Guarding The Princess | SATURDAY COMPILATION | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

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[Music] that's it there's just one last [Music] step hello hello hello Mother yall go guard now and don't let nobody mess with my stuff hey guess what thanks for helping me make those guys I want to repay you for your help oh yeah you going to give me that ambulet maybe no no dude I made you a thing that's it you can do it you made me a manservant no in the Box oh no what do you mean no no I made you an arm it's a dang Plug and Play girl no it's awesome I can't believe it that's right I'm a technical Wonder child yeah I know I'm sorry I got to go to my room for no reason okay I thought we could do some two arm stuff but uh it's [Music] cool I'm sorry Princess Bubblegum are you okay princess a jeez you're so loud are you in danger no don't just guard me you need to protect everyone okay are you in danger are you in [Music] danger I knew it h princess you are getting jacked what H wa hey Hal get her out of there quick yes [Music] Mom uh all right take a break for the night [Music] how you doing buddy the past must be reckoned with that's cool what you going to do about it hello bubblegum here atonement all right Finn I'm on my way [Music] [Music] look at that I got a new arm that would be cool if I weren't about to hit my reset button hey hey this way what was that oh no dog Dr it fin okay here you go whoa what my amulet wait a second is that it's me shoko and PB you're like a bazillion years old weirdo huh my Vault feels lighter I'm pretty sure I did hey yes this is it bingo bango I've got to get to the are you in the tub sweetie I'm going out I've got to get this tape to the banana guards or the newspaper or maybe the da or something hey Root Beer Guy you were not supposed to view this tape but but how did you guys know I told them that's right I did it for us oh this thing is eating you alive root beer gu but it's all I've got hey this looks kind of [Music] personal Mr pudding oh you can just call me Buck oh Buck those need to be formal here son those guys who were just in here can you tell me what they bought well let's see a shovel a saw some plastic bags some duct tape a bludgeon a mop rubber gloves say Mr Buck do you know anything about this Lake butterscotch a right nice spot Lake butterscotch miles from where anyone could hear a person scream if a person was screaming for some reason creepy now that I think about it nothing up there these days but some abandoned cabins nice place to hide a body if you were into that sort of thing son now what are you doing in my pickup [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] truck yeah don't hang up uh I'm root beer guy I I'm the guy who kidnapped Princess Bubblegum yeah yeah I wrapped her in a carpet yeah and I'm going to dump her in like butterscotch I'm completely insane but you still have time to stop me get up to leg butterscotch right now Banana guard and I took a boat out after 8:00 emergency quickly to Lake butterscotch here's the licorice lace lasso waa oh my word get those guys they're my accompli oh okay I got it busted you boat crimer and Jake well guys it looks like you caught us okay princess you can come out now [Music] princess oh yeah it is the princess congratulations you were so good at solving the case um what case the fake kidnapping to test the Candy Kingdom security system and we didn't solve that case but if you weren't following the clues I left who was um this root beer guy then why the jumping J is he in handcuffs [Music] that was a great night baby we haven't danced like that in years I'm so proud of you Mr captain of the banana [Music] guards I you found your true [Music] Prince [Music] ja what they they don't believe us the rain lumped up your complexion all hobo like they're not looking past the surface grunk h oh no he's challenging you to a joust we better find you a Lance did they come out you've forgotten the most important part my impatient little friend a thorough rinsing well nothing I need like a toothpick or something I told you to buy floss fles for [Music] losers oh one of these will do nicely you put cards in your mouth just the edge kid and then I'll work it like a pro now to find the card that best suits my devil made care personality [Music] trial by combat shall prove which Prince is true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nuts hey beo ta you did it Jake congratulations how did you get that piece of tortilla chip out of your teeth oh I didn't it's still there it'll be like a constant reminder of what life's all about this is unsatisfying zip [Music] it bad bad princess [Music] which is which a this is the one this is your prince um or maybe this is the [Music] one h [Music] is this is this even a kingdom a oh hey hey oh you guys oh cut it [Music] out yes if I'm so crazy then let's fight no girl we can bounce out of here my friend Finn will save us any second now I don't wait for rescue I conquer till I am conquered by love or by the hand of an adversary well I guess we're going to have to fight then yeah okay take your time I got to do my Daily Sun salutation Release Me Joshua I'll s dude your blood is Harsh that's cuz I've been drinking so much holy water it's in my blood sucker and naturally I got to go to the bathroom like crazy be right back if I can't suck you I'll suck my's blood taste it scrub man I can't believe it I got a we we [Applause] again would you like to rate this video No Time beo let's go find the cave from the video maybe we'll find more clues there Keo zapple meups pamama mancakes Jake Jake yes help me Jake wa this is not hugging it's fighting fighting Jake what do I do should I kill him with what with this demon blood that's right demon blood beats demon ah that is not correct oh yeah give me that blood [Music] stupid lady don't break the circle of [Music] protection oh jeez he suck at my sword off the Tilt yeah your circle can't stop my sucking now I have your demon blood as well except it's not demon blood it's a frozen grape juice that was blessed by the priest C bless this sword fod check please creepy wait my blood woo coward whoop hey hey lady let's go Bros Samantha you can come too I guess very well you've returned me to my world so I recant my oath to destroy you you made an oath okay let's fight again sometime nah I'll just stretch into a tree H took long enough for you to stretch out of that pit please not even uh because K was right there and there were traps I didn't have no blood this whole time so I'm totally out of it sorry I got a little lightheaded I love you too lady yo guys I still love Flame Princess okay big hug hug and get a robot body oh so uh why you living in this dump you should be out in the world saving fancy ladies in junk that my friend is a long tale which I will tell you now it was a much Wilder time in the Candy Kingdom I was a member of an elite robot police force created by Princess Bubblegum her previous attempts at law enforcement had been a bunch of Goofs stop him go go go go go our righteous swords cut a swap through the chaos but we were too successful un fortunately we were still programmed for [Music] violence 1 2 one 2 one 2 one 2 okay robots all the number one on go stand on that platform over there and all the number twos just turn around and face the wall and no peeking we were programmed to follow her commands 100% but through sheer force of will I was able to overcome it we had been judged too dangerous to stay operational and sentenced to death number twos chop chop [Music] I alone escaped while my compatriots became minimalist Furniture sorry I've lived as a fugitive in this junkyard ever since that is why you must never tell Princess Bubblegum about me if she ever found out she would have me destroyed rattle balls is still what he asked me not to tell you but I cannot break my my o to serve you my lady 100% Captain Root Beer Guy assemble my guard hello princess sorry Rez my oath to the princess comes first but once you two talk it out I know she'll see you mean no harm banana guards destroy so be it wait [Music] re RB don't you think I'm dangerous princess dang right I do you killed all my banana guards no princess look they're only bruised he you hit me I no longer crave mindless violence I have found peace and meditation gardening egg throwing I hope time has also made you less bloodthirsty princess but do with me as you will in my heart I still serve you 100% bigger pimples mean bigger dimples so Mash okay everybody I took care of rattle balls oh wow cool Show's back on [Music] everything's settled I don't have to go back on my order and you can protect the Kingdom from the Shadows thank you princess that's marginally better than hiding in a dump wait I dub the sir rattle [Music] balls I've had a hard life people seem cute they seem nice but then when you can't stop crying because they beat you at tennis that one time they call you a baby yeah cute nice babies beo mhm beo would you move in with me do you Mr Pig take tree trunks to be your ever wedded wife forever following the teachings of me the true king of O I do and do you tree trunks do you promise to love Mr Pig forever and spend the next 5 years with me in my serenity compound performing simple household repairs to have V to hold in sickness and in health in my gated Mountain compound hi everybody get ready to pay attention to [Music] me oh everybody hey I'm here look at my boot my zip everybody this wedding is a farce a criminal farce hey just what are you egging at here I'll tell you what I'm egging at I'm egging at this outdated wedding officient license oh oh is that what this is about you must have found that in my back records I have the up-to-date paperwork right here oh what uh hey wait how did you get that I could have swore it was locked in my zeps nope nope nope stop talking go to jail oh yeah Princess Bubblegum you have gone too far we stand together against your tyranny hey everybody your prison May hold one of us but it may not hold all of us oh poor tree trunks oh oh no the elephant graveyard is calling to me now okay hold your horses I'm coming wait tree trunks look around everyone we care about is all here together Finn Uncle Donald banana guard number one Jake Jake Jr everybody we could have the ceremony right here hey yeah king of O will you do the honors are you crazy that Loopy Bird is going to string me up sideways you can perform your own dang ceremony King oh oh dear oh my gosh tree trunks did you hear huh the king said you could perform your own dang ceremony yeah that really stung but but the king's word is law I can perform my own dang ceremony are you up to it tit I'll try I guess it's time are you ready oh okay um do you Mr Pig take me tree trunk to be your beautiful wedded wife I do and do I Mr Pig take him to be your lawful wetted husband Tree Trunks I do then you you may kiss the bride [Music] oh jeez let them all go banana guard number three uh what I just can't stay mad at something so cute did she just say Let everyone go looks like we've got the whole place to ourselves good luck at your meeting and remember I'll be right over there sending you Good Vibes while you're wowing Princess Bubblegum sending you you Good Vibes sending you Good Vibes sending you Good Vibes yo why are you so confident man aren't you nervous to meet the princess nope my GF is back at my place sending me Good Vibes Johnny's friend has so many movie channels that movie was so dumb oh poop Johnny's meeting I wonder how it went Johnny oh Johnny you're home how'd it go oh don't keep me in suspense Johnny I did it babe I land Ed the sale Johnny that's wonderful and I couldn't have done it without you I know and here's the best part she wants me back at the Castle tonight to go over the contracts during a royal dinner oh My Glob it's going to be so nice to have dinner inside the castle it's been a while oh no it it's a business meeting not social just me and the princess I'm afraid what LSP so bubblegum thinks she can horn in on my territory sitp from my soup after I cut all the onions yo think again trench who who are you talking to so how are you enjoying your time in the Candy Kingdom oh it's just great I met this amazing purple girl at the candy Tavern that's wonderful Johnny now tell me oh Johnny ugly Johnny through my tender love you have metamorphed into beautiful Johnny butterfly every relationship I gamble with my heart I go all in because the payoff is true love I see you when I close my eyes and thinking of you makes my mind feel light all my problems fade away and I can't help smiling to let someone you love go into the arms of another takes a big person I don't know if I can be that big we're under attack can I help no hide yourself beneath the tablecloth there's cide laced gum under the table chew it if you hear Raiders break down the door okay hi Johnny what are you doing here I'm going to time travel you back to when we first met at the tavern back to when you loved me so we can have a second chance what Manfred where are the banana guards take a chill pill princess I handled it what did you handle you know someone drove their car in the door but no one was driving and exploded so I handled it don't chew it don't chew it don't chew [Music] it John come on on set up straight let me see them eyes uh he's not here what but I sent him back the sphere would have had to log his molecules before you engaged the time travel function well then where is he I don't know then if he's gone can you send me back so before I met him so I won't have to remember this heartache if that's what you want do it do it you witch give them what what where are we you asked me to use this don't touch me you pretty skunk you don't know heartache with the whole Candy Kingdom in love with your bubblegum B faster lemon I can't stand no more faster [Applause] [Music] coming wait wait I'm I'm I'm I'm [Music] coming hello hello [Music] [Music] you know I was thinking lemon hope maybe you'd like to stay here in lemong grab while lemong grab recovers every Kingdom needs a champion and you're a true champion if ever I've seen one plus I already set up a little room for you is he going to stay like that like what oh no no no no no once his brains and bodies renit he should be back to his lonely old self which seems to be his only stable relationship model me so will you stay lemon hope and help your people once more n that's okay oh but I thought I mean you guys are cool and all but I mostly came back here so I could stop thinking about about y'all all the time I'll be back when I'm tired of being free see you in a thousand years I guess peace wow I really thought he was going to stay me too I even wrote a song about it hey don't laugh let me hear it no it's terrible come on no come on do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it okay okay young lemon Hope born from Candy and glue creator of beauty and ugliness too poor lemon hope I found you in the dark you lived in the bathroom now live in our hearts Sweet Lemon ho freed by heart sacrifice to live in the kingom of sugar and spice lost lemon hope longed for freom above Compassion or friendship wisdom or love strong lemon hope risking free and health came back for his brothers and for himself safe lemon hope no more will you roam once you were lost and now you're back home shebang that ought to be enough red to un oops Paris is that you you mean the guy with the big thing on his hand yes have you returned to complete the plan nah Paris is like super dead what no how long dude like a really long time like 500 years 500 oh chop I must have zoned out what the heck were you two doing once we turn the city to sand we were going to reanimate their bodies and Conquer my homeland at the center of the planet that's dumb time to go back home a true loser can I have this big old Ruby then that's an emerald clearly it's a big old Ruby I don't know what to tell you man I would like the Ruby it's yours buddy outies peace yep oops okay all done now nice and snug right Jake what I won't be able to to control myself much longer I can feel the Feeding Frenzy coming on I just want to let you know I'm sorry you're sick yeah come on Jake think it's no good I need brain food oh dang I ate everything I'm so hungry baby's going to star the death unless [Music] [Music] what what are you doing I'm cooking up a crazy vampire that should heat up nice sand will keep the meat moist you're going to eat me you's going to eat me yes I [Laughter] am cook baby cook B that trick is rolling it pH check out this Ruby I got that's an emerald dude you too now emeralds are green boy this thing is green why is everybody messing with me me it's like a dark grayish red mostly gray sometimes red things are gray you're a little color blind and there's nothing to be ashamed of oh oops I'm sorry I had to push that thing so far uh what's going on with Marcy she was threatening to eat my insides so I'm cooking her I know that sounds crazy but I had no choice I'm operating on my lowest survival brain function right now what chill man we got up look go go where Jake time to eat huh what the bubblegum hey guys I saw my seis mgraph had gone off the chart so I figured you might be in trouble right yeah but watch out for Marceline she's gone rapid what Marceline's going to rap for [Music] me woof thanks Bonnie it's enough low R to get me home at least come on guys let's go are you all right pee did you get the spoon of prosperity yeah here you go W peeps will never starve in my eternal Empire sand warm up I never saw you again but where would I go without you I'll never know I don't understand you don't seem crazy now now I mean in the future the portal is closing there's no time to explain just know that I love you and I forgive you for leaving me Simon I know who I'm leaving you for who you dum [Music] dum Simon what's wrong are you sick no I'm old the crown was keeping me alive but its magic was negated by the creature Bell no don't die Simon I just got here oh I'm sorry Betty I know I'll fix the crown and then I'll figure out how to fix you what no guys stop her um yeah but kind of sounds like a good idea right whoever you are I'm sorry it's the only way no okay rug take me to bellan no get on Simon I am getting on the death bus I've got you in my sight Simon it's my time Betty I don't want to be the Ice King again it's like living with eternal diaper butt I can't do it not forever destroying ban no and getting your power back will buy me time to find a loophole that'll undo your curse and your death I can do it You' got to believe me Simon get real man you're going to be the Ice King till the sun Sun blows up this is your one chance I made a mixtape for the ride Summer Jams three if I don't let her try then what am I what am us what fair enough seeing a few this Brios won't stop growing Ron James what took yo yo my lab got creamed I had a dummy rig an alchemical filter out of a dirty Beday and a vaporiz but will the double negative magic work heck yeah Ron James always delivers check it out brother yeah in your face what the stink is that my lab conditions were not ideal but you did not deliver peace man we're here to help help how we're toast BR Simon hey don't scare me like that just hold my hand to your face this will be my last sensation don't be a wimp Simon just give me a second you got about 15 [Music] [Applause] seconds how the wait surprise Trench you lose Simon sorry man huh this a party huh wizard city is safe okay whoopy so then Ron James told me this girl I was with flew into bellan noce and mysteriously defeated it for me wow just my luck right black out for a day and meet the woman of your dreams I will get you hey don't be jealous muscle princess she's gone kabo let's be realistic right we both know you're not my top [Music] pick go home you can go [Music]
Channel: Adventure Time
Views: 77,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, fin and jack, adventure time cartoon, new adventure time, adventure time new episode, adventure time last episode, avenger time, adventure time new episodes, finn and jake, ice king, fin and jake, Jake, Ice King, Marceline, adventure time episode, adventure time full, the adventure time, The Snow Golem's New Friend, adventure, time, cartoon network, cartoon network adventure time, cartoon, adventure time finale, adventure time distant lands
Id: ROw6UhHOOb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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