Guy Fieri's Trash Can Nachos Sausage

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but hey there folks and welcome back I guess oh yeah yeah that glass bottle would have been a bad thing so we got our Guy Fieri's trash can nachos and uh we got our our Jesus for nachos 11 steps but anyway let's see what we got we're gonna start with the with the with the trash can itself now what this looks like to me is that they took a big can of beans and emptied it and stamped this right on it we have a bunch of uh corn tortilla chips we got uh Guy Fieri's uh brown sugar bourbon Josh is this a memory foam pillow made out of space age material that won't open this whole thing cost me ah it did not arrive unscathed it broke the cheese sauce broke open not not a huge loss of cheese sauce we'll we'll make do uh we got our cooked pork there shredded cheddar a jalapeno which I gotta cut up it looks like shower cream red onions covered in the Leaky cheese sauce he got a guy always I'm thinking it could have arrived you know not broken that would have been a big benefit of this thing don't they do any like stress testing on these things before they just go Whole Hog on their shipping method that's what a hundred dollars gets you for for trash can nachos well all right let's let's get to the 11 steps that's like 10 steps too many all of this has to be assembled upstairs so I gotta I got a haul all of this upstairs I'll see you guys by the NSE stove 11 steps 11 of them this episode is not sponsored by hellofresh or anything but those meals are entirely from scratch and there's only like six steps all right so that's everything about this is is falling apart so quickly on me you want me to my wave what's left of the cheese sauce so we're gonna dump it in this bowl once again I I need to remind you all that I'm doing 11 steps for for trash can nachos gonna do that there's no business like the shredded cheddar business I think I gotta make up for the lack of of cheese sauce that's currently on there here here here's the meat here's the dirty meat that belongs on top of these nachos all right we're gonna get that centered right under the broiler at 400 degrees and to add insult to injury you got to cut your own jalapenos up everything else has been cut up for you just not the jalapenos but like listen no you know Guy Fieri never said the way to flavor town was easy we're gonna we're gonna lick this train wreck continue on the next step is they want you to put all of this on a plate this is my largest plate and there's there's no way all of this is going to fit on my largest plate Guy Fieri fuels his his gas tank to flavor town with my money beep beep so long sucker we finally get to use the trash can there it is that's gonna I I'm pretty sure this bowl is not even big enough now you gotta shove it all in the bowl which how how realistic is this really just just if if I make it out of here alive tell my wife I think of her fondly there's too many chips God I I hate you so much Guy Fieri yeah making room for more of these chips that obviously weren't measured there it looks it looks like the trash can it was named after and we're still not done I guess I guess it's too much trouble to to package the cheese sauce as good as you did this squirt bottle of sour cream add the pico de gallo in the center for some reason it says to do that and the pickled onions like there's no room for any of this garbage couple sprigs of cilantro to class this whole thing up I don't know how long it's been in in in in in in video time but it's been like 30 minutes of of this remember they wanted you to put this on a plate I I came up with the idea to put it in a large bowl there God there it is there's the nachos holy holy God after all that being said let's let's let's try one of these chips shall we will get some of that pickled stuff on there these are actually really good nachos now we gotta go downstairs and throw the entire thing in the grinder and why the fresh jalapeno everything else is up 11 it doesn't take me 11 steps I I can't think of any other meal that takes 11 steps we've we've run out of room [Music] [Applause] [Music] I I don't even know what this is gonna fit in the canister was was I angry about the cheese breaking yeah cash was I angry that I had a chop a jalapeno even though everything else was prepared for me sure but the thing that makes me angriest is the 11 steps for nachos 11. hey Guy Fieri do you want more money and he's like yeah get her done or whatever the hell he says I'm so mad I I nacho Nacho Man I'm Guy Fieri I'm laughing my way to the bank in 11 let your change foreign what a terrible experience this whole thing has been with special thanks to today's Mark box hello box artist this guy it doesn't it doesn't blow zero Mark ruffalos for that one and quite deserving for this episode stupid guy fiately stupid nachos I just feel so defeated here we go I can't believe anything it didn't burst at all it's it's a perfectly cooked sausage fish real quick beautiful all right let's open this shop and see how we did Chuck you know it's like it's you know stuffed with tortillas here we go it's great it's a it's a very good sausage it you know of course it tastes like tortilla chips but it also tastes like all the stuff that went into the tortilla chips so you get the pulled pork taste you you you get the you get the cilantro it's a little mushy because of you know it's one almost 100 percent tortilla chips oh but that's that's not that's not a disqualifying factor in our sausages look I I may have said some things that were unkind to Guy Fieri and uh yeah and I meant that but this sausage it it kind of makes the whole thing worthwhile the chips may be a pain in the butt to make but there's still a five out of five the sausage however I'm gonna deduct at one point for for the mushiness but other than that I really love this sausage this whole thing will be eaten in sausage form so with all that being said I'm gonna have to give this sausage here up four out of five it should be Three Steps step one put it all in a tray and bake it step two fill up the trash can step three pull out the trash can and watch it all fall on a plate that's too small for it
Channel: Ordinary Sausage
Views: 576,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: as2pnYmfJJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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