Gumball Mistakes That Slipped Through Editing 3

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excuse me but i think the animators may have forgotten to edit this out what yo gumball's ear is on the wrong side of his body it's on his chin it almost looks like he has a double chin what this is crazy today we're going to be looking at mistakes in the amazing world of gumball from all the seasons quick disclaimer guys i love the amazing world of gumball i look at these for educational purposes for entertainment so obviously i'm throwing no hate no shade to this show when we look at the amazing world of gumball it really has evolved throughout the years not just the animation style but also the voice actors and you're gonna see in this video i'm gonna go from season one all the way to season five season six we're gonna go through these seasons and you're gonna see the evolution kind of of the animation and also the voice actor but without further ado let's go into our first animation air and guys it's actually pretty shocking let's go on to number seven [Music] mr robinson had a flashback of the older days and his memories very heartwarming however the mistake is that anna yeast is in this frame what is she doing in the picture in the background this is a very easy mistake to make in fact i would make this mistake if they had me there animating wow she is in the background when we know that gumball and darwin are babies and anais wasn't even born yet so how exactly did she how was she in this picture if she wasn't even born yet this is supernatural if this isn't an animation era this is supernatural how was she even born when gumball and darwin are way older than her this is clearly a mistake really funny to see pretty hard to find let's go on to number six i didn't even shave today i washed three parts of my body with a damp face cloth and i'm good to go now i remember watching this episode of the first time and just thinking how crazy it is that they all gender swapped just trying to see how the roles were yeah the mom became the dad that became the mom kids oh it's so crazy but the animation era has to do with her tail it's completely missing in both scenes yes you may be wondering well maybe that's what they know it actually showed up in the third scene so that's a mistake number five magic is taking control of the person who wears it well done if you guys want it i guess i can have it back episode the helmet or the hat i forgot what it was called honestly anna's kind of confused me and you'll see why but there's a big animation error in this i don't even know i have this so early up on the list this is actually one of the biggest animation errors on this list now you're probably paying attention to mom dad but i want you guys to pay attention to gumball his legs completely get cut off even though we saw it visibly before literally in the same scene it didn't even switch to a different scene a different angle it literally got cut off in the animation software now it's obvious that they use flash for the amazing world of gumball i used to use flash this is really easy to make but this is cartoon network this is being broadcast to you know television everyone across the world can see this however i'm pretty sure no one was paying attention even you watching this video now you probably didn't notice this that his legs got completely cut off whoa whoa whoa i didn't even know this is the first time around how is he floating in the air like this the older seasons of gumball have a lot of mistakes and that's normal you know the animation style was completely different than what we see today with the new stylized animation it looks good in both of them honestly this one looks more hand drawn and then obviously the nearest season but yeah isn't it crazy that gumball had no me and darren have legs talking and we've decided it has to be destroyed that hat or helmet caused a lot of trouble it's funny to hear anise's voice here and gumball everyone's voice honestly changed from the older seasons to the nearest i just thought that was a fun fact let's go on number four so number four has to deal with i'm not going to tell you to me i feel this is really obvious and so i'm going to have you guys type down below in the comment section what the animation error is whoever gets this animation error right in the comment section you have a chance of winning something very very special if you get this right if you get what the mistake is on screen guys i have something very cool for you and what's cool is i will heart your comment okay i will heart it number three so number three is pretty difficult to pick up on because this is one of the subtle animation errors i like subtle animation errors because it's not that blatant and you're not gonna notice it on tv unless you have glasses on or something the animation air has to do with gumball i'm going to show you the clip again pay attention to gumball guys please pay attention in remember what is gumbo he's a cat gumball is a cat darwin is a fish gumball has whiskers in the scene he didn't have his whiskers in the second scene cool seeing this he never had it i don't know it just disappeared it just disappeared presto and it's gone who did this who's responsible i don't know i don't blame anyone again i'll look at this for entertainment this is funny to see i mean this is the amazing world of gumball how many when i'm watching the cartoon i'm not paying attention to nothing man i'm paying attention to the story bro i don't pay attention to mistakes like this but over the past three years i've been kind of looking at animation it's just so interesting to look at mistakes cause you don't really think about that you know what i mean guys but anyway guys yep that thing disappeared i don't know what happened oh maybe the animators fell asleep on the job no shame to them no shade if you fell asleep you fell asleep number two [Music] i've left them on my desk if you're not back in two minutes we'll move your desk to a bathroom stall i know you mean that as a threat but as we're not allowed to take bathroom breaks it would technically be an improvement nicole waterson man she's looking finer and finer every day let me stop what am i doing anyway the animation here has to do with her tail bruh where exactly is that tail we saw it in the previous shot next time we don't really see it now i know being a ceo is a hard job you know working in the corporate field hard but that doesn't mean you just magically lose a body part bro this is the second time we missed her tail and i'm sure there's probably even more episodes where she lost her tail these have only been two instances in the same animation error video that i'm doing today where the mother lost her tail really easy i bet gumball's lost his hail on countless occasions i just haven't found it yet so gotta kind of look into that you know for future episodes if you guys want to see more animation errors in the gumball you can leave me a comment in fact the only reason i'm doing this video is because one of my fans said collobi can you do an animation error on gumball again and i haven't done one in like a year or something or a couple months man like a long time so i was like yeah you know if my fans want it i will do another animation error video with the amazing world of gumball but yeah isn't it crazy seeing the mother's tail missing how is she gonna smack gumball in his face with her tail [Music] hang on how come she can hear her secret thoughts cause you're talking out loud homie yeah that makes more sense this is the biggest animation error of all time i'm not exaggerating i exaggerate a lot in these videos but for me to explain what happened in this episode or clip or animation error video it's gonna be hard how do i explain this this has never been before on my channel i've never explained an animation error this crazy on my channel because it's gonna be hard to explain this let me stop rambling and get into the mistake so the biggest mistake that i left for number one is this when we zoom into the right corner of this episode we can see some numbers that don't correlate with the episode at all this is actually from like the animation sheet or the animation software flash or something whatever they were doing to they forgot to clean that thing out bro oh my that is mine i never thought i'd see the day where i saw this in the cartoon i mean that looks kind of sloppy not i'm not saying anything with cartoon network i'm not but like for real that's like crazy bro i mean that's technically like whoa i mean this showed on national dip for everyone to see all the k i mean no one probably noticed this i mean this actually did get noticed in the community but whoa they were like numbers zero three three just number blue numbers blue text the right corner of this episode i don't know how that showed up i don't know where that came from i you know it's really crazy if you want to know the episode it's called the lesson and you know gumball darwin are there but you look at the background for a little split second you can see the number zero three three what does it mean is this some kind of secret code that i should know about is this a secret message kind of similar to pixar's messages where they have the a113 or whatever so maybe it's a hidden code bruh or i think this is a mistake thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys later wait wait wait don't leave the video bro i forgot to say to subscribe to this channel click the like button guys please turn that notifications on please get notified when i upload these videos guys please we're going on a marathon of videos please just just just be here please thank you you
Channel: Calobi Productions
Views: 807,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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