Gumball | We Are Men | The Moustache | Cartoon Network

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[Music] [Music] you saying we're grown-ups now do you hear that shooting star worked alright wait a minute we don't have to listen to you anymore we're gonna play ball for the movies ow trees [Music] but we're gonna wait until we meet the right person because there's an important decision but in the mean time we come shoes shoes Oh [Music] wait no we can't don't have any mourning well as far as I can see from you you resume you have absolutely no qualifications whatsoever do you have any applicable skills well I can do this [Music] look for the third time mr. Watterson rolling your stomach is not a valuable skill in the work environment oh oh I'm sorry point taken good okay so looking at your track record oh oh oh sorry look right now I need you to give me a valid reason why I should even consider giving either of you a job well I could touch my nose with my tongue that's not a skill this is what do people with jobs do I don't know hiring and firing cool well hi so are you but no guess we should do some firing hey what are you firing me for that's what I do well you are fired you can't fire me I just fired you all right quickly are Meighan okay you're hired I can't believe we lost our jobs so this is being an adult huh no money no job umbly apartment and this is last piece of food oh I wish kids getting me too I'll be in my room [Music] what are we gonna do [Music] guys it's me your sister dude you look like a Mexican wrestler I'm not a man and neither are you I think I know what happened follow me [Music] no come on fight Richard what are you doing I'm getting old it's like you always say we grow up so fat vast Richard and I was talking about the children oh don't talk to me about those rosy-cheeked baby-faced hairy meatless [Music]
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 12,281,582
Rating: 4.7374997 out of 5
Keywords: baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball baby anais, gumball commercial break, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, gumball jealousy, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon, cartoon network, animation, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball funny moments, gumball cartoon network, cartoons, the amazing world of gumball (tv program), moustache
Id: 9rpCIlQtisQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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