Guided Sleep Meditation Fall Asleep Quickly, Spoken Meditation

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hello my name is Jason Stevenson and welcome to this guided bedtime meditation that will help you to fall asleep quickly and soundly over the course of this meditation you will move deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation releasing all physical tension before being guided into a beautiful visualization that will enhance your inner sense of peace and tranquility there is nothing required for you to actively do here you are simply invited to open your mind as you are guided naturally towards a peaceful slumber before you settle into the space you're in take a moment to ensure that your blinds are drawn and your morning alarm is set when you're ready to put the day behind you and sure you're in a comfortable lying down position as you prepare for complete release and relaxation use any blankets and cushions to support yourself as necessary and when you are in utmost comfort take a few slow and grounding breaths to connect with this moment in space and time [Music] the breath is a gateway into the present moment and into deep release and greater alignment though this invisible life forced often goes overlooked it is one of the most powerful tools of relaxation available to us in any given moment so take this opportunity now to witness the breath to simply observe its depth and rhythm allowing it to deepen as you naturally ease your way into this period of darkness draw your attention to the stomach noticing the way the breath follows suit as we consciously welcome our breath into the belly we initiate the body's relaxation response lowering stress hormones blood pressure muscle tension and our breathing rate inhale all the way into the base of the spine and then exhale completely softening all muscles as you surrender a little bit further now I invite you to introduce small pauses between inhalation and exhalation resting in complete stillness for just a moment after each in-breath and each out breath so it's going to be inhale to a count of four pause for a brief moment and then exhale completely for a count of four pausing for just a moment of complete stillness once again witness the body relaxing more fully as you breathe in the slow and steady way for three more rounds on your own now [Music] gently release your attention from the breath now tuning into the visceral sensations of the body hold the entire body in your awareness for a few moments noticing if there's any physical tension or contraction present if you come across any area in need of love and release just gently draw your breath towards this region on your next inhalation inviting nourishing light to support your full release and as you exhale allow all tightness and all tension to dissipate feeling yourself sink more completely into the surface beneath you as you welcome release into the physical body through your breath the mind naturally follows suit moving into greater peace and harmony so follow my voice as you are guided through the body using the power of your attention to grant full release begin by a breathing loving-kindness into the feet area releasing any heaviness that may be stored here breathe into the legs now thanking these limbs for carrying you throughout your day and then allowing them to relax completely into this moment [Music] inhale deeply now into the hips and pelvis softening and releasing on the exhalation and then move to the belly allowing your core muscles to relax and the breath to flow effortlessly into this area of the body [Music] hope in your heart and chest now as you breathe nourishing lifeforce into this center of your pain softening on the exhale [Music] soften your hands allowing them to sink into the surface beneath you and then grant the same release to your arms just letting them melt away for the night soften your shoulders your neck region your jaw your cheeks and nose and your eyes take a moment to soften the eyebrows in the forward just allowing all mental tension to dissipate as you release all muscles surrounding your thinking mind hold your entire body in your awareness now allowing it to be completely at peace in this present moment return to your breath for a couple more cycles noticing once again the short pauses in between each in-breath and each out breath now feeling physically relaxed and in alignment with this present moment I invite you to tune in to the mind's eye without force or strain allow the following visualization to conjure images of deep peace and tranquility as you move gracefully into a deep slumber for the night in your open field of vision now begin to visualize you're on a tropical island feet firmly grounded into the warm crystals of sand that stretch out to either side of you where you rest the waters are shallow off the coast lending themselves to crystal clear turquoise hues and the most beautiful waters you have ever laid eyes on the salty breeze infiltrates your nostrils and you exhale deeply feeling yourself sink further into this paradise island that warms both body and soul you take a few steps forward slowly eventually coming to dip your toes in the warm yet refreshing waters that surround this small Paradise Island standing at a balance point between ocean and earth ankle deep in those turquoise waters inner peace flows through you as you come to realize you are whole and complete just as you are you yearn to dive into the healing salty waters before you and so prepare yourself for this descent when you are ready you begin to walk slowly and mindfully away from the steady Shore step by step until soon your lower legs are submerged you continue walking slowly and with grace until soon you are waist-deep in these cleansing waters you pause here tracing the surface of the ocean with your fingertips and when you are ready you reach your arms ahead of you as you shallow dive into the crystal clarity that now bathes your entire body as each crystal bead of ocean rushes along your skin you feel restored and renewed turning onto your back you allow your body to float on the still surface the ocean is calm and quiet nestling you continually into a peaceful state that lives both within and around you the salt water cleanses your skin rejuvenating your physical body energetically it penetrates deeper healing and nourishing your spiritual and emotional bodies all trapped emotions and all old energy systems are absorbed by the healing potential of these waters this process of renewal leaves you free to relax completely floating here on the surface of the water you are in a state of complete bliss [Music] the mind softens entirely nothing tethered to it any longer any thoughts that do rise in your consciousness are released to the ocean as swiftly as they came you know that any thoughts or emotions that arise do not belong to you there are simply bodies of energy coming like waves before dissolving back into the wholeness of the ocean [Music] Aya's transfixed with the sky you notice the lighting and shade overhead is shifting blue hues now blend into a subtle orange signifying that the Sun is now setting behind the horizon you take this as a cue to return to land turning back towards the beach and the canopy of palm trees that overhang it you return to your feet gliding out of the water slowly step by step you finally come to reach land and find that a plush towel neatly folded on the warm sand has been sent for you by the universe you wrap yourself in this warm soothing towel and begin to walk slowly down the beach into the sunset as you walk you open your senses to this environment you notice the aroma of the salty air continually cleansing you with each breath you taste the salt on the outer edges of your lips left behind from your healing dip in the ocean you hear the gentle rustling of palm trees a subtle lapping of water against the shore and the sound of release that comes with each deep exhale you make tuning into your sense of touch you feel the warmth and comfort of the towel against your skin as well as the sweetness of sand beneath your feet staring ahead you see the crest of beautiful palm trees the white sand slowly becoming darker as night approaches and the vibrant sky now orange and magenta as the Sun has disappeared behind the horizon just a dozen yards ahead of you firmly grounded in the shallow waters by sturdy stilts you see an overwater bungalow connected to the shore by a long wooden dock this is your own private Cabana where you will sleep the night away in tranquillity step-by-step continuing to move slowly and mindfully you make your way back to the dock you arrive at the foot of it and see that string lights lie in both railings as you make your way towards your private bungalow by ferry light you feel the day behind you dissipating naturally you reach the end of the dock arriving at the door of your Cabana turning the handle you make your way inside and admire the beautiful warm interiors that nourish mind body and spirit a large glass window who reacquaint you with the Sun when it rises and fresh fruits will energize your body when morning arrives for now you turn your full attention to the four-poster bed in the center of the room a plush white quilt is draped over top and white lace curtains pulled back and tied elegantly to each side preparing a suffering deep slumber you climb inside this cozy and welcoming bed ready to rest peacefully for the night so that you may wake inspired and energized when morning comes notice the comfort of the blankets and cushions that support you here notice the peace and quiet that beckons you into a deep slumber all you hear are the subtle sounds of the ocean and your own slow steady breathing take a few last moments to revel in this beauty of this setting soaking it up in spirit gently allow the visuals to dissipate returning to your physical reality carrying the same peace and stillness you've found there by the ocean you are safe and supported here resting peacefully and soundly as you slowly slip into a deep slumber as you drift off to sleep allow the following affirmations to fill every cell of your being positively transforming the world within [Music] I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am [Music] harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life [Music] I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am [Music] how many is my natural state of being [Music] harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit [Music] I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation [Music] challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am how many is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am how many is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release [Music] I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I [Music] foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I [Music] inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I release the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding [Music] I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding [Music] I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear [Music] the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way our opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself [Music] stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am [Music] harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit [Music] I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me [Music] I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm [Music] I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am [Music] how many is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me [Music] I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me [Music] I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation [Music] challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am how many is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I [Music] honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself [Music] stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding [Music] I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life [Music] I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am [Music] harmony is my natural state of being [Music] harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life [Music] I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I [Music] inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear [Music] the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way of opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation [Music] challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding [Music] I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm [Music] I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am how many is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way of opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I&A oh love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself [Music] stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me [Music] I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am almani is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit [Music] I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me [Music] I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit [Music] I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release [Music] I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life [Music] I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships by foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life [Music] I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things [Music] I inhale love and exhale fear I inhale love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation [Music] challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things [Music] I inhale love and exhale fear I&A Olaf and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way opportunities for growth I give and receive loud unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding [Music] I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I am loved and exhale fear [Music] the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I'm open to healing transformation challenges that come my way our opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally [Music] I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am how many is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I nao of and exile fear [Music] the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me [Music] I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I'm open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth [Music] I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future [Music] I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart by one of the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment [Music] I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of me [Music] I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exhale fear I nao love and exhale fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things [Music] I inhale love and exhale fear by an aisle of and exile fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me by foster healthy relationships by foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way of opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart [Music] I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of me I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things I inhale love and exile fear I Ania love and exile fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me my foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself [Music] stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress other waves and I am the infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me [Music] I am open to healing transformation I am open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way of opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding [Music] I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my I am aligned with mine I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am [Music] harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit [Music] I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life i flow gracefully with the waves of life [Music] I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things by an i/o love and exile fear I am loved and exile fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships I love and respect myself I love and respect myself [Music] stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I'm open to healing transformation challenges that come my way our opportunities for growth challenges that come my way of opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I release the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs in my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit [Music] I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release I flow gracefully with the waves of life I flow gracefully with the waves of life I trust the divine timing of things I trust the divine timing of things by an hiya love and exile fear I ania love and exile fear the universe supports and nourishes me the universe supports and nourishes me I foster healthy relationships I foster healthy relationships [Music] I love and respect myself and respect myself stress are the waves and I am the infinite ocean stress are the waves and infinite ocean [Music] I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am willing to surrender what no longer serves me I am open to healing transformation I'm open to healing transformation challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth challenges that come my way are opportunities for growth I give and receive love unconditionally I give and receive love unconditionally I released the past to make room for the present and future I released the past to make room for the present and future I am compassionate and understanding I am compassionate and understanding I honor the callings of my heart I honor the callings of my heart I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am aligned with my inner rhythm I am at peace in this very moment I am at peace in this very moment I am deeply rooted right where I am I am deeply rooted right where I am harmony is my natural state of being harmony is my natural state of being I honor the needs of my body and spirit I honor the needs of my body and spirit I am worthy of deep rest and release I am worthy of deep rest and release
Channel: Jason Stephenson - Sleep Meditation Music
Views: 2,733,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guided sleep meditation, guided sleep meditation deep relaxation, guided sleep meditation anxiety, guided sleep meditation for insomnia, guided sleep meditation jason stephenson, fall asleep quickly, spoken meditation, guided meditation, sleep meditation, guided meditation for sleep, guided meditations, fall asleep fast, fall asleep now, guided meditation sleep, meditation for sleep, australian accent, fall asleep faster
Id: YBlMI7m89Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 0sec (10800 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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