because it demands one hundred percent commitment to get down there and into the new windy corner what is that saying no i think they've resurfaced it about three years ago and you can see the camera right there and then now on the run into the 33rd now remember the 32nd is three left handers and then the 33rd is two left handers you have to get that right and i'm a bit similar sometimes i keep the game but anyway here we go going into the third third back of gear keep it tight to the fence on the right side they're back on the with here and these white lines on the lord are really pronounced what i wanted to have one set of the bike one of them you'll see cameron just in front and i'm trying to source him out and this is where cameron had his moment last year so am i thinking about this as i'm going up to go on the inside of him so i know coming down here i thought right because six members are so closely matched what i'll do on this last little bit of capital gate i'll just hang back you see there let the gap yeah and then i'll accelerate before him and accelerate and try and pass him down into into pregnant a little bit of that right there to stop it william you can see i've got the drive out there and that's allowed me to pass cameron down to here just do it on the brakes oh you see i went down to bottom gear then i should remember really i think that would probably that's probably a bit discombobulated just having to pass camera on the inside they went back to bottoms you know just lost lost that bit of uh momentum again and then back to bottom and done that i'll note that for the for the second round going around there in first gear just losing momentum all the way down into roundish this was done i think 2007 before this used to be back to three gears into a tighter left-hander and now we're going into you know from sixth gear down to fifth and you can see how fast there was you just go back again don't touch the brakes just go back one gear and then accelerate around brandish down into down into wilbur back another gear no brakes just chuck her in and get her out on the throttle just careful of that wall there don't feel your confidence as you're going in there you know that well anything goes wrong at all that's who i've had there as well there's people taking pictures on there and that big flash when you get like a welder's flashboard in there it sort of takes your attention and yeah i've made a mistake or two there so yeah i'm going to be waiting for that every time but anyway here we are we need to sign for this corner you see this don't go back to barcode [Music] i know i'm just on the end of the first lap but when you go to the second lap you need to pull into petrol you know pull in the temple get your tires changed not on the 600 but you know to get a fresh visor on get your screen cleaned and um you know but sometimes you're coming on your second lap and you're thinking now is this my second lap or is it the third lap or is it my first lap you know you just sort of you get a bit you know all of it you know you've got so much going on your head and you sometimes can forget which lap that you're on so if on there she just sticks a pit board out when it when i'm on the end of the second lap just to remind me to come into the field there we are finish again yeah all right tomorrow yeah that was the lap of the super sport um fingers crossed for the weather tomorrow we'll give it another shot [Music] you
Channel: Guy Martin Proper
Views: 1,981,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guy Martin, F1, Russia, Channel 4, Isle of Man TT, Speed with Guy Martin, Guy Martin Proper, Chernobyl, Jenson Button
Id: 5uwp2atrSgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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