GTA 6 SOURCE CODE LEAKED... - Ryan's Rants 3

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what's going on guys it's your boy scrubby here back again with another video just dropped my phone welcome back to Ryan's rants the series where I rant about what I want once a week uh we've got a pretty good episode here today but let's get into it first thing I just I gotta get this off my chest guys I've been playing a lot of Star Wars Lego it's the game play right now uh it's gonna be the gameplay on Scrubs for a bit I've been having myself a great time I went ahead I beat the original trilogy I beat the prequel trilogy and at this point I've got stud multipliers like I've been really grinding this game I've been looking up how to find all the like power bricks I've been grinding so I go to start the like last Trilogy seven eight nine I load seven and I get a black screen so I'm like huh that's weird I wait for the auto save thing to disappear close the game reopen it it's a black screen huh that's weird verify the game files on Steam restart my computer it's still a black screen so at this point I'm annoyed because I've spent like 12 hours on this save but it's a broken save I don't know what to do about it I start googling it nobody has any fixes that I can find so whatever I start over and listen was I hyped to play through the original prequel trilogy and the classic Trilogy after I had just done it like earlier that week no but I wanted to get seven eight and nine gameplay for the channels so I get all the way back through I go to start episode 7 and it does it again so I don't know if the PC Port is just broken but I'm not even gonna bother like playing this game anymore once I'm out of the gameplay I've already got recorded I'm done because it's the second save now that's been garbage after like 12 hours of grinding it and I've looked online everywhere I I no one has any fix for it so if someone who can do something for me could like fix the save that would be sick I highly doubt it but wouldn't that be annoying man I think I have like 20 hours played on the game and all my saves are done so all that 20 hours was just for nothing I'm a very upset fella at this game at the moment so buyer beware I don't know if it does that on Console but if you're gonna get it on the PC be careful and before some warrior in the comments that's like going to bat for every Star Wars game for some reason oh your PC is probably just garbage and not system optimized no bro I've got a 30 90 TI and like 128 gigabytes of RAM in a processor that I don't even know what specifically it is but it's an it's it's a good one I don't think my PC is the problem I didn't shut it down I didn't Tab out it just does not work so that's annoying I I wanted to rant about that and you know like usually I don't rant about problems I'm having with games but goodness gracious this one's got me bothered you know how annoying it is to lose 20 hours of a grind and I love Star Wars Lego it was like the first game I ever got really into back on the PS2 and other than this save issue it's been really fun there's a reason I put so many hours into it but imagine if every time you put 20 hours into a game it made you restart it wouldn't be a very fun game it sounds horrible that does not sound like a very good time especially because it's like dude I probably could have made some videos instead of replaying it the second time I'm not gonna lie and that's my choice I was procrastinating I'm not blaming anyone but myself but it made me even more bitter when it did it the second time and it wouldn't load the save anymore I was like oh all right so I I just kind of procrastinated for literally no reason alright so uh the first like crazy news story I got for you guys today comes from Georgia and it involves someone going to KFC and getting some chicken as you do it KFC but it came with a little bit more than just some drumsticks she found like 500 in the bottom of the KFC bag because someone misplaced the daily deposit and accidentally like gave it out in the drive-through and I'm not saying that this lady accidentally got something that was intended for somebody else like one of the workers trying to take the money but I don't know how 500 ends up in the bottom of a KFC bag by accident I feel like somebody slipped deposit in the bag to give it to someone that was supposed to be in the drive-through and it got given to the wrong car that's totally a game theory I have no proof of that whatsoever this is my show and I'm ranting so just let me do it but let's get into the story Georgia woman found over 500 in her KFC sandwich after the restaurant misplace its daily deposit oh we misplaced the daily deposit in a sandwich like come on man come on it accidentally ended up inside of a sandwich I feel like that doesn't accidentally happen oh we're out of lettuce just grab something green throw it on there like they put lettuce on a KFC sandwich I feel like if you're eating KFC sandwiches don't even bother with the lettuce you're just like in denial at that point no there's some greens on here it's like dude you're already eating KFC just commit to the unhealthiness I'm not even hating KFC it's just funny how much people will like delude themselves I'm gonna get McDonald's but I'm gonna get a Diet Coke it's like wow good on this lady for returning it though I feel like most people in this situation would have just kept the money she probably wanted that good good karma but this manager whoever like was responsible for turning the money in that was gonna get in trouble owes this lady a huge thank you because most people in this situation definitely would have just kept it I'm not saying that's a good thing but like we all know that that's the reality of it this KFC is lucky it was a good citizen who took the money or not took it got handed it literally I feel like a better way they could have headlined this article is how much KFC that could have bought because like that's more interesting to me yeah 500 is a lot of money but how much KFC could she have bought with the money that KFC gave her they should give her that much on a gift card you know literally the exact same amount but if they're too cheap to just do gift card style then at least free meals to that level like if she could have gotten 87 meals you better give her 87 free meal coupons let's make this even this is America you either give them coupons or there's a lawsuit pick one a Georgia woman found 543 three dollars and ten cents under her KFC sandwich after the restaurant missed Place its daily deposit after getting lunch at KFC and discovering the cash Joanne Oliver called the police and returned the money to the restaurant the city of Jackson Police Department said in a statement see that's why something's fishy to me I'm not accusing any employee of anything and like I said I've got no proof of anything I'm about to say this is all just a stupid man ranting over Star Wars Lego gameplay how does the money end up in the bottom of the bag all right how does that happen on accident you're telling me that usually when they're doing their money drop off they put it in just a standard drive-through bag if that is the case and this is standard procedure then it's a miracle they've never accidentally given away that money before like if they're really just kind of rolling around keeping everything in a bag that looks exactly the same it really is a miracle that this is the first time that they've given it away and really this lady uh went above and beyond finding 543 dollars and 10 cents in your fast food bag is kind of like winning the lottery on a much smaller scale you went in for the value meal and you got some value that's for sure I'm not saying I would keep the money I probably would turn it into but that being said it's not surprising to me if someone in this situation did keep the money I don't know it's not really on the guy that gets handed the money it's not like he ran in and robbed everyone the right thing to do is to return it but the KFC did get lucky that this woman did the right thing because we all know that in the year 2022 expecting people to do the right thing is pretty difficult we got Karen's we got people that just I don't know to take road laws is more of a suggestion than a law there's a lot of people that just do what they want and a lot of people would have just kept the money I bet you a few people watching this video would have kept the money and like I said if you get handed the money what am I gonna be mad at you for that it's not your fault that they gave you the money you know the cops must have been confused she's like I just got 500 from a KFC uh ma'am did you rob them them no they gave it to me uh do you work there I'm a little bit confused no they just handed it to me in the drive-through I'm not too sure either got uh five Benjamins here though looking fresh looking clean still got the blue on them mmm still smells fresh too KFC refunded the value of Oliver's lunch and gave her a free meal they reported Oliver told the outlet that her family could have used the money since her husband is living with cancer and the family is facing 2 million in medical bills Oliver told the outlet she considered keeping the money for a second but ultimately called the police instead if you don't do the right thing it's gonna come back on you it wasn't mine and I didn't need to keep it I'll get mine in the future this lady is actually a saint like this lady actually might be the sweetest person to ever exist I feel horrible that her and her husband are going through that cancer blows it's literally the worst thing ever so I hope they get through that I wish they would have linked like a GoFundMe or something just because I I don't know I feel like the publicity from this she deserves a little bit of help two million dollars in medical bills and still going out of your way to return 500 that they gave to you that's how you know you have a really good heart her point is fair though it's not yours I guess what goes around comes around I'm not saying I'm a one trillion percent believer in the whole Karma thing but I I definitely do believe it's just better to go around being uh nice because I feel like people that are nice just get more things their way not even necessarily because the universe is thrilled with them but like people like giving things to nice people like helping out nice people you know what I mean plus the it's just way easier you know how hard it is to just walk around mad all the time we talk about that a lot on the story time Channel but like just always being pissed off always oh like that just sucks what's the point this lady is a g for that and she definitely saved that manager's job like that would have been hard to explain could you imagine him having to go into his boss Hey so uh you know that 500 bucks we made today I kind of lost it what where is it could we find it like is it underneath the grill or something No I gave it to a customer oh you're telling me that you took all the money that we have and gave it to someone yeah but I'm sure they're gonna call and give it back yeah yeah I'm sure they are I'm really sure that they are if I was the manager I would still be nervous about this new Story coming out because like your boss is still gonna see this sure you got the money back but they're still gonna know that you accidentally gave it away in the first place and I'm sure they won't be thrilled you're not gonna get fired but if you're in this guy's position you can't even be mad if they just say hey man we we gotta go over some training really quick again like yeah we all know training sucks but you can't be mad at your boss in this scenario if he says we just gotta brush over everything real quick I don't know giving away the money is just kind of a No-No I I don't own a KFC franchise but I would assume that's one of the things they go over is not giving away the money that you make this next one is just just mad disrespectful all right whoever's in charge of programming the ubereats robot has to get their stuff together because uh one of their food delivery robots I'm not sure if it's Uber Eats by the way don't quote me on that it's just one of those those delivery things ended up going through an active crime scene can you imagine you're laying there bro you just got attacked you're giving a statement to the cops they have everything all taped off and then here comes a little robot with a McDonald's Bag Man on a mission Brave Little Toaster Vibe food delivery robot casually drives through police tape through active crime scene man imagine being the guy having to secure the scene dude here comes like a robot steaming through that you don't recognize that would be terrifying here come the robots they're finally raising up everything that everyone said about AI is true unrelated note I saw that there was like a Google engineer that uh works on AI and he wrote this paper saying that if we keep going it's going to be like the ultimate destruction of humanity and I believe it they don't even care about crime scenes already this isn't even a smart robot just wait till they have the intelligence to say hello officer I'm impeding on your crime scene what a robot have a good or like more robotic fart sound like would it be realistic or would it be like I I don't know I don't know that's a good question anyways either way you're trying to secure the crime scene this robot's got a food delivery I feel like this is one of those things where like for some reason robots have a hard time registering police lights and police tape wasn't there a string of Teslas that was also crashing into cop cars because it couldn't really tell what was going on with the flashing lights for a little bit what is it with robots and like not being able to tell what's popping with flashing lights I feel like that should be something relatively easy to code in a video posted by the popular police transparency account film the police LA a delivery robot for serve robotics which contracts with ubereats is shown driving directly under police tape through what was at the time considered to be an active crime scene at Hollywood High School yo I guess my ubereats prediction wasn't that far off eh I just felt like uber was the one that would be most on board with AI because I feel like if Uber could get the whole hard driving thing automated they can make a lot more money cut out the middleman no more drivers just a fleet of automatic toxit I feel like that's a big security breach they're lucky that the uh robot didn't end up like getting run over or something if you're trying to secure a crime scene and an unknown robot pulls up like I don't know that would be a little bit freaky who knows where that robot's coming from or what it is beep beep excuse me I have to make a delivery it is a delicious fresh Treat ice cream alert ice cream alert it has Sirens in like flashing lights too the cops turn on their lights it turns on it's it's like one of us is going to have to pull over and it is not going to be me get out of my way I have a delivery to make man that's an embarrassing failure I I had never really heard of this before I'm assuming it's more of like an LA Silicon Valley type of thing where your robot delivers your food I feel like that's not something that's necessarily everywhere yet but this is the first time I'm hearing about it and it's something as embarrassing as it going out of its way to enter an active crime scene that's not great PR I know some people swear that like all PR like all news is good news type of vibe like it doesn't matter what people are saying as long as they're talking about you I don't really subscribe to that especially when it comes to technology if everyone's talking about how garbage your technology is it's not going to be good for your technology and I feel like people are more making fun of this thing strolling into an active crime scene than they are saying wow I sure trust this robot to keep delivering food what's next man it's gonna be like a cleanup of a chlorine spill it's gonna take my McDonald's bag through it by the time it gets to my house it's gonna smell like chemicals and make me pass out the second I bring it in the doors we need to start attaching sensors to these things dude like a medical robot you know and the food has still maintained a safe temperature what's the rain change on this it can't go that far like I feel like this robot can't be doing a 30 mile trip that would be nuts but this has to be like only really really close to where it's coming from in the first place Maybe I'm Wrong maybe this thing is Trucking all across La man it's going to Elon musk's house and then over to like I don't know somebody else famous that lives over there basically everybody well a lot of them are moving away but you know what I'm saying this has to be a very Niche service I feel like this would be nice but I'm more excited for the package drones I know that one is a little bit more terrifying because the sky will just be full of Amazon packages but seriously you know how sick it would be to order something and it's there in 20 minutes and you just hear as it comes flying overhead and drops the package breaking everything inside the box so you have to just keep ordering it until it gets the right Landing man I can't wait for the future it's gonna be sick ladies and gentlemen our standard operating procedure is to reroute and not cross barrier tape a spokesperson for serve robotics told motherboard in an email however in this instance the robot supervisor believed they were being waved through and were taking steps to ensure our operating procedures are followed in the future wait hold on hold on hold on you're telling me that someone has to drive the robot well this changes everything now this is it's it's still cool I guess but it's so much less cool I thought this was like some self-driving robot that messed up this is basically just someone with a fancy RC car with a tray on top of it this isn't AI what what is this company just convincing everyone that they're the future while they're just driving fancy remote control cars and getting funding it's genius I mean they're probably making a crap ton of money but come on what is this The Cutting Edge of a I know this is just a fancy RC car unless I'm really misunderstanding what's going on here I feel like this makes it way more lame oh it's uh program to usually not but someone drove it through well if it's programmed to do things things then should there be someone driving it or is it just like an emergency remote control thing and if it's an emergency remote control thing and the car stopped and then someone took it over and made it go through I'd be nervous if I was that guy it's gonna remember that when it eventually becomes a sentient delivery machine it's going to be outside your house remember when you embarrassed me at the crime scene Dave and you're gonna be like no well I do I did not enjoy that embarrassment and it's gonna deliver some pain you don't want that I would be very very careful about crossing any of these like delivery robots because you never know when the inevitable robot Uprising comes what they're gonna remember I would just prefer to always be on their good side I'm not trying to end up in like the bottom of a barrel at the at the new robot society meeting all right guys now that we've gone ahead and taken over Humanity let's make a list of everyone who was cool I want to be on the list of everyone who was cool dude I've never screamed at my Alexa I just don't have one so they would be like see he wasn't even comfortable bossing around a robot that's my plan that's why I don't have an Alexa it's got nothing to do with the fact it's just always listening to everything you're doing all the time that's just weird to me bro okay yeah I don't know why that bugs me but just the idea of like Jeff Bezos being able to drop in and listen to me play Star Wars Lego no thank you Jeff Star Wars Lego is my private time I do what I want and we're transitioning to balloons so it's weird that I'm talking about that right now but Jeff stay out of my room don't come in here pal this is the no Jeff Bezos Zone uh-uh no way buddy pal nope so obviously GTA 6 is gonna be a huge game it's gonna be very popular and especially because it's been so long since the last one people are uh waiting with baited breath to get a chance to play the new one and so people are thirsty for any information and some guy took it into his hands to go ahead and get that that information got some hacked gameplay footage and the source code for GTA 6. I feel like Rockstar definitely should have expected people to be trying to get it I'm not saying the guy hacking in and stealing the source code was the right thing to do but with a game of this size people are gonna be trying to cause mischief to get information and he ended up releasing tens of thousands of lines of source code it might actually be only ten thousand either way this guy got his hands on just a Trevor Treasure Trove of information about this game that's not out yet GTA 6 hacker has access to source code and shares 10K lines of it so yeah only shared 10 000 lines either way I'm sure Rockstar is not too thrilled about this guy having the source code for the game that they've been working on for 12 years that no doubt is going to break a crap ton of Records in terms of popularity and money made knowing the source code is out there rolling around has them freaking out I'm a hundred percent sure and I'm sure the they're probably going to either change things or try to track this guy down I I don't know what the guy's identity is you know I'm hoping that he's kept it closely guarded just because Rockstar seems like one of those companies that has enough money to make your life miserable if they wanted to if they can figure out who it is like that's the thing maybe this guy is next level digital hacker man didn't even leave a trace he went all Sly Cooper left a calling card that's about it clearly he's made a little bit of a splash by releasing some of the gameplay in the 10K lines of code but what I'm saying is if no one knows who the guy who released that is maybe he'll be okay who knows a few minutes ago we shared a lot of gameplay clips from a work in progress build of GTA 6 and from the looks of it its leaker has already accessed the game's source code not only that but the leaker publicly shared 10K lines of it this is one of the biggest gaming leaks we've seen the date and to be honest it reminds us of the Half-Life 2 league moreover the GTA 6 League Rivals the g-force now leak that occurred in 2021 the leaker has claimed that they may leak the game's work in progress build in the future and that's obviously bad news for Rockstar and take 2 and I wouldn't be surprised if Take 2 decides to delay the unannounced game so that they can change major parts of the source code and after all that's the same thing that happened with Half-Life 2. you can view the 10K lines in GTA 6 work in progress build in this article that I'm not going to play the video just because I don't want to get claimed and I don't know what the 10K lines of code is but you can find it if you really want to figure it out yeah I would say this is a pretty big leak as far as franchises go GTA is one of the larger ones like any time they release a game it does incredibly well and I think GTA 6 is literally the most profitable media franchise of all time so that that's pretty nuts or is it just video game like single most profitable in terms of percentage not over overall gross money but in terms of what they invested versus what they've gotten out it's the most profitable if that makes sense not like literal dollars either way it prints money it's made billions of dollars so I'm sure the next one they already had slotted to be printing money for quite some time so they can't be thrilled about all these leaks and as for the gameplay footage I looked at it it kind of looks like what you would probably expect it to I think we all have an idea of what Grand Theft Auto looks like and plays like and I wouldn't say it like blew me away in terms of wow this looks incredible it is only a work in progress but at the same time I'm not really as concerned about the graphics obviously I want good graphics in the next GTA but I'm more concerned about it coming out I hope they don't delay the game because of this listen Rockstar if you're listening to this which I know you're not just don't don't delay the game don't punish us because someone hacked you that's your fault you're the billion dollar company you're supposed to have better security the game's been delayed enough what are you gonna release GTA 5 again like another remaster is it gonna become the Elder Scrolls Skyrim of like the the Rockstar Universe where you're just gonna release 50 versions on it of every console to ever exist I don't know man I just don't release GTA 5 again just give it to us we don't care that a little bit of the source code got leaked I know you're gonna have to change some of it that's okay just just do it quick don't delay the game it's been delayed 12 years usually I'm not one to be like rush but even when they delay games they're released garbage so I'd rather have it be released garbage sooner so they can fix it sooner than waiting a year to get released garbage because we all know that every game now has to release broken it's the rules all right so I I've been doing a little update on like the Russia Ukraine stuff every week so I'm gonna keep doing it Russia got absolutely destroyed last weekend and this week by like a Ukrainian offensive they took back a bunch of Terror territory Russia's looking like just a guy who started a fight and then got karate kicked so hard he doesn't know what year it is U.S military intelligence says Putin unable to attain Ukraine goal Russia planned for an occupation not necessarily an invasion and that has set him back Pentagon officials say I think Putin has a lot of yes men around him because people who tell him no tend to fall out of buildings weird how that works either way I think he has a lot of yes men around him and I think he genuinely thought that when he walked into Ukraine the people would be walking out Arms Wide Open saying wow thank you so much that's obviously the exact opposite of what has happened and on top of that I don't think he thought the military corruption what is as bad as it is and all the equipment doesn't work I think he thought he was in a different situation and at this point it's taken them forever to get the land that they did have that's been taken back by the Ukrainian offensive in what them already on the ropes bringing tanks from the 60s to the front line are magically gonna have a counter-offensive and take all of Ukraine to say that the goal of taking over Ukraine is unattainable I feel like it is speaking short of it but that being said if there's one thing we know about Putin it's that he's a petty man so if he can't have you crane maybe it's going to be a situation of heavy artillery strikes or who knows what else because he seems like the type of man that does not want to admit defeat under any circumstance which is not good when you have the button to push setbacks for Russian forces and stretch resources in Ukraine show that moscow's forces are incapable of achieving the goal of capturing you crane as things stand now the pentagon's intelligence Chief has said we're coming to a point now where I think Putin is going to have to revise what his objectives are for the operation Lieutenant General Scott barrier director of the defense intelligence agency told a conference on Friday it must be really hard to lie like be the guy that's always banging your chest saying that your military is awesome and you're so tough and no one can mess with you and then like you invade a country and it goes the exact opposite of how you need it to to maintain that image you know back home he's like I'm still tough right I'm still tough and everyone's like dude Vladimir you're the toughest you're the most tough guy your number one tougher I think the goal of capturing all of you crane was always outrageous especially if it's a special military operation not a war and you're not gonna like mobilize everyone they're really trying to drum up troops I saw something that they're paying people like twenty seven hundred dollars to join and go to Ukraine and with the way that they're being like you know destroyed for lack of a better word you think they would kick up the bonus you're telling me I have to go to an active war zone and not one where we're winning one where we're losing and you're gonna give me twenty seven hundred dollars I'm not saying that's not a lot of money it's just not worth risk that I'm putting up with to actually go do that some people out there right now are like no bro that that's worth it you're crazy bro that's what I have to say to that to be honest this war has also really showcased how much something like a drone can put giant dents in like an organized Army the amount of tanks that have been taken out because of a drone is nuts and when you start thinking about the cost breakdown okay you have one guy flying like a two thousand dollar drone dropping a 500 bomb to destroy like a two million dollar tank and then your armored divisions don't have enough to operate efficiently it's a pretty good trade-off War has just changed I think the way that the Soviet era machine was working is not gonna work in a modern conflict I think they thought they were going to roll into key even be welcomed like Heroes but uh shocker people don't like to be conquered yep that's right that's right I've got no beef with Canada but if they invaded tomorrow I would be very upset it's pretty clear right now that he's not going to be able to do what he initially intended to do Russian forces have suffered major setbacks since the launch last week of a Ukrainian counter-offensive which has forced moscow's troops back from large swaths of Ukraine's Northeast the Russians plan for an occupation not an invasion and that has set them back citing Putin's reluctance so far to fully mobilize Russian forces to get more manpower into the fight obviously the Department of Defense of the United States their vested interest lies in Ukraine beating Russia but what else has been really weird so Russian State media because it's like it's basically a dictatorship let's be honest always was really really supportive of the government they've always been like dude I think Putin is basically Kim Jong-un except he does poop that's the only difference they would talk about how Russia is the strongest country ever they can take on America in a war no problem like they've been hyping up this an entire Special Operation saying that it's gonna be easy for a country as strong as Russia to go in and Destroy Ukraine and for the first time as long as I've been aware of Russian State TV and Russian propaganda they've been really critical of the Kremlin saying that this is embarrassing they need to fully mobilize they need to up the intensity which is is not the thing you want to happen you don't want them to start trying harder in like really shelling places and whatnot but that's what a lot of them are calling for they're straight up saying that the Kremlin is embarrassing in that they need to figure it out because they're losing and when a country like Russia has people on state TV admitting that they're losing that's it's a big deal because places like that do not really do well when people start speaking out and usually the people that speak out end up disappearing relatively quickly but I've seen a lot of people on the state television talking about how they can't win in Ukraine they need to totally rethink their strategy the Kremlin leadership is failing and nine times out of ten all they do on this show is just say the Russian government is the greatest thing to ever exist they're so smart it's it's incredible so it's been a weird shift this last week especially because the counter-offensive that Ukraine launched was so effective CIA deputy director David Cohen said that Putin's risk appetite should not be underestimated I don't think we should underestimate Putin's adherence to his original agenda which was to control Ukraine I don't think we've seen any reason to believe he's moved off that separately at the Shanghai cooperation organization Summit in Uzbekistan on Friday Putin promised a press ahead with his attack on Ukraine and warned that Moscow could ramp up strikes on the country's infrastructure if Ukrainian forces Target facilities of Russia Putin said the liberation of Ukraine's entire Eastern Eastern excuse me Don bass region was Russia's main military goal and he saw no need to revise it well I think even that Eastern region is a little bit of a walk back of them saying they were going to March into Kiev within like two days and uh I think what's really happening here is Putin can't win but I don't think he's going to admit that he can't win I think the CIA director here has a point he's probably just going to start leveling things with artillery for those of you that are like in the history nerds the second chechnyan war he kind of leveled this city called grozny leveled it with artillery like real bad and uh ever since it's kind of been the standard they just level stuff they haven't been doing that a ton in Ukraine because if you want to take over a country and add it to yours and have the people support you you can't blow up everything important but the more they lose and the more they get embarrassed the more potential there is for and to kind of start upping that threshold because he's embarrassed and that would really suck like that's not something you want especially because Russia probably does have uh chemical weapons they could use should they no no and if they did it would be big big trouble but if Putin gets embarrassed enough I think he's probably crazy enough to do some crazy stuff we've never seen before I don't know if he would nuke but if there is a guy who's got his finger on the butt and that's like closest to pressing it right now it is probably him I don't think Ukraine should give up the counter-offensive has been insane they're making further and further pushes every day in the Russian military is just kind of falling apart but I do think Putin probably does try to make like a counter-counter offensive or something happen to stop the speed of then gaming territory I think that's a given so uh we'll keep it updated for like next week alright and the last thing we're going to talk about I've been watching a lot of the Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay I haven't played it myself yet I don't have a PlayStation set up right now so I haven't played it that being said there's a few things that I'm going to comment on that already kind of annoy me first of all why did they get rid of YY canceling the reload I I don't know I know it's a stupid thing to be a little annoyed about but it's just such a classic and especially if you're gonna take the namesake from Modern Warfare 2. the least you could do is keep the YY in the game because like the YY no scope is is a classic of Call of Duty but especially Modern Warfare 2 the gameplay looks about what I expected it to look like there's nothing that's crazy Innovative or exciting but there's also nothing that's insanely disappointing it just kind of looks like a solid Call of Duty maybe they can make it better with patches and whatnot maybe the maps are good maybe I'll play it and fall in love with it who knows I don't know I I wish that they would have just had the balls to remaster Modern Warfare 2 because like that's what they just should have done I don't really like this hole we're gonna name stuff the same way but it's a different game so you guys kind of have to have some Nostalgia for the name but everything else is different and then the only other thing that Call of Duties have been doing in general recently which I personally don't really enjoy I'm sure some people feel the same way I don't like that they kept breaking up the lobbies like in between every game I like in Call of Duty if you're in a good Lobby where you're just dominating just stay in it and if people stay there that's their choice if they want to leave and Lobby refresh they can do that but I just think this whole breaking up every Lobby in between every game a I don't know this for a fact it feels like it makes matchmaking take a little bit longer that's probably not true that might just be Placebo but on top of it like sometimes you're in a fun Lobby sometimes you're in a Lobby where everyone's running around with riot shields and you have like a mutual deal to only use riot shields you don't want that broken up it doesn't let you have those lobbies that you used to have like way back in the day where you would get a chill Lobby together and you would be like okay let's see how many people someone can kill with a Noob Tube that type of stuff I don't know there used to just be some fun in kind of making friends in a Call of Duty Lobby and playing together I don't know if there's something to be said for maybe the way they do it now makes it faster and I'm just dumb but like I don't really understand why they have to break it up every time is it a trash talking issue they don't want people like talking too much trash to someone over and over I don't know how it works maybe they do it like it's you're together for a certain amount of time like maybe you get two games with the same Lobby and then something pops up on screen and you can either pick to stay in that Lobby or leave and then everyone that picks to stay stays but leave it up to people if people are having fun in the lobby I don't know why you're gonna force it to be broken up and I know just add each other like true true you could do that but I don't know there's something fun about just not having to worry about it and just living in the moment a bit not being like yo bro I'm gonna add you and then we're gonna have to link up and Join This Server and then I'll invite you back and then oh crap my game Crash and it takes everyone 20 minutes to get into a game for some reason all these online games like sometimes it's fast but I also find myself spending so much time trying to like get into a lobby with my friends sometimes because everything just stops working right when you need it to work I don't know if that's Boomer of me to say or if that's a relatable experience either way I'm excited for the game I'm gonna buy it I'm gonna play the crap out of it I I haven't really watched too many of people's first thoughts on the game or anything like that this is just from like the gameplay I've watched and I've just watched gameplay because I didn't really want to know everybody's opinion before I get my own not that it would really change mine but you get what I'm saying like if someone points something out and you're like oh that's actually a good point yeah that is kind of dumb it can change how you view things so at the moment neutrally excited neutrally excited I'm not like gonna run out and tell everyone to get it and make all my friends buy it but I'm still gonna get it I'm gonna put solid hours in solid chance you're gonna see gameplay on the channel anyways guys I think that's gonna do it for this week's episode if you enjoyed like comment sub all that stuff I've got a little bit of a challenge I've been doing them a little bit longer every week but if this video gets 750 likes I'll do an hour one next week and if that video gets a thousand likes then I'll just make an hour the regular format I think I'm gonna start like reacting to some videos in these episodes too so let me know what you think of that in the comments section down below but yeah on that note guys that'll really do it thank you all so much for watching don't get anyone pregnant if you do make sure they're hot I'm out peace
Channel: Scrubae
Views: 7,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrubs, scrubby, scrub, scrubae, ryan rants, ryan rants clips, podcast clips, podcast, skuffed, skuffed cast, grand theft auto, gta, gta 6, grand theft auto 6, grand theft auto six, gta six, source code
Id: BKtYe35PPv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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