GTA SA - Why Remaster is Garbage? [Part 2] - Feat. BadgerGoodger

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[Music] hey everyone badger here and today we'll continue to show you why the official hd port or so-called remaster of san andreas on the consoles is a disaster and a huge disappointment previously we found out that the remaster on the xbox 360 xbox one and playstation 3 has tons of bugs which gives off the impression that the developers had zero care for the quality of their product also thanks to the backwards compatibility program on xbox you can now enjoy this broken version of the game on your series s and series x we also looked at some of the strange enhancements and apparent improvements that people didn't even like because really how can you enjoy them if they seem to be either broken or mostly unnecessary but today for part two we'll be looking at some of the more serious issues that are in this version of the game you better be prepared to be shocked yet again because you will see more examples of how the developers of gta san andreas remastered ruined multiple game mechanics making some of them way too simplified as well as getting rid of various interesting small features and details that were present in the original game and don't be fooled by the so-called enhanced graphics either despite looking halfway decent sometimes it manages to be two steps behind the original ps2 version from 2004. some of you may already know why there are so many problems in this version but for those who don't know then you can blame the stupid decision that somebody made when they decided to take the mobile port of the game and release it on consoles without changing much in the game's core don't believe me well then let's activate the so-called secret show mappings chief that i showed you in my older video by activating this debug cheat you will immediately notice the familiar button icons from the mobile ports and these aren't just static icons that will appear on your tv or monitor if you press a certain button on the gamepad the relevant icon will light up showing that you successfully activated it as if you had pressed it on a touchscreen device perhaps the developers used this function to emulate touch controls on a gamepad or vice versa but either way it looks very odd you know what's even funnier these icons still exist in the remaster one asks you to choose a touch layout with the second one asking you to select a steering method mentioning thumbs of course these widgets are unused and remain hidden but the fact that they're still present in the code once again proves one very important thing the console re-release the remaster if you will is nothing more than just a slightly modified mobile version of the game now you're going to find out why some of the game mechanics in this version are simplified and for the most part just as broken as they are in the mobile port of the game perhaps the best example is the broken bike controls in the original version by holding the acceleration button cj will cycle at a regular speed but as soon as you start tapping it he'll speed up and his cycling animation will show him cycling faster unfortunately in the remaster this mechanic has been simplified no matter how you press the button the game will always activate the more advanced cycling technique the faster one leaving you with no way to cycle at a regular speed that disappointed a lot of people in the first few minutes of trying this version of the game now if you think that's dumb do you know what's even dumber the acceleration button in the remaster is by default set on the right analog trigger however the game doesn't even track the pressure that you're making when you click down on it what could have easily been used to adjust the speed of the bike was simply ignored by the developers and this issue originated with the mobile port where the cycling mechanic wasn't really a good fit for touch screens because otherwise the user would be endlessly tapping their finger on their cell phone unfortunately the developers had no better idea than to make the acceleration button activate the full speed of the bike without reverting this change back to the way it originally was for the console re-release this small example perfectly shows you the quality of this product thanks to the mobile version of the game the remastered version has this so called auto climb feature which happens when you're holding the sprint button now there's no doubt that it might be convenient if you're playing on a cell phone but what was the point of leaving this in on the console version a lot of people just end up climbing up something that they didn't really want to and they got to jump back down again it's also really annoying seeing carl constantly bumping his head into an obstacle because for some reason he wants to climb up somewhere that he can't and it really slows you down thankfully you can disable this stupid option in the menu although you won't be able to do that in the digital copy on the xbox 360. the revamped fighting system looks kinda weird on consoles too now all you need to do to really fight is just hold the attack button down and cj will beat his opponent until you release it in the original version of the game one press of the button equals one hit so if you want to win the battle then you need to mash the attack button this allows you to take full control in the fight and genuinely enjoy the process at the same time the same thing happens now while using special attacks i don't know about you but in my opinion it's not very fun just holding one button down and then watching the fight of course if you're playing this game on a cell phone or a tablet then yeah it was the right solution but on consoles it's worthless even the ability to pick up stolen goods during the burglary side mission suffered from this issue in the original version if you wanted to pick up a certain item all you had to do was stand next to it and press the correct button this will give carl a command to pick it up it's as simple as that but it looks like the developers thought that would be too difficult in the mobile version and decided to automate it as a result in the remaster on the consoles as soon as carl gets close to an item he will automatically go closer to it and pick it up even if you didn't really want to steal it do you think the developers fully tested this change after implementing it of course not first of all it's now very hard to put the item that you just picked up back down if you put it down again carl might just pick it up again then you could try putting it down again but carl's just too stubborn he'll pick it up again until you get lucky enough to move to the right spot so that he won't even touch it anymore yeah it's pretty frustrating oh and another thing always try to reach for the item when you're actually facing it because otherwise there is a pretty big chance that cj will attempt to pick it up through an obstacle and he'll just end up getting stuck in a random piece of furniture now the first few seconds after this happens you might think it looks funny let's say you realize there's no way you can cancel this action at the same time while carl is trying to do the impossible the noise meter keeps rising up and soon enough the npc inside will be alerted you can clearly see that i am pressing all the buttons i can but it does not help me much if you got stuck like i did then don't even think about canceling the mission otherwise you're going to get stuck here forever unless something interrupts carl like on this footage i guess in this case i was lucky enough to avoid having to reload the save as stupid as this sounds the best possible solution in this situation is to wait until the timer runs out and then you'll be teleported outside of the house of course you will fail the mission and get the cops on your tail but trust me it's better than having to reload to save also for some very strange reason as soon as you exit the boxeville the doors will open up by themselves and when you re-enter it they'll close which never happens in the original game funny enough even the simple new feature was done very poorly because every single time you exit the van you'll hear this buggy sound from behind now [Music] you know it kinda sounds like a drum roll except nothing exciting happens and that is how the developers ruined this interesting pastime that we all enjoyed in the original release other game mechanics such as exercising at the gym have also gotten worse in the remaster first let's take a look at weightlifting in the original version of the game in order to gain more muscle you need to quickly alternate between pressing two buttons if you do it the right way the power bar will fill up and over time cj will become more and more muscular the more muscular you are the easier it will be for cj to lift heavier weights sadly though in the remaster this mechanic is yet another one that has been simplified and the game now asks you to press only one button instead of alternating between two i think you'll agree that this kind of change makes this mini-game much more casual and boring and hey have you noticed that there's no power bar on the screen anymore so now you're lifting weights blindly cool huh but hold tight because there's some other crazy stuff happening in this new version pay attention to how carl has absolutely zero muscle right now he is 100 skinny it seems that the developers had screwed up the code somehow and introduced this new bug where skinny carl can easily lift the heaviest weight in the gym with no effort isn't this just amazing what was the point of trying to lift heavier weights as time goes on if now you just skip that step and mash one button to reach your goal of course there is no such nonsense present in the original game the game knows when you're allowed to lift heavier weights in the gym no matter how hard you try to mash the buttons in the original version you will not be able to cheat the system but what about the treadmill and bike exercises you might be asking well there's nothing extraordinary about them besides the fact that they have no power bar again so once again you have absolutely no idea how you're doing during the exercise of course these downgrades at the gym on console make no sense but if you look at the mobile port then things might become a little more clear if you didn't know all of the exercises in the android and ios version of the game became lame minigames for example when you're weightlifting all you have to do is tap the button at the right time to register a successful rep when you do running exercises you have to move your finger in a circle to gain speed which you can do very calmly this is why there's no power bar on the screen anymore it simply became useless at least on mobile funny thing is the lifting mini game is a buggy and unfinished mess you can totally ignore the moving bar and tap the button randomly the game will still usually register the rep anyway not to mention the fact that you can be really skinny and still lift heavy weights from the beginning as you can see for mobile devices they successfully broke the gym and that's why all of these flaws reappeared in the remaster by default now tell me something do you like it when the developers pull pranks on you in their game probably not especially not when you're flying on a jet pack somewhere in the sky at a very high altitude not many people know about this but in the newer version if you press the exit vehicle button cj will take his jetpack off in midair before slamming into the ground a short time later without any doubt this new feature is very stupid but for some reason they left the exit vehicle button on the screen in the mobile version of the game why would they do that because they hate you that's why no i'm just kidding maybe they just forgot to disable the button when you're not touching the ground anymore there are some other really weird changes too for instance in the remaster cj does not immediately jump when you press the corresponding button he only does it when you actually release the button it doesn't feel right and it never worked like this in the original version in the mobile port carl jumps by double tapping the sprint widget maybe this is why this function doesn't work properly on a gamepad i noticed that the same thing happens with the enter and exit vehicle button too if the previous change that we talked about introduced a stupid delay that happens before jumping then this change messes with how you get out of a car in the original version if you press and hold the exit button while you're driving fast enough carl will bail out of the vehicle an action that could very well save his life in the remaster carl immediately hits the brakes and lets it slow down to a complete stop just like if you were to slow down while driving in the original without trying to jump out if the player is not aware of this change then in some cases it might ruin their current playthrough like on this footage sadly this is how the enter and exit widget works in the mobile port of the game and once again i have no explanation for why it does this and finally the same issue happens while hitting the attack button too but only when you're using a scope it happens when you're shooting with a sniper rifle and also while you're firing rpgs or even if you're just taking pictures with an ordinary camera i'll repeat again it shouldn't be like that since we're talking about weapons i think it's worth mentioning that the rifle has no unique aiming mechanic anymore instead it goes into a first person view like you see in some story missions another sad change the developers made were changes to some industrial vehicle controls in the original version things such as the bed of the dumper the forks on the forklift the towing hook on the tow truck and a few more things on vehicles could be manually adjusted by moving the right analog stick it was always a nice little detail of the game unfortunately in the enhanced version these controls have been dumbed down now you can only choose between two opposite states minimum or maximum you can't adjust the height or angle like you could in the original version all thanks to touch screen adaption i'm not sure if anyone cares about this but the strength that carl hits the cue ball in the pull mini game with now depends on the moment that you press the button and not on how fast you move the right analog stick as a result they made this mini-game now much less flexible and much more casual than it was before if you're not pressing any button then carl will be stuck in this loop ready to strike the ball and rubbing the cue against his hand forever well that looks awkward don't you think by the way how do you like the new feature where after respawning at the hospital you don't lose your weapons anymore yeah that's right starting from the mobile version of the game you don't have to be afraid of losing your weapons after dying anymore you can basically go berserk straight after you're discharged from the hospital over and over again until you get busted by the cops and they take your weapons away or until you just run out of bullets of course this makes things much easier but don't forget this change also makes one of the main rewards for having a relationship with katie pretty much redundant since now the game basically does the same thing from the start do you remember how cool it was to find a camera and take some random shots to look through later in a photo gallery i'm sure we all showed our friends some really weird photos that we took in the game sadly you can now forget about this cool feature in the remaster in this new version the camera is only needed now to complete the snapshots in san fiero and to progress further in a few missions other than that it became pretty much useless because there's no photo gallery the game doesn't save your photos anymore which is quite sad the next thing they manage to screw up with the camera is its zooming ability as you can see it isn't hard to notice that in the original version the camera has a much more powerful zoom compared to the remaster but it still takes the same amount of time to zoom in and out [Music] thanks to that zooming in the new version feels very slow and for the most part it doesn't help you much but at least they corrected the aspect ratio of the overlay texture thanks for that i guess but what about the sniper rifle well if my eyes aren't deceiving me then i see no difference in zooming in or out so that's that they just screwed up something in the camera somehow let's be honest didn't you just hate seeing this annoying pop-up telling you that your turf is being attacked by a rival gang and you know what for some very weird reason the developers decided that it would be a great idea to disable the water level during a turf war in their version thanks to that if you're in the middle of a battle with the police then as soon as your turf is under attack the cops will immediately lose interest in chasing you down they'll just vanish from the crime scene as soon as possible they basically forget about your crimes while you're being told to protect your territory come on to remind you there was no such thing in the original version of the game when your turf is attacked you'll still get a wanted level if you commit crimes but when you enter the turf war the wanted level sort of freezes new cops stop spawning until you take over the territory this of course is still better than a sudden disappearance of the wanted level on the other hand there's now a cool new trick that you can use because of this change if you have the police on your tail and you're too lazy to drive all the way to a pay and spray simply trigger a turf war and the cops will leave you alone and if you don't want to take over the territory then just like in the original version of the game all you gotta do is enter any taxi or emergency vehicle and toggle the submission and then the turf war will be canceled and that's it no cops and no turf war in less than a minute you can use that if you want to i think you know about toggling a secondary siren by holding down the horn button while you're driving an emergency vehicle you can forget about doing that in the remaster because instead of looping the sirens turn off [Music] on the other hand there's no such problem with the horn of course it's another stupid bug that they introduced in the mobile version of the game and since day one of its release it has not been fixed now what about the hidden details not many people know about this but you can turn on the searchlight in a police maverick by pressing the horn button like this of course it's pretty pointless but it's still another cool little detail in the game yet again you can no longer do this in the enhanced version because when you press the correct button the search light won't light up even after pressing other buttons too but if for some reason you really wanted to fly the police chopper with a searchlight then your only option is to steal a police maverick at night by using this trick but why should it be so complicated to do this you should be able to do this just by pressing a button they also change the way that you swim in this game for some odd reason the developers reverse the diving controls in the original game when you push the left analog stick forward carl dives into the water but in the remaster instead he emerges from the water when you push forward for such a minor change it made a lot of players complain about cj constantly coming up to the surface i'm not kidding either people were saying it's impossible to dive into the water in this version because of this change despite the fact that that's not true you can't blame these people for saying that because in the remaster after jumping from a certain height cj won't go beneath the surface of the water anymore like he would in the original game but this doesn't happen consistently either under some circumstances cj can dive in a bit which means that this mechanic is probably broken too it feels to me like the game doesn't properly calculate the falling speed anymore but that's just a theory now i want you to pay close attention to the hydra controls i'm sure a lot of you know that they completely revamped or let's just say ruined this jets controls for touch screens the problem is they became automatic in order to retract the landing gear you don't need to press a certain widget anymore instead you have to go to the right altitude by pushing the acceleration button long enough in order to fly forward you have to tilt your plane forward and only then will the game change the thruster's angle those of you who have played this on a mobile platform know the pain of controlling this jet knowing that this amazing system doesn't really work as intended you can really waste a lot of time when you're just trying to get from point a to point b but you know what the developers actually restore the original mechanic for the hydra in the console version meaning that you can now freely take over the landing gear whenever you want not to mention you can also change the thruster angle with the right analog stick when you want to no more stupid automation now there's something that's almost like the original version of the game do you realize now that the developers could have easily restored many other original mechanics in their console version instead of leaving them as is unfortunately they did not do this and now the players are left to suffer with these broken mechanics now as nice as it was that they restored the hydra's landing gear and thruster controls they didn't restore the missile lock-on mechanic if you're flying above ground with a lot of cars around the hydra will always keep locking onto them even if you have no intent to attack as a result you will constantly see this green and red sight appearing and disappearing on your screen like crazy do you know what's more sad yet again they introduced a completely new bug by making this change if you exit the jet while you have the sight on your screen then it won't disappear in fact you can even approach it and take a closer look fortunately it will disappear eventually do you know why this bug could happen in the original version of the game the lock on mode only works when you're pressing a certain button while you're in this special mode you can't exit the jet you see there are some limitations and conditions in this feature but due to laziness in the way that they implemented it we have an annoying new bug as a result so what is it that we hate about this new version of san andreas that we hate the most the various downgrades of course so now let's talk about what this version does not have in comparison to the original release we can assume that the developers got rid of the vegetation in the mobile port to better optimize the game for mobile devices but why would they leave it like this for the console version too places that were once full of bushes trees and grass now look very empty barren and boring tell me something would you rather walk through the dense foliage in the original or walk through the same area in the remaster just to see how depressing and flat this place has become do you think that only the forests are suffering from this kind of emptiness well then take a look at the desert in las venturas there is absolutely nothing here anymore no more dead bushes no cacti nothing apart from the sandy environment is left here and look at the fields too they're as empty as the other places in the remaster also you notice how the crops and grass could sway in the wind wasn't that cool so yeah no matter where you are this area will be empty and quite disappointing but there's something else that might disappoint you more they also got rid of the various props and objects around the map too such as the rocks and they also got rid of the small trees which you could run over in the fields or blow up with a satchel charge don't you think that was always a cool thing to mess around with if you don't remember some of the rocks were breakable too so yeah i think you might agree that this downgrade is one of the more disappointing things in the enhanced version now until this very moment we've been comparing the enhanced version with the ps2 version but don't forget that the pc version and the original xbox version came out later than the ps2 version as well and not only do these versions also have less plant density around the map but the textures in general appearance are also slightly different but no matter what the vegetation is still there you can still enjoy it apart from the other little cut details that i'll show you in a moment for instance in the original version if you don't interact with the game for some time it will enable the idle camera which will zoom around and show you what's going on in your immediate surroundings in the remaster sadly this is no longer a thing i think you remember these pesky drivers that will ram your car if you crash into them which always looked a bit weird people call them aggressive drivers and unfortunately they disappeared from the enhanced version too but the truth is this feature was always exclusive to the pc version and i wonder if it was a cut feature that somehow ended up being enabled in this version on top of that when you're swimming underwater you won't see the screen distortion effect anymore it simply vanished in the remaster and thanks to that you can't even tell if you're in a different environment apart from seeing the bubbles coming out of carl well thanks for leaving that at least of course one could argue this effect looks way better on ps2 than on pc but we're talking about its presence and not how good it looks on various platforms another awful thing that people notice is the absence of a blurry screen while driving at high speeds to remind you the faster you drive the blurrier your screen becomes but as you can see nothing changes in the remaster and if they sacrificed that then don't expect that your screen will change after activating nitro either i don't know about you but to me it's like it completely loses the wow factor remember the heat haze effect that you'd see during a hot sunny day in san andreas well once again this is something that you won't experience in the new version although i'm sure that lots of people already hated it anyway but what about the heat effect around the fire well that's gone too doesn't it make the fire look more natural and dangerous you decide and now take a look at the hydra's thrusters once again there is no heat effect coming from here of course the jet pack has the same issue too and i really doubt that most people would be happy with these downgrades and details another disappointing thing in the enhanced version is the lack of big clouds in the sky and while you're watching the emptiness just look at how cool the heat effect looks on the hydra thrusters the more we look the more disappointing things become but do you know what's worse the foggy weather with absolutely no fog look at this am i really supposed to believe that a dimmed picture with a low draw distance is supposed to be foggy weather now come on what about the rainy weather well now there's no noise effect during the heavy rainfall but hey at least we still see raindrops to be honest i wouldn't have been surprised if they ended up getting cut too say goodbye to the grain effect while using the night vision goggles in the remaster as well just tell me what do you think looks better a simple green filter on your screen or what you see in the original version but what about the thermal goggles to the surprise of no one they look way better and more natural in the ps2 version but if we compare them with the pc and xbox versions then we can see that there's no grain effect either which is disappointing now let's continue to talk about the so-called upgrades this time we can focus on the mysterious improved car models when the mobile version was announced rockstar told us that not only would characters receive enhanced models but so would cars and thanks to the first part of this video series we know what these enhanced character models look like they call these broken and ugly models by wardroom studios and improvement but what about the cars to this day players are still trying to figure out what was actually improved in the car models it's pretty hard to figure out especially since after that announcement rockstar never mentioned it again could the enhancement be this new broken windshield texture i mean i guess it counts as an enhancement but it's not exactly a noteworthy change not to mention it has nothing to do with the model itself okay can we count the missing part of the cheetah's grill as an enhancement all jokes aside this bug has been around since the release of the mobile port and like with many other bugs in that version it's as if they don't care about fixing it but don't think that this only happens to the cheetah because the headlights on the phoenix are missing some parts to them too and because of this you can now see the road surface through the car something similar happened with the yankee you will definitely notice that there is something wrong with its right headlight and once again you can look right through it have you seen the dozer in this new version it's got a lot of holes in it now some swiss cheese effect going on with it you can always speculate that these holes were there for a reason for instance maybe the ability to look through it is the enhancement or not it's just another really stupid bug with the model do you know what looks even more stupid the dumper's bed which has so many openings in it now that i'm not quite sure if that's useful as a construction vehicle as you can see the situation with the vehicle models is quite sad i have to wonder how did the developers not notice this when they were working on the game the glitchy models aren't exactly hidden or in a spot where they might have missed it because it was hard to notice the issues are quite visible and i highly doubt they would have missed them but do you know what's funny we actually know the cause of these issues apparently the developers enabled backface culling on vehicles to squeeze the performance out on mobile platforms however for some reason for some polygons they used front face culling instead of backface culling and it made holes in the models in other words these polygons render but from another side we won't talk about why they used the wrong culling set but what was the point of leaving this hack in the console versions in the first place i guess they never bothered to disable it even stranger is how the game now refuses to render the rhino's sixth pair of wheels i mean really what is this supposed to be what i do know is that this specific bug is related to the new vehicle reflection system how do i know that well by choosing any other car reflection quality in the mobile version apart from maximum quality it actually fixes the problem as you can see it doesn't fix the missing polygons but the nice thing is that we know now why this happens on consoles too because on those platforms the reflections are maxed out by default speaking of wheels don't you hate this new bug present on the bike wheels to me it looks like there's something wrong with the texture wrapping or edge smoothing because it's on the back of the wheel it's way too noticeable and you will always see it when you're driving a bike so what do we have in the end despite the fact that this version apparently has some mysterious car model enhancements i didn't find them instead i just found more annoying bugs that were never there in the original game of course all the old bugs that have been there since the ps2 version are still present and you know i am still very curious to know what they really meant by saying this in that announcement it can't just be the stupid new broken glass texture no i refuse to believe that now let's talk about another enhancement in this new version which we know as an improved shadow system but trust me it's not as good as you might have thought if you don't know the full details you might say these new shadows look amazing and to be honest it's hard to argue with that because they're rendered in real time and they look very solid however if we look deeper at the shadow system then you'll definitely see some distinct flaws in it first of all dynamic shadows in the enhanced version are rendered only by pedestrians vehicles and cj but for some weird reasons secondary props such as lampposts and boxes have these outdated ps2 shadows one has a pre-rendered shadow the second has a typical blurry stain on the ground and objects like trees and telephone poles won't even cast a shadow at all and you know what the ps2 version had the exact same thing in this regard i think the shadows in the pc and xbox versions look the most detailed out of any version they are rendered by almost everything we discussed before including lampposts wires vehicles cj trees and many other props had received dynamic shadows but let's keep looking at the remaster in the remaster while cj is in an interior he doesn't cast a dynamic shadow anymore but for some reason npcs do which is kind of strange and hey if you notice how there are no more fake or pre-rendered shadows here thanks to that the interiors in the new version look unnatural very bright and quite cheap however other interiors such as the gym and los santos still have them but as you can see it doesn't help much as the lighting on npcs is screwed juan carl it's not we'll talk about this some other time if you ask me i think the absence of fake shadows is a very nasty downgrade because it basically leads to a worse experience while you're watching your favorite cutscenes just look at how bright and unnatural the interior of sweets home is now the only thing still casting a shadow in here is the ceiling fan of course using fake shadows in a video game is a dirty trick especially when it's just a simple dark texture overlay but doesn't the interior look better with them what was even their reason for getting rid of them to begin with kind of wish i knew you know what else is strange in the new version aircraft won't cast shadows at all now but did you know you'd still turn them on just enter the cockpit and there you go the game will suddenly enable a blurry spot that's supposed to be a shadow but it'll disappear as soon as you exit the aircraft kind of a cheap implementation huh however on some occasions the shadow is visible sometimes it disappears after you move the camera to be honest i have no idea how these aircraft shadows really work it might be hard to believe but it wasn't so bad in the ps2 version you always had the blurry shadow at least which was rendered all the time so i wonder if this is yet another flaw in the code for the remaster but the winners here obviously are the pc and xbox versions with their dynamic shadows this is what we should have had in the remaster to begin with but with better implementation don't you agree do you know what's better in the remaster well now all weapons cast shadows in this game and yes i know they're too blurry and messy on xbox and pc to see them but trust me the weapons in these versions do not cast shadows at all however there is one tiny flaw in this advantage if cj is wielding two guns at once the second gun won't ever cast a shadow and it'll look like you're shooting from your fingers something similar happens when you're holding stolen property during the burglary side mission on pc and xbox you can definitely see no goods in carl's hands in the shadow meanwhile in the remaster you can see the freaking gun there but not the stereo but at least the jet pack has the shadow now too thanks to its large size you can easily see it on this comparison without having to imagine that it's there as you can see for the most part these improved dynamic shadows are mostly based on the pc and xbox shadows as they share some distinct similarities but at the same time there are some differences i'm not sure if this happens on pc or xbox but sometimes carl's shadow might disappear while you're riding a bike or a motorcycle thankfully eventually the shadow will magically reappear but i still don't understand what causes the issue but the most annoying thing that you will experience is the double shadow issue you might already know that in a few places on pc the game will render an additional dynamic shadow where it doesn't belong well in the remaster you'll see them a lot better not to mention there are more places where they appear for no apparent reason for instance let's take a look at this place there's no issue here on pc or xbox but in the enhanced version you'll see a double shadow trust me the weather and the time are both the same on both pieces of footage and hey sometimes these double shadows can actually scare you too when i first saw this on the wall i was like what these are just ballers trying to kill me i guess it only happens for those models which have a special flag to reflect the shadow and for some reason the consequences are more frustrating than before as a result the new shadow system in the enhanced version is just a slightly upgraded version of the pc and xbox mechanic with the outdated ps2 code can we say that the shadow mechanic overall is much better than on pc or ps2 well definitely not but the new dynamic stencil shadows are indeed impressive i guess i just wish it was more polished do you know what causes more pain in these lousy downgrades the stupid in-game camera the core of which was completely remade for the touch controls perhaps the main problem with the camera is the sensitivity it's hard to explain in words but in the original release the camera used to be way more responsive and smooth i'll try to prove that when you're pushing the analog stick just slightly the camera on the remaster moves way too fast while in the original game it moves very slowly as it logically should when you're pushing the stick slightly more the camera in the remaster moves even faster while in the original version it moves just as you would expect still not fast but not as slow as before and finally when you're pushing the stick all the way the camera and the remaster will rotate way too fast even faster than it would in the original if you did this do you think you can fix it by changing the sensitivity in the options nope because for the most part these settings are broken if you lower the sensitivity the camera will move like a turtle it'll take ages to rotate that's not usable at all but when you set the sensitivity higher the camera will spin like crazy also not usable i didn't say the exact numbers i chose in the settings on purpose these weren't even the lowest or highest values they were somewhere in the middle it will take you some time to find your desired sensitivity but it still won't be the same as it was in the original version of the game but when you do find the right settings be prepared to suffer through another issue yet again because different camera modes in this version don't all have the same sensitivity for instance by setting sensitivity to 38 the third person camera moves like this which is acceptable i guess but this is how it works for the first person camera and some story missions it moves too freaking slow and it takes ages to aim in the right direction yes that's right you will have to open the stupid settings in the middle of the mission and set the sensitivity to something else like let's say 80 percent only then will you get around the same result as you had on foot but don't forget to revert this change after completing the mission because these settings become difficult to play with is it convenient to keep on doing this of course not but there are even worse camera changes thanks to the android and ios versions the camera angle in the aircraft is fixed now meaning that it is fully static and it doesn't move up or down when you're taking off or landing it also means that there's no ability to rotate the camera anymore when you're piloting an aircraft in the remaster the right analog stick does absolutely nothing without a doubt this downgrade really complicates things because when you're flying you'll always want to see what's going around you but now you can't because the developers decided to prohibit you from doing so as a result some of the story missions become more frustrating than before especially missions where you might have already had problems in the original but in the end you'll still be able to pass them all it'll just take time luck and some trial and error i guess another thing from the mobile version the developers completely changed how you activate various camera modes in vehicles and i won't lie using touch gestures like pinching to zoom in and out is a good thing to implement on a touch screen it makes sense but these camera modes appeared in the console version too and it would be fine if the developers didn't forget about bringing back the cinematic camera mode after getting rid of it for android and ios devices yes that's right you can no longer activate the cinematic camera anymore you know it's only been present in every game since gta 3 and it's been loved by many on the other hand you can still experience this camera mode while you're driving a train or while you're traveling between cities via the airlines and maybe somewhere else where it was the default camera mode we also shouldn't forget about the useful little details with the camera in the original game by using the left analog stick you can not only steer the car left or right but you can also move the camera up and down with it unfortunately moving the camera with the left analog stick is something that the remaster is missing and as some of you may remember this feature was useful on some occasions especially when you're driving a low rider or doing something else where you might need it and when cj is swimming the camera in the original version always used to bounce back a bit when you release the thumbstick and once again there is no such thing in the remaster also in the original version when you spin the camera around you'll feel some sort of resistance from the camera and it'll take some time to spin it around i think you can already guess that this has been removed starting with the release of the mobile version for better usage of touch controls if you were wondering both features are absent on pc if you use a mouse in this version the camera follows the direction of the mouse while i am still very proud about the first part of this video series a few things should still be corrected and explained because some of the corrections and additions are actually astonishing and i have no problem admitting my flaws for instance we finally have an answer as to why all the character models are broken in this version as stupid as this sounds while porting the game to another renderer the developers introduced a bug in storing skin weights instead of a two byte value for some reason they used a one byte value this ended up breaking vertex elasticity and they became overstretched this was found by the flow the author of an unofficial ps vita port and ifarbod patched this problem in his unofficial fixed mobile port release you see this whole time it was just a stupid bug in the code and not a problem with the models like we thought before but no matter what the developers still never bothered to fix it and it's a pretty easy bug to squash i wonder if they just didn't know what the problem was and simply ignored it previously i told you then the remaster as soon as you rotate the camera the clouds will teleport here and there well while the bug is 100 real it's not present only in the original version on pc and on xbox but in the ps2 version it's there this is something i missed while preparing the first part and to be honest i have no idea why it reappeared in the enhanced version after it was already fixed on pc and xbox i also showed you this mysterious barrier in the desert which for some reason has a strange bug that lets you see right through it so the car is passing by behind it the thing is you can find this bug in the original xbox and pc versions too but then not on the ps2 it looks like rockstar screwed this model up since it was on pc and xbox it wasn't wardrobe studio's fault at all apart from not fixing it and there are quite a few similar problematic models all around the map but once again they were screwed in the ps2 release by rockstar themselves not war drum previously we found out that you swim slower and lose strength faster in the remaster and this is still true but what i want to point out is the fact that some people said that this bug occurs because the remaster has a higher frame rate and that you can experience a similar bug on pc when you turn off the frame limiter the thing is the remaster plays at 30 frames per second yet you're still going to experience the same bug as if the frame rate was higher i think we should just accept that swimming in the remaster is broken also remember how i showed you that sometimes the radar on the map in the menu won't always fully load and look like a mess turns out that it happens because the higher quality map textures some people managed to fix this bug by simply using the original low resolution textures wardrobe studios just didn't properly increase the streaming in this place and the game sometimes bugs out from these high quality textures remember when i said that you shouldn't drive too fast in the countryside because if you do then you'll see these strange graphical corruptions in the left and right corners well it turns out that this is an original rockstar bug on all platforms involving the wide screen resolution i didn't notice it because i didn't use a wide screen option while testing both versions so that's also not war drum's bug but the rest of it is pretty much solid and i have nothing else to add and that's the end of part two you might be amazed to hear this but i've still got stuff to talk about with this remaster so yes there will be a third part to this series if you have some things to mention about this version make sure you write it down in the comments below maybe there are still some things that i'm not aware of yet for more videos on gta rockstar and occasionally gaming in general check out my channel here on youtube at badger goodger and vandam and i are both on twitter as well so go follow us there too anyway this has been badger and i hope everyone has a great day out there peace out everyone
Channel: Vadim M
Views: 2,309,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vadim M English, Vadim M, Rockstar Games, GTA, Grand Theft Auto, data mining, GTA San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, GTA comparison, GTA Difference, GTA best version, GTA worst version, GTA graphics comparison, GTA San Andreas comparison, GTA SA Comparison, GTA SA Xbox 360, GTA SA PS3, GTA SA Xbox One, GTA SA Remastered, GTA San Andreas Remastered, GTA SA HD Port, gta san andreas remastered, gta san andreas, grand theft auto, gta sa bugs, gta sa glitches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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