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what's going on guys how's everybody doing i hope everybody's doing uh having a great time um myself i'm having a great time you know i had some time spent some time outside with the wife and the kids outside today they had practice baseball practice went out to the mall get some things and you know i got back back home and we were cleaning and i got to clean some of my guns put them out put them out of the safe i got my safe back here and i brought them out to safe you know and i laid them down so you guys could take a look i want you guys to take a look here and see uh this is my setup right here this is some of my guns right here um reason why i got these guns right here it's because they all uh serve a purpose i think everybody should have a shotgun in their home this one is a stevens uh is this a steven uh pump action 320 and this thing is it's marvelous it's good it's amazing and if you like power uh if you're addicted to that kick then that right there it's gonna give it to you i say every home should have a shotgun i think if someone was to uh break break into my house i think that's the first thing i would look for uh it would be my shotgun uh that would be my my preference uh second up uh from that one it's my ar-15 this is a ruger uh 556 i put uh the magpul accessories on it and i love this thing right here this has got to be my favorite i got some iron sights backup sites and this is just a cheap uh red dot uh blue blue dot that i got from ebay and i got the sling here uh which you know swivels everywhere uh the thing about i wanted to mention about this in particular was i took it out to the range after i had uh changed the buffer to and my mistake i did one less turn and that pin came up and it seized the gun so it ran like 15 to 16 rounds and then it just sees and it just the bolt was open like three quarters back and it wouldn't go forward it wouldn't go backwards i took it to my local store they have a gunsmith he was he was able to know exactly what it was he told me well it looks like somebody changed the buffer tube and then that pin that retainer pin uh it looks like you know came out of place with the movement it's an easy fix and it was 20 bucks and he fixed it for me i love this thing right here you know if everything you know anything goes down then this this will be my primary uh weapon that i would choose uh to defend my life and the life of my kids i'm pretty good with it i you know i i'm able to put rounds where i need them to be so this right here i think everybody should have one uh by the way i'm pointing this there's woods behind me there's no other homes uh all my guns are clear so there's no ammo there's no magazines uh so we're gonna go ahead and go to the next ones this right here is a taurus uh this is the uh taurus g2s the taurus g2s same thing is clear there's no ammo in it this is my wife's uh concealed carry that's what my wife carries she likes it it's a good gun uh she's been through a couple of my g2 and she likes the way they handle um that one i've never done a review on that one it's just been sitting next one will be the uh the kel-tec sub 2000 carbine uh this one is chambered a nine millimeter and i gotta tell you if if you were uh soft uh let's open it up so you guys can see that there's nothing in the changes it's also clear uh if you are a person that you are picky that you don't like the uh the kick of a gun because it's so light when you when you're shooting this right here uh i gotta tell you it's a bit uncomfortable to grip into it i put these uh grip here to help me control it and i've got to tell you the kick from this right here it will get you sore and this is chamber on a nine millimeter it also comes in a 40. uh this one right here i think i paid like 550 for it so it's a celtic sub 2000 reason why i like this one right here is because if something happens and you need to leave your home uh you pull it there and then it collapse like that and then you could just throw it in a backpack another reason why i like this one is because it uses the magazines from uh glock and as you can see i got here a magazine a 40 uh one rounder clear these things are pretty good i took them out to the range had no problems with these magazines but just to show you guys how it would look you know it just it looks mean i love the way it looks and like i said nine millimeter uh that's that's really good uh we'll go to the next one here the next one is uh freedom's uh ordinance and this is the fx9 i want you guys to see it here that's the fx9 the same thing we'll open it up so you guys can see there's no ammo this one right here the only thing i did to this one this is how it comes the only thing i did was i i added this uh uh red dot uh green dot that's the only thing i did to it and gotta say the recall on this one uh in in in in comparison with the uh kel tec i have to say that this one is a whole lot better uh the the kick that you get from this one this one is also a chamber on a nine millimeter uh so it's a carbine and here you go that's how it would look with the uh with the magazine i mean it's just me and i i just love this thing this got to be my favorite uh i'll say my second favorite and i'll tell you why my second favorite i'm gonna show you my first favorite but yeah this thing is pretty awesome uh so if you're in a tight spot you know around around doors and stuff this is this is pretty awesome it's pretty good i like it i like the way it shoots uh i have to zero it out because i was getting groups they were like pulling right uh into the top so yeah i have to work with the red dot steer it out and see what what i can get better from this one and then from that one we're gonna move in to my concealed carry this is what i carry every day which is the uh smith and wesson mmp the nine millimeter shield and this thing i just love i just love this gun right here this one i carry with me all the time always everywhere i go she is with me and i love this thing right here it's just amazing the performance i know there's a lot of block uh guys and i've had glocks in the past and they're just you know they're just not for me i just don't like how blocky they are and how uncomfortable it is to conceal it especially for some of my size it's just not it's not for me and the latest thing that i got that i wanted to show you guys and this is amazing i've been after this gun for a long long time and it's the uh ruger 5.7 since it came out i've been wanting this right here this thing is so light it's empty as well this this thing is so light i haven't shot it yet i just got it the way you get it from factory it comes with 220 round uh magazines and these right here are the fn fnh uh rounds i paid like i think it was 30 about 33 dollars for a case a box of 50 which is pretty expensive i just got some in the mail today that they just got shipped today i got them today and i paid 50 for a box of 50 because you can't find round this round you can't find it nowhere and i had to have it so i was able to find at last minute 300 rounds uh everywhere you go they have a limit of three boxes so that's the whole deal about it so i haven't shot this thing but man is this a beauty or not uh chamber in a five seven by 28 millimeter uh so this is the compet uh compet uh competition to the uh the uh fn uh five seven i believe it is too yeah i went with this one i just like the way it feels in the hands the f uh the fn uh to me it was too too wide and i just didn't like the feeling so i went with this one this one ran me uh i believe it was 7.49 yeah i think i paid 7.49 the fn was a bit more it was about a thousand about 1070 or something like that that that's the price they had it uh they only had they only had this this how crazy it is so i've been looking i've been going around to different shops and different stores gun stores and let me tell you they only had the one this one that's the only thing they had this one that he had no other ones they were just one of this one and the fn that's it so you know it's a lot of people going crazy out there buying guns and stocking up you know not that i'm saying is a bad idea but a lot of people are going crazy maybe taking money away from their kids and i don't think it's a very smart idea if you're taking food away from the table to just go buy a bunch of guns you know you should reconsider that because maybe with what you have it will it could work for you uh so you know just the thought that i'm putting out there and these are some of the magazines that i got for the carbines right here uh all of these guns come with uh basically a set for the uh the shotgun they come with two uh max from factory uh the kel-tec only came with one so the kel tec only came with one i'm gonna do more videos i'm gonna go with my wife and kids we're gonna go out shooting to the range when i do that i'm going to take my my camera with me and i'm going to give you guys some footage of that i want to put this one through a couple tests i want to put a few rounds through it not too much because like i said again the ammunition for that is expensive so with that said guys if you haven't subscribed to my channel please subscribe to my channel comment you know i like comments below even even the negative comments that i get uh gets me a little rowdy sometimes but if you comment something stupid or if you're trying to give me advice on how to live my life where to invest my money what to do with my money then um i'm gonna start just deleting people i really don't care if uh if you unsubscribe for me because you don't like the way that i am i'm fine with that i don't live i don't live from youtube this is something that i feel in my heart just to do it just for fun gives me something to do it puts it out there for someone who may be interested in something uh and they say you know what let me see if i find a video and there you go you may find a video like this one you know what i mean so like i said guys you know do good do good to those who do you wrong forgive people forgiveness forgiveness is not forgiveness is not for the person but for you forgiveness free your soul all right god bless stay tuned subscribe and comment thank you have a good one
Channel: Big Guy Reviews
Views: 9,188
Rating: 4.9078946 out of 5
Id: 2BwcOphipt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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