Guntersville Ledge Fishing (AT IT'S FINEST!!!)

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yeah get off my hole I found it first I found this full hole 110 years ago it's my home from that bridge down there to waterfront that's all mine [Music] yeah watch this somebody catch one [Music] there she is come on begging oh that feels good what is up everybody another morning on Guntersville it's early tired but hey I had to get out of here so yesterday afternoon I got out for a little bit I didn't film any graft around looked around trying to see what I could find I found one or two small schools it's just like they're not out here yet they're probably on that in-between stuff and I don't know a lot of that stuff it's been a long time since I've been out here and electronics have come a long way since then but we're gonna go see what we can find I think we might catch a couple should be fine look at this oh yeah pretty morning I've got some rain last night some thunder some light and then came a pretty good storm so we'll see how it goes I don't know what kind of movement this you're going to be in they were really pulling some current yesterday afternoon really hard and I called a couple it just wasn't nothing too crazy but what we were gonna say should be fun get a little short morning session in kind of like yesterday go back hang out with everybody for a little while maybe get out again in that Fernanda Haute get y'all on the chesty thanks guys [Music] [Music] well Darian Craig's hole over there is getting worn out this this morning don't know how many people's been over there it's been a punch though maybe they're biting for I don't know [Music] ah come on really meaning got nothing out over there to throw back time acted funny this morning I think storm when ice night with all the rain and all the thunder and lightning and had two bites and neither one of them that one and went on a worm out there deep neither one of them really got it or held on to it really I couldn't even hardly tell that one out there on the worm even had it I don't know I got a couple friends out here and I don't think any of them had to bite either I think one of them saying caught two little bitty ones that was it so it's definitely not just me struggling just seems like one of those days one of those morning's where I don't know where you just kind of got to let things happen and then eventually they'll start biting they better hurry up because I'm hungry awesome breakfast anybody ever ate these before I'm actually very surprised how good though my wife bought things for this little trip and yeah might be getting some more 38 to them ain't one to try it I liked it so much they hate another one not bad [Music] just wondering if anybody's ever tried them before [Music] [Music] [Music] there's donnelly things that big I think I snagged them I tried to snatch that grass off I guess he was in the wrong place at the wrong time Danny right in the eyeball little big guy hmm picked up chatter Bay started trying to snatch the other grass and there you go [Music] just not that much activity on the surface really out as I say that one jumps of course [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dang it [Music] gosh finally that gun I missed him the first time you got him that time golly that took long enough hey that's all chump he come back you got it [Music] yeah baby we might figure something out now mm-hmm ain't that big thing it's better than when I'm in doing another nice little chunker shoot that's fine man I just pick it up and I start swimming out with it you ain't don't even film about it gosh that's awesome huh - off the same dock [Music] got one Hey look at that [Music] they decided to bite at the same time dang I thought that was a big one for a minute he had me on that dock post gosh I thought he'd freaking rock there too man and then stomped that thing shut up there yeah get off my home I found it first I found this bowl hole 110 years ago it's my home from that bridge down there to waterfront that's all mine [Music] yeah watch this I'm about to catch one [Music] there she is come on bit begging oh that feels good baby oh yes come on dude that is a beggin oh my gosh freakin big one come on baby stay on there stay on there stay on there oh my gosh it's a freaking giant oh my gosh got you baby yes oh my gosh dude yes oh she wasn't coming off either oh man dude look at that one still got a buddy tail I'll see how much she weighs oh my gosh finally man I've been fishing for one like that and fishing one like that two or three days heck a week I'm gonna say that's a four and a half four seven that's what I'm gonna say zero is oh I was heavy four three four three four five four five I was close hey yes yes a picture oh [Music] yeah so how you get this good click video back up there you go heck yes thing Hey yes - heck yeah man that was awesome I found this place yesterday graphed over it saw a couple fish caught three off of it then I come back this morning they wouldn't bite there was still a few fish there they just wouldn't bite come back this evening not even this evening just mid morning first cast almost a four and a half pounder I can't get another stinking locked so guys this is like a perfect scenario of if you're fishing a tournament and you've got a Ledge spot or you've got some fish pound or whatever you know hey I'm gonna go crush them tomorrow cuz that's what I thought I thought I was gonna come out here just crush them and you pull up fish for 30 minutes 45 minutes and then I went and started graphing some more and looking and I found some more fish but I couldn't get them to buy like this would not buy so I just made a decision to go try something else and that's what you've got to do in these situations oh gosh there's another one there thank [Music] that was a bike for sure but anyhow go fish some other stuff go try something else but I mean I didn't know what to do I went through spook and had one come up on it but he didn't get it just kind of lethargic and that just kind of told me that the fish weren't really biting at all and so I just went fishing through that spook and do a chatter Bay actually snagged one on the chatter Bay and then I come up to some docks and picked up a jig and I picked up three fish three solid keepers you know and so during that period of that lull where the fish weren't biting you know I picked up three fish which may be huge and then I fished some more dogs never got to buy so I was like hey it's you know been a few hours whatever let me go check this deep spot again so I came out and check this deep spot sure enough first cast whatever it was for six four or five I haven't I've had a couple more bites but they won't actually get it and hold on to it but still I mean that's a four pounder now I'm a you know this is not a tournament obviously but I'm praying to head in and go eat some lunch and stuff like that but if it was a tournament you know I would go hit some more wedge stuff and if I didn't get bit then hopefully I could run back up to the bank and finish my limit out on dogs then I end up with a four six and you know some two and three-quarter three pounders well they probably won three they were at least two and a half two and three-quarters and then maybe I go catching those four five pounder out from under a dog and that's how you put it together that's how you put a tournament situation day together you just can't be closed-minded and I'm gonna go fish this or I'm gonna go fish that you have to you know wet the day and let the fish tell you what they want that day don't be so headstrong that I'm gonna go do one thing today and if they don't bite it oh well that's not the mentality to have to win tournaments or to be consistent I mean yeah sure you can be hard-headed like that and maybe win one every now and then but to be consistent if you're fishing a tournament trail or you're fishing high school fishing whatever it is that you're doing you have to be versatile and what the day tell you what you know what they want to do or at least some way to pick up a couple of fish here and there [Music] [Music] and just like this another keeper just like I was saying guys you know I didn't get a bite right here this morning did not get a single bite come back this afternoon two keepers two one good one and a keeper that's how you do it that's what you have to do to be good and stay consistent it's just a magnet trick worm green pumpkin 3/4 ounce head I like the football style head I have a buddy that makes these I don't know I think it just goes along and whenever it's going along the bottom it really gives that side to side instead just scooting them it's really just like a football head jig I mean it's bouncing and rolling and all kinds of stuff and giving this tail all kinds of action I just really like my football style head that's just my personal preference but works for me well guys that was fine man I had a good time that that was a fun little trip I enjoy trips like that I hope that y'all learned something I hope that I could teach you something about changing your perspective changing your mindset I mean I was determined that I was going to come out and catch him on the ledges and on humps anyway out off of the bank today wherever I woke up this morning and I came out here and fished it for an hour and a half two hours and never had a bite never had a good bite and I could see fish down there they just were not biting and there was a storm last night it rained it thundered it lightened and sometimes that really puts the fish in a bad mood in the morning time and so I just adapted I just went fishing I've picked up a spook had a blow-up a small blow-up didn't want it really and then I think I ended up snagging one on a ChatterBait and I just changed what I was doing I ended up going and picking up a jig I ended up with I don't know ten rods out on the deck and just change through baits and change through presentations I threw a swimming worm never got a bike through that ChatterBait never got to by other than snagging that one that doesn't count as a bike and then I you know went to the docks and I picked up a jig and I think of my second or third second or third dock I got a bite and I call and I missed it and then I put it back in there the fish ate it and called it and went around on the same dock on the next corner and called another one and that fish like two or three more docks and called another one now after that I did I ran out of docks right in that area and I changed them went to some other dogs and I never had a bite on those dog but maybe it was just that section I don't know maybe I could have went back through there and caught some more but I ended up you know coming out it had been a couple hours the Sun got out it got bright and it's starting to get hot so I went out and jumped on the ledges went back and I fished the exact same places I fished this morning and ended up first cast on that one spot I caught that four pounder and they ended up catching another keeper on it as well so that discussions to show you guys that you know just because you think the fish are doing something that doesn't mean that they're doing it so don't be afraid to change up and move around throughout the day if you're not getting bites do something different this change completely if you're out deep go shower if you're shallow go deep you know vice versa shallow and deep ain't working go in the middle start fishing some of that middle stuff and you'll figure something out throughout the day if you just stay at it but anyway I appreciate it guys thank you so much for watching and please subscribe please give this video a thumbs up if you learn something if you've got any questions leave comments in the bottom in the comment section I'll try and answer all those questions and if you've got a question that you want me to do a video about I'll try and do a video about it so thank you guys I appreciate your watching and tune in next time we'll be back thanks
Channel: TDW Fishing
Views: 3,267
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: Bass Fishing, Lake Gunterville, Ledge Fishing, Bass Fishing Tips, Fishing, Guntersville Alabama, Fishing Tips
Id: ltyX8PnSB2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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