Guided Sleep Meditation Unblock 7 Chakras Before Sleep Spoken Meditation

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my name is Jason Stevenson and welcome to this guided meditation that will help you to unblock all seven major chakras through a beautiful rainbow visualization supporting your holistic healing before you are guided into a deep night's sleep so as you listen to this meditation you will begin to witness clearings occurring throughout your physical body that will correspond to deep release of various emotional and mental blockages so I invite you to open your heart and mind to the opportunities for expansion and release as we prepare to move into this restorative exploration before we begin our journey I invite you to become mindful of your physical body bringing yourself into a comfortable lying down position on your back if possible and use any pillows and blankets you require to make yourself entirely comfortable and then take a few moments to settle here just witness the entire back side of the body being supported by the material world you are a part of and perhaps even visualizing roots extending from your body that ground you into this physical world and as you breathe these invisible roots provide every cell and every energy center in your body with the nourishment required a holistic health as you breathe slowly and steadily into this space feel yourself softening and opening with each or breath you take a few more moments to hold your awareness on the breath as you inhale see if you can visualize nourishment entering your body through the invisible life force that fills your lungs and as you exhale imagine that stagnant energy is being let go of released as you breathe this way you'll naturally find yourself coming into greater alignment with the present moment so take a few moments of silence here to nourish and release through the next few breaths tune in now once again to the physical body but this time noticing any visceral sensations that may be present so draw your awareness first to the toes and then slowly scan the body upwards as you make note of any energy forms you might come across energetic awareness might arise as tingling as burning contractions as softness hardness or as virtually any other quality you might imagine just take a moment to practice just being with it whatever it is as it is and then Gary on your scan towards the top of the head just a few moments will begin a deeper journey through the chakras inviting clearing and release as we go bring your entire body into your awareness now feeling into its wholeness its full presence and its radiance now I invite you to release this full body tension as you begin to tune into the blank canvas that exists within the mind's eye and using the power of visualization I invite you now to bring yourself into a clearing in an enchanted forest the Sun glitters in the sky overhead and all around you are thick woods lush alive and green take a moment to open your senses to this space noticing and admiring the colors the textures the sounds and the aromas that fill this open space in the center of this clearing you notice a beautifully woven picnic blanket and plush cushions resting on the forest floor you move towards this sanctuary in the middle of the clearing and make yourself comfortable resting on your back in the center of it all you might like to use the surrounding cushions to support your knees your head and any other part of your body that requires support you feel deeply at peace relaxed and content here in the woods you are starting to move towards greater alignment simply by being here as you gaze up at the treeline you notice that in the clearing above you a rainbow has begun to appear it's growing stronger and stronger and it's unlike any other rainbow you have ever seen it is vibrant the powerful and it's very much alive opening your heart to it you sense its innate healing capacity take a moment to simply observe the range of healing colors that span the sky now noting you effortlessly they fade into one another and closing your eyes even in this visualization now still remaining connected to the natural environment of the woods in the open sky you begin to sense the rainbow now very much present within you the color red being the first to captivate your attention drawing your attention now to the base of the spine to the root chakra begin to visualize a red orb of energy pulsating in this space within you the root chakra when balanced provides us with a sense of protection stability rootedness physical energy and security as this red glow pulsates in this space it begins to clear any and all fears that stand in the way of your embodying these qualities so hold your attention on the base of the spine feeling a growing sense of security presence and rootedness overcoming you [Music] all blockages within this energy center of being released with the power of your intention and you are beginning to feel more deeply connected to the earth and to the human community you are a member of take one more deep breath into the base of the spine now and as you exhale release any remaining fear or contraction that resides here trusting that your base energy center is in deep alignment with the physical world gently releasing your focus now draw your awareness to the pelvic region and this is the home of your sacral chakra when in alignment the sacral chakra helps us to express our creativity our sexuality and our emotions all in healthy ways as you focus on this area begin to envision the orange tone of the rainbow pulsating within this space as this orange glow permeates the entire pelvic region you begin to sense that all of these areas your creativity your sexuality and your emotions along with your relationships to others are beginning to come into greater harmony breathe into this energetic healing that the orange glow of the rainbow is providing you with on your next full breath inhale expansion and then exhale any and all fears or limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your fully expressing these qualities inherent in the sacral chakra now gently release your pelvic attention as you draw your awareness upward slightly to the navel region as you hold your awareness here on the solar plexus begin to envision the rainbows yellow golden glow pulsating in this energetic center of your being when the solar plexus is balanced we embody confidence vitality and personal power we feel ambitious and in charge of our destiny so take a few moments to breathe into this space trusting the golden glow here to remove any and all blockages and limiting beliefs that stand between you and your personal power as energy flows more effortlessly through this space you are beginning to feel more powerful and inspired to achieve your highest potential so take a final moment now on your next exhalation to release anything that blocks you from embodying your true power releasing your focus on the navel gently draw your awareness up to the center of the chest into your heart chakra allow the rainbows green ray of light to penetrate this area opening you up to a greater trust in love and compassion when balanced the heart chakra allows us to both love and be loved unconditionally so focus on this energetic center for a few moments now feeling the healing green light softening any heaviness in your heart inhale deeply once more absorbing the universal love that is in abundance and as you exhale release any fear that stands in your way of knowing true love now shift your attention lovingly to the throat area this energetic center the throat chakra is the site of our capacity for communication heightened self-expression clarity and truth [Music] as you continue to breathe deeply hold your attention on the throat area feeling a blue light cleansing any blockages that hold you back from true self-expression and inner clarity as you focus on this area with love and compassion the blue tone of the rainbow cleanses you of any inner blockages that inhibit your authenticity from shining through so take one final moment with your attention held on this energy center releasing any limiting beliefs that block you from embodying your highest capacity a self-expression and compassionate communication gently releasing your focus from the throat now shift your attention to the space between the brows to the third eye imagine a radiant indigo light penetrating this space of your being [Music] when balanced the third eye is home to a highest intuition in a wisdom and spiritual insights as you breathe into this space allow the Indigo glow to clear any blockages that reside here breathing deeply into your intuition you all blockages that impede your ability to connect with your highest mind are clearing and in their place trust in your intuition and in your divine spiritual nature is arising take a final moment to breathe into this releasing anything that no longer serves a a healthy flow through this area of your being now shift your awareness upwards just a little bit further focusing in on the crown of your head witness the rainbows vibrant violet rays penetrating this highest point of your being connecting you to a deep awareness of your cosmic consciousness the crown chakra when energy flows through it with ease is responsible for our sense of deep connection with all that is with universal energy with the cosmos and with a higher power when it is in balance we feel deeply connected and trustful of the natural flow of life so holding your attention on the crown the office energy center being cleansed by a violet orb of energy freeing you of all limiting beliefs and delusions that inhibit you from experiencing divine interconnectedness breathe in deeply and surrender fully on each breath out [Music] but one more moment with your awareness held here feel into the cosmic consciousness that supports you on your journey and on your next exhalation release anything that does not serve your highest alignment all your entire body in your awareness now remembering once again that you are resting peacefully in an opening in an enchanted forest you look up at the sky and realize the night has fallen the rainbow has disappeared and all that beams from above you twinkling stars reminding you of your connection to the entire universe take a few slow deep breaths just being here safely held in the woods resting beneath the starry night sky now gently release all imagery as you return with eyes remaining closed to the physical environment that supports you on this journey all energy centers have moved into balance and there is nothing left for you to do but to surrender into a deep and peaceful sleep as you slowly drift into a deep slumber invite you now to allow the following affirmations to reaffirm the balance that you have come to embody let these words permeate your subconscious mind helping you to sleep soundly and awaken feeling inspired and empowered I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally [Music] I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure [Music] creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally you I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized [Music] I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition [Music] I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported you divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally you I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized you I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me isn't an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life [Music] I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and hold I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me isn't an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole [Music] it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me isn't an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure [Music] creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized you I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is [Music] within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me [Music] I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally [Music] I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition [Music] I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and hold I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is you within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is safe to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized [Music] I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life [Music] I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported [Music] divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality you I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole [Music] it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition you I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me isn't an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality [Music] I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth [Music] I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me [Music] I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom [Music] I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways [Music] it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me isn't an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I'm in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally [Music] I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is [Music] within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life you I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure [Music] creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole you it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me [Music] I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth [Music] I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure you creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways you it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion [Music] I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is you within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me I am supported by the earth I am supported by the earth I am safe and secure I am safe and secure creativity flows effortlessly through me creativity flows effortlessly through me I manage my emotions in healthy ways I manage my emotions in healthy ways it is saved to healthily express my sexuality it is safe to healthily express my sexuality you I am in control of my actions I am in control of my actions I am confident and radiant I am confident and radiant I feel physically energized I feel physically energized I am loved unconditionally I am loved unconditionally I give love unconditionally I give love unconditionally I am balanced and whole I am balanced and whole it is safe to express my truth it is safe to express my truth I communicate my needs with compassion I communicate my needs with compassion I listen with an open heart I listen with an open heart I am connected to my intuition I am connected to my intuition I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is I am aware of my spiritual connection to all that is within me is an innate wisdom within me is an innate wisdom I trust the flow of life I trust the flow of life [Music] I am universally loved and supported I am universally loved and supported divine energy flows through me divine energy flows through me you [Music] you
Channel: Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditation Music
Views: 1,709,522
Rating: 4.6017318 out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation, guided sleep meditation, unblock 7 chakras, before sleep guided meditation, sleep guided meditation, guided meditation for sleep, chakra guided meditation, chakra guided meditation balancing & healing, chakra healing, healing guided meditation, 7 chakras meditation, unblock chakras, sleep meditation, help sleep meditation, unblock all 7 chakras, 7 chakra align, 7 chakra meditation, 7 chakra activation, unblock, chakras, seven, 7 Chakras Before Sleep
Id: HbiCtddk8dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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