Gullah Geechee Food Traditions - Sandy Island

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we're on our way to sandy island and this is the boat ramp this actually is the school boat it's the only uh island that has a place that has its own school boat for his kids and this is the uh prince the new prince of washington and so uh as we're passing through this kind of a opening going towards the island it's uh it was kind of carved out by bergeron gardens helped a residents there to come from their homes and their kids to come to school here i think back in the 60s or 70s they carved this out of a land here to help a residents to one have an easier access to the road and the kids to come to your school here and um as you pass by you can see some of the foam rice fields are still here because this was again land that was ideal for a rice growing so uh this is quite special here and um this area right here as you're gonna cross over the rock my river it's a it's a place that was um a natural barrier for those who were on the island you know they would come across here into their own world and saint allen truly is a community that is been preserved been self-determined self-reliant and independent from the mainland oftentimes in fact it was said that there was no need for any police on the island because there were never any offenses there over over the years i'm eric crawford director of a charles children's institute for gala and african diaspora studies at coastal carolina university and so we're here taping this uh a recording taping uh laura herrera cooking and we've just arrived now on sandy island which was a a former place known for rice plantations and these former slaves built their own homes and bought their land back and it's been one of the few fellow communities that is still now self-contained we only get there by boat as you just saw so now we're about to arrive there and go into her home and really experience what it's like to cook color cooking and and and she'll tell stories about how she learned these meals and how important they are to her family and hopefully to yours too before we begin i'm eric crawford again i'm here with laura harriet in her beautiful home and we're socially distanced so i believe if she doesn't mind she'll take off her mask and and laura we're so happy that you have us here and um have invited us here to hear you and talk about your culture and of course cook for us and so thank you our students our those who are in the audience are just here to see you and hear you and to see you cook of course i'm delighted to do it and we're going to start first with the bread pudding now before we begin i've heard that bread pudding is oftentimes been associated with day old bread you will use bread that had been around for a while can you talk about when you would normally cook or make bread pudding when you would fix bread pudding when there was nothing else probably at the house to eat and would be old breads and they probably would fix it together with water and sugar and mix it up and put in the oven and bake it and we will eat it now do call the first time you saw someone cooking bread pudding and who that person was my grandmother and she picks us because we came from school that day and that was our food until we got some suffering so let's all if we can watch and lure you first i'm going to get the margarine and next we're going to put some sugar in if you desire about sugar i'm going to put three scoops in this three like i say three cups of sugar now is this um low cal low fat sugar freeze though this dixie crystal and just just regular um blue bonnet margarine you can use butter if you like but it just i think would be less fatty just to use regular butter regular margarine and i'm going to chip two eggs your eggs are your choice for these egg ones and i'm gonna break two eggs and put it in here i'm just going to put this back in here for right now now as a child um were there were there chickens here and you would yeah you use the chicken eggs yes the eggs that will let yes the chickens were there and we get the eggs from the chicken and mix it in because the the egg just help it you know rise it and give it nice and another flavor i guess i'm just gonna mix this up now we're we're here in your grandparents home right and um wilma's cottage that's the name so now who well how did you get that word realm my grandfather was then william and my grandmothers and they're married so to remember them and keep their memory going i decided to call the wilma cottage and it's it's an active college someone can come here and stay over and and eat for cooking yes they can come for a day if they just want a day treat i'll prepare a meal for them and give them a history of sandy island and then i'll get and if they want to come for a night then i'll give them another history and they'll prepare a meal for them and i'm going to mix the sugar and cinnamon just to give it a little flavor and i'll put the raisins in next you can buy any kind of raisin just just the sun made here just raisins i'm going to use one box of raisins now if someone doesn't like raisins are there other options for them you can substitute it with apples i'm not going to put any apple in this today because i don't know write them but if they didn't want raisin they could just peel apple cut it up and put it just like you would do the raisins [Music] now um after you make this dish of this bread pudding dish it will feed how many people this should be about 12 people this dish or two hungry students and they can also save some if they want for later they can put in refrigerator or they can put ice cream on top of it or different other stuff mix it up and you put the bread in last you don't have to break it up you can just put as you put the bread in you can add the milk now how much milk do you use for this that depends on how how how much you want your pudding to come out okay we're just going to do this i'm just going to post the milk and we're going to mix this up oh wow that looks good here oh my as he was saying that depending on if you want it to be more solid or more yes liquidy you can just add you don't have to break it up you can just keep mixing add milk now what do you know when it's time for it to be ready to pour into your dish we are getting closer okay i'm going to put the breast bread in you can use a whole loaf it doesn't matter because it's just you can use old bread or you can just buy yourself a new if you have some in the refrigerator that you had for a long time and want to get some use to it you can just do it like this and make your bread pudding so is that an important part of living here is um nothing ever went to waste because you you didn't have the assets to go across a river all the time when you wanted something so what you would use your lap over and just make best of it and everybody couldn't afford that in those days you know we use what you have and let it be a a meal at least stomach meal fall see it's about getting there right you just i'm gonna use it whole oh that looks wonderful oh my yes yes indeed so again you use um raisins or apples mission peaches or yeah you can use other fruits you know also if you like some people don't want raisins you can just put fruits peaches apples even you can slice the banana real softly and then put it in the tune that will give it another flavor pineapple but we just do it the simple way we didn't have all that stuff at those days so that we just used what we had but do as things get better life goes better things get better so you you will see your grandmother doing this yes as a child yeah and this is her bowl she used to use also oh and i'll try to hold it as long as i can i don't blame you for a centimeter yes and now we're going to this is a christ oh this is four it's a 12 11 by 12 by 13. okay and i put a little oil in it just keep it moist just there's a rip [Music] spread it out again and just for just to garnish it over just put some more that cinnamon right on top of it oh wow [Music] place it in open for an hour and a half at what temperature at 375. now you're using a fencing stove here now but in the old days it was the wood stove and it would be in there for probably an hour or so slower it'd be a couple hours so that's your bread pudding that's the bread pudding wow is that sort of a a main meal on the island or just in general at that time i think it would i would used to be but now i think people they get away from it but most of the time when i bring my guesses that's what i use to serve them and it's very simple dessert everything is in one and as the prices is low brand don't cost that much margaery and eggs you know so it's inexpensive but it's good so that they the kids will get it well that's in the oven what what are you gonna make for us next i'm going to do the punch now that's my personal favorite so please watch this wonderful puncher she has some secret additions that i think you will definitely find fascinating and enjoyable now while you're sitting up with a punch can you talk about um your grandfather and you know he kind of kept building adding on to this wonderful cottage although he was blind right because he was a builder i think he used to work at a llama company that was his first but he was in the military it was world war ii he was in world war ii so i think you probably learned a lot of trade before he went to the war and then came back and did stuff so how was he able to just i'm curious well he's still built and you know develop the house he mostly would i guess feel his way mostly too because he would walk from one end of that the fence to the other end and come back and do whatever then he was just sort of that's why the house some part is tall and some party short when he lost his sight that's when people just did was doing whatever they feel like doing so because he was a very tall man it was oh wow wow all right so now this punch you can use all right we're going to tell us how to make this place okay we're going to first we're going to take the hawaiian punch okay i should have two pictures but i have a one i'm gonna make a small myself when we was going to school in columbia commercial we used to have parties and stuff so i had to make the party so i decided to do it this way but i'm not going to tell you what else i put in the punch because y'all don't want to have that one that's something i'm going to do yeah i'm going to do half half of wine make sure get the wine juicy red one right and orange juice well it would get the one that is don't get the cotton the one that you make get the consecrated one and put concentrated orange juice yeah we're gonna bring it right half that way okay so half and half half and half we're gonna do half and half we're doing a small amount here okay and we're gonna put the pineapple juice get the one you know shake it and how much is that is it equal yeah we're equal we might have to come back soon okay now how how important is it to have uh punch or old days tea or lemonade with your meal i think most of the time we just mostly had water we didn't drink a lot of tea you know it was kool-aid for the kids the most was kool-aid because it was a 5 cent 2 cents a pack of water we could get at that time so and sugar was not so plentiful because she couldn't grow sugar so you had to buy it from the store so yeah they started camping with that part we're gonna have a little bit more with this and i talked about the fact that if you couldn't grow it um then it was difficult because then you had to go over the water to get it yeah and that time we had to go away to book green up the creek then get going to the main drive yeah and how long of a a row or in your beef it was it probably would be i guess about 20 minutes because he hit the road well fortunately by the time they started that i was not going anywhere then i was still kid because you really didn't get to go over until you get like in high school i would say you wouldn't go across really after you were because you had no reason to go unless you had to go to the doctor or something and so because everything was really here and kids parents they made their own clothes and stuff like that so there really wasn't so much stuff that kids had to go because we had mostly playful stuff around here hide and seek and had a little get together and jump rope and basketball and baseball so it was always something it was a lot and we always had something to do right were you curious about you know i wonder what it was what it's like on the other side of me never thought about it you know it seems crazy because i guess we had each other it was plenty fun but it was interesting because when we did go we just we never hang out with you other kids just the one that most was from here all right we're gonna add some sugar oh you add sugar to this gotta put some sugar oh my gosh we're gonna put some sugar how much sugar do you know desire because you need to get the taste to see because the pineapple juice is going to make it sort of tangy and also orange juice and this don't have no sugar in it all that much so you have to put some sugar so we're going to use and this should be a cup we're going to use like we're going to do four of these wow and it's not and then we're gonna and this the college kids can make that right when they have a little party just don't add no angle and they can go for it now would you now gonna stir it chill this yeah refrigerator yeah keep it refrigerated because that what that's what makes it taste so good and eric i'm going to get one of these punch thing and let you sample it oh my oh my okay see if it's sweet enough oh wow just a teaspoon see if that's okay that's sweet enough well just have a little oh that is wonderful okay oh that is tangiest wow is tangy it's perfect perfect laura is now making breakfast rice and i think this would be a great dish for you it's easy simple and before we begin though um can you talk about the importance of a rice and angela culture on saint allen just well we never really have a meal without eating rice and i guess because we grew up on it it was once pounded from here and went to different countries like supposed cities or whatever and we never had to be without rice and i just love rice myself and but i'm gonna try to do a breakfast rice for you wearing you still have your rice you're not having your grits you're gonna have rice you don't have i use everything that you have for breakfast your eggs bacon turkey bacon also the regular bacon and two type of breakfast sauces maple and brown sugar and smoked sauces oh my god and we're going to combine everything together and cook it and put it in rice baron you got everything except grits now did you see this cooked as a child or did you make this up yourself or well when i was working at blue cross there was a guy that we had a cafeteria there and he was vic's breakfast rice but his breakfast rice did not have enough stuff in there so i continued to make mine then i started making my little changes to blue cross doing mine doing my little putting mine in a bowl and then serving it so i just started doing it i don't really serve it to my guest that comes here unless the axe because it is a lot of poke and a lot of people just wear wear from it but i do it and this meal will feed how many people this view here is going to be probably it'll probably feed about 10 people okay wow now could this be a meal other than breakfast this could be anytime for lunch snack whatever breakfast because it has rice [Music] you can serve rice anytime now uh cinny allen's history with with the rice has been well documented and um your great great uncle was perhaps abraham harriet was quite known for being this rice grower right yeah and he enabled where the rest of you know the other descendants from him can continue to do the same right now did you ever taste what was known as that that golden rice that uh that was back in the 1920s 30s 40s 50s that was so well known i think i probably have being a little childhood basically couldn't say but the only thing i think that would really set it off with me would be the water made rice that rice that i said that i'm going to put in here now what is water made rice it's a short grain rice is this right here yeah okay water made rice rice oh my oh look at that oh gosh it's the short green i'm going to put it in a cup it's a measuring bowl over there but you don't put your rice until everything is already start cooking then your rice go in and then finish it up okay and we got the meat going right now trying to get a frying pan over for the bacon stir it and then now can can the artist use uncle benton's or something uh something crazy then use something different but i is my thing i like watermelon most of the time they come out perfectly right most every time i cook it right right now the eggs would go in last last yeah just before everything is finished so it can still have that the whole keep it hold firm so it wouldn't be cooked up so much right right now you i kind of mentioned having chickens here your little girl and the eggs with eggs a different taste or a different consistency they are different okay they're much different what's the uh because i think the the the yolking is much yellow okay and i just put my bacon in another pan because after the bacon is fried then i'm going to crush it up and put it in the end with the rice okay okay now um think about mixing these different meats pork and turkey and is it is that healthy flavor that just give it all flavor let you know you had a taste of everything like two bacon so the only two bacon we have now is turkey and the regular and then we have three sauces because we got the smoked smoked sauce that we got the breakfast sauce and i use the honey brown sugar and i use the maple and when it all mixes up you'll have a different taste okay you will need to add no seasoning because this take it takes nowhere you need to put no salt pepper anything oh all the flavor is mixed up into the sauces right i tell you you know i haven't seen this much kitchen in years you know i i use my favorite tool is right here microwave if i can't microwave it i'm in trouble there i just put bacon you know to do it but we're gonna go a lot we're gonna do it a long way okay we're not gonna do the shortcut but the kids maybe they maybe have a microwave at the dong anybody can put the bacon in and let it fry faster gotcha yeah and they can always heat the food up you know whatever right now um this dish would last how long for after you prepare it probably a whole week if you keep in the fridge okay because i've made uh dishes for different people and they just put it up taylor ready for the next time and they do bread pudding too i get our orders for bread pudding also could you could you freeze it or is it best to put it in the uh you can freeze it you can freeze it okay and then just if you wanted to it's like you say you can put it in a microwave just get your a wet a napkin and put it on top of it and that'll help moisture and then when you put the microphone it reheats itself i could just put it in the oven and put a little water steam pans at the bottom and that would bring it back to just saying sure right gotcha okay okay wow wow that smells i can smell that brown sugar [Laughter] that's a wonderful smell there oh that that is that just really just smells good while that is coming i can go and cut up the cabbage and get the cabbage in the pot then that could be cooking also okay now so this next meal this like cabbage we're just gonna move over from that because we gotta wait till the meat cook down to put the rice in so we just can go get work on the cabbage here so uh what kind of cabbage meal are we gonna make now we're just gonna make we're gonna like steam it a little bit we're gonna put a little i'm gonna use this whole stick of butter in this cabbage now how important is cabbage to low country cooking color cooking is is it sort of a staple that you want to have or typical well it's a vegetable that you have and you don't have to do so much with it and it has water it's make its own water so you don't have to put no water and just let it cook down so you wouldn't add water to any kind of no you don't have to add water cabbage because this cabbage is more like um less uh and keeps it it's good for you because it has a lot of water right yeah my um my dad would always put a sausage in his cabinets you can uh some people even add carrots in there also and that bring helps i even read a bell pepper just to give it a little color flavor right right right now did you ever see your grandmother um making a cabbage dish or just cabbage like i'm doing there just cut it up and season it with salt and pepper put a little margarine in the pot and let it cook so it's a freezer okay yeah then i'm just gonna add a little salt okay how much salt do you normally add to it just that just option for yourself i just do this okay wow and sprinkle a little pepper and i've been told that pepper brings out the flavor yes okay that's the only thing i know about cooking pepper brings out the flavor yeah talk about that that though it's very high cabbage does with the shrink or it's going to shrink down okay so it's right down but i'm going to put it on high because i don't want this one let it like fry a little bit okay i've got to wait till this be cooked some and then we'll put the rice in and then the bacon will go in last and then by so now in terms of the um breakfast rice how long would that take once you've cooked everything it'll probably take about about 20 to 20 minutes somewhere okay okay because it's just everything just waiting on the rice to go in and the rice once you put it in will take so long it probably takes about 20 minutes on this not now can you tell us um uh what joy you get from cooking or is it something that you've always just have i love cooking because i love to eat and as long as i see the people love what i'm cooking i just continue to do it i'm enjoying it and your grandmother was also a good cook yes yeah i think if you love these you learn how to cook that's what i always say well i i love to eat but i do not cook i hate to say that but because you got to back up that's why you got somebody to cook some food for you that's what it is yes indeed yes indeed now i have a question would you um chop up even those smaller sausages as well or that you can you mean for the for the cabbage are you chocolate on behalf of the breakfast rice yes okay no well no i didn't cut them up i just let them stay whole gotcha yeah okay okay and so now you're adding the turkey sausage turkey and bacon yes trying to get these things to fry fast but okay not going as fast as i like but it's does turkey baking uh take less time than the regular bacon or well lubricant bacon has got fat and turkey bacon doesn't really have fat but it's not the same you put in the microwave you get it at the same time okay yeah now can you can talk about um the importance as we're waiting on on these meals here um the importance of sani allen in terms of his history and and uh well i would never leave it'll be i'll be until i die and why is that i think i everything that i've wanted and everything that offered me i think it's right here biggest thing is probably when it rains you gotta cross your river but i know when i come home i feel secure i don't have to worry see nobody unless i want to see them i don't hear unusual noise very seldom and i just feel great and you and um i i can talk a bit about your beautiful church the besto missionary baptist church yes you know that i i won't go well i'll visit other churches but i wouldn't want to move my membership right because people come like you said pastors preachers they come and go but you always i'm always going to be here yes and and um there's important a legacy here of the men being able to really build their own homes over church yes uh can you talk about that that this place had these very skilled yes very skilled most of the houses was built over here my grand not my grand my uncle james harriet he built a i mean he then worked here he built houses he built the majority of the old house here he built his legend still we have a uh grandson and he works from singleton company and that's what he does oh yeah he built he did this thing he built this cavity yes right yeah and that that's a beautiful chur church is just yes yes indeed it was built by the residents here yeah yeah and there there was some story that the bricks of a church that's been wrong but they were floated over the walmart river the bricks were did you have here yeah yeah yeah that's indeed wow wow because at that time people didn't have you know they just had to roll bolt they didn't really have on and when it did get motor i had to pull it and still had to use the pel pedal and drive it mm-hmm wow that's come a long way it's a lot depreciated so i think nowhere i go i always tell people i'm from san diego and if they want to know where i said well between georgetown and myrtle beach [Laughter] you just have to get on the boat to come across it and and to that point many of those who were on the island here would go on a boat to a work in the murrow beach yes i did too yeah yeah yeah so you would you would go over a boat to brook green yeah then go on to i guess a bus or so right in well yeah most of i guess what most of the men's had licensed and could drive but the ladies didn't so what they'd do would ride them forward to chapin parking lot in myrtle beach and then they would catch the bus and go to wherever they needed to go all right and now god bless most of the ladies everybody have their own license they can get in their boat and drive and do whatever they want to go all right now um the other important but there's several but the other important institutions is the senior island school which is a historic school now can you talk a bit about attending that school well i attended from first to sixth grade yeah and i've had how many school teachers i had um miss anna nelson i had uh teresa weathers her sister taught and also abraham abraham nelson's sister hannah she todd right right cleo jackson she taught and we had a lady came from georgetown jamie lee she taught she stayed over with prince washington right here on the weekdays because she didn't drive so she stayed over five days and she go back home one weekend right and i went for first of six and the only thing about the school they would make sure that you learn something right well sometimes we if we get delayed we get hurt hanging out but now there was there was there was no power but chris at all right right so um can you talk about i forgot what was but someone said that once you always see power here what year was that electricity came to 67 or 65 you gotta written down that right late six of yourself but for the first time she could stay up late and study because now she had you know light there well i i don't think that changed too much because i think when you know you got home where the lights are not lights you do your homework because it was time for bed there was a time for beds right right right right it bro it brought changes on but didn't bring that change on [Laughter] not for me anyway all right i'm gonna do the rice we're gonna put a cup of rice we're gonna do a cup and a half okay see that's a half right there and so um and what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna measure i'm gonna put my half in first okay so i can sure i can put the same amount of water that i put rice in so i'll put that in for next then i'm going to put my cup of rice cup of water so i equal out my rice with my water so if if someone is doing a smaller version they could they would do the same thing yeah [Applause] now if our bacon just cooked for us we would be scraped with this and we can let this cook for 30 minutes now would you would you cover that at some point i'm going to cover it okay have it right now what do you know okay okay now work on the bacons let me put that back now somebody that i was thinking about as you as we were talking about the church i think for many years didn't you and perhaps still do cook for the church at times sometime so um but when would you have meals at the church there would be most of the time we'll have meals but i hate to say sadly for our funerals and then we'll have like church anniversary a past anniversary or men's day whenever there's a big thing going on we'll serve at the church okay okay friends and family day two yes and other uh typical um typical meals for church would be fried chicken would it be sandwiches or most of the time it's a whole coast meal we have fried chicken spring beans ham um rice and macaroni and cake oh my okay okay okay that smells so good i'll tell you wow i just wonder this party isn't okay no and the old wood stoves i'm curious how would you regulate the temperature would you would you i mean is there i don't think it was the temperature you just put it on it just literally want to keep stirring until it cooks let it go regulate what that's a good one eric no i didn't know um uh do you do you miss those days though haven't that wouldn't stop well i don't think about it i really got to cook on the wooden stool but i don't miss the days because i think you have to keep putting wood in and keep it hot so it had to so the pot could cook you know whatever but i always remember my grandma she her kitchen was not connected to the house oh so you have to walk out of her house to go to her kitchen and um you walk out of the house walk out the house to go to the kitchen and the next time you come over here and i have my jeep i'm going to take some stuff walk out of the house yeah and go down to the kitchen okay yeah it was a separate part wow and she'll cook and bring the food back in why was that common for most homes well i think hers problems the only one i was over here was like that wow okay but the next time you come and i have my vehicle i'm going to share with my grandparents grandmother the house was at oh great see this is my this is my mother grandparents here okay and my father was up to georgie hill okay gotcha and after my father died then my granddaddy removed my gran my mother here into the house over there okay okay now when you were a uh a little girl um how far was a walk to school i know some came from miles that's where i came from georgia hill until i was in third grade so how how long about a trip did it walk well lord knows because a lot of times we stop on the road going and coming i walk one time i lost my shoes going back i always because i was little but i always remember that because the older ones they had us picking berries looking for blueberry picking some of every jiggy pan and everything before we even get home so it was we had a lot of interesting things over here to do then even though it was you know we couldn't get going over there but it was blueberry there was jiggy pants and persimmons and all so we had something to do hickory not right walnut there was always something every season we had something to do yes so very interesting yeah but i came from georgia it was a long walk wow and if you didn't get to school on time you had you get a beating oh shoot you don't even want to do it them teachers didn't play i don't i do and then we would a long time ago we went to spelling bee but what they would do they would come out the school and go down to the toilets and they had to hear us down there right we had to speak that loud and and there were some i believe in several papers it kind of mentions that cindy allen is placed in the um annual spelling bees there yeah i was twice really and i never forget the word i sat down on split i never we went to jb back b3 we were fourth fifth and sixth grade one charles went sister went and i went from here i think i went twice but i never forget that last year i sat down on split it's p-l-i-t i don't know how i couldn't get it together you can't get together the pressure it's pressure yeah and then the thing about it we were here all night all the time and we didn't get to go out like other kids so like we just was challenging and i think we did good just able to even go right right right right oh my amazing amazing and um i think during that time period there's a a figure prince washington uh who i guess some some call the mayor of the island or something like that well i think he he earned his he earned a title you have her title yes but he was a strong advocate for electricity for a phone and he really was um yeah that's what i'm saying he earned it just whatever his title was he did earn it yeah yeah and and of course he also operated the votes yeah that's what i said here in the jail yeah yeah yeah he was quite a figure yes and a a tall man i think was it yes he was a tall man big prince yes it is he called him princess and he was my second cousin oh yeah yes wow wow because his second cousin yeah he and my dad were first yeah so we're second yeah prince washington my gosh because he's his granddaddy i think the one that the founders yes yeah yeah um philip i watched it i think it was his grand granddad great grandfather perhaps yeah it was what was the founder here the former slave driver yes so now is the is he a bacon the bacon is about ready we're not going to put a lot in there because we don't have a lot to eat here we're going to do the trick okay it's cooking it's cooking pretty good okay make it cooking pretty good now do you wait until the rice is completely done to add them when these bacon ready i'm going to put it inside and then the eggs will be the last thing go in and then as soon as we get ready oh my gosh okay oh look at that yes indeed so someone could do a smaller version of that yes okay okay because i usually do a bit more than this but we're doing a little thing because i've used it because my farmer's market you know you have to beat the big tree like two big pots and then put together so yeah so you do several uh you go out and you serve food at uh farmer's market down here and anybody who wants me to do something real for them i'll do it also yeah in fact you got catered for our conference yes yes indeed i had our doctor um the dentist on surf side i can't call her last name they came before christmas they did their christmas dinner here oh my gosh yes indeed wow i needed macaroni um all right now there's there's there's the one dish that you're not doing here the red rice yes that's one yeah and also chicken bogs yeah the chicken and the fried chicken now what is chicken bog chicken bog would be chicken your your cookie chicken and you can take it out the bone and then you mix your if you want to add some cut some soy smoke sauces up in it and then your rice like you would fix it and put just let's put it but it's onions and stuff but it it's sort of what uh is it it cooks it's going to cook up like it's going to cook just like this almost because this would be could be the chicken ball goes so okay you just would instead of putting this and you put the chicken in and maybe add some onions but we're not going to put the onions in so onions is the onions are typical for chicken yeah because it will give that fresh flavor onion but we don't need onions and breakfast rice what i'm gonna do i'm not gonna crunch up the bacon since the fries so nice and crispy i'm going to put these bacon in a whole slice okay and i'm going to cook drop it right on top of this well that that smells so good i'm going to put the beak just like this and i'm going to use the same bacon grease and put fry my eggs in it overall so and that will add more flavor to your eggs eggs yes because i'm not gonna put those yes and so um she's now working on her on the eggs here and gonna scramble them and i asked you um about adding cheese and he said no no no cheese don't put cheese in it now why not why would that you don't want cheese and rice okay i don't think so this will not work would that work out yeah i guess uh in terms of of um be able to last longer that cheese might cause an issue you think or i don't think you want cheese with rice though yeah but um okay i don't think the la the cheese last thing because you know eat cheese aged so i don't think i'm gonna get it right right right right now so um once you finish scrambling those eggs do you season the eggs now or no no no the eggs are nothing need to be seasoned because that meat flavor has everything in it you have to put nothing on the egg just make sure that is cooked you know scramble well and put it right in there we'll put it in a little bit and so and so once that's scrambled you just add it fold it into your okay okay so now how how much longer would this now take as you now add the eggs it's not going to be that long that's why we want the eggs so when okay and we're going to stir it in okay oh my that looks wonderful so this is a one part wonder oh that's wonderful there yes indeed so there is no need to add salt or nothing okay all the the meat has all the seasonings okay unless you don't put some hot sauce and i don't think you need that either now at this point is the heat up high or you've turned heat down now i turn it down a little lower okay but you can keep it on a moderate you know how you set your you know for your cooking oh that looks wonderful that is yes and by the time the cabbage is done the rice should be ready hopefully okay and so once you pull that into it so are you are you careful not to fold too hard or or is it just just getting it it should be just right just right okay okay wonderful top back on that okay and we will continue to work on this now uh you've put the salt and pepper into the cabbage right yeah okay okay so now i'm mixing it up and the flavor the seasoning will go through okay and it should be probably about 15 minutes in this 15 or less is there um butter and that too yeah i got some margarine but you can either put all the people don't really refer too much you know grease cut down sorry about that just come at the pot over here yeah well that that is wonderful there cabbage is probably paper towels yeah cabbage is i think sometimes overlooked as far as being something that's kind of quick and easy to kind of cook yeah but i've heard many people say that it's you know it it cooks very fast it's very simple and healthy yes yeah and then and it's not causing that coffee right right right and one here the cabbage can cut into a size it can serve a lot of people but when you have the green leaf on it you don't have to throw it away you can cut the start the green leaf first and after that star cook it then you can add the other parts and then it will come out to taste a lot of people throw the green leaf away because they figure it's gonna not cook as good as the other leaves though just and the bread pudding is cooking oh i see you have your bread pudding in the oven nothing the cabbage is cabbage is cooking down and the rice is about soaking itself almost that's about done oh yes and by the time that is should be finished oh my god would be i recall back in the 1990s there was that big um case about the bridge and having a bridge or not having the bridge and um and in the end you were the islanders were able to keep their their own land with no bridge but um uh some still feel that if they had a bridge it would be much easier it would bring more people back here my thing is like he said home is home and i don't think virgil newbridge if you want to be a place you'll be that's my thing yeah because even if you have a bridge things can happen with a virgin without a bridge because right now think about the epidemic that we got going it's not one place it's all over the whole united states so you just have to keep your trust in god and let him just well said there you go because i think of where a person want to be or where they want to do they're going to do it so but people use excuse because they don't want to be here and i better bridge well you were here when there wasn't a bridge and you weren't able to do half of the stuff that you were doing now god bless you so so be thankful you know now it is for some people i guess for those who are younger it's difficult being you know being here and not be able to you know easily get across the water is that an issue at times i think it's even better for the younger folks to me should be because a lot of times if they don't want to be bothered with a friend on the other side they don't have to be just like me myself i mean i goes every day mostly just sometimes i just go just to get away and do something different you know instead because sometimes i think people get too caught up in this self right if we get on ourselves then we can see all the blessings that god had given us yes indeed wow now your cabbage is about done cooking down yeah looking good barefoot and i can smell and your and your breakfast rice is special oh my that looks wonderful now for those who like spice is there would you add peppers or no i would just maybe if you want to just throw a little hot sauce if you just a person want a hot hot hot you can put some hot sauce but i think everything is because you got the maple flavor you got the honey flavor and you got the smoked sauce flavor and then you got the two bacons and bring that in and eggs and just smooth it in oh wow okay okay we just can't wait to tell you something i know it's coming up very soon not too long now um how do you know when your cabbage is that's another thing i'm about to say you can some people might want to serve it like just like this and then somebody just probably want to just want to cook it down probably have a little problem with just the eating like so older people suffer but young people just want the crunch so they know they're getting all the right the vitamins so it's important to have that clear translucent kind of look or as you mentioned sometimes that have it al dente or or crunchy is isn't preferred well i think it depends on the people who you're serving okay yeah if i had an older group that i would probably cook down until it get real soft but i had a young loop now just made it sort of crunchy like okay okay would you add any more to that um cabbage is that one thing i probably would probably sprinkle just a little more pepper and let it rip because you don't need to have a lot of salt anywhere intake so and once you get it salty you can't do anything with it there's nothing so there's not that much you can add now um i know some people always add meat to there or something some kind of you can add different flavors but we're gonna make it sort of simple because we're doing something simple that we would have to go to the store and buy so much stuff so we're just going to use cabbage and a little margarine or something but if we want there's something going we can just put some carrots in it red pepper bell pepper even some of the smoked sauces even bacon fry some bacon the way you need to and that's a good um dish to serve dinner or something else yes you want carrots for breakfast but we just do this right this for right now because we can use this breakfast rice because breakfast has passed in here yes yes we can just and if we had some breakfast like leave over for supper and we didn't think so i just bring her cabbage because i still got some more of this and then we'll have that also oh well yes indeed indeed and is that very typical um in terms of using food for different you know if i have something left over it'll it'll work for this yeah that way we're not throw away all right right all right are we about ready and i almost moved is that about oh i think this is really that about done oh that is wonderful it seems to have even kind of grown up and has it as the more yeah yeah will you cook it yeah yeah because it started down to and just yes wow okay so i think we have a finished version of the bread pudding here so can you tell us how you know when that is ready to take out the oven because everything will be like down once you put it in it will look almost like this and then start cooking and as a flavor as it gets darker then you would tell okay and when it's finished it's just popped up right now but once you set it aside it'll sink down more do you yeah put a fork or you just kind of know just yourself yes i just sort of know because the whole thing have to be just sort of dried up right and then moisturizing and that kind of brown kind of yes that perfect yeah the ride looked dark like that because the reason no reason is already dark and just meeting with right right right if you use apples would that change no the apple would it would just would be it would have the raise you know it'd just be there right and it'll be more juicier apple okay okay but you're going to taste a little apple inside this also because i got i mixed some apple in it okay okay i didn't do the one i did here right that one now some people people put have a they add a um glaze or something yeah you can put glaze over it or you can even ice cream oh yes indeed okay because you can throw it put it in the microwave and get cold and heat it up and then put the ice cream on top oh mercy jesus all right so that's so that is the finished look there of the bread pudding i think we're going to let the cabbage go and the cabbage oh yes oh mercy yes okay all righty i think and the turtle force right here is this wonderful breakfast rice oh that looks oh look at that oh mercy that looks wonderful there so honest members that is breakfast rice there we have the cabbage here and for dessert pudding and if you're having some special occasion you want to do the punch and you can add the fruit cocktails if you have it in a punch bowl but if you serve it in a fountain don't put the cocktail in because it's gonna mess if you found it yes indeed it will okay and and we're just so happy that you allowed us to kind of look at you cooking and sharing your stories and of course making these wonderful government meals here we thank you so much on behalf of coastal carolina university our president our students faculty members so thank you so much and you are welcome i'm happy to have any time call me if i available i'll be happy to do it this has been a pleasure and i thank you for selecting me to even give me an honor to do it thank you so much thank you so much
Channel: Edwards College of Humanities & Fine Arts
Views: 9,502
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Id: j1ic8AvssxQ
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Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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