Gulfstream G500 and G600 - the advanced jet brothers

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hello haters sky here and today finally we're approaching the logical conclusion of our marathon of the large and luxury Gulfstream business jets people who are aware of course will say that we didn't cover every single plane but for now I think this will do we'll return to the junior models later today's story is devoted to the transition of the company to a completely new generation of its flagships after a few decades in the new century they turn the page and moved on and so newcomers of the industry the muddles 500 and 600 Gulfstream g550 7 generation created by Gulfstream Aerospace approximately now they made their first flights in 2015 and 2016 these airplanes are new models designed to replace the company's obsolete medium jets which is what they are doing now given the time gaps we can say that we are now at the very beginning of these machines history so there isn't much to tell technically it begins at the end of 2009 it was a good time Obama is the president Windows 7 is released shuttles are still flying Rio is preparing to host the Olympics in November 2009 for the first time the Gulfstream g650 prototype made its maiden flight the apogee of the industry a symbol of luxury and technology with completely wild performance and equally wild prices however the 650 was not only one of the best planes in business aviation it also whipped the back of Gulfstream itself the fact is that the model 650 was created from scratch applying everything that aviators could offer but its coolness was affecting its little brothers the main Gulfstream best sellers for a long time were the g4 and g5 generations these aircraft were comfortable reliable and efficient but they were created on the basis of previous generations which limited their capabilities a series of modernisations in the early 2000s let the birth of their updated versions the g450 and g550 were good there was nothing to complain about and customers were taking them with pleasure but the appearance of the g650 made them obsolete in a second yes business aviation is conservative and cold-hearted buying the planes to the precise and pragmatic process it is often easier to buy an older plane and get everything you need for a normal price than to roll out a truck of dollars for a couple of cool features in a brand new one but on the other hand we are all human will like everything new and stylish yesterday iPhone 7 and 8 were good enough but now they are not everyone wants that not this is something similar on the one hand there is still demand for the 450 and 550 without a doubt but on the other hand Gulfstream started noticing questioning looks but nobody had to force them to start in parallel with the implementation of the g650 program the projects for replacing the little brothers were conducted in the company behind the closed doors this process was slow the old models the new versions of which appeared only a few years ago were quite relevant and making three completely new aircraft at the same time was too bold even for Gulfstream but the work was being done and the plan was simple to create a completely new g650 confirm the effectiveness of new technologies and then create newcomers based on them the g450 had to give way to the g500 model and the g550 to the model g600 respectively since the 650 was chosen as the basis they are very similar to it but nevertheless not in everything the flagship is a very large aircraft with a huge range and according requirements for the passengers the first priority of course is the dimensions of the cabin and here it is really huge younger models should have a shorter range be simpler and cheaper they didn't want to just make simplified versions of the g650 some of its features would raise the price and would not be necessary besides the model line should be divided more prominently therefore the new models were reduced in size the height of the cabin is just 3 meters or one inch less than that of the senior model its width was reduced by 18 centimeters or 5 inches its lengths was cut the most the flagship breeches over 16 meters or 53 feet the G 600 length is 2 feet less and the G 500 cabin is nearly 6 feet shorter externally this is noticeable due to the number of windows while there is eight of them on the g650 the newcomers have seven however despite all the cuts the new aircrafts are still much more comfortable than their predecessors the internal volumes alone are increased by 10 to 12 percent not to mention the equipment and new solutions in comfort in terms of comfort the newcomers are at the very top of engineering and design all the classic features are in place but the huge windows Internet and luxury materials are now accompanied by improved technology updated interior and an absolutely wild thing the fact is that in the cross section of the fuselage the planes are almost identical and the difference in width and height of the cabin is mainly due to the more complex and efficient soundproofing it comes to some discomfort during a cruise flight you might get a thought that the engines are not working the maximum capacity of 19 passengers is a sacred figure for Gulfstream their place will soon be the size of the Boeing 767 but they will still accommodate 19 people for the rest of the overall indicators the planes are close but since the G 600 is a bigger model it is slightly larger and heavier the maximum takeoff weight of the G 600 is approximately 43 tons or 94 thousand pounds against 36 tons or 79 thousand pounds of the G 500 the g650 is the heaviest more than 45 tons on the basic and almost 47 on the ER version accordingly the flight distances are increased 9600 kilometers or 50 200 nautical miles on the G 500 12,000 kilometers or 6,500 miles on the G 600 12,900 kilometers 7000 miles on the g6 50 and about 13,900 kilometers 7,500 nautical miles on the G 650 er it is quite a ladder however from the outside the junior models are very difficult to distinguish from each other visually they are almost identical differing only in dimensions and this difference can only be determined by running around with a measuring tape most of the aircraft's on both systems are unified fly-by-wire onboard computers power system avionics almost the same now on all aircraft but in the cockpit the engineers let their imagination run free for the G 500 and 600 a new interface was developed which was called the Gulfstream symmetry flight deck the core of this system of course is the honeywell primus epic but with serious modifications huge screens design solutions ergonomics a real beauty plus there are multifunctional touchscreen displays here as many as 10 of them six on the main panel three up above over the heads of the pilots and another one service display in the rear they are all slightly pushed out looks like the displays on premium cars but in practice it is necessary so that it could hold to the frame when pressing for accuracy if the plane for example flies through the turbulence zone as a cherry on the cake a control block with sight sticks created in cooperation with bae systems this is the first such experience for the company the rest of their aircraft including the g650 are all equipped with the classic yokes the legacy of the yokes here is the active controlled sight stick system which improves the quality of the pilots interaction it doesn't feel like just a handle connected to the fly-by-wire but like a real drive of the control systems in addition the sight sticks of both pilots are synchronized as if they have a mechanical connection to each other like the classic steering wheels it is of course an imitation but in theory this should make it easier and more comfortable to operate the plane so in general you can really feel that the creators of the cockpit worked very hard for the pilots the remaining solutions EVS providing improved visibility synthetic vision showing the virtual three-dimensional map the head of this place classic one of the biggest innovations and differences from other models of the line are the engines on the g650 as on most other aircraft of the company the British engines are applied but in this case it turned out that they are not the best option so Gulfstream shamelessly cheated on rolls-royce with pratt whitney the g 500 and 600 are using the pure power PW 800 family engines and this choice is quite logical the fact is that the eight hundreds are completely new engines which moreover are based on the company's pw1000g flagship in the middle segment that have now become the basis of the fiery hearts of the new generation airliners the a320neo and a 220 M C 21 m rj e jet e to having such a cool option it would be strange to install something older the g 500 uses the version 814 with the thrust of 60 7.4 kilonewtons and the bigger g 600 applies the version 815 with a thrust of sixty nine point eight kilonewtons the engines accelerate both aircraft to a speed of mach 0.9 and lift them to the already usual ceiling of 15 and a half kilometers or 51 thousand feet so the work came to the finish line by 2014 the g650 was already flying and the time had come for new fashion shows in October a brand new G 500 rolled out on the company's site in Savannah on its own engines its maiden flight was made in the spring of 2015 over the next two years a test group of four aircraft passed certification and flew more than 3000 hours and in 2018 they were joined by a pre serious board with all the options and interior it was used not only for testing but also as a demonstrator in the summer of 2018 certification was complete deliveries of the first aircraft started in September the G 500 replaced the G 450 that in fact is no longer being produced while the 500 was passing flight gulfstream was also training its big brother the g600 made his first flight at the airfield of the Savannah plant in December 2016 once again four prototypes participated in the flight tests plus one pre-production board it was originally planned that due to the unification of two models the g600 certification will be completed simultaneously with certification of the g500 many systems had already been tested on it but because of a number of difficulties this trick didn't work it is assumed that certification of the aircraft will be completed in summer or autumn 2019 by the spring of 2019 15 planes were produced for g600 prototypes and one pre series that will be delivered to the client after certification 4,500 prototypes and one pre series already delivered to the client plus five full-fledged series boards also already delivered the catalog price of the Gulfstream g550 five million dollars the logit II 600 grows up to 58 million a high price but still less than 70 million of the 650 performance and cost in this case are important advantages of this pair the overwhelming majority of orders for the new Gulfstream aircraft fall on these two planes well the planes have just appeared their history so far is short but will probably be long and hopefully successful and this is it for today the voyage across the sky continues and many new and interesting things are waiting for us in the future fast flights and soft landings to you you
Channel: Skyships Eng
Views: 96,336
Rating: 4.8902998 out of 5
Keywords: Gulfstream, Gulfstream G500, Gulfstream G600, G600 business jet, G500 business jet
Id: PF2avIkoH8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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