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hello and welcome to race number six in the golden trail world series we're here at the skyrim and it's the very last opportunity for our runners to qualify for the finals but look at this atmosphere the course is covered in people who are going to be cheering them on like rock stars and for a lot of the runners they need to podium to qualify now let's find out what this course looks like take me to the views [Music] this is going to be a super fast race it's 22 kilometers with only 1700 meters of ascent it starts off with a very runnable hill and a down but it's been raining overnight and it's humid as well so this course is slippery the real challenge will be the kilometer climb that they've got halfway and at the top is a very technical and steep downhill some of the runners here will crash out and if you crash out then you're crashing out of the season but to start us off with is this kilometer sprint that the locals would want to win you've got to go out fast but do not get sucked into that let's see what the men and the women are up to this race is going to be dominated by thoughts of the final though people like frederick chanchad and el hasin needs a podium to guarantee their place on the plane so they're going to take it out hard bart is back he wants another win he's surely the favorite but further behind there's so many runners that need to top five to guarantee their place also anthony ferber kristoff and martin from poland they're going to be running and making moves throughout this race in the women ninja brinkman is also back and she has to start as favourite but carina cossolio who came third in dolomo's run she's from mexico fairly unknown but has shown at this distance and this technicality she can really perform well so she could challenge behind her is a huge number of people battling sarah alonso nuria gill catelynn fielder they all had to perform well to guarantee their place on the plane so again people are gonna have to take risks this is gonna be riskier than a bungee jump using spaghetti it's truly gonna be the race of the season yeah it's going to be a good warm up for the response because from start we we will push too hard i think i am very nervous what i said yesterday i wasn't nervous i think i was lying [Music] [Music] what just happened there was noise and explosion of color people running through it's so hard to see who's in which position but we always keep a little bit of a surprise to you and this week it's tebow he's the course record holder he's won here four times but he's had hip problems for the last two weeks and i didn't think he'd be coming out strong but actually he's leading us up the hill there's people like johann bruchard and yan margaret who started the season really slowly that i just didn't think would be on the hill at this stage in the lead pack with people like fred and al hussein the big story though is that bart is slightly behind him only about 10 seconds but that's not where we expect to see him he's not looking comfortable i don't know if today is going to be his race [Music] ninka started this race the way she finished the last one by the top of the first hill she was on the shoulder of anthony ferber who himself is a challenger for the men's title that's how strong she started this race she looks so relaxed enjoying the overwhelming atmosphere she will be taking apart this course record today without a doubt behind her was emily harrick from france the fact she's up there in seconds she must know this course to be that confident with such a strong field and all the usual people you expect to be seen behind her are in a big big bunch you've got elise poncette from team matrix you've got danny you've got sarah alonso and they're gonna be battling out for the podium because they need points a day to make it through to the final let's see what happens on the downhill [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] tebow's hip is clearly playing up because as soon as he started on the downhill he started to shed places i think he probably knew from the start of the race it was going to be the issue and he wouldn't finish in the top three but he saved his performance for that first hill to play to the crowds the french though are showing their local knowledge on the downhill three of them formed a group of el hassin you had sylvan johan and fred who came together by the base of the climb the rune is where this race is won and lost though and yan margaret who's had a terrible start to the season has come through the ranks and actually led at the top and then you've got mr bouchard in second behind him you had pascal in third who's from switzerland he's a skimo climber so he's got ability it's going to be tight though on the way down because first through the fifth make a massive difference to fred and al hasine and they know they need to push all the way to the finish line it's going to be really close for those podium positions in the women they're starting to form some gaps the cameramen have actually been complaining to me about ninka's face because it's too fast for them she has a commanding lead but elise poncette has come through the field 90 minutes in she's in second place and she's built a nice little gap over third but third is where this race is you have sarah you have danny and you also have emily all within 40 seconds they're coming downhill and i know emily's a good descender sarah is looking quite tired but she needs the point as does danny there's a gap behind them so actually this race is about those three runners and you just can't call it it's too tight let's see what happens on the down [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're here at the finish and that downhill gave us the finish we were looking for yan stormed through for his first win of the season but also just sees him qualify for a golden ticket place in the final johan actually managed to catch jan margarita but took too much out of his legs and in the last few kilometers where it flattened off in third pascal fourth frederick and fifth el hassin has had huge changes on who's going out to the finals nika didn't slow down she's clearly practicing the downhill for the finals because she qualifies in second place overall today she won again in a new course record two out of two for her in second place elise comes through for her first podium of the season at the very moment that she needed that to get a golden ticket place she's through sarah alonso held off the fight of danny on the down to get her third podium of the season she's through danny's through and in fifth place emily the local girl holds on for her second fifth in two races at this venue now let's see what that does to the overall scores for the finals that are coming up how the final works 11 get a golden ticket which means all their expenses are paid for but even if you're not in the top 11 you can still go and try and battle it out to finish in the top 10 where the money is by the end of the season first off we've got stein three wins he's straight through in second place is bart followed by davide remy el hasine has done enough today to qualify tebow francesco papi sylvan kashad is also qualified after today's performance jan margarita in one of the final places where the win today sees himself through as does frederick chun chant in the women moored three from three she's first through joined by ninca a true challenger in second place anna sabrier judith wider blondine lohorandel all through as is marcella vasinova sarah alonso comes through with danny mourinho and elise poncette all qualifying after today's race and caitlyn fielder and odile speicher have done enough to qualify 10th and 11th we'll see you in three weeks time for the final in eliero i can't tell you anything about the course yet because i still haven't set it but you know it's gonna be feisty and you also know one thing it's gonna truly be the race of the season we'll see you there carry on watching guys and happy trails after a roller coaster of a season the best elite athletes in the world have battled champions have been crowned new talents have risen and the hunger for victory is bigger than ever the golden trail world series is going to the cannery islands for the last event of the season the one race has been exclusively created for the occasion 37 kilometers of heart on raw volcanic rock trails with 2862 accumulated gain the final event of the season has all the ingredients to give us the biggest showdown of the year see you on the 16th of october in algeria for the grand finale of the golden trail world series
Views: 12,805
Rating: 4.9644971 out of 5
Id: CTPGnUutezY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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