Guess the Correct CYAN RAINBOW FRIEND in Minecraft!

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all the Rainbow friends have returned to cyan wait what the who's over there who are you [Music] come back homie are you Shady dude what's going on over here slime oh someone turned all the Rainbow friends into cyan oh I see and you need to guess which one is the real one if I'm correct Yes red great observation you did this to us yes you did this to us we were upset we're going to get you now let's go get him go go go go get him whoa yo get back in your cage oh no red help me slime block please help me ow ow help me oh come on red all right I'm coming over to save you but only so I can find the real cyan I'm coming please unhand me I do not want to be in this class person no you will be trapped in forever for what you have done to us okay I think you went somewhere this way don't tell me they're in science [Music] okay I gotta close that door okay they cannot see me oh no this is bad do okay my surroundings uh okay there's that there's that uh oh the TV maybe I can do something with the TV okay uh yeah viewer viewer hit that like button right now to give me something to create a distraction maybe like a TV remote or something hurry oh yes you're the like button okay where's the TV remote I need it yes look I got the little TV remote now what is this is going to be like that one movie like called clicked or something maybe I can freeze them let me try it out and oh here they don't expect it all right freeze up or something yeah yeah I'm working oh wait oh it turned the TV on oh that's interesting oh I'm like that oh no no oh yeah they don't notice me yet oh wait who's playing that movie oh that's our favorite movie let's go watch it oh they're all watching this movie now oh hey remember they all love the Bug's Life movie oh it's perfect okay well they're watching that all right with a free red come here red oh yes thank you slime block you have freed me from this prison I am forever grateful yes of course right I'm here to save you even though I feel like there's something weird going on like I don't know what happened I don't know whoever made these science there's a lot to unravel here but uh hold on wait why isn't this one watching the movie you okay cyan you're a little tired I don't think this is a real cyan me neither you would love that movie since the other ones ran over there yeah I agree maybe we should eliminate them all right come on here cyan what a good sight to see oh why were you staring at this so bad uh Sugar Sugar oh he probably thought it was some sugar or candy no that's a flower that's a flower we're in a we're in science she loves nature and stuff ah sugar well now that we free you cyan uh would you be able to help us out to find out who did this yeah ow why did he punch me yeah wait wait wait what's wrong with red chicken uh we're not here to free red or anything how do you sneak into our room and take away our captured person we are going to catch you now ah run right coming for us come on Red Run cut the ladder [Music] out of the safety ah I fell okay we're good yeah you can't Glide ladder scan you Scion yeah you can't climb ladders you can't climb up ready to go home I need somewhere now okay fight you hiding that Locker I'm gonna go find somewhere else to hidea behind here behind the office okay okay I'll hide the broom closet okay I think I think I think we're safe I think we lost them I hope let me go check uh any sign oh they're right there okay okay they're right near there oh I'm gonna hide here I'm gonna continue hiding in here okay please science just don't come with it don't come with the room please okay I think they're gone hopefully oh they're leaving okay perfect we lost them okay we're safe we made it out uh but we need to find red what red red where are you I'm in here slime oh wait you're in this Locker oh oh thank goodness they're okay yes I'm rather safe except for the fact that everyone hates me yeah okay yeah why does everyone why is everyone mad at you why is everyone trying to attack you Holly what an orange baby ride us out you know slime I am not too sure wait so everyone is attacking you including baby orange and the science they all blamed you for something are you sure you don't know something that I don't oh but I don't know anything slime block I'm completely innocent in this matter you saw me I did nothing wrong yeah is red I don't know no no trust me I'm okay trust me I'm perfectly normal I swear I don't know viewers what do you think do you think he's innocent or no but yes or no in the comments and I'll agree with the right answer at the end of this video comment yes yes but yes I'm innocent correct I don't know I'm gonna the comments are gonna decide your fate no that's not fair it's not fair to let the comments decide I'm out of here now right God dang it's right you're being suspicious again come back red red where'd you go red where'd You Go I mean you couldn't have gone that far red Shady guy hey come here hey I got some questions for you hey don't run I'm coming to get you I'm coming up ah stupid cake doors okay come on yeah where are you where'd you go uh I guess I go this way uh I think he read this way I hope I'm right I hope I'm right uh oh the one that you set free where is he show us where he is you lost red you lost the man we were trying to attack and keep for ourselves how could you I I'm sorry he's really slippery for some reason too good to pay for what you did come here relax wait wait wait wait wait guys guys we can talk about this okay we can talk over this side please don't hurt me I am going to hurt you because you wait wait there's a there's a ladybug everybody I don't know about the ladybug look at how cute it is it's so cute oh perfect timing you guys found a ladybug I'm just gonna slip right on by pretend you guys were just trying to kill me and um okay well they're busy I'm gonna sneak around the corner and look for the wait cyan what are you doing up there I thought you were gonna go for the ladybug they called you over I am enjoying the nice view I don't want to leave you love lady bugs and cyan loves ladybugs wait there's no way you're the real cyan then that means you're eliminate living it baby are all the science just baby rainbow friends oh yeah pretty much oh well I guess that's a good thing to know consider the daycare is right there as well so I can take it I can tuck you guys in after this but okay why is everyone after red what's going on with him I mean he hasn't done anything weird I mean that I've seen he's just been really suspicious oh yes so everybody got turned into a Scion right we think it's red because usually Red's the bad guy so we're all mad at him I mean I guess it makes sense I mean he has been really weird and Shady yeah actually wait I now that I think of it the Shady guy every time he goes down a hallway it's always the Shady guys at the end of it wait is he the Shady guy I mean I think so I mean this is a weird coincidences going on here yeah speaking of shady guy we I I swear he was just in his room that's why I came over here where is he where's the Shady guy oh wait what is that over there I I wish I could tell you but I can't say oh yeah Fair sorry my bad grade uh but it looks like a little play button this is a reminder to ever tell everyone to subscribe to the Channel all right gosh let me take a look at it oh yeah try yeah sure you can take a look at it wait why am I giving it to you you can't see green uh I mean I can still feel let me feel it yes uh this feels weird uh it feels like a play button it is in fact a play button but what does it do is there anything special in it maybe the Shady guy left it ah let me see all right let me try oh wait I I think I pressed the button wait you press the button what what did it do oh wait hold on wait oh uh things are looking weird it's all staticky wait oh what's going on what's going on green well baby green where'd you go oh wait what this place looks so different but it's the same the colors look so weird where am I was that red red wait can you not see me wait wait where are you going red time for me to babysit the Rainbow Babies what does it mean by like it means actually oh actually babysitting all right rainbow friends babies I've been asked to babysit all of you while your parents are on their vacations I know you don't like it when I babysit but it's the only thing we got now time for the fun to begin fun what does it mean fun wait oh my God hey red uh I gotta do something right now I gotta make a mess real quick and ruin your day oh this is the perfect place to label my garbage I hate it here oh gosh I hope these babies don't mind oh it smells in here it just sucks I don't like it here oh bother uh this is about this is bad for me to do I hope it's not bad oh you're kidding me yellow's the reason the kids are sad well if yellow did that I wouldn't be surprised if he also turned the ball into cyan so maybe red is the good guy and he's just misunderstood maybe he just enjoyed spending time with the babies he wants task to do it after all with the parents which for some reason are on vacation I left their kids well at least I learned what I need to learn in this memory but now I need to get out of here and go confront red and find out where baby blue is because that's the last one we need to figure out who it is and also gets cyan a lot of tasks to do in this one okay I think if I press this button hopefully I can get out uh please let me out please let me out I want to go back home oh wait I think it's working oh it's working it's working yes I'm going back oh oh I'm back oh what happened you're back you were like standing still there for a second for a couple minutes I went down to this dream sequence I got the song red and I saw yellow okay I learned that maybe red isn't the bad guy and yellow probably is the one to blame wait are you serious that's crazy they should all know all the science should know this yes they should so we can guess which one's the real one Speaking of which way where do they all go oh I'm not sure but maybe that guy over there might know that guy that's the guy we have to go after come on green this guys go after him come on go go go go go go over here Shady dude I know who you really are now I bet you you're someone that I saw in that dream got me a shady guy or on your tail oh there you are oh and you led us to the science perfect this is all going according to no plan in my head actually this is all just kind of improv but we got you here Shady guy and I know yellow oh my God wait you found out it was me how'd you know oh yes how did you figure that out yes right here okay okay yeah I found out because someone left this little play button which also made everyone subscribe thank you so much but it also had some memories that I saw and I saw yellow in it and of course if yellow's evil that must mean they must be the Shady person oh uh my bad red I left it on the ground uh I would ever do it again boss I'm sorry yeah you better not do it again wait did you say boss hang on here did you really just blow my cover like that yellow uh I'm sorry look I was just a little exhausted I haven't really been thinking straight I'm sorry uh yeah slime block I have been working with yellow this entire time wait what together with him how what's going on I thought you were good I thought you were just sort of babysit the baby rainbow friends no actually you see when the parents are gone that means I could do whatever experiments I want that garbage you saw in the memory that was all part of the experiment you're kidding me how could you read those kids believed in you they loved you actually well not really they kind of were not happy when when they saw you now that I say think about it but still four kids yeah it's too late already I've already thrown them half of them into cyan and I intend to keep them that way anyway slime block this will be the end of the road for you yellow take care of it no problem I'm Gonna Fly him off a cliff no no yellow please no no no I didn't find a way to stop this oh orange oh is that you baby orange yes baby aren't you coming to save me okay come on we gotta go get your other friends let's go find the science come on ah yes which one do I want to experiment on first ah sugar wait who's that oh there's baby oh oh baby orange is the flamethrower oh no I have to run I must run yes thank you baby orange you're a lifesaver oh oh gosh he's burning up a storm over there okay now that I got you two here which apparently you guys have not moved at all we were quietly enjoying the show yeah it was pretty funny to watch yeah I guess it was pretty entertaining it was like a soap opera with the amount of twists and turns there were okay but I gotta quickly guess which one's the real one uh what's a good way to guess oh I got it I got it quiz time do you know yellow right since you guys are kind of like dinosaurs what dinosaur is yellow hmm since you were so close with them then since they were like literally right here the entire time oh dinosaur I don't um brain not working I can't think oh I'm nervous oh oh I know easy answer he is a pterodactyl is that right oh yes you got it you got it cyan which means you are the fake so that means you're eliminate limited yes I Found You Blue we got all the baby rainbow friends oh and you guys are here too this is perfect oh the kids are here and you found the real one but now we need someone to babysit them oh you're right I can do it I got it I can volunteer take them to the daycare and babysit the kids until the party all right come on guys let's go babysit you all let's go all right baby rainbow friends oh you guys look so adorable I haven't is being a babysitter never babysat before so I'm hoping you guys will all be very good right you guys gonna be very good not gonna be any problems you know I'll give you your toys I'll give you your food and you guys will be all happy right now you're all crying three seconds on the job guys come on dude what's wrong no don't cry don't cry no stop crying stop crying I just want to play some games please I wanna play some games I'm so bored here okay oh don't cry like Squidward it's fine okay we'll find some games for you you want to read I mean okay I'll try to find a book somewhere like trying to find you some books for you to read oh okay I'm sorry okay you want okay well obviously you're very simple you just want some candy okay well you can't have too much though okay a little bit in moderation okay candy I can't leave this room though if I someone without watching you then like something could happen oh I could take care of these kits for you slime no no I was tossed through the babysitting job get out of here get out of here I just trying to help have a good one better leave you weirdo okay anyways kids don't worry don't worry everybody I will take care of you just relax wait till your parents get back home maybe then I'll give you everything no no no no no no no no no no no go back no go back no no no why do you have a Blazer orange ah gosh why does orange baby have a flamethrower well whatever I gotta go find these kids more the parents get back home okay baby rainbow friends baby rainbow friends surprise everyone I can't lose you all this big place somebody get in trouble someone's in here hopefully it's one of the babies we're going in three two two one ah baby oh it's blue hey blue Oh I thought it wouldn't have ever found you oh I see you found your book I found you found your book of choice you know I feel surprised that maybe your age reading books what book is this very popular Harry Potter book well I mean I'm honestly even though at my age I have never read a Harry Potter book I'm rather surprised my little child is reading one it's like a little glance at these Pages Harry Potter The Ballad of the like And subscribe button written by Gary M what happened to JK Rowling I mean obviously Gary M knows he's talking about because he does say to like And subscribe right right baby blue if you're that smart be sure to write down in the comments below what your favorite book series is I'm really curious because mine's like Diary of Wimpy Kid I I don't even know if they even make them anymore well I Wanna Know I had to do a plug okay do you know we're in anywhere around here where are they oh you saw orange running around well I know I know how he is he could be a crazy Speed Demon do you know where you last saw him oh by yellow's room okay sure okay let's go check there let's go check there you said somewhere near yellow's room right oh hey blue do you hear that oh I hear a lot of munching over there oh no wait he must have gotten the yellows pantries okay we gotta get in there yeah hey orange orange Sugar Sugar that orange what are you doing yeah it's me we got to take you back to the nursery okay no no where are you going wait you got a moped where are you going no gosh are we gonna catch up with him are we gonna catch up with him what ah what what is it wait wait you got a go-kart in the bushes come on Blue get on my head stay safe where is he built we gotta go find him orange orange there you are no stop Orange Stop you gotta stop don't run off yeah you gotta say your words man come on look go go go all right Joe oh gosh baby blue what am I gonna do oh no no I can't take him back to his parents when he's hurt I'm gonna get into I'm gonna get fired I'm gonna be fired wait bill you have any ideas yeah what do you got for me oh what do we do what do we do yeah yeah yeah boy do you have any sugar on you anything oh perfect oh okay orange orange I got you some cotton candy do you smell that do you smell it chicken chicken chicken okay now take it take it eat it just you'll be fine you'll be fine okay okay Christ is averted okay now I got oh go guys he's out of Sugar Rush look relax we're not here baby boo you're strong you're strong right baby belt here just just that hold orange for me you can hold them all of them make sure it doesn't go yeah there we go oh look at you too you look so cute oh look how adorable you two look okay well I got two of you now all I need to do is find green now the sugar sugar what is that I have no idea what you're saying you're just saying sugar okay well Green's gotta be around your summer look come on let's go let's go find the green Gray gosh where is he yeah yeah I'm so cool in this game fortnite yeah I'm so good green baby green there you are ah oh what okay you guys are distracting me I play my game where your game you're literally on like this old TV what do you mean there's like no game hooked up what I have not been playing fortnite no you're you're you have donuts and you're looking at a TV if you're not playing fortnite Oh I thought I was winning well I guess in your dreams you were well you know what good news we found you and we're all all here together okay take you all back to the nursery all right everybody everybody get on top of each other's heads blue Hold Up Hold green orange hold orange or green hold orange all these colors are so confusing okay there we go everybody's all in a single stack now no one can go anywhere Blue's the responsible one ah okay well obviously you know I'm responsible too but you're the okay well you're the main responsible one okay for now for now we need you here oh hey red uh you know sorry about kicking you out earlier um you know you know we were just on our way out of your office you know if you just let us you know kind of leave right now no no no no no you just stay right here because you're exactly where you're supposed to be because I was on my way to take the kids from you no you're not saying well yes I think I will no no no no no children kids no no slime oh gosh not again okay I gotta save those kids it is my job as a babysitter to save those kids I just gotta figure out how to stop them wait no I know exactly how to save them foreign easy my children you are now my adopted children and I will raise you in the ways of evil yes you'll get all the sugar you want all you have to do is follow my evil commands stop right there red oh yeah red I'm here Mike what are you doing I'm I'm hearing it one sec one sec one sec there we go this is embarrassing I'm here to save the kids okay you can't have them they're they're not your kids they are my kids and I will raise them in the ways of evil that's dumb okay I'm raising them to be smart independent kids right kids yes yes I want to leave work fortnite yeah see they love me they love me they don't love you they hate you I have nothing to worry about I'll just brainwash them if they give me any trouble oh trust me they're they're gonna be a lot of trouble all right all right guess what sugar [Applause] we did it evil red is out of here now you all gotta come back and follow me back into the nursery okay we did it now let's go let's go everybody Nursery time Nursery time wait no orange no no no now come back oh
Channel: Slime Block
Views: 57,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One block skyblock, One block, Skyblock, Minecraft, Minecraft skyblock, Minecraft one block, Aphmau, Gizzy gazza, No cursing, Slime block, Slime, cash and nico, cash and nico minecraft, family friendly, mia minecraft, cash and mia minecraft, cash and nico and zoey and mia, mia from cash and nico, Guess the Correct YELLOW in Minecraft!, rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends yellow x cyan, rainbow friends chapter 2 yellow, Slime block rainbow friends minecraft, guess the cyan
Id: SnpFEd1R4Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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