Guild Wars 2 - [fast] Farmtrain Guide - Drizzlewood Coast

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[Music] hello there and welcome to the fast farming community's guide to drizzlewood coast drizzlewood coast is one of the most expansive meta maps in the game as you may have noticed from the duration of this video while running it is simple in principle there are a lot of small tips and tricks that can help make this map profitable and much faster than other players would have you think as a matter of fact at the moment of making this video it is the highest ranking farm in our list in this guide i'll be acquainting you with all of the map's unique features and the way our community approaches running it before i begin delving into the map's details a small disclaimer this guide presents our community's way of running the map our primary goals are efficiency constant movement and profit our runs also come with the expectation of a significant part of the squad having proper builds meeting all requirements and following commanders at all times unless otherwise instructed this is why you will have different results if you compare lfg runs to our own speaking of requirements i'll just leave them here on the screen for a few seconds feel free to pause the video to see if you meet all of them [Music] drizzlewood coast can be run by doing a full map cycle or repeating the south meta twice both with very similar profit results we tend to opt for full runs due to variety when running the south portion of the map we utilize two commanders running each side with their own squad to seize as many bases as possible for additional containers from map tick rewards speed and quick reactions to the events we're given are vital to getting the most out of this part decisions are often changed in seconds depending on new events spawning so you'll have to pay more attention than usual to keep up the northern portion is much more relaxed in pacing as there's really just one order of events and no way around it all you have to do is what the meta window says with some additional tricks explained in the later part of this guide this map leaves several tools at your disposal that can be utilized to a great advantage the first of these is the united legion's way station the first thing to mention about it is paradropping once you have obtained the electromagical pulse mastery you can click on the blue icon of any allied outpost on the map and an npc will open a dialog window with you with an offer to transport you to the chosen outpost and suspend you in the air above it the mobility this provides in combination with a griffon is immense note that if enemy territory is currently under attack by the united legions you can click on its icon and paradrop above it even if it is still under enemy control the united legion's way station offers several abilities that will be mandatory for efficient runs of the map the electromagical pulse special action ability that you get from it is a very powerful cc tool which helps us melt defiance bars in no time as a nice bonus when you acquired a 2.0 version which you should it also provides you with a brief burst of quickness situations in which we want to use this kill are plenty aside from the fact that bosses are a very frequent appearance on this map and their cc bars need breaking it also hits 10 targets with low damage but several debilitating conditions so it's very useful for tagging this skill will be in your special action slot for most of the run another ability the way station offers is the remote charge skill we'll be using these to instantly destroy gates and quickly take out enemy structures within enemy outposts commanders have portable versions of way stations on them and they will likely be called out for you when you need to equip either the emp or remote charges people tend to underestimate the effectiveness of remote charges when conquering outposts but they are absolutely vital in taking out turrets barricades and tents quickly make sure to throw and detonate them on any piece of enemy defenses still standing when used by even just a third of the squad all structures in your way will crumble immediately remote charge renders any siege weapons absolutely useless siege weapons require you to spend hundreds of war supply to stock up on them need to be thrown from your inventory onto the field then need to be manned and render you stationary with several seconds of cooldown between uses of their siege skills which actually deal less damage than remote charges do meanwhile remote charges cost to hold 10 war supplies per 8 users on max mastery and require only that you throw them as you move all the while dealing more damage than any siege weapon another feature that's not as important but has its uses is the merizuka the healing provided by medi missile is actually fairly significant without any healing stats to support it while healing is generally quite unnecessary in open world this ability comes in handy when face tanking things in favor of dps such as champions with the polluter instability or the claw of jormag's icy grey fields as part of some strategies mentioned later the rally missile is convenient at best but not particularly useful the might missile however is quite useful as it provides quickness to your allies which is a massive boon to dps if you're playing a build with concentration stats but your class doesn't have any quickness output normally such as an electrogate for example it would be particularly useful to quickly launch yourself with the metazuka fire a might missile on the squad and drop back to your regular rotation however if you are already let's say a condi quickband or another class that provides quickness on its own you'll have far superior means of maintaining the boon on your group so you don't have to bother that sums up the way station but we must touch on another more powerful mechanic so powerful in fact that you will have to refrain from using it at times and this mechanic is essence manipulation this mastery line grants you a special action skill against opponents with essence buffs when they drop to 75 health if you have collected 30 orbs from the faction that counters them much like emps they are very desirable on outpost capture champions centurion champions the champ train and so on but do not ever use them on regular mobs or regular champion spawns as much as emp is broken in aoecc essence manipulation is two times as broken on single targets in both cc and damage if you are running a power build and have even some semblance of might or profession modifiers on you this thing will obliterate anything in between you and your target and then some distance behind them with a near 100 000 damage burst and is more than capable of hitting for even higher numbers with proper boons if you use this on normal mobs you are absolutely destroying loot for everyone in the squad except yourself reserve this skill for situations with static tanky champions and bosses and never use it outside of them now that we cover the map related unique abilities we can move on to the map itself beginning with the south meta the southern part of the map revolves around capturing territory and maintaining morale the basic pattern here consists of escorting npcs to an outpost capturing it boosting morale in it by doing events in the area until the bar is full then repeating the cycle on the next outpost a small digression with regard to escorts npc boosting is immensely helpful in this map as malice and ephraim the npcs you'll be escorting all the time respond very well to it while regular super speed boosting already works wonders on their escort speed there are special circumstances where you can propel them to their next enemy spawns at the speed of light when you engage an enemy spawn the npcs will unsheath their weapons and take a sharp turn towards the closest enemy watch at which point exactly they did this they will return to this location once the enemies are dead and continue their escort paths from here if you give them super speed right before they return to this location they will gain immense movement speed and zoom along the path for as long as the super speed lasts you can see how this may be helpful for moving things along a bit more quickly back to the main mechanics morale is only truly relevant for outposts that are bordering enemy territory it's not as bad if one of our backline outposts has a dwindling morale bar low morale in a backline outpost doesn't impact the progress of the meta directly but it does make them more likely to be attacked and an outpost under attack means that the wolf's crossing meza cannot begin if the united legion's readiness bar is full additionally an outpost under attack isn't as cataclysmic as the map announcements make it sound they are fairly durable and you don't have to rush to their aid immediately but you do have to be wary if there is an additional event overlapping with the defense as the mobs from this event essentially act as reinforcements for the main dominion assault and will destroy the base's defenses much more quickly usually it's enough if you port to the defending base when the map notifies you that they need backup you can then stick around for about one minute until you raise the allied forces strength bar to near completion after that point it's safe to leave the base to its own defense for the remainder of the event ninety percent of the time the remaining ten percent goes to the absolute strategic failure that is percharge overlook for some reason probably the vast amount of structures and the base's size itself petraj gets absolutely destroyed during defense events i'm not kidding when i say that if you don't intervene in under a minute you will lose the base you can't afford to delay a tiny bit if petraj is under attack but the eastern commander should make their way there as soon as possible or at least send a couple of players to stall the event when it comes to event priority outpost escorts and captures have the highest priority out of any event on the map the sheer amount of mobs spawned within the bases you're sieging is ludicrous on top of the fact that each base that's conquered means an additional container on the next map tick when malice and ephraim aren't pushing toward a base what you need to constantly look out for are supply bulls heading towards bordering outposts the morale boosts these provide is significant they have decent spawns with champ scaling and most last for quite a short time both heading to backline bases aren't as important but their successful arrival is a prerequisite for that base to send out supplies to the next one which could be a bordering outpost therefore while we won't be leaving an event at a border outpost to do backline balls we will catch any opportunity we can to do them and enable the border outpost ball to spawn when it comes to other events and border bases we do whatever we are given even if it is a lootless event such as bombers recon specialists mines and so on we will be making a couple of detours for worthwhile events and backline bases when you have downtime in the border outposts the best of these are the champion centurions ransacking your outposts they're killed very quickly give a champ back and maintain morale nicely thereby lowering the risk of a dominion attack another event that's pretty worthwhile is the cannons event but it requires tight squad control it has large spawns as the cannon drops in hp when you clear a mob wave another will follow in about 5 seconds the cannons are exceedingly squishy however so we must make sure that they aren't focused or preferably that they're only hurt by collateral cleave damage additionally all mobs will despawn upon the destruction of the last cannon so we have to be careful an event that is quite long but scales well is the artillery event in fort defiance and port cascadia it spawns a decent amount of mobs and champions however due to reasons we aren't quite sure of yet these sometimes do and sometimes don't drop champion bags if you get it when assaults for lighthouse and ledford have already been done however you probably have better things to do because it takes quite a while mortar events are of moderate priority the mortar event doesn't scale to champions but still has a decent amount of regular spawns around each mortar definitely worth tagging although mortars might prove challenging as they are very easy to destroy and people outside the squad tend to solo this event very quickly after it spawns a somewhat unique event are the skirmishes this is the only event on the map that you will spread out for as the scaling remains the same so long as there are people anywhere in the massive event circle and grouping up deprives a large part of the squad of tags as the mobs are squishy just roam around and kill anything inside to wrap it up as soon as possible as this one is important for morale and very deadly if combined with a defense event which can easily happen make sure to scout yourself and don't wait for the swords to appear on the minimap because not all mob groups get the icon the wolf's crossing meta is quite straightforward refresh emps when you lose them and make sure to have one squad focus on vaishan parallel to ranoa when you dps one of them to 66 or 33 percent they leave and don't come back until you dps down the boss that stayed behind as well you can click on vaishan's health bar in the meta window in the upper right corner to identify which one is real if nothing is selected when you click it it means you're too far from the actual target so she's probably on one of the two cliffs you aren't close to make sure to melt the champ train enemies as cc and hp bars with the combination of emp and essence manipulation make sure your dps is on point for the meta and cham train the quicker we dispose of the champions the quicker we can switch maps for another south run or we're left with more time to chest farm with our char field homing beacons before the north meta if we're doing a full map cycle a decent champion will usually leave us with about 6 minutes and 40 seconds to spare for chests before the northern assault begins when allied forces move beyond wolves crossing you'll be presented with four zones to capture immediately beyond the bridge you will kill the iron legion tribune and capture dominion's breach by doing so for the remaining three zones you have to complete three events to draw out another legion tribune in each zone the squad will scatter over all four zones at once splitting results in a vast improvement in renderation and profit made the tribune chests stay for a while so you can loot them as they die and still get to roll for a chance on the highest value item in this period that being gifts from otter after the tribunes are dead there's two or three minutes of downtime until the next set of events which you can use to hunt some supply drops with your char field homing beacons the next set of events involves building cannons and defending them as they break down the citadel gate it's important to maintain an even split between the three landing zones also make sure to take hammers from the toolboxes and build cannons with the first kill when their construction begins other than this just kill stuff once we've destroyed the ice elemental after the cannon events we rush to the gate and wait for the npcs to arrive and start the frost citadel assault we use this time to pre-stack a bunch of remote charges on the gate which we can blow up to instantly destroy it as soon as it becomes vulnerable as soon as the gate is down replace your remote charge with emps as you will need it to attack the plethora of mobs within the citadel and more importantly to take down phalanx walls the frost legion phalanx are as the name suggests a seemingly impassable line of shield-wielding soldiers that take no damage and push you back upon contact as soon as the defiance bar of any of the phalanx members breaks their formation falls apart and you're free to move by them as normal the commander will target one of the fouling soldiers and you'll unload all your cc on that soldier to eliminate their defiance as quickly as possible be wary of the ice giants shooting deadly frost fields underneath the squad because following this up with an elbow drop can instantly down you or full kill you if you already are downed the first falling's wall after the gate must be cc'ed in order to move past them however the remaining two that you will encounter in the citadel can be walked or jumped around the second phalanx guard a bunch of snipers in the left corner of the room you enter after crashing the gate you can simply go to their left and jump over the small bit of ice to get behind them and dispose both of them and the snipers the phalanx will take damage as normal regardless of defiance bar status if you are flanking them if you're ahead of the squad you can use a mesmer portal or the white mantle portal device to get your squad around the phalanx quicker you'll be the sole focus of the snipers if you do this however so get under their pedestal quickly to avoid dying alternatively you can jump as both this and the last phalanx wall simply by using the medizelka to launch yourself in the air above them the next room contains the ruinbringer you need to take its shield generators off the only effective way to do this is using the char cars found in the northwest corner of the room when in a char car spam your 1 and 5 skills onto shield generators to destroy them quickly make sure to disable the tank's damage mitigation with harpoons when it uses it players are affected by boons even when in charge cars providing quickness might and alacrity will speed things up significantly there is a very convenient trick in this fight that lets the squad have many more char cars than available and finish to ruinbringer much sooner upon reaching a char car open the dialog window that offers you to drive it but do not enter wait for about 10 seconds and wait for other players to come to the same car and open their dialogue window as well so long as you have a dialog window for the car open you can enter it and use one whenever you click the first option even if someone clicked the option already and took the car you will spawn as a new one and can fight in it this will give the squad much more damage for the plating than usual letting you face the tank more quickly when both the left and right platings have been taken down leave the car and attack the tank's tyre with your normal skills you do much more damage this way the next room is the conversion chamber you need to destroy five blood collectors fight an iceberg construct and kill the frost conversion shaman to proceed there's nothing special to do here just make sure to split the squad evenly between the collectors so the entire squad doesn't have to travel miles between each one to kill them consecutively the collector to the right of the ramp is untargetable so make sure not to forget about it after the conversion chamber proceed down the hallway to the claw fight the third phalanx will be found just before you bust down the gate to claws roost you can climb the ice wall and the pipe to the left to get behind him or simply use the metazuka to fly over kill one phalanx to make the gate vulnerable then destroy it with remote charges there are a few useful tricks to know for the claw fight when the cannons have shot at once and we fight to centurions make sure to stack on the blade master in the center while individual squad members pull both the shaman and the crusher over to it once they've arrived we move to stack on the shaman as it's the only ranged unit out of the three so all of them come to the squad and you can cleave them all for quickest progression you want five to six squad members to depart ahead of the squad down to the area where we will fight the claw ready with emps this is because the scaling of the claw fight down there is unaffected by the amount of players high up on the platform above where we just fought the centurions we use this to our advantage by having the small amount of players below deplete the claw cc bar almost fully as soon as it lands and then we jump down to reaper rewards in the free dps window we've been given when fighting the claw while it's not stunned you want to stack in the middle between its claws and in front of its chest this way you cleave all three of the available hitboxes with your aoe attacks resulting in damage that's much higher than usual survivability is of little concern because you have enough entrance to dodge each claw slam it does as the telegraph is very obvious this isn't an issue the claw of jormag has no essence buff and thus cannot be targeted by essence manipulation however if a nearby frost legion mob drops to 75 you will be able to use the special action key against them in this case quickly switch to the suitable target and use the special action key while having one or more of the clause hitboxes between you which will hit the claw for half the damage you did to your target which is still quite an amount the last useful thing to know is that you can completely negate the pushback from its breath attack by moving into its hitbox under the chest before it uses it this does mean standing in the icy grave damage zone but it can be out healed easily for the duration you need to stay in it and just a lot more worth it than running back miles from where the claw would normally push you to this is also made much more bearable by any player spamming one on the merizuka don't conflate the pushback attack with the fear attack as the animations are fairly similar when doing the fear attack the claw will strain to rear its head upwards and do a screech while it will move both its claws back raise its head upward to inhale and then scream for the pushback attack this later one is the one for which you want to hide under its chest after the claw is dead we load the chest and the run is finished thank you very much for taking your time to sit through our guide and familiarize yourself with the many details of drizzlewood coast note that the knowledge you now have is a big part of what helps set our runs apart from the rest and it's what keeps all that gold flowing to your wallet for more guides and information about earning gold and efficiency in the open world check our website in the description we hope to see you in the next farm train [Music] you
Channel: [fast] Farming Community
Views: 10,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J2ZwRLlc3eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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