GUMROAD TUTORIAL - How To Sell Digital Products Online & Gumroad Review

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hi in this video I'm going to share with you step-by-step how to sell digital products online using Gumroad so if you've ever wanted to sell your own digital products digital courses or any other digital download material then be sure to watch this video to the end as I'll show you exactly in this tutorial how to go about setting up Gumroad and how to create your first product on komarin so keep on watching hi my name is Alison on this channel I'll make videos on how to start and grow a digital product business so if you're interested in that be sure to subscribe and hit that bill notification just below this video and turn on notifications too so you don't miss out on any future training I post up here on my channel with that said I'm gonna head on to my screen so that I can show you how to start selling digital products online using Gumroad alright just very quickly what is Gumroad and in case you don't know what Gumroad is Gumroad simply a platform to start selling your digital products online whether that's a course or whether you sell a bunch of presets for you know Photoshop Lightroom or Adobe Premiere whatever it is you can start selling your digital products online through Gumroad so that you can digitally deliver your products instantly so immediately you don't need to go and send your digital download manually to your customers if they purchased through PayPal and all that so in terms of pricing it is free this platform is free but if you look in here where it says getting started there's a five percent plus charge fee so there's also a 3.5 percent plus 30 cent fee for every transaction or every cell that you make and if you do go on their ten dollar a month plan which is their creator plan this is for less than a thousand customers which will take some time if especially if you're just starting out you'll be able to do things like remove the Gumroad branding you'll be able to add your own CSS or styling to the page of yours and which we'll go through in this video you'll be able to use your own domain name and the fees the 5% fee is waived so all you need to really pay is a 3.5 percent plus $0.30 per charge only but if you're just getting started this plant here will do but for the long term if you do want to save then look into the Creator plan now before I move on and start showing you how to create your products in Gumroad I also want to explain that Gumroad is a very simple platform for selling your digital products meaning that you can't do advanced selling features such as creating sales funnels if you do plan on adding upsells and cross-sells and down sales and things like that then Gumroad isn't the platform for year there are other advanced shopping carts and platforms out there such as thrive card Sam cart which will allow you to do like one-click upsells and things like that but with Gumroad at the time of this recording a lease and from what i've experienced so far that don't have that sales funnel feature but on the plus side if you do want to get your digital products out there quickly and easily without any hassles or technical know-how then Gumroad is great for that because you don't even need a website to start selling your digital products now here's a product I created in Gumroad in just a matter of minutes it's called email marketing 101 how to stun grow an email list this is just a hypothetical example but I created this one scratch and this is typically what a Gumroad sales page looks like you'll see that you'll be able to create or add your own cover page here and you can add your headline some bulleted benefits or points or features you can add images as well so these images I had to create from scratch Gumroad doesn't offer the ability to obviously design graphics in their platform you're gonna have to use canva or something like that but we'll also go through this setup process of creating a product in this tutorial but I just wanted to show you what the layout looks like you can also see the Buy Now button this is where your customer can then enter their credit card details or pay by paypal another feature I love about Gumroad is that they'll be able to promote or recommend your products to their community and this is on their discover page so if you go to Gumroad com forward slash discover you'll land on the page that looks like this and you'll be able to find certain digital products and courses based on categories here so to have your product out there you can also enable the discover option so that your product will be featured in their marketplace so according to Gummer their discover feature will be shown in customers receipts on download pages and of course on the discover home page so that's where they recommend your product as long as it's something that's relevant I'm not exactly sure what criteria needs to be met in order to have your product featured on these sections but that is what Gumroad shows now they do take 10% in additional fee on top of what they also charge so that's something to note but it is a great way to have your product promoted in their discover area or marketplace so that's a nice little feature of Gumroad if you want your product promoted all right so to get started be sure to sign up by clicking the start selling with Gumroad button you can connect with your Facebook account or to an account or simply use an email address with the password once you've done that it's time to log in to the dashboard now let's get to the technical aspects of setting up your product in Gumroad and setting up your Gumroad account I'm logged into my account here already kind of set up my profile I think you've registered an account with Gumroad you'll be able to create a product and that's the first step that they'll ask you to do but what we're going to do is also create or set up our profile so simply head to profile this is where you can choose your style you can choose a theme for your homepage so this is what your followers or customers or subscribers will see this is kind of like think of it as your home page and they can subscribe to follow posts by you and they can see all the courses that you've created so this is the course I created previously and your name you're basically kind of like your slogan here and you can change the style here by selecting a theme I've got the camera and default you can choose a dark theme goblet of fire and letterhead all these other ones shiny and then you can go as far as selecting a different color for things like the accent buttons you know we've got black so let's say I want to choose black so it depends on your brand colors this is what you can customize so that's his style feature once you've done that make sure you upload a profile picture that's what we'll show here I highly recommend you add a profile picture to build some trust connections this is something you can do with to integrate Facebook and Twitter a follow form so this is what they'll see right here this is the preview you can customize it or embed it somewhere else on your website in the product section you can sort the products by newest highest rated so this is what they'll see here and since I only have one product you know that's all we can see right there now we can also display it in preview mode so that it'll remove all the admin features or switch back now I can see the navigation for me as the creator once you've set up your profile click Save Changes the next thing you want to do is head on to settings and from here make sure you go down and select your currency in most cases it'll be US Dollars and that's what you should set right here I'm from Australia so by default it actually said Australian dollars so be sure to set this to whatever currency you want to sell in now if you do want to add some taxes or for the purchases based on your region or your country this is where you can add it now do you want to enable Gumroad discover this is something we went through previously and do you want to show your products and discover I highly recommend you enable this so that your products are promoted in those areas that I talked about next you want to choose a category based on what niche you're in so I'm simply in the education nation since I can't really find anything around business or online marketing things like that once you're done hit the update account details and then it'll save everything next we want to go to pay up make sure we enter our details such as our personal info a phone number identity verifications your date of birth here now pay up bank account this is where you enter your account details so that Gumroad will know where to send your payments just as a side note Gumroad takes payments on your behalf so they'll collect the credit card payments or the paypal payments and then they'll transfer it to your bank account based on whatever you enter here so unlike typical shopping cuts and other platforms where you actually need to integrate your paypal account or stripe account Gumroad handles all that for you sir no integrations needed all you need to do is fill in whatever details that are required in your settings now just very quickly under the Advanced tab you'll see custom domain this may be something that you want to add in the future for branding purposes if you don't want to use a domain name like Gumroad com forward slash whatever your product is or whatever they assign your product to and also what you can do is add analytics using your Google Analytics account Facebook pixel if you do want to retarget any customers that have landed on your pages and the rest of the stuff is quite advanced you most likely won't need it in the future like the application now let's set onto the product section so that we can start creating a product in Gumroad the first thing you're going to want to do is click on new products from here it's going to ask you what are you creating you can select classic so start selling a product today you can do a pre-order so sell before a release date you can do a membership where customers get charged on the monthly or whatever you set here charged on a recurring basis and what you want to do is then add a name of for your products so I'm gonna click on classic so that I can start selling a product today let's call this email marketing 101 which is the product that I demonstrated before this product contains one or more physical products I haven't fully tested this yet but if you do sell physical products you you're gonna want to enable that so then you get the right options in or on the next page I'm gonna disable it for now click on customize and on this page this is where we can actually add all the details about our product so the of this section as your sales page you're gonna want to make this captivating so that customers can see what they're gonna get and what's in it for your customers so it's not just about putting a picture of your product you can say by now you also want to make sure you put some sales copy to your description and this page here so first and foremost this is the name of your product you kind of just want to stick to what your products called so then when people search it on your side here it'll show so that's what it'll show at the top here the next thing you can do is in the description I when I first use this I kind of got a bit confused ooh I'd put just a line of text so I put a paragraph but in actual fact you can add YouTube videos or a picture so if you have a video that demonstrates your product or shows some sort of preview of your product that you want to show to your potential customers then you can add a video there it says paste a YouTube Vimeo Facebook or Instagram link and press ENTER and that'll embed that video to the description now if we go back to our page this is where the description is this whole section right here so taking that into account you're going to want to put the text and the elements based on whatever your products about so what I'm going to do is add a headline which is this right here to save time I'm just going to copy and paste just so you get the idea and in terms of formatting all I need to do is just select this option where I can highlight and then this little palette appears where I can choose a heading style I can choose heading 3 or 4 so heading things a bit bigger heading Falls a bit smaller the next thing I want to do is add an image of the products so if you do have some sort of product image or mock-up then this is a good place to put it as well you'll see here I've got an e-book cover so what I'm going to do is click on the plus icon then to the photo option and from here I'm going to browse for the image I've got my ebook here and choose and that's going to embed that image right there so you can add multiple images here if you want to by just going back and you'll see another plus icon so every line has this next up I want to add some text bulleted benefits as an example I'm gonna just copy what I have here copy go back here and simply paste it in from here what you can do is select the text you'll see this bullet icon and that will convert it to bulleted points if you do want to add more text feel free to do that there is an option to also add a link so if I just type in link there or whatever text you want we can just choose this link icon and then paste in a link so that perhaps might go to your about page or some other page to further describe your product I'll delete this for now and I'm pretty much done with my description now the next thing is you can add a cover if we go back to our demo product this is the cover I'm not sure exactly what size this is or what size they take into account but all you need to do is choose a file and I'm gonna choose my course image cover here the size that I selected was a thousand pixels wide by five hundred high and you'll see how it looks on my page here now the next thing you can do is choose a call to action now I'm not sure why they don't offer an option to just add your own call to action that may be in the upgraded account but you're only given three options I want this by this or paint the call to action is the Buy button that you see here so pay or buy this so I'm gonna select buy this you can also add a summary the summary is what you'll see on the right here this will give your viewers an idea of what they're going to get like the deliverables so in the summer you can say something like you'll get instant access to and then you can list down all the modules components or files that your customers will get so let's say you'll get video one and this is where the value you can either put as in values at $97 you can either put that or you can put whatever other specifications of your product so let's say video one is five minutes 23 so then that will give an idea of what they're getting and we can then repeat the same steps for video 2 this one's three minutes 21 now if you are selling something like a video template let's say it is a video template and this is in 1920 by 1080 pixels so that's another thing you could add as one of the features here we can also do is share the file size so let's say it's a hundred megabytes and it will show right there so that's what this feature is where it is additional details alright next up and the content this is perhaps the most important where you add or upload the file that your customers will get after they purchase so if you have your file ready go and upload your files either from a computer from an existing download which already uploaded it previously or you can upload from Dropbox in most cases you're probably gonna upload from your computer and for that it's gonna pop up and what you're gonna do is just select whatever file you want to have as a downloadable if you do have multiple files this is where you go and repeat the same steps so from computer I'm gonna now select the same file but let's say that's file number two and that's all you need to do just keep repeating until all the files are uploaded right there the next option below under settings it says generate a unique license key Purcell so if you sell something like a software that requires a unique key to activate that particular software then this is where you can go in and naval it and it will generate a unique license key for that but if it's just a PDF document or anything else you most likely won't need it down below at your price this is quite self-explanatory so I'm gonna put 995 the next option is allow customers to pay what they want so if you want to add the option for customers to actually put in what they can afford for instance then you can just enable that so at a minimum or suggested amount the next setting is version what versions is essentially if you have let's say a standard and a provision of your product then you can add it right here or if you have additional bonuses that you want to add user versions in terms of let's say software you can also do things like offer a basic version or pro version this is what you want to do you want to click on add versions call this let's say selling this email marketing 101 course this is a version for templates for email marketing and choose the option name I'm just gonna call it the same the additional amount they pay is $10 and then we can associate those specific files for that version after they make their purchase now you can see the total now is 1995 that's because the amount plus the additional amount is added let's say you have another option for the pro version it's going to call it the pro version additional amount is $30.00 and then you can add whatever files it is as well so I'm just going to choose whatever files I have uploaded right here choose another file right here that's done so I've got two versions I've got one with the templates for email marketing and the provision this in my opinion is kind of a way that you can kind of hack your way to adding an upsell for your profit okay even though I didn't I said that there's no way to create a sales funnel in Gumroad this is kind of a way to add in those upsells through their system so once that's done under settings we can go limit product sales so if you do have let's say 50 copies of your product you can limit it in that way and then they're all close it off if you want to allow customers to choose a quantity for your product or if your products quantity based then select this option as well going back to the top what we're going to do is click on Save Changes this page hasn't been published yet so if we go to checkout now this is the next tab you want to go and fill in we can add a discount code if you do want to add that feature do some sort of special offer for your customers so what you can do is create your own discount code here you can also use their auto-generated one do you wanna for all products or just this single product and the amount that you want to offer off and the quantity how many times you can use that discount code let's say ten times only you can also add additional discount codes if you have particular promoters and you want just you want to set sell it just for John so that's for him and then here John can then send this discount code for those or his subscribers and you want to add the discount code to your purchase form and add a field to all your products as well if you want to do that too now in the payment form we can select the cardholder name and also requires shipping information if you do require shipping information something that needs to be shipped if you need additional information on your form page you can add it here so let's say phone number this can be optional or required and then add as many custom fields as you want under the receipt this is what will show once someone purchases you can thank them or you can say thanks for purchasing follow us on Instagram and then putting your Instagram handle whatever it is once it's done we're going to click on Save Changes but it's showing that I've entered a non zero discount amount we're just going to disable all the discount codes here since we don't need it click on Save Changes now and now that saved under the share tab there are various ways on how you can share your product page either through your social links or copy the URL directly or you can embed it on your website using an overlay customize a particular button add this to your sidebar or underneath a blog post let's say you want to go purchase my product or get my email marketing course add it right there can auto trigger the payment formal allow single product purchases only this is what it looks like copy and pasting code wherever you want and that'll show this button right here you can also embed products on your site so this is what it'll look like to copy and paste that code look down below you'll see the code right there and that's it what you're gonna do is publish this product that you've already added and once that's done I'm gonna copy this URL or I'm just going to hover over here click on this little icon on the corner that'll open up in the new tab and then this will give you the page that your customers or potential customers will see we can see that we have two options since we added the standard or the templates for email marketing and also the pro version so customers will pay based on whatever they select here which is why if you do want to add some sort of upsell or upgrade of your product then use the versions field or section if you want to do a test to see what the checkout looks like if you're already logged in if you click buy this this is just the demo since you already logged in so the best way to actually see what your checkout page looks like is to open up a new browser a completely separate browser so if you're currently using Safari use Firefox or better yet what you can do is open up a private window or incognito so let's say we're in Safari right now I'm going to open up a private window so here's my private window and I've already entered the URL this is what your customers will actually see let's go and click buy this now we can see the full checkout page Gumroad takes credit cards debit cards or using paypal and then you need to log in so this is good news if you don't have a PayPal account and you want Gumroad to take payments on your behalf if you ever want to edit your product simply go to products and from there select whatever product you want to edit and all those options will appear again as a little side note if you do want to learn how to create your own product covers and he covers be sure to watch a video that I'll link up right here right now on how to use smart mock-ups with canva to create your own product covers so there you have it in just about a minutes you're able to selling your digital products online using Gumroad as you saw no website required no coding required not even PayPal will stripe as Gumroad takes payments on your behalf and then pays out to your bank account there are other options that are loved Gumroad to have as I mentioned before the ability to add your own sales funnel so that you can maximize your profits from that same customer but I guess with Gumroad their belief I guess is to make it simple and intuitive to use for anyone to use no matter if you're just starting out or a beginner overall I highly recommend you use Gumroad to start selling your digital products online without the fuss without the mess without any coding and without all the expensive fees that you would find with a typical shopping cart system if you found this video helpful I would appreciate if you hit that like button and subscribe to this channel if you haven't already turn on notifications too so that you won't miss out on any future videos like this that I post up on this channel thanks a lot for watching this video to the very end I appreciate 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Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 68,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gumroad, gumroad tutorial, gumroad review, gumroad tutorial 2020, how to sell digital products online, gumroad digital products, how to sell on gumroad, how to sell digital products online step by step, how to sell digital products online with gumroad, how to sell digital products, how to sell digital products on gumroad, how to sell digital products on your website, sell digital products online, sell digital products, digital products, what is gumroad
Id: 1O0DGCxJ3jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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