Guass Rifle Cookie Camp *Tech Guns Mod* - Minecraft Modded Minigame | JeromeASF

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bleh bleh-bleh the bedroom mats here okay what was the other gun he has a gun Oh bunny what's going on everyone's your Romeo long with drop c-max Steven welcome welcome to another awesome episode of cookie only this time around were using the tech guns that's right people we have a giant list of different tech guns that we can use including this awesome Gauss Rifle but before we get on into that whoa ow oh man pow like yeah it's Steve from here but now the wordplay cookie camp is simple pretty much me about 15 minutes on the cloth to get as many cookies as possible the cookies all flying to hear you then use those cookies to buy a rabbit named cookie who poops out more cookies so pretty much the goal is to obtain as much rabbit poop as possible we're kind of weird around here if you're new here are some of the weapons that we can get as well among Sam you gots things like the infiltrator assault rifle the Gauss Rifle the mac-10 machine pistol so on and so forth we also have all sorts of cool power armor so after the 15 minutes is up with into a 10 lives battle to see who is the best of the best all right well without further ado I think we are ready to go so let's get ready to do this in three two one sorry that was yeah we got steak yeah no no I got steak here you go drop see put on the fire sacrifice sacrifice did it do work can i enchant the tech no you definitely can't enchant the tech guns I don't know about the armor though you know go go go give it a try Steve all right but I wouldn't be surprised if you can enchant the armor but it's gonna be costly oh you gave me the stake back thank you drop see ya I figured after I tried to sky floating cubes in this guy bleeds versions of trees Steve what are you doing I'm just guarding the bridge oh wait yeah wait what kind of a show is blade running why do the trees not have step that's what happened hold up Durham look I'm not coming over to attack yeah this one tree has a stem look at this look at this oh yeah what I really want to know now why what happened blade like I took them off all right look let's just get this out already I went around you guys took a long time to start so I took every tree trunk oh yeah if that's true then what were the tree trunks supposed to be made of no and actually just drops these fault drops I tried to remove mud because her computer's so bad there's you can actually play as the fans love to see her and everything and the trunks were mods that I had to remove why didn't you just put the trees back because you left them removed everybody knows you guys know dropsy makes like cute little phrases stops what like what you should hear the subscriber oh I did hear that one yeah is it dropsy saying subscribe to our chopped wrong Lauren Japanese yeah do you actually know Japanese or was that just totally off-the-cuff yeah that was um good old Google Translate helping me out with that like wait a minute you taught me that oh no this is gonna go terribly so I'm sort of like that actually means throw large fish yeah that's why I was asking drop see cuz normally I'd be like I wish probably Google Translate but lately there's been a number of people I know random as anything like 2d as a for instance he's learning I think it is Japanese isn't it yeah exactly I for some reason a bunch of my friends went through this weird phase of trying to learn Japanese I mean nothing all the power yeah I know all the power to them it just just was very rabbits Steve I swear if you cheated again I'd jump inside of the rabbit tank get off the top Steve you go away he jumps off the top ropes drops he's back up there you guys need to calm this down you guys are getting a little too excited I'm over you're working can use let me know what you're doing because Steve is always dropsy drop what hello Steve what's going on here Steven where are these older this is become hide-and-seek now I'll give you the hint of I'm in your camp I'll give you that you're literally in our camp somewhere yes I'm literally in your camp right now what is he in the tactics room yes Steve yes what's up anyone I didn't want to come to this drop see watch out Galloway drop see gather way now you want to do six stacks of cookies on me from those that I lined up the shot and then he golfs rifled me I'm surprised I didn't miss that shot to be able to touch those cookies having her in them I kept them off of you for the longest time I think I earned them no you haven't earned any of you just took six stacks of cookies what gives you the right get out of my camp you go from make your own cookie camp Wow Steve on your own kick now if that's if that's how you want to be mad Oh Steve Steve Steve it's just messed up but you come in here I did all this work and Wow oh come on Jerome thank you drop see I got you a Gauss Rifle you do something Matt can you do something room just took the other gold rifle that's fine you deserve it Steve bought it walked out the house I was waiting around the corner of it pack your own ok Steve now we're even there you go drop see do you mean now we're even I kept them busy you did not you you specifically did not oh nice no pointless rookies uh no didn't have any ammo he had one energy cell but you needing an energy cell and got slugs for it so that wouldn't have even helped anyway I don't have a moment though to be fair so okay so just use it's very precisely also I think we're almost like already fine I'm creepy yeah I think so too which is good oh my God he's slimy cross man what he slay me across the map of the Gauss Rifle that did happen oh no no I suppose this map been playtested no of course not why well there's no ghost mo first of all it's just the energy cells blade blade blade blade blade blade blade blade play hotfix time blade are you sure you need goth cells or is it just the yeah it's gone no it says right here if you hover over it and yep hover over it golf rifle slugs and energy cells it takes to bolt ammunition so it's the only gun in the game so it works no no no he's both so it needs Gauss flux and energy cells so it works there's no where to buy gauss slugs so it work no what do you are you telling me we have to buy bleh bleh-bleh everyone will right by my head steve-o Chuck didn't want to throw drops into the bus again but they went away at the same time that's all the what bleh bleh-bleh Matt's here oh god what is the other gun he has a gun well let's watch out for Matt Oh Sarge Rob see you're good you're good okay I'm just gonna make them waste all their Amex they can't buy more yeah that's my last shot this is awkward so how's the weather guys I got a new one goodbye Steve okay I'll come back home thank you seven minutes left only wow that was really afraid the Gauss Rifle would still one-shot the power armor and I'm glad to find out that it's uh it's a garbage rifle once you get power armor yeah I'm pretty sure the enchants definitely aren't gonna work on this stuff so by the viewer's by right is gonna work oh gosh Wow you want to explain why you turn all her cookies in the cats and then banned me from the server how do you its net diamonds - yeah but you buy the diamonds with our tokens bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh traitor yeah guys yeah we don't have that traitor you do bleed when are you gonna take out this garbage thing where you can just turn everybody's things into ocelots never we almost can't play you should have done some smarter investing strategies honestly you shouldn't have spent all your cookies then and you can actually surprisingly enchant the power armor so this is gonna be an interesting ballgame five minutes left so I better be getting to work on there their stuffs there we go boom boom okay not bad up Edie also is there a way to clear out the 70,000 ocelots by any chance Oh yeaaaah be gone yeah you need a trader you got to go down like the local supermarket you go buy also its bleat just not thing we can't get more fun I thought that's why I thought he was on the server maybe you should look at the trader before you ask that question oh yeah actually I have never have shamed all right we go ahead by this and I guess there's no real chance we can do for the weapons is there you want to talk here yet we have no rabbits left Oh dropsy can you buy me one more bottle oh yeah mike is yeah just take a couple of this really funny funny thing okay for your vlog okay mm-hmm you log in to your Amazon account right yeah and Erica it gets to click five things from the home page and whatever it is you have to buy it she can't type anything but you flick five things oh no that's a dangerous game I like it that's what I'm saying wouldn't that be fun yeah I played Matt well that's a nuclear death right shame we need rabbits we need rabbits right named Steve we got three minutes left oh by the way what do you think we need rabbits for when we only have three minutes left Steven because we have five I got a bone to pick with these traders blade and your logic what's the bone to pick my bone to pick us that the armor token should be fought in armor Sarla me what even does he have plate gave me a nuclear death private shanking does no damage come on blade yeah sometimes you wonder about blade his motives all right well drop see I don't know you but I've got all my gear I'm all ready to go for this bag yeah Mama's ready all right well then let's get ready and let's do this thing latest shooting nuclear sludge all over our base and killing us that's normal all right we got 10 lines all way there to start let's go drop see take card okay well we can say cover in the trees how are they hopping so I that's the power armor you can jump really high I can't yeah you can you're doing it right now you can jump three high oh don't try to break click on the bridge and it kind of takes you into another venture charge you think you're clever but you're not the VIP of it I can see the benefit of it all right see if you take care of drum I'll take care of it I know right no one I think I've nailed one shot do it yeah is it you like to tell you guys I hired a assassin well is it too late now to say so I'm glad wick is it too late to say that we don't have to keep inventory oh oh it is a little late to say that yeah yeah hey Jerome yeah what is that drill drums the help he's got a power drill oh it's very loud is what it is I can't hear myself wrong horn yeah I know I just had to lower the volume mid-fight these are so hard to use I know right oh gosh yeah I'm going to just do five lives each this is uh this is something else what you want to go dropsy try now hey guys he chill first I can only have three hearts alright thank you my heart's are going back up Oh Matthias alright I found the tactic the beat drum and drop so you just slightly walk around keep away from those trees just slowly walk around drop see can you I was gonna say pick on someone your own size but but every minecraft character is exactly the same size yeah Jerome yes no there's more weapons than just the gauze rifle right well I was the best one dropsies is actually hurting you at all wait I need an upgrade no that's it I make it a rule no eating food so you can't regen health what otherwise these fights whatever get as Steve goes to eat food steep your bed fries it wasn't cookie it's not gonna read you there Matt all I see splice you're gonna take forever if we all drop say what'd you just do we got a lot yes to me what oh you're gonna get it probably hold down this hold down hold it hold it hold it charge it Wow Wow blades are aiding the enemy oh I gotta go over here real quick guys [Music] if it's any consolation steep I didn't heal myself from earlier hold no hold down right you did have a heart after all that drops help me out with this how do I charge this thing steep you've got to be low oh geez rapid fire that's what it does when I hold it then hold the other one Oh hard why firm you have to be almost dead I have three hearts hey guys heard eating food there's no eating food I heard that that would be your teammate dropsy you eating food out here you thought you wanted blade I've only got three hearts drops just so I think I'm next to die I don't know I think I'm probably next to my heart and a half this one more should I than that Oh guys got the drill wait drops he has a mini bigger than she is get that gun out of here drop see hey guys no I'll keep that chase alright keep that chase all away from me Matt I'm out of everything Steve no say no Dino stop laughing you're crazy blasted exploit hey hey Steve you try shopping here [Laughter] I've been over myself a house that I ran on a block one block short and I was just in a one by one and drops news had a gun pointed in my head it's not funny first of all second of all no mercy all right you guys Steve's on his last life Matt's got three more oh Sid yo rocket a rocket try like 1,600 rockets oh you gave him actual ammunition for it weapon no blade only gave me one clip I got a Remo myself 64 rockets and he blows himself there's that and Steve is eliminated well that just being you me you and drop see Matt no yes that was her teammate to be here help help hey Matt no eating what's going on there not anything I saw were you thinking that no wrong I don't have any ammo or anything help max anymore stay home and then he died why am i poison alright Matt's back let's do this oh there you are no no no no no no no I've got like no health left cuz so please kill me nope nope nope I said I'm building bathing in lava no you're bad that's what you want here - goodbye if you could please excuse me for a second I'm going to buy some weapons and your weapon traitor hey you got your own traitor yeah but I wanted to use yours well mine doesn't want you around here so you know Jeremy if you don't stop what you're doing I'm gonna shoot all of your cookies let me stop what I'm doing I'm just fighting Matt yeah if you don't stop I'm shooting all you drop's see those horrific you want the rest of them down no what were their summit survivor Steve you're just cruel I told you to stop what you were doing now I'm gonna take that out for its last life CPR you still blowing off them geez yeah bad about about over but it won't work with the rocket I have so say I acquired a new weapon you two it's called steak way-hey Oh goofy and pop the boobity drum I noticed you named your channel drums canned spaghetti ass Eddie spaghetti what I didn't do that the said he can spaghetti restaurant would you so are you trying 360 me yeah you big sweat Shh get out of here drum I think you're out of the game I know I shot her while she was crouching trying to get some brood I'm reloading you're actually I'm out of reloads no no ow put this in my mouth you this for a montage man 360s only wait drum stop I have a plan pick up all the armor we both know look we both fight I got two homely all right all right hold on man eating steak has been banned yeah I know but this will be a one hit doesn't matter are you ready three seven two drop one go this is awkward amount I am oh that was a good gentlemen's fight Jerome that was a good gentlemen's fight Thor well can I use this rocket launcher oh oh yeah what can I use this command block for oh well that's it everybody that's all we have time today that wasn't the tech guns cookie can't mod in battle we hope you all enjoyed if you didn't hit that like button be sure to subscribe as well and we'll see you next time take care and bye bye
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 327,794
Rating: 4.89992 out of 5
Keywords: jeromeasf, jerome, jeromeasf modded minecraft, jeromeasf minecraft, minecraft, modded minecraft, mod, modded, ruins of humanity, jeromeasf cookie camp, jeromeasf update, updated cookie camp, hilarious gameplay, kid appropriate, jeromeasf cookie, family friendly, no swearing, minecraft roleplay, super villain, no cursing, mod pack, minecraft mod, lets play, jeromeasf custom minigame, jerome asf, pixelmon, fortnite, bedwars, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft
Id: -rE27F1teVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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