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[Applause] [Music] so you just don't know when to give up do you i'm gonna do this all day hey pick on somebody your own size enough you are all of you beneath me i am a god you dull creature and i will not be bullied by that [Applause] puny god well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that what is wrong with giving tree here well he don't know talking good like me in you so his vocabulistics is limited to i and am and groot exclusively in that order i tell you what that's going to wear real thin real fast if i take those headphones off that's mine those belong impound that tape and that player huh i'm sorry kid you did good so now you're just gonna lean here like my dad yeah wait you're guilt-tripping me aren't you i'm cold i can tell you know how i can tell cause we're connected sort of shot nothing nothing you're the spiderman from youtube i'm not i'm not oh no no no no no [Music] so [Music] are you champ how was school today all right get your jokes out now can you fix the suit so cranky you want a juice box and some string cheese do you really have that go steve no presents come on cap [Music] nothing i can't feel you [Music] trust me believer trust me [Music] we fight this is gonna end well they're not stopping neither we yes i have to get off this planet hey hey where you going yeah hey can you turn your music down please cause i'm having a really hard time whatever yeah sure man i'll just turn right down sorry thank you can you send me the got it [Music] [Music] [Music] please not hungry good let's go here i'm loki you may have heard me that was for new york i like her and what is the old father what you just buried [Music] cheers my king stop it stop it stop sit stop it spider-man what am i following me i saved this guy have you saved us and why are we about to die i'm sorry okay i'm just i'm obsessed with telling the truth even if it hurts other people's feelings i'm in love with spider-man's aunt we're sharing right [Music] what the hell it's not bad for a test drive keep the suit i'll be in touch no no no no thank you how'd you get inside that cloud also how could you eat an entire box of pop-tarts and still be this hungry this drink i like it i know it's great right activates it then you push this button which will give you five minutes to get out of there now whatever you do don't push this button because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead now repeat back what i just said i am good uh-huh i am good that's right i'm good no now that's the button that will kill everyone try again i am groot i am group uh-huh records before we get started does anyone want to get out [Music] uh he has guardians of the galaxy back together again oh we're too fast hey just so you know this is my ship still i'm in charge i know i know of course you are of course we should fight one another for the honor of leadership it's not necessary it's not okay i got some blasters unless you guys want to use knives oh yes please use knives no knife i'm groot [Laughter] not necessary there shall be no knifing one another everybody knows who's in charge [Music] see you soon see you next time [Music] see you soon see you next time [Music] goodbye [Music] see you soon see you next time goodbye goodbye goodbye see you soon see you next time goodbye goodbye [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: W&A Family
Views: 678,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guess the movie, Marvel, Guess the Marvel movie, Game, Guess who, Blind test marvel, Blind test film, Avengers, divertissement, test, w and a family, w & a family, W and A family, W & A family, blind test réplique marvel, blind test réplique
Id: IhjRbvn4sDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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