Guided Reading Strategies and Activities

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[Music] hey guys welcome to another Facebook live I'm so excited that you were able to join me tonight so before we get started I just wanted to go over our agenda again so last week we talked about setting up for success and this week we're going to talk about strategies and activities so I'm not really going to get into the anatomy of Gaudi breeding yes lessons tonight yet I'm gonna still share with you some things that you do before you're ready to start pulling those groups and some decoding strategy some things that I sort of start pre teaching the kids and some of my mini lessons so that when we start I'm guided reading groups they already have some schema for those strategies they don't even teach them for decoding and then next week we're going to talk about assessing and forming groups so that's what we're really going to kind of dig deep and start really talking about how to place our kids in groups what we need to look for how we can use that data to see their strengths and weaknesses and guided reading and know exactly what we need to really hit on in those groups and then on September 7 we're going to talk about three readers so those are students that when we do those assessments they no fewer than 40 letters they identify 40 fewer than 40 uppercase and lowercase letters so what do you do with those kids in groups so we're going to talk about that on September 7 and then I'm September 14th we're really going to dig deep and we're going to look at our guided reading lessons for level a and so that's we're really gonna get started in that I'm in assessing sessions once I start talking about that I'm going to be talking a lot about these units that DeeDee and I created the guided reading units that we have for all of the different levels this one's the level see that I'm holding right here but um we already have so many things already planned out and done for you all of the word work and everything so September 7th and 14th it's when we're really going to start looking at those units and picking apart lessons for kids at those levels all right so let me just one more time identify the definition of guided reading for those of you because I'm done I'm in some areas that you guys don't do guided reading so what is it it's small group differentiated instruction that support students and developing reading proficiency so that's what we're really our goal is to develop reading proficiency and develop independent readers so that they can independently read even without us books on their level and it's small groups that are formed based on each student's reading level groups are flexible which we're really going to talk a lot about in the upcoming weeks and instruction as its heart is targeted and intentional we're going to talk a lot of that back as well in the weeks to come I just wanted to remind you of that before we get started tonight so what are we going to talk about tonight like I said we're going to talk about reading strategies now didi and I in our units and in some of the units that I have we use their code beanie baby strategies and some of you have heard of those if you've been teaching a long time like that you probably heard about giving up for the first time probably about 12 or 15 years ago and they were actually created by a teacher the idea for them work was created by a teacher named April shield who has since retired I don't know April she shared these strategies on Pro teacher net a long long time ago and so now they just take it off everybody uses them it was before teachers say teachers so everybody's use uses them there are many many different versions of these out on the web with different spins on them so I've kind of taken them and done a little different spin on a few of them some of them are very similar to what she created and some of them were a teeny bit different she was just a genius and creating these so there's a lot of them that they didn't need to be changed so the the beanie baby strategies they work so well for kids because when they can tie it to a visual cue to help them remember this strategy and what it is they're supposed to do it really does help them so we're going to be talking about the beanie baby strategies tonight I'm going to share some of them with you and I'm going to also share with you some activities that you can do if doing your whole group lessons that you're modeling with the kids and then they can do in Spooner stations as well if you want to corporate them into those okay I wanted to start again with this cook that I shared with you last week because like I said this is our true goal so with literacy centers when I was introducing those my goal was for my kids to be able to work without me same thing with reading when we do guided reading lessons we want our kids they're able to sit with us we're able to really scaffold their learning through those lessons but our hope and our goal is that they will read outside of our guided reading lesson that they will take what we've taught them and they will be able to apply that opinion independently without as the teacher so the greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say that children are now working as if I did not exist Maria Montessori said you're going to get me quote that a lot in these sessions alright so let's get started let's talk about reading strategies so reading strategies whenever I teach reading strategies it's systematic explicit and sequential so I have a very explicit systematic reason for what what I teach and it's sequential so the strategies is you're gonna see tonight they really do build on each other so when I'm introducing a strategy I go through several steps one I name it when I end up I'm going to really go through this wiki with some of the strategies I name it I made this strategy let them know exactly what the strategy is and what it is that they're supposed to do with that strategy put the strategy to music I have a resource on Teachers Pay Teachers and Ginny Kramer mr. Jimmy it's some of you may know her music she took the strategies and she put them to music for me so it really helps the kids see understand and be able to sing oh this is what we're supposed to be doing I don't know how many of that music to share with you tonight but no we put a link down below so that you can download one of those songs for free so you can kind of see you can create your own tunes and your own music as well if you're if you're crafty with that so I named it I put it to music I'm a model how it's used and then provide time for the students to practice that strategy and then when those students are ready I'll add another strategy so continuing to really scaffold that learning for the students so a lot of these you're going to see us if you have our guided reading units you see that we refer to these strategies a lot in the units we we explicitly tell you how to how to teach them when it should sound like and that kind of thing at the front there's a sheet at the front for each of those strategies and we refer the kids to that all the time which strategies you use what helps you solve that word and if they can't solve it asking them where's the tricky part what strategy because do you use to solve that we want them to be two independently with just a little imagine for us to be able to develop those reading strategy decoding skills on their own okay so we really make sure that that's I pre teach a lot of these strategies so that when they come together into reading they already I'm not having to spend all of my time and really teaching a strategy they already know how to use it I can just remind them about the strategies before we get started okay so one of the strategies that we teach and I don't have a song for this one or any lessons for this one because this one's so basic can we do it with you know if you're doing pocket chart activities if you're doing big books they're seeing you use that pointer puck so I want my students who are levels a B and some C students I want them to know that use pointer poke you are pointing to the words so that I make sure they have that one-to-one correspondence so that's one of the very first things we start talking about is that we use pointer pup when we're reading to point to those words and so I make sure I model that when we're reading a point in the pocket chart or reading a big book as well okay the next from that I'll go ahead and teach whole group is eagle eye eagle eye is a really simple but really effective strategy for kids who are early readers because most of those level a books and when I refer to as whenever I'm saying level a level B we use this fountas and pinnell leveling sand system if your school which is offer alphabet system ABCDE F if you use the GRA system it's a numbering system to three two four six if you use that system there are guides online that show you how the levels correlate so it's the exact same levels they're just one is using the alphabet system one is using numerical system but they're the same thing so Eagle I look at the picture so that's really important for students who are especially like levels a b c because those texts are very hot have a very high level of picture support they're just learning to read very basic very beginning reading skills so looking at the picture to help them solve the word alright so we will really practice that once I tell them wasn't growth this is Eagle and it's really fun if you have little stuffed animal characters for them but if not even the posters work well ok and we so we have them once we've taught a strategy we display it up in our room so the kids can refer to that as well so here's an activity that I would do with eagle eye I just have these sentence frames on cards and the post-it notes are covering up the words because right now what strategy are we using we're using eagle eye so then I'll read the sentence frame with them boys and girls we're gonna read a story called I like to eat and it's all about foods that's on the cover is a baby it's all about foods that the baby likes to eat let's read these words together I like to eat and then I'll say Eagle Eye helps us figure out the unknown word by looking at the pictures what word do you think I have covered up now what makes you think because the picture tells us it's bananas they also all say these depictions of bananas yes I think that word is bananas now I'm not going to cover it right now and I'll explain that well let me just go ahead tell you why I'm not gonna cover it yet because I'm covering it and looking at each picture sound goes with the next strategy which is lips the fish so I'm not going to cover it yeah okay we're just going to go through the book I don't think I have another picture on another cycle in check yeah we're just gonna go through the book and on each page we're going to talk about I like to eat pizza what makes you think it's pizza what strategies did you use I I bet that word is pizza so we just go through the book like that and it follows the exact same sentence frame so you can do this with any books that you have or just type you out some really simple sentences that have a high level of sight words that they already know that are easy for them for you to point and read with them lots of pictures support just cover up that word okay when we get to lips the fish then we'll go back and check each one so lips the fish would be the next strategy that taught after we use eagle eye for a couple of days and done a few activities like that then or move on to lips the fish and lips the fish tells you to get your mouth ready to make the first sound okay so we want to get our mouth ready to make their first sound in the words okay so here's an activity I might do with lips the fish um just give them an 8 by 11 sheet of paper and they have a little fish with a little cutout speech bubble and I would say frame the letter that says so they would look and then different lettuces frame the letter that would say and they're gonna frame that letter as well okay so that's ellipse the fish another activity that I have lips the fish fluency cards and literally on these cards all they are alphabet cards and so and I'm saying the cards and I'm turning the cards they're just really quickly saying mmm so we're just saying getting our mouth ready and making that first sound that's all that's the fish gets them ready to do is just get up get their mouth ready to make their first sounds okay alright so here's an activity that we could use with that we could go back to the book I showed you I like to eat bananas so I'd go back and say boys and girls do you remember the other day when we were learning about eagle eye and he teaches us to look at the pictures yes do you remember we said we thought this word was bananas let's check and see if it's bananas by using lips the fish to get our mouth ready to make the first down and I will just pull back that post-it note into spurts show the first sound and we would check to see does it say okay so that's how I would use that book then to go on and teach the next strategy lips the fish another one it's great for this one it's just how simple sentences that you're going to read with them and you're gonna stop at that laughs and they're just gonna say write a back live in what do you think that word might be okay they might say Kay they might say cake if they said cake this is where you can bring in their queuing systems which is does that make sense about losing a cake does it make sense no it doesn't make sense so what do you think that word might be and hopefully kids will have a little bit of steam about that lives in a cave cave does that make sense yes that does live in a kid does it sounds like and I say like that means grammatical is that how we speak does it sound like yes does it look like does that match the sound that you does that letter makes next up sound that you said yes so that work could be K all right and I'm gonna peel back any other letters because let's the fish is really just getting our mouths ready to make that first sound but I am gonna use those queueing systems when they give me the word does it make sense does it sound right does it look right okay all right here's another one if I lose this fish I see a spider and hopefully they're gonna say web so I see a spider web oh I see it's like what does that make sense yes I do spiders have lips does it sound right yes does it look right let's check that sound with the sound that you made what yes it does look like so getting them to start going on ahead and understanding and using those QA systems okay and we're gonna talk a lot more about those it wakes to come set you're going what is she talking about I'm we're gonna really talk a lot about that here's another one for that she likes jelly oh she likes jelly and I usually will go ahead and say and call out gel she likes jelly what do you mean it's not jelly why isn't it jelly because oh you used lips the fish to get your mouth ready to make this first she likes what do you think she might like she likes toes oh you think that works toast does that make sense does it sound right does it look right okay and then we didn't want to introduce the next strategy which is stretchy this make and again we're going to do we're gonna do lips the fish for several days before I'm ready to introduce stretchy snake and stretchy snake is the last one then I will introduce home free because equal I what's the fish and stretchy snake are strategies that readers of all levels need to know they need to understand those strategies so that if they come to a word that they don't know they know that oh I can check the picture if that doesn't help me I can use lips the fish and sometimes I want them to just cross check okay check the picture just like we did in jelly right the picture looks like it could be jelly but I needed to cross check that and I put once I put lipstick with eagle eye I realized all it was toast right and then stretchy snake up some stretch all the way through the word so now we're not just stopping at that beginning some we're going to keep checking and we're going to go sound by sound and stretch all the way through the word that we didn't know to see if we can figure out that word so that's why I would go back to all of those activities that I've already done before and I'm just gonna keep peeling back the next letter and the next letter and the next letter as we blend that and put those sounds together to stretch all the way through the word and again asking those queueing systems did it make sense did it sound right did it look right alright and then going back and reading those sentences so like on this one that's what I would do so what I did it was just lips the fish I just had that showing just the teeth she likes but now I can peel it back and when I would peel that one back on make sure I pulled a back all together okay she likes oh she likes toast right she likes to us does that make sense does it sound right doesn't host and we would go through that word now you may have some kid saying you didn't say that hey if they didn't if they say that that is a perfect teachable moment to stop to talk about when two vowels go walking usually the first one does the talking so you could underline that Oh a and let them know it makes one sound when you see Oh a together it makes the sound of oh you may go back later in phonics and build a chart with Oh a words or whatever use those teachable moments if nobody draws attention to the fact that there's an a there that I didn't say that sound for I don't even really talk about that right right then I just keep going with my lesson so she likes toast so that's how I would use stretching the snake okay a couple of other activities would stretch you this thing give your kids dollar tree slinkys you can get them at the Dollar Tree you can get them at Party City let them practice stretching out words with you right so stretching the first down so I would have a secret word on the ward and I'm just going to reveal it one sound at a time one letter at a time and as I reveal it they're making the sound for the letter okay so a good pig okay so pulling it apart and let my sweet granddaughter notice and she's ten now but she was five there and she's like it makes me look beauty I was trying to get her to be my model but so you see how it is that for each sound that you're going to reveal on the board they're gonna pull it apart and they bring it back together once you've done it all so a pig so all of that great teaching before you're ready to pull grit letting them have schema for some of these strategies that all readers are going to need already gives them lots of strategies in their toolbox that they could use during guided reading time and you'll see these if you have my name's Edie's guided reading units these are called Belconnen boxes and there's a lot of research behind by these are great best practices lots of research behind these so these were invented like in the 1970s his name was something L Konya I can't think of his name right now but basically it is phonemic awareness at its best hands on pushing up a stand pushing up a chip for every sound you hear in a word so like if the word was math it would be mmm and then blending it Mac once we've done that with them a couple of times whenever they're ready now our pre readers we don't usually in the graphing so we don't have them start writing letters yet but as soon as they're ready for that we'll start putting a letter attached to that sound so then we'll push back the chip one at a time and write the sound that's represented in that box so using a lot of these types of activities - for your kids to really work on the strategies and see how they really help them in reading in writing reading and writing is so connected so some of these things that we do for reading decoding strategies really does help them in their writing as well okay here are a few other activities that you can do for do I have any of these right here I don't okay I thought ahead some right here to show you but you can see kind of how they work so they're just gonna point to each sound good notice there's that Oh a with just one finger touch under it because it makes one sound so good oh goat and then they can take that clip off open it up and see if the picture matches the word that they said so again a ship you'll notice that the digraph has one touch because it's one sound so she ship and then they can open it up and see if it matches so whenever you do that all coded boxes that I showed you before when I go back to that for just a second whenever you do these and once you get into higher level leading groups you wouldn't do it with level A's or B's but once you start working on diagraphs and those valve pair combinations s.h would be one box would be one ship so she and in that first box they would write two letters together the SH so if you were doing goat and it has that Oh a combination it would be good oh so they would write G in the first box Oh a in the second box and T in the third box so just to give you an idea how to support your upper level readers when you get in those groups as well okay I get through everything with chunky-monkey yes again all right so those are the only three that I'm going to introduce teach and model teach and model teach and month I'm doing several several lessons over several days with each of those strategies before I add on another one and each time I'm teaching them let me go back to this for just a second I want to teach them how all three of those strategies connect they all connect because we're using lips the fish to make that first sound and then we're stretching all the way through the word and then what are we doing we're checking to see if the picture matches okay now the pictures aren't always going to match the words obviously but in earlier that's how we're teaching them on this one all right now check and see if the pictures match because sometimes eagle-eye will give you a clue as well so you're putting it all together to see so just showing them that those clue that those strategies you're not always gonna use just one strategy's a lot of times you're going to use several strategies at once to help you figure out an unknown word so we really spend a lot of time like I said working on eagle eye lips the fish stretchy snake then whenever we start pulling our groups all of our groups already have a lot of schema for that they're ready to hit the ground running with that so our next strategy is chunky monkey and I don't usually teach chunky monkey until they're like in a level see sometimes not so level D it really just depends as soon as I feel like they're they're starting to see texts where they really need to be able to look for chunks they know which usually is in level C I will introduce that to the chunky monkey strategy so chunky monkey helps teach them to look for chunks that they know and again when I'm ready to teach this strategy I'm gonna teach it outside of text to them first so say I have my group of level C readers right in front of me and I'm gonna say boys and girls you have been doing such a great job at using the reading strategies that you already have in your toolbox today I'm gonna share with you another strategy that you can add to your toolbox this is chunky monkey chunky monkey helps you to look for chunky though let me show you what I mean so I would have this pocket chart and it has these this mixed up word right and how it asked them can anybody figure out that word I don't know look in and they're all time you can see smoke coming out of their little brains they're just really trying to take you around and can any of you if you figure it out put it in the comment so I want to see how quick you are so can they figure out that word I give them just a little bit of time nobody usually figures it out right and you're not show them this what about if I chopped it into chunks it still next time but is it easier to figure out now can anybody figure it out now and usually somebody will figure out that it is stinger and we talked about why that was so much easier to figure out and it's because it's chunked into parts so when you have an unknown word that you absolutely cannot figure out in words you can look for chunks you know let's look at another way that that works let's look at this word so I'm my ring of chunky monkey word cards and so we're gonna look at it I'm not gonna say on what the word is they're gonna have to help me figure it out by looking for chunks they know now and is one of the first sight words we learn early on so they all know oh I see oh I see into semicircle and doesn't even see anything else I am the king of Ingary and then whenever we start Writers Workshop which I'm not King I mean something oh yes we know Inc all right so let's see if we can use stretchy statements to stretch through that word using those chunks we're gonna read that chunk as a whole chunk when we stretch to the word and see if we can figure it out you ready just and in and in what's the word standing and they get it standing and so I have several cards on that ring and we go through like three or four examples for me to show them how to do that and then I'll give them a card that has a word for it that has chunks that I know that they know and each kid gets the opportunity to practice it then looking for chunks you know and seeing how that can really help you when you see words that you have no clue what it could be it's another strategy that would help you alright so here's another example I love using sentences to help them and I love creating sentences that really helps them put all of those strategies together so already I'm gonna ask them who see some words they can read they're gonna read my is my they're all going to read house okay it does say house how do you know that word wasn't cottage Oh you useless the fish yeah so you cross-checked you looked at the picture and then you just make the first step you're right in his house let's look at this word how can we figure out that word does anybody see some chunks that they know and so we would talk about oh I see and yes I just mean it does anybody see anything else mm-hmm all right let's try to see if we can read that and figure it out by using stretchy snake and chunky monkey my grandpa my grandpa and hopefully somebody's gonna say grandpa right mine and if not I just keep reading it like that and go on to the next word my grandpa is at my house and then somebody saying oh yes my grandpa is that my house does that make sense does it sound right does it look like could that be Grandpop yes it does so using those queueing systems to cross-check as you're teaching them the strategy and I know I'm like a broken record I thought we said that's all times but that's just so important to really make sure you're using that language does it make sense does it look right does it sound it's so important because as they're reading you want them to start noticing if they make an error okay and if you're not really calling their attention to it needs to make sense it needs to sound right in needs to look like if you're not a broken record and you're not calling attention to that over and over that's why if you notice if you have readers and you're doing a running record on them which we'll talk about next week but you're doing a running record on them they'll make us sit and make an air that absolutely makes zero sense whatsoever it could be possibly do that and they don't even notice that they just keep reading it it's because they aren't using those queueing systems they don't they don't realize oh I made a mistake I need to ask myself these questions and they let me in figure out how to fix that mistake so really doing that early on from the very beginning will make a huge difference ok here's another sentence ok so I'll I'll show them this and say what do you notice any words you can read and they're gonna be duh is for my somebody's gonna say soup Wow soup is a really tricky word how did you know soup and so again talking about we you know I we used slips the fish to help us figure it out and then they may sit and I stretched through I saw the end with yes the plank is for my soup let's see if we do we know any trucks that will help us figure out this word and so hopefully you relate on a lot of those word families and not just not just stopping with those CVC word families we need to be teaching other word families the Ox family to ask family some of those higher word families as well that have you know diagraphs in them and that kind of thing so you want to make sure you've you know you're really teaching those the hook family but be careful so how do we know act right let's see if we can figure out that word the karach the cracker is for my suit so they really start getting so excited because they really have strategies that they can use to help them figure out words that they don't know they have a variety of strategies in their toolbox now okay flippy dolphin is the next one we usually start doing this one level D because it's definitely a higher level strategy it's one that they really don't even encounter usually until they get in those level texture like level D and above so flippy dolphin and that is that you flip the vowel sound so if you read a word let me give you an example so I can explain it a little better so you understand so like if I said the knight was grabbed and I know that oh my goodness okay I see a knight so eagle is telling me that's a knight I'm using lips to fish or and I'm stretching it all the way out grab I know hat so I see that I'm in there it just doesn't make sense that doesn't sound right either perhaps isn't a word I don't think you see how there you're wanting that you're modeling it you're thinking out loud you're wanting them to do that as well so flippy dolphin helps us to know if a word doesn't make sense and it really doesn't even sound right either sometimes I'll sound like know better but one doesn't make sense what can I do well sometimes I can just flip that bass sound and that'll help me so if it's a short a I'm gonna flip it to a long a and see if that helps me so the night was brave the night was brave yes does that make sense does it sound right does it look right so do you see how flippy dolphin help us whenever it was a short vowel we just flipped it to the warning bow and that helped us figure out the word because you know our English language is so tricky we teach our kids that if we see an e at the end of the word it usually means that that bow in the middle says it's long sound but that's not always true and have any give there's a lot of other examples so if a kid is familiar with the word has they got oh I see I see a chunk I see AB and they could get stuck and not know how to figure it out so teaching it just a strategy you can use trust within their mouth sometimes that will help you sometimes it won't but try that first and see if that works okay Skippy frog is one that we use when none of the other things that's helped none of those other strategies have helped eagle I didn't help me lift the fish didn't help me stretchy snake didn't help me chunky monkey didn't help me flippy Dauphin didn't help me so what can I do what can I do this is what a lot of kids get stuck they have no strategies to use so some of them will just do this and look up to you and wait for help right or they'll just sit there and just and keep making that first down over and over again until you're like alright so let me know it's okay if you don't know the word skip it so I'm Skippy frogs and skip it skip it if you come to a word and you don't know it just skip the word read all the way to the end of the sentence and we'll come back so skip over it read to the end and come back because maybe there's something else in that sentence that's going to help you be able to figure out that word by thinking about what makes sense what sounds right what looks right so for example on this sentence if they encountered this sentence and they didn't know the word birthday right so I'm my because they might not be really looking at that cake yet right on and my they've been able to figure those words out because they already know those those are those are in their sight word bank they know those words they know how to do anything other than it's really easy for them online so they may not have even really looked at the picture yet now if you've done a gut reading group you've talked to them about doing that picture walk first but a lot of times if they're out reading at readers workshop and they're reading books in the penal sometimes they just kind of just so I'm a reader and they just start reading and they don't really pay close attention to those pictures yeah so the first one that they did encounter will be birthday and that might be a little tough for them if they hadn't skipped over it and then gone we will eat cake oh the pictures cake on my birthday we will eat cake so sometimes skipping that word reading to the end and then coming back is a strategy that they need um to let them know hey it's okay if you've used all these strategies and you still can't figure out the word here's what you do just skip over it redo the ends and come back and again making sure that you're asking them self teaching into a sense of once they supply that word on my birthday we will eat cake does that make sense yeah birthdays most of us eat cake No most days we eat cake um let's check it let's use lips the fish to get our not ready to make the first sound and then you stretchy snake just stretch them and see if we can figure it out on my birthday I couldn't use chunky monkey in there because I see a word I know does anybody else see them where we could have huge chunky monkey yes day oh I see another place we can use chunky monkey does anybody else see it and so they'll probably say th yes yes we all know that so on their birthday we will eat cake oh my god David we cake does that make sense does it sound right does it look right okay here's another one I said this one whenever I've had kids do this one most of the time nobody gets it and so that's where it's a great way for me to go ahead and introduce the next strategy to that group as well because sometimes skipping frog still doesn't cut it so a lot of my kids will go to the pig someone will say oh I know oh you know some of them will get it but most of them don't I'm the pig so we're just gonna skip it the pig link in the month and if they don't get it I'll say no if they get it that's where we end yes whoa how did you know well what helped you figure that out does that make sense does it sound right does it look like but if nobody in the group gets it I'm not gonna just give it to them right so that's what I would say was it gross do you know sometimes even all those strategies don't help us sometimes even with our best efforts of using eagle-eye and lips the fish and stretchy snake and chunky monkey and flippy dolphin and skip you frog and I have all of these up here by Mary oh my god Lee group so that they can see them they still don't help this they still help us figure it out so let me share with you one strategy that we just use just when nothing else works so that we can just go on and keep reading we don't want to just get stuck on a word we want to try our very best when we come to our tricky word to use our strategies but if nothing works for us try and lie and our friend and he can help us out and that is try word that makes sense so think about what you've read and think another word that would just make sense so here's where you address use that strategy what word would make sense there guys the pig world in the month yes the payroll in the month does that make sense do pigs roll in mud yes does it sound right yes yeah that's grammatical eat correct yes that's how we talk the pig roll them up does it look right yeah I see a pig I see mine so cross-checking with the pictures that definitely worked the pig rolled in the mud good job guys so when you come to a word and nothing else helps you use try and line by just thinking about what makes sense and putting a word there and leaving all your reading something you don't get stuck okay all right so hopefully tonight I'm kind of shared with you a lot of different strategies that you can use for decoding because decoding is one of the most important skills that you're teaching your kids and guided reading group comprehension is very important we do a lot of work with comprehension but if you're using a guided reading program or you have guided reading lessons that you've purchased and they don't hit hard on those word attack strategies somebody didn't do a very good job of writing their plans for those units because your job at nighted reading is to help your kids learn and understand strategies that they can use when they come to a word that they don't know that's really what guided reading is all about getting them to be able to use word attack skills to help them be able to work through words that are tricky comprehension is really important in our units we do have comprehension questions and we talk about different comprehension strategies but for the most part we are really hitting hard on those decoding strategies and what a reader can do when they come to words that they don't know because like I said we want them to be able to take what we've taught them and use it in the pen Italy without us alright so I'm going to check and see if there are any questions I was going to say to you guys thank you guys so much for I know about if you knew that my daughter Taylor was in the hospital because she was having some problems with her pregnancy and a lot of you have been messaging me or you've been putting in here that you've been praying for her I want to thank you guys for that and I want to just well I'm looking for the questions I wanted to give you guys an update on that as well she tomorrow yep tomorrow she's 37 weeks so they're inducing her in the morning so we'll be leaving here at 4:30 I'm not a morning person mercy we're gonna be leaving here at 4:30 in the morning for her to be induced so if you guys would just keep praying everything goes well the doctor has told her that it could take four to five days worst case because there are so many things that they have to do and prepare her for before they're ready to give her the pitocin that sounds terrible food in five days so if you guys could just pray for her I would really appreciate it all right let me see if I can get in here and see your comments okay all right let's see thank you Thank You Donna thank you so much how much time do you take to do this okay how does somebody take do this what really depends on which part you're asking me about so I told you that we teach those first three strategies and mini-lessons just one at a time while we're spending several days you know if my kids aren't getting it right away I might spend a week on this right but that can just be pretty quick seven to ten minute lessons not very long at all and by seven to ten minutes I don't mean that they're listening to me right on for 72 minutes I mean I'm doing a mini lesson I'm explaining to them the strategy I'm doing a couple of examples showing them how it works and then right there in front of me I'm giving them an opportunity to prep to be actively engaged with the strategy it might be stretching it out with the slinkys or it might be you know doing another thing like that but I want them to be actively engage with the strategies remember it's only this only those three and my teaching whole group once I start pulling guided I've been in reading groups last about twenty minutes for those sessions if you're if you're if you don't have time for 20 minutes 15 minutes is better than nothing so but we spend about 20 minutes I'm somebody's asking which resource on TPT has these items in it so all of the songs and all of the activities are in my guided reading strategies and activities unit on TV tea that I've had on there for a really long time before didi and I even wrote these units the units that didi and I wrote that we're going to be talking about in later weeks have all the books and everything in it but this is just all of the activities that I'll share with you do not and a lot of you can make yourself so again I don't want you to feel like you have to go and buy anything but I'm a little link the resource down below as soon as I get off here just because some of you asked for it but somebody asked resting yes she's on total bed rest until tomorrow thank you for the prayers okay I don't know if I'm just not able to see all the questions any questions so what I'll do I'll go I'll make sure not hop in the group as soon as I sign off here I'll hop in the group and I'll answer everybody's questions so thank you guys so much for joining me I hope that this was helpful to you I try to I know it's taking us a long time to actually get to the lessons but I really wanted to make sure that I break down every single little bit of it so that you know those of you that feel like you have been struggling with this really understand it and really can hit the ground running with it by taking it just little bits at a time so thank you guys so much for joining me and I will obviously go baby talk so I can't wait to show you him next week you'll have to make a little guest appearance so thank you guys have a great night
Channel: Deanna Jump
Views: 30,644
Rating: 4.8435755 out of 5
Id: I5oy1wA0Dbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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