Guessing Which Historical Eras My Viewers Are From

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Uh, welcome to Face Review... Just kidding I don't possess a lot of skills that  I'm like 100 percent confident in,   but guessing what historical era someone's  face would look good in is one of them I have mentioned that before, but if I had a  dollar for every time I had to stop myself from   running after someone to tell them  they look like they were born in 1585- Let's just say it wouldn't be Jeff Bezos  launching that rocket, that would be me-   because, you know, that would be  so many dollars that I would be Now because reviewing pictures of strangers that I   found on the internet would  kind of be a delicate matter A while ago I decided to ask you to submit  your own photos for my entertainment and I thought, you know, somebody will  have to be willing to do this, right? And I was wrong, because  EVERYBODY was willing to do this and I ended up with 5234 submissions,  and naturally, because I felt bad I- I looked through every single photo that  was submitted, and it took me two full days So not gonna lie, around picture 500  I had a lot of things to think about First of all, the amount of  unique features, incredible faces,   but most of all, the amount of beauty -  and I'm not saying this to be nice, like   genuinely, all the 5234 photos  were so [ __ ] beautiful that- I mean, have I googled some of the pictures  because I was unsure if they're fake? Maybe Have I shown some of them to my friends because  people were so unbelievably gorgeous? Perhaps You know, around picture 1292 I had a small   existential crisis when I realized that  all those photos represent separate people,   each one of which leads their own life and  has their own troubles and hopes and joys *dramatic Interstellar music* And eventually I was like, "How the  hell am I going to fit it in a video" So by the time I was like halfway through  all the submissions, I already knew that   I had way more historical faces than I needed Like, I picked over 300 of the best of  the best then I narrowed it down to 200 and then I just picked  whatever I felt like editing So because there are so many of  the good ones still left out there,   there is a possibility that there will  be more than one video about this BUT! I'm not promising anything because so  far, whenever I titled a video "Part one",   there was literally never a part two, so  let's just- not go there for now, okay And also if you submitted your photo  but you don't feel comfortable about   me using that photo anymore, just  let me know and we'll cut it out Without further ado let's jump right into it Jesus Christ where do I get the energy  from because like, this ain't it First up we have this lovely picture  of Mariel - ahah, I'm gonna pronounce   all these names impeccably, I have a feeling with a beautiful bunny and I mean, as soon as I  saw it, I was like *claps* "This one's medieval" And I had this specific style of wimple in my head  that I couldn't quite place because I'm uneducated and I couldn't remember which century it was from,   but eventually I found out that  I think it's 13thth c-centuryy? And now keep in mind that I cannot draw, right and let alone using color,  and let alone using photoshop and let alone using color using photoshop  using my sister's drawing tablet so This is not gonna be great, just letting  you know, like don't get your hopes up All of these are kind of like mediocre  middle school style, but I just wanted   to see what people will look like in like,  the historical hairstyles and the outfits So here's what I think Mariel would look  like in a, um, 13th century style wimple Next up we have Dekyiah (I hope) and Dekyiah's  photo gave off like, Regency era vibes to me,   like you know, a sassy main character in a Jane  Austen novel, so I tried giving them those like,   iconic regency curls and I think it worked like  I- I don't think it's an easy style to rock Then we have Anthéloresa and I mean, y'all have no  business being this gorgeous, let me just say that I think Anthéloresa's face  could work in a variety of eras,   I think 1790s might work here with all of the  curls and, you know, voluminous hairstyles,   but I decided to go for like 1890s ballgown  style, mainly because of the off-shoulder   blouse that already gave this vibe, but  I think it is a look, like not gonna lie Kelly's photo screamed mid-Victorian to me,  so I went for this sort of voluminous, like,   1850s hairstyle and my lack of drawing skill  really shows in this one, like I feel like   it would be so much better if someone skilled  actually did it, but you probably get the idea I felt like Tegan's face could work really  well with 16th century Dutch portraiture,   but after like five botched coif  drawing attempts I just took an   actual 16th century portrait and I  just posted Tegan's face inside it,   and proportions or angles aside, I think it  works, like I think this could be a thing Uh, Spurthi has very distinguished features  I think so I decided to go for this like,   Cleo de Merode style of the mid- to late-1890s,  and I think Spurthi really rocks the high collar A minute of silence to all of the  people that sent me their pets,   I should probably do a  separate historical pet review Jenna's face reminds me of the faces I've seen  in like numerous 16th century and 17th century   paintings, so I decided to give a late 16th  century kirtle and coif a try and see if it works,   and I think it worked nicely, I'm just a little  sad that I had to cover Jenna's stunning hair Eris- uh, okay, how are y'all even real -  Eris seems to be going for a little bit of a   60s inspired hairstyle here, but I thought the  overall features and face shape remind me of,   again, the Regency era, and I  thought a bonnet might work nicely,   and again, my Photoshop skills failed me  a bit here, and I feel like it's not doing   Eris justice, but just imagine Eris  as a fierce napoleonic era heroine   about to inquire about a lover who's stuck  in a prison, you know, you get me now? When I saw this picture of Jackie  it immediately reminded me of those   early 1900s photos of Edwardian actresses,  like Evelyn Nesbitt- or Nesbeettt- ahuhm or Lily- Leel- *weird computer malfunction sounds* Lily Elsie, why did I- I know  that name, what happened to me and I feel like Jackie's  features and especially hair   would result in a very successful acting  career back in 1906, so consider that MrCoffeeHead delivered a photo  with detailed captions regarding   all the surroundings, in case you were confused and at first I thought this face might  work in a late 18th century context,   but then I was like "Hmm, it's giving Leyendecker"  so I attempted Leyendecker style hairstyle and   suit and not gonna lie, the suit is not my  best work, but I think we can all agree that   MrCoffeeHead here rocks this sleek hairstyle The person who described themselves as "Likes  listening to sad music and has two thumbs",   at first I thought they would look  great in 16th century style cap,   but then I thought, you know what, there's other  16th century styles that I have to consider,   and lo and behold, turns out Italian  16th century portraiture is their jam As soon as I saw Berkley I knew we have  something 18th century going on here,   and I think maybe because of the makeup,  which reminded me of the early- to mid-18th   century makeup style, but also in general  I think Berkley could definitely pull off   a robe a la francaise, which is  not something easy to pull off So initially when I saw this photo of Ava, I  thought the whole look with the sweet smile   and the pose reminds me a lot of like, 1920s  dancers, but when I was working on the pic   it started leaning sort of to 1930s,  and I decided to just go with it and eventually it looked  so much like a vintage ad,   that I just swapped the phone for a Coca-Cola  bottle and honestly, if it was slightly better   done and then uploaded on Pinterest, I'm  sure it could pass for like an original ad Next up we have G and I feel like there's already  a vintage vibe to this pic and to G's features,   which I decided to *further accentuate* by  turning them into, like a 1920s style vamp and not gonna lie, like some of you know  what you're doing, like you know what you   look good in and you know what style suits  you and G is an example of that I think Next up we have Rollo, who I thought  had this like joyful 17th century   style appearance, and again, I was trying to  work on a- on drawing a 1670s wig at first,   but eventually gave up and I just  photoshopped Rollo into an actual portrait Matias straight up already looks like it's  1880s so there wasn't a lot I had to do,   but I photoshopped Matias into  an actual 1880s photograph and I   think I accidentally exposed a vampire, so  let's move on because I don't want to die Anastasia's smile, together with the  middle part, made me think of 1830s It's a hairstyle not many could pull off,  but I feel like Anastasia can and again,   my photoshop skills failed me and Anastasia  looks sort of like a 90s Disney character here,   which is not a bad thing, like I  would 100 percent watch that movie Aziza looks so radiant in this photo that it   immediately made me think of,  again, Edwardian actresses And it could be because of the side  glance, and like, over the shoulder look,   but I thought Aziza would look fantastic  as a sort of like a Gibson Girl postcard I thought Amy's face would look great  in something like, rigid and structured,   I thought, well rigid and structured  screams 16th century to me Dare I say I wasn't wrong Lillian's pose and expression and the hair as well   made me think of our growing  Edwardian Actresses Club And also it's a bit crazy, because  when I saw that photo I was like, "Oh,   this kind of looks like Lillian Gish" and like,  turns out it is a Lillian, like how weird is that Then we have another Anastasia-  Anastaysia- Anastasiya- And can we have some commotion for  Anastasia's stunning face, because   it is just so unique and beautiful I think it could work in a number  of historical eras to be honest,   like I couldn't really decide  between 18th century or like, 1920s   or mid-Victorian, but I eventually  went for an 1850s style and I think   it works really well, like I- I could easily  imagine this being daguerrotype- daguerrotype? I have not used English for a while Next up we have Jose and when I saw Jose,  I immediately thought of 17th century,   it sort of has that 17th  century self-portrait vibe So I found one like, I found a 17th century  self-portrait and I photoshopped Jose into it Inna's face is very versatile, like I  think it could work for multiple eras,   but there was something about the  hair that made me think of like,   early 1900s and those like  grand Edwardian portraits Vanessa- first of all, the more time I spend  looking at this photo the more I realize how   stunning it is, but second of all - I  have no idea if some of you are like,   interested in different historical eras  and you use them to your advantage,   if you know certain historical  styles look good on you,   or if it just happens accidentally, but  Vanessa has that like 1650s look nailed, like I didn't even have to do much, because it  already looks like- like a 17th century portrait Jessica possesses some of the most  beautiful eyes I have ever seen,   and I felt like Jessica's face could do really  well in vintage styles, like 1940s, 1930s So I went for this 1930s look and  I feel like Jessica absolutely   rocks it, but I felt really bad for  covering those beautiful eyebrows Sam's photo immediately looked 18th century to  me, so I wanted to try out like a powdered hair   look and not gonna lie, I think it kind of worked,  like I could easily imagine a portrait like that So at first I thought Brett will  look really nice in Victorian styles,   you know, but then I was like, you know  what, we didn't really get to see anyone   sporting an over-the-top 1770s look,  and I thought Brett might pull it off Poor photoshopping skills  aside, I think I was right Okay, Evangeline, now how do  I say this - you ARE history That's one of the most historically  looking faces I have ever seen You would be worshipped in medieval times,  you would be painted in the Renaissance era,   you would be considered a masterpiece in the 18th  century, you would be adored in the Victorian era I genuinely didn't even know what to do with  it, like I didn't know what to do here, so I   just left this as it is and guess what, it still  looks like a painting, so that tells you something Moving on to Aabha - Aabha's expression and the  hairstyle made me think of like 1920s flappers,   you know those like really  excited, joyful, energetic women Not gonna lie, I had the hardest time trying  to draw a damn cloche hat, like who would   have thought out of all these things cloche hat  would be something that I would almost give up on James, again I think is one of the  people that know what they're doing,   like I'm sure that hairstyle  and beard is not a coincidence and either you are really fascinated by the 1870s,  or you are trying to adapt to modernity as an   immortal being and you are failing miserably,  because we all know that you were born in 1853 I want to take a moment to appreciate  all of the submissions from the   veil-wearing people, and if you're wearing  a hijab or some other head covering,   don't be afraid to get into historical costuming It is absolutely okay if you want  to make a historical costume but you   would have to adjust it for your  modesty or for your preferences It is completely fine, like  we need you in this hobby,   so if anyone tells you otherwise  they're not worth hanging out with Speaking of veils, here is lovely Nabiya and  Nabiya's smile immediately made me think of again,   Regency era, so I decided to try out a bonnet,  I thought that a bonnet might work well here And like Nabiya just looks like the type of  a character in the Jane Austen novel that   gets into complicated, funny  situations all the time but is able to, uh, sort of handle them with grace Next up we have Condottiere and I don't know  if it's because of the facial hair or just   the general vibe, but I got a very distinct 17th  century vibe here, so I just decided to go with it Something about Josephine's face made me  think it will look great in an 1840s get up,   and I mean it truly does, and it's not often  that you see someone rocking a cap that well Sadly this was the last face in this episode of  "When Are You From" and I would love to include   all of the submissions here, but at the end of the  day, one can only do so much, and not gonna lie,   after- after two days of photoshopping straight,  my back was starting to do some strange things so Thanks a lot for submitting your lovely photos,  and I have to say it's one thing to like,   read your comments and interact with you  online, but it's completely different to-   to actually see your faces and to realize that you  all come from like, all sorts of backgrounds and   different corners of the world, and you are  all different ages and different sizes and   different ethnicities, and it's honestly  made me so grateful that you all decide to,   you know, spend some time with  me here, every now and then Soo thank you for that, it's  getting a bit awkward, bye
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 165,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KTiQb8xpymU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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