Guess the Blox Fruits from the OUTLINE!

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every fruit in blo fruits upd 20 has a completely different look so we've made it that we can only see that outline and have to guess what the fruit is only from the outline which we will then be able to add to our inventory for a best of three fight at the end this first one is pretty interesting it's still some little wings isn't this easy I think it is all right you ready 3 2 1 rocket easy rocket that's got to be rocket isn't it there it is yep that was easy so we can both use rocket amazing next round we have got I feel like this is a bait because why is it so similar to what it was before no I think it's the same I I don't think they changed it I think I know what I'm going with I know exactly what I'm going with as well that's obviously the leopard the leopard yeah okay W They just added eyes that's literally all they added They just added some eyeballs this feels like another one that's sort of trying to bamboozle us this is really easy Luke by the way I've turned my brain off that's how easy this is okay I think I know what this is as well three 2 one dragon dragon it's got to be right yeah why are they giving us like the ones that are exactly the same you're going to have to just show us like one section of the fruit or something this is too easy this next one got me Bamboozled wait I think I know what this is do you know exactly what it is like you ready to reveal I think I'm ready to reveal 3 2 1 Quake chop I thought it was chop oh no you might be right actually there's no way I lose a guessing game to sen pirate come on show me the Quake oh I was right yeah I was going to say like the sticky outy bit I was like that reminds me of the old chop and it actually is let's go of course the noob knows exactly what the chop fruit looks like let's be honest cry some more that's all I'm saying next round I know exactly what this is off the bat really there's three dead giveaways number one the stem shape looks exactly like the like what the fruit is yeah yeah yeah okay okay I think I know as well now this is 100% the sound fruit sound yeah yeah yeah sound oh yeah that was easy next fruit what am I even looking at it's got like horns are they horns it looks like it we've already seen Dragon though I've got I've got like an idea I've got a bit of an idea as well but I don't know if it's a throw you know what why don't we equip the fruit this time yeah I've equipped I'm ready I believe it is this one is it this yeah we we chose the same one okay is it flame it is okay yeah I thought that was the little pirate hat on top ow can you relax sorry there was an NPC ooh this one kind of looks like spring I know exactly what this one is because of a previous video we did I think this yeah yeah I think it's this one I've got equipped right now there it is right there oh yeah okay yeah it's definitely dark yeah it is 100% dark this has been incredibly easy until now what do you mean until now now we only see a tiny section of the fruits of the fruits outline what the heck is that it's the top corner of a fruit right look we have to do some detective work here okay is it the top Corner though it could be the side no I reckon it's top corner you know I'm I'm calling it in fact I actually have a guess I'm I'm I'm already ready 3 2 1 go well that's what I was I was trying to do desert blade that's got to be sand surely right it's like the top Corner bro it's Falcon oh difficulty just became hardcore mode let's do this next one I've got an idea off the bat because of that shape I was like kilo is not in the game anymore how what would that that's what I thought but then my second thought was what's another like sharp pointy fruit I know exactly what this is okay I'm going for this one then 3 2 1 why are we always on the same page yeah it's because we have like one Brain Cell between both of us what why does new portal look like that wait I actually have one of those okay y it actually does look like that and it's got eyes that's crazy a why did I trust you I should have gone with my actually I was never thinking that in the first place so GG this one is another actually wait I was going to say light but it's not got enough of a top point no no no I know exactly what they I've already got it equipped that's how confident I am all right you ready 3 2 1 reveal wait what did you go for spin I went spring no no that's obviously spin look how it like goes inwards but what if that's like the new springiness n no no Spring's more boxy see how do you know these like random common fruits so well let's go that's spin in my inventory ooh a bit of an interesting one wait why is there like a flip I know what this is this might be a bit of a throw but I feel like this is what it is you know what I'll equip this I don't know if it's right but I can't think of any else so let's go with this one 3 2 1 reveal okay well I went control you went gravity interesting so which one is it it was gravity I had a feeling I knew it looked like a planet I I would never have guessed that in a million years that's crazy next one oh this one on the other hand gigabrain active I feel like I know what this is as well because the stem is giving it away you ready y reveal I'm I'm ready it's got to be right yep there it is is this one yeah this is a bit more difficult I think I get this one you know for me it's it's this it has to be I think you might be thinking it might be smoke you might be correct I think it is smoke this might be a throw but I I'm thinking it's this you think it's Buddha interesting okay okay that's magma bro that's magma that's actually really cool next one that is Pure Evil by the way I think I'm going with my gut here I think I know what it is I'm ready reveal what did you use oh barrier yeah I was thinking this or control those were my two no way that's blizzard oh I would have thought blizzard would have been more like spoy you know or like yeah that is certainly not the word I used to describe it but yeah next one what no I know this I know this is logged in instantly I know this straight away you know what this might be a throw but I'll pick this you ready yep reveal sand 100% oh I did po if that's not sand I'll delete my blog for his account I thought it was po because horror is called pain now and I think the fruit changed oh no what' you say you do if you got it wrong one second one second I'm deleting my account right now let me just get it up I actually had a feeling it was like that I was so confident and so wrong at the same time no you've lost your account that's crazy next one is yet another basic wait not basic it's got like a a dagger this fruit is armed and dangerous I think is this I've got my idea uh you know what I'll go with my first option I don't think it's right but I don't know what else it could be they they've given us such a small thing what am I meant to do with this [Music] reveal that's what I think it is I I think it's ice maybe okay let's see we're both stupid what do you mean we're both stupid they gave us like the smallest part you couldn't even see any of it we didn't have a chance look all I'm saying is all the viewers are stupid as well cuz no one got that okay and the ones who said they did they're lying yeah they're just they're farming comments honestly next one okay this one I actually feel confident about for once I know exactly what this one is as well I'm actually going to tell my working out this time right straight away I was like 100% D I don't even need to think about it it's D I was thinking it was revive and then I was like wait a minute sand does a similar thing it has that bulgy top oh yeah true and now which one is it I think I I would throw if I pick to revive because it hasn't had its Awakening or rework bro you need to pick it because um you um that's what you said okay actually fine I don't need the do Fu even if it is which it isn't it's going to be revived watch okay I was a genius next one I instant wait actually hold on that could be Venom I'm going to send it if you're sending it I'm kind of confident that I could send it as well this is redemption Redemption thought it was Mammoth spikes don't be silly it is Phoenix Phoenix fruit is so cute it's my favorite one next one what the heck am I looking at here I'm thinking this you know that's kind of mad from me that I would think this but that's what I'm thinking yeah you know what I'll go revive it is I got this by the way sand no you didn't guess your favorite fruit that's crazy actually flame is my favorite fruit I'm just want to clarify that next one wait a minute is that just the center of a fruit they just missed the video title completely they went yeah just have the center you can see what I've picked I I I'll take this all right you ready yep reveal this this is mine oh you picked Rumble I picked Rumble let's see what the mysterious fruit is it was barrier at least we didn't lose anything bad next one H top Spike bottom Spike and what this is I think it's this so that's what I'm sticking with are you ready yep uh I was trying to make you switch I was trying to make you switch it's got to be surely right it's going to be like yeah it was next one that's a spike again yeah but is it a spike fruit or is it like Ice because I know the new ice has like spikiness to it I don't know if what I'm doing is correct though but I'm going to I'm going to full send it just in case it's right reveal your fruit okay you went Mammoth again I feel like it literally is just Spike yeah it might be it might be oh it is you're just going to keep on picking Mammoth until you get it yeah I need Mammoth honestly I I need the I need to beat you with this absolute unit next one that is so incredibly default but I feel like it might be this one I had two options first one was um first one was this second one I was thinking it could be this again I literally don't care just Reveal Your oh oh we did the same thing reveal there's no way there's the spikes it didn't show the spikes I was literally like oh ice fruit spiky now we'll able to get yeah you tricked me you bambooz with me honestly next one that is Fluffy that is smoke oh wait is it though the Smoke's fluff and like smokiness is that like larger no I think this is smoke I think you're right reveal cool Rumble well smoke has bigger like fluffiness surely you guess liting me I did yeah I tricked you come on is it Rumble it's Rumble let's go that is not Rumble is it not isn't that control yeah it's control bro gaslighted himself into like the wrong answer one second what have we not had that looks like that you know what it's time to full send every time until I get what I want I feel like that shouldn't be allowed but okay you ready I'm ready yeah yeah ow yeah you're right that's got to be Diamond surely yep easy next one okay well this one I'm confident in I'm confident in this one as well after the travesty of before this one is definitely smoke it is smoke that's crazy this one is an easy one as well but at this stage we like we're getting to the end of all the fruits this one's easy this is quite possibly the easiest one I think yeah it's it's Spider-Man we all like spidermanning yep I think we'd be stupid if we got that one wrong it looks so good I like this one honestly okay all right so what's happening here then there's a spike again and I'm just saying it right one of these times the Spike's coming through I've got my fruit ready I don't want to get this wrong but I I've gone with something you ready yeah reveal okay we both did the same thing will we both have like the same IQ here let's see yes next one why is there like a tiny dot at the top of this one yeah couldn't that just be the stem though I could there's two things that come to mind right the first one is um where is it it's this one and the second one that comes to mind is this one here is Bomb still smooth that yeah that was my second option you know what you go with your first option I'll go with bomb okay give me the bomb fruit please oh oh that's just rubber I'm glad I honestly so glad I didn't get it I picked Buddha we both failed that one next do we still even have more of these fruits left is this one bomb yeah we haven't tried this one yet I'll try this I'll try this I'm doubling down with bomb uh I took this oh love fruit you actually got it right there's no way BR next one just a stem triple it down boy no this isn't bomb I know what it is it's not no it's not are you ready y reveal okay oh I know what it is it's this it's revive no you're right actually that's mad next one this has got to be the fruit now and reveal yep we both turned big it's got to be if it's not they're just making up new fruits there it is let's go oh so it's like the robes I get it now yep so that means we both get a Buddha fruit to use if we want next one that is just a square what do we have left I'm shooting this I'll just go bomb again you ready yep one of these times you're doing Mammoth again yeah because Mammoth is cubish man I feel like there should be a penalty for picking Mammoth so many times that was a quake Fruit by the way what the heck next round okay it's got to be it's got to be this time yeah same it is Bomb ah you know what I like how bomb looks now next one there's some like crispiness to this I know that was easy okay I'm I'm locked in reveal yeah same yeah I feel like it has to be venom venom didn't change no it look looks very similar yeah I'm already locking in my last answer honestly yeah it's just like a little McDonald's M we don't even need to see the rest of it we know exactly what it is give it to me and I will happily take one of those as well yep there it is we finally got it so these are all the fruits that we've got in each of our inventories and now we're going to choose our three favorite ones from this to then have a best of three fights this might be a throw and bringing the big guns to this fight s wait are you actually mukbanging mid fight that's that's just that's insulting what do you pick yeah yeah I I pick this okay right that's actually crazy oh you missed that one as well oh no oh no oh no get me out get me out get me out no if you were a second after rocket crash I'm coming Luke press your f move ah he didn't fall for it no no no no no a strike no the a strike didn't stop you no oh I missed again I don't know that combo good no let's go next round all right No More Mr Nice Guy time for the music man oh no that's actually might be a counter to me just kidding take that disco disco disco you don't want to come close then you don't want to come close no the Disco is so annoying ultimate move no it got me oh I got away oh you're down here are you fortisimo oh my wait sound is op did my final move give you like seasickness no but sound might just be a bit of flame honestly seems that way s the Undisputed king of vogs fruits his back we're not doing this come on let's see what you're made of okay we're doing like the the fight of the Kings you know the two oh you could actually fit through that door you're not the only one with left clicks buddy yeah but I'm slightly more devious than you I'm better looking okay right oh no that hit me S your precious Mammoth you tried to get the entire game isn't going to help you body flicker Boom come on I'm actually kind of throwing I'm throwing I'm throwing all right you got to go you got to go I got this i got this wait why are you not how are you not dead it's the resistance oh I caught you wait no I didn't stop jumping Bang Yes h fine you think you're the king I'm the king
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 588,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits update, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update 20, update 20, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit, update 20 blox fruits, blox fruits codes, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits new update, blox fruit roblox, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits race, blox fruit update 20, blox fruits live, blox fruits troll, blox fruits dough fruit, guess blox fruit, blox fruit outline
Id: rohZvzSQKCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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