GUESS THE WORD and WIN a PS5 with My Girlfriend! (Fortnite)

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today I'm playing hangman also known as gasps the word in for night with my girlfriend Samara and to take things up a notch whoever solves the most words wins and gets a ps5 okay I know it's not out yet but when it does come out they'll get the prize do me a favor and hit that like button if you want a ps5 maybe I'll do a giveaway in the future also make sure you subscribe with the ball so you don't miss out on daily videos and don't forget to use code typical gamer in the item shop alright Samara welcome to guess the word aka hangman this is gonna be pretty simple like you're just crouching up and yeah okay this is gonna be pretty simple these boxes over here represent a word okay I'm gonna be in there I'm gonna know the word and you're gonna have to guess what it is now the way you do that I mean you've played a hangman before is you're gonna guess letters now each letter wait how did you do that how did you do that okay so the rules is super simple this is a word up here Samara and I'm gonna know the word but you're gonna have to guess it you're gonna have five guesses at letters okay each letter that you guess right I will shoot out the correct one on there and at the end of those five guesses you will have to pick what the word is or guess what the word is if you're right you win if you're wrong I win okay okay you're really you're really okay wait don't you want to know what the prizes come back here okay so if I win you give me a PS 5 if you win I give you a PS 5 now I know the PS 5 isn't out yet but this is this is crucial because we have to get our where's the ducks in a row we have to get our ducks in a row okay deal okay so I'm gonna go in there and get the word and the word is oh let me memorize how to spell it okay this one's good alright okay yeah I mean if you yes a hundred percent you know this way it's uh I can't tell you me computing in my head wait what is that a foul yeah that's a foul everyone chooses babbles first right do you think do you think there's an A in there for sure your final answer okay there you go you got name that's one guess four more guesses okay you sure you want to go with you no and no I I can't tell you that ma'am oh oh that's a really good one where you go before letters are missing I don't know if that guess is the best guess you've got but wait you've one more guess right yeah you have one more guess if by total guesses five couple guesses no this is not impossible oh no there's no T severa there's no frickin yeah you have to dig yes come on the time is ticking I'll give you 30 seconds to guess all right I'll give you one hint cuz I'm not mean okay I'm gonna give you ten seconds once they give you this hint hot Hawaii okay sir do I know what it is [Applause] okay okay is it to let is the two words okay any hints okay a-all right [ __ ] I mm okay I really don't have any idea and yes it's kind of sound like an N when he said that so I have one more guest cdefg it'd be okay can you give me a hit and then give me a countdown okay five seconds okay that was not a hint woody there's a million things in for a night okay that one's big I'm gonna look at the word and I'm gonna evaluate if you need more help okay oh my gosh this is pretty good okay I I think we can we can almost guaranteed these are all for tonight related right so just a heads up wait a second give me one second nerds wait a second there you go no no is not no a1e okay there you go No oh there you go [Music] okay I'm gonna give you true more letter guesses okay no no beep there is there's I mean there's only so many letters but okay clearly it's two words I'm gonna give you a big hint okay you ready for this it's a weapon in four night five four three two one is this gonna be tough this is two words very clearly yes all right we're learning we're adapting now the fact of the matter is neither me or Samara have gotten any of them right so yes okay so I'm gonna go with a really I know what it is I know what it is I know what it is I don't need any words guess I don't need any more guesses it's Anarchy acres let's go lads you know I'm gonna over head over there real quick oh my gosh that was quick right I'm hoping you get a decent one okay this one's for letters Samara all right breaking in Oh what the heck oh my gosh the answer is Samara are you looking at me yeah I can see the answer right here there's no weird you can't see it like like it's invisible to you but I look over here and I could see yeah it's right here this one's gonna be interesting I don't know if you're gonna get it really yeah all right go get him nope nope oh no okay look look look okay wait wait hum wait I'm gonna give you one more letter guess okay okay you want to guess pump before I give you one more letter guess okay okay no no go ahead guess pump you want to get some you know what I wire ps5 I wanna be a side or is it alright you get one more letter guess go ahead okay I'm gonna give you one more guess one more letter guess I'm so nice one more no okay hold on this is something that you kind of enjoyed and also I'm going to view ten seconds after I save this part okay this was one of the if not the first meme items added to the game 15 seconds jump ten seconds yep five seconds two seconds one second okay is it hard okay Hey oh boy right in the middle you can I have one more guess mm oh my gosh that really doesn't help [Laughter] any guess at all ne ne ne okay nope I don't know no I have no idea I shoot I can't I haven't I have no clue what this could be shotgun TAC TAC shadi TAC SMG kappa thats a vy I didn't have it in time though I didn't have it inside okay well I got it after the boy that was tough this is so much harder like once you know the word great once you know the word it's like it's okay but oh my gosh before it's tough okay oh okay you're really gonna like this word it's not really even for night for the ladies to be honest is that your yes yes no no nope nope well you've done five but you know what I'm gonna give you two more nope one more guess what we let her guess and then I'm gonna give you a big hint no I forgot no I I mean I knew it but you know just to make sure one more guess for me yes yes you know what I'm feeling very generous today you can guest letters until you get one more what yes yes wait wait wait okay wait okay go through it go go ahead [Music] eight I know cubic oh wait wait okay yeah that's a weird-looking Jeremy okay you ready to guess you love crystals this is closely related go ten seconds [Music] why'd you get it so bad okay you know what five seconds time's up sorry what did but that's what I told you it wasn't for well I mean like it kind is because like that the Lama jewel on the backpack the light it's not really alright I gave that one to you so you we're gonna count it we're gonna count it this is cool the statue oh oh that was the last one each letter a person gets wrong will go down a color of gun you just pick whatever you like I'm gonna use a crossbow instead the worst weapon in the game alright it starts now you have to try taking me out why are you hiding oh that hurts okay what do you argue of best of three then are you yes it sucks hmm I hate this now she's getting cocky what [Applause] you did best me in the combat portion of it but I did not use the weapons that I was supposed to so we're gonna settle it all right listen lady we're gonna settle this in the oldest way known to man okay okay way I'm gonna pull out a scorecard and first one's gonna be your score okay and then the next scorecard I pull out is going to be my score whatever which whichever one is higher wins and the other one and whoever wins the other person has to give them a ps5 okay okay you ready you want me to click yours okay here's your scorecard five solid solid okay if I get anything higher than five you have to get me a ps5 and if I get anything lower than five I have to get you a ps5 are you ready for this yeah [Music] easy ps5 baby like I'm gonna play all the new fun games on it I've just met him get back okay I don't think she's actually gonna buy me it but a deal is a deal so I'll make sure that it happens if you want check out some airs channel there's gonna be a link in the description below and before you leave click one of these two videos that I picked out for you I mean they're really really awesome you're gonna love them and you only have two seconds to click it so click it quick okay bye
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 5,067,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5rkxeHtAkMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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