Gun collection 2020

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[Applause] [Music] so wow all right welcome back everybody this is xl tactical and uh hopefully you guys enjoyed the video that we just did on the p365 xl um if you haven't seen it already i'll make sure i put the information to this video in the in the description area below uh but what we'll get into here is just an updated video of our gun collection i'm gonna go through most of the guns some of them a little bit more in detail some of them a little bit less but without further ado let's get right into it first gun we have on the table here is the ruger lcp chambered in 380. this is a nice little pocket pistol i've done a video with this before small little gun usually you get to use this every single time whenever i'm going to the mailbox or going out stepping out just for a quick moment um something that can fit right into my pocket no problem and i get to always feel that i'm having a firearm on my possession uh this is uh like i said cheaper than 380 and has a standard capacity of six uh plus one um now there are um other magazine you can put seven plus one but a nice little pocket pistol great trigger uh nice ergonomically feel and it fits right in the palm of your hand so that's the ruger lcp2 all right so we have here on the table is the two firearms that i have in my possession that are chambered in 22 lr so nice little plinksters first off here is the walter p22 uh you've seen this before this is my daughter's and my wife's gun typically the best use that i have this is uh whenever i take somebody out for the first time to the range this is typically the gun that i like to have them shoot so you can get acclimated with the recoil um it has hardly no recall on it so it's a nice little gun has a safety of the cocker little rail uh standard capacity is 10 plus one so that's a nice little starter gun for anyone to have in the collection next off here uh what you can see looks like a colt 1911. it is not it is a gsg 1911. like i said chambered in 22. um nice little fte color with some engraving to have the american flag to resemble the the heritage of this particular firearm get a lot of compliments on this particular firearm and when i take this out to range i can pretty much shoot it all day for about um 20 which is really nice ammo seems to be easily available for for us here miami but um you know again everywhere um you know how hard it is to find this particular ammo i'm not sure uh but it's a nice 1911 uh firearm with all the components even the weight is like a true 1911. has a wood grips nice beaver tail skeletonized hammer trigger the whole nine yard takes down just like a regular standard 1911. so yeah those are these two outfits as we get further into the nine millimeter collection we have here this in ghana f it's a turkish-made firearm kind of like a high power uh browning uh 1911 ish look it does also have safety in the cocker as well the beauty about this particular gun similar to the 22s is that it's all steel uh construction so it's a pretty heavy um firearm so what does that do when you're shooting this um there's barely no recoil on this particular firearm nice little sites that it has there you guys can take a look uh three dot sites um but again not a very popular firearm here but it is turkish um and i think the military and the fire and the police department use this over there um so zengada s you guys should take a look at it lots of variations on it uh for this one um here we have a springfield uh xds uh it's a nine millimeter it's one of the few single stack firearms that i have uh people do give a lot of heat to springfield because of the ceo and his stance on the whole firearm community but i'll tell you politics aside it's a nice little firearm sits very well in the hand good grip overall looks nice sights are nice it has a fluorescent sight in the front which is really nice small firearm does have a rail good texturing here for the grip and capacity on this one is seven plus one and it comes also with an eight plus one capacity for this one is 15 plus one so two quality firearms let's move on to the next ones all right so here we go we mix we've reached kind of like the middle mark you've seen both of these on the video that i just did it's the g2c here on my left and the g3c on my right uh nice beautiful firearms uh the the quality on these firearms are are really nice and for the price that you're paying for you can't complain too much again like i mentioned in the in the previous video this is probably right now sub 200 dollars again that can vary from from place to place um and this one i got out the door for under 250 so really nice firearms tourists have really stepped their game up they put firearms out there that can come are comparable to some of the bigger brands that are out there this is a nice nice firearm i've taken this out already to shoot um you know all the little upgrades that they did to this to keep in mind for what people were looking for you know there's the g3 which is the full size one um they did all that the trigger really nice um trigger on this reset is really really nice first as well um capacity on this is 12 plus one so another sub compact gun it does have a little uh small rail where you can add accessories lights lasers all that kind of stuff forward uh serrations rear serrations um texturing on the grip is really really nice so you know really really like these this particular firearm um i would recommend these to anyone if you don't have the budget to to get into something bigger you know like a glock or a sig or your f n h k all those big name brands you know don't look down on this you know spend your money if what you got is what you got uh this you're getting a great uh firearm for for the price you're getting here and i'll mention that this particular firearm for under 250 comes with three mags so i mean mags are typically what twenty bucks so that's another sixty seventy dollars that you're taking off of this so this really puts this firearm under two hundred dollars but uh great quality firearms right there so that's when we've reached the glock midpoint right so here's your standard uh run of the mill whatever one is recommended as the dual br uh gun this is the glock 19 uh nine millimeter this is uh 15 plus one out of the box if you see i have it here equipped with a you know an expensive red dot and i also have um a threaded barrel on it very nice firearm i won't take away from that uh one particular thing you know people who who have glocks will say it's the best firearm that you can have reliable and shoots whenever you needed to do jam proof but um you know to each his own uh me particularly i'm not a great fan of the glocks i don't like the grip if you see i've added gripping to this um and for the money that you're paying for this tons of money uh you can get uh other firearms i know i shared with you before and it's no longer part of my collection because i've given it up to you know purchase other firearms but it can you know if you look at some of the canik and i'll show a quick picture of the mechanics that he's had before but those will put this gun you know to a good test but this is the glock 19 uh very nice firearm i do recommend if somebody does want a glock this is probably the way to go uh good to conceal still to carry a little on the heavier side for me but you know very nice now we move on to this particular bad boy this is where my change of glock kind of kind of changed a little bit and i know some of the block people that like it maybe don't like this one as much this is a single stack um glock normally out of the box is ten plus one but you know due to the the greatness of technology the shield arms magazines that fit in here flush make it a 15 plus one capacity i did do without those crappy sights that that glock is known for so i put some uh americle night sights that are on there really nice fits in the in the hand really nice trigger like all block triggers you know nothing to write home about but again decent trigger but overall with this particular package and how we have it you know i've added a rail to it you you know the 15 plus one makes it a very nice you know even pocket size pistol you know um but really a big fan of this one for now um you know i like shooting it it feels comfortable again the grip texturing i don't like um maybe that's something that you know just glocks are there for uh there is no finger grooves on this uh kind of nice undercut but eventually what i'm just gonna do is put some handle grips or talon grips on here so it can be a little bit better um on my hand but overall because of the size because this is a single stack i do get a nice purchase in on this firearm so those are the blocks of the collection and we've reached the end of the of the nines so here um my ride or die my my everyday this is the p365 just a regular p365 standard 12 plus one uh you see i have those those uh handle grips that i talk about so much just like how it reduces you know any kind of sweat buildup or anything like that and gets a nice good grip on on the firearm on the module um so this is a very very very solid shooter very accurate uh has great night sights on there so you guys can take a look uh beautiful firearm um yes i do have a safety on a striker fire pistol um that's my personal preference so i do like that i liked it so much i said let's go a little step bigger and we went with the p365 uh xl uh now mine does come with the red dot it didn't originally come with it but i purchased this separate and added it to it so this is a 12 plus one out of the box i'm sorry if i said this was 12 this is 10 plus 1 this is 12 plus 1. um there is a separate magnet here you can put it 4 15 plus one you won't look at that but again very nice firearm again same for iterations lactorations the sights that it comes with are the standard ones the same way the regular p365 comes in uh but you do lose that once you put the red dot on it um you that you can co witness but you don't have you no longer have the rear ignite sights on it uh but a quality quality firearm um you know you're talking um great purchase small to conceal very easy comfortable ergonomically correct um and again just a little bit bigger a little heavier uh for those that find the p365 a little snappy with this you're getting rid of some of some of those hiccups with this one you have a very very nice um trigger flat trigger with a 90 degree break so um you know this is the most recent one that i added now and i'm truly truly impressed on how how good sig has come up with some of these these firearms um and lastly i'm gonna show you my beauty this is the one that you know i think um even though it's not an everyday carry uh it's a full size it's a p320 rxp um this is my gucci i don't think it's gucci but this is my uh probably my most expensive of my firearms this is the 320 rxp it comes with a romeo one pro uh suppressor height night sights you guys will see there hopefully you guys can take a look at it it's really nice uh 15 plus one um i have extra mags that you can put 17 plus one and 21 plus one so you know competition gun everyday gun home gun nikon self defense gun whatever you want to call it this fits into this particular um firearm love this fire has again very nice trigger great reset and the aftermarket capabilities on this particular firearm is excellent um these are probably my favorite ones of all this will categorize me as a state fanboy so i do i've come down with the cygnus insignation really rules in my books so you know again hopefully you guys enjoyed some of these videos that i'm putting up i hope you guys like part of the collection that i showed you here um as you've seen some of my collection has gone down has gone up we got rid of a canik we got rid of uh the mmp shield um and just we did we got rid of some of that so we can get more room for some of these uh there's still room for like an fn that we might be looking at and probably um an hk that we're going to probably be looking at but i'm not 100 sold on that um i think i'm looking for you know my next firearm is either the p226 or the p229 from the sig family i really enjoy those and i wanted to be able to see what kind of firearm and how the quality continues to be in those particular farms so if you haven't subscribed already please do so don't forget to comment like and share uh below uh get down into all the comments and until the next one i hope you guys like this video thank you oh
Channel: MJA XL tactical
Views: 11,055
Rating: 4.8469944 out of 5
Keywords: gun, guns, gun safety, firearm, firearms, firearm safety, pistol, pistols, edc, ccw, conceal carry, first gun, best gun, glock, canik, sig sauer, g43x, p320, guncollwction, gun collection, reviews, first time gun owner, 9mm, 22lr, subcompact gun, training, gun review
Id: vpSGoXUnOaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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