GTA 5 || LSPDFR New Zealand || Drugs, Fights and Faggio Pursuit in south LS || Police Mod #41 (4K)

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[Music] no need mate no need try low towards some like sort of [Applause] [Music] area hey guys welcome back to the channel anding more al5 newal General duties right here with K mccu Gora um well just doing another Patrol in the hold commod evoke and we're doing it in South Los SOS today so it could be very um entertaining say the least yeah anyway um if you hav seen last episode I did change my radio codes and I call sign to be um New Zeal format so for example we uh just show me 10 three which is available New Zealand radio codes and I've Got a New Zealand call out sign um format so Los Santos Central beat unit number one so yeah makes sense we um in city today Los Central and it's very cold looks like a looks like a sunny day but it's quite sunny but it's also quite windy so that's why we're using S today let going Patrol see we have see dispatch has for us today backup required in Rancho oh God attention all units we've got a uh um officer requesting backup on um Roy Lowenstein Boulevard Rancho I mean back up in that area is always um warranted like legit it's the um Spanish gang territory so see what happens um today it's currently um 10:20 a.m. on a Monday morning so someone's currently making um a um and place think to go superb which should be awesome I'm not sure when it'll be released but uh it's not too bad not too far away from completion show me 107 [ __ ] the train I about the train I heard someone screaming oh cop L's down and someone dring for it located in Pursuit go P get his get her ass get his ass whatever I want to tend to the pit here requesting an ambulance okay apparently she's alive well ambulance assistance required on um Roy Lowenstein Boulevard in uh Rancho show me in Pursuit lady [ __ ] your vehicle [ __ ] your vehicle you're you're not going to go car you can go to hospital assistance required on um royin Boulevard in uh Rancho take deal with through there I want deal with the kid yes part well done there mate well done work lad love that from you dispatch suspect in custody show me 108 all right you [ __ ] wanker um please prep for a search procedure I call wanker then tell them to please prepare for something look like one of my um new custom Vehicles the for fontic to the you lovely a b of white powder L RZ he's a probably a fly wealthy looking gang in the area cuz um lost um what's it called again the Vos love doing white powder but it's cocaine he's got a warrant all right well I'll quickly check that out please stand by P keep on him room mate so he's got a warrant for trafficking schedule three narcotics oh he could go away for a very long time if he's um carrying again cly narcotics I guess Class A actually c 3 his class C so nothing too bad but if he's still carrying that kind of drug he's in a lot of trouble he almost killed a cop so uh more trouble as it is but still find know what it is hello ladies what's going on love the glasses look fabulous today so lucky so can find out what it is though so he's um got a war out for um trafficking Class C Drugs basically I do have a list here of what that is so class see for example um is cannabis and or just canab oh he's carrying my it's even worse really okay that's a Class A drug very high risk why am I chicking [ __ ] that out man Meine figed out already kid anyway uh methanamine on his position running away from a cop that he potentially killed but Lu saved the life some quick thinking there P ran off I helped her up they took hospital I got rid the car yeah you know I'll take a minute cuz we're Lally right across the road they'll be hell hella lazy for me if I didn't take a grab this guy take him in I'll do the before I take him in so I don't forget now cuz I do forget sometimes cuz once he um pair despawns you can't to report again which makes no sense but uh well I mean I I wouldn't mind like an in-depth um what do you call it I wouldn't mind an indepth paperwork mod that' be really cool C please oh well where is see drop off point for this one it might be a she inside the um Courtyard just show me 10 five so dispatch out of service but currently like still available basically go inside here and have a look see if thisly I don't people off us here oh the corner all right we'll the report real quick so he's got to one out for his arrest that was attempted murder of his officer uh cor related wants to arrest and then he obviously ran off from us that's going to be resisting with violence uh drug perap no drug perine I don't I should probably change list so this is actually in class A got to make a lot of sense all right take him in now I'm going to pass him over though so I CU if I if I es SC him in I lose my partner my partner glitches out and then you have to get a new one and I'm not going to go for that pain again so first arrest of the patrol was it attemp was attemp police officer luckily we responded holy [ __ ] this call out show me 10 three 10 4 today's a very beautiful day it's kind of kind of cold though to we are approaching winter time makes sense another custom car the fort Everest again a lot of cars I need to replace though [ __ ] on but not really a units we've got a traffic alert on um Olympic freeway in downtown whatever good for them I'm not traffic control I'm not Traffic Unit today legit not traffic so K mccy is a senior consol that's why he's not actually got like anything else he's just a beat unop once it once it gets to um Sergeant he will be um general duty Sergeant they'll be um GS I think or GD yeah thank you for all support last episode like got 100 views like a day or 100 views in like 20 hours is outrageous so I'll definitely up I'll defin upload another video um today like the following day there we go the 4est awesome car I really wish I was a police vehicle in my country that's awesome car man I think trying to go carbon emission free so we want to get like electric vehicles I think which kind of explains the SC to Kodiak SC and the um beam vi4 getting again the beam vi4 is a trial vehicle though why are the lights going green cuz a that makes the tra that makes sense all right that light is that light is so bright can't down the [ __ ] Rivers is so annoying man attention all units officer requesting backup near um innocence Boulevard in L Mesa now let's see what um gr stre has um up his sleeve CU they don't like police prisons here I wonder why didn't stop but I don't want to stop here who does we care about oh security assistance all right I'll take this one all security DET Crusade Road in uh Davis Tak going to me at the [ __ ] Hospital get out of the way move it might being a prick W well know they've got a [ __ ] in this [ __ ] area right so some assist here at the hospital a I got a r do ahead of us de's going to trigger suit that's got the guy from I he some fighting I'm going to go through the back [Music] entrance show me 107 dispatch we have the suspect ins fat ass get up p security guard stop please mate stop thank you thank you we've we've got it from here get to the ground get to the ground you're you're underr P I've got her it's all good mate it's all good as as I said before I'm that guy the Red Dot Titan were over there last episode the guy caught on the um you know the blue overalls my partner has glitched me out you [ __ ] idiot a I hate my game freezes me cuz I went for the arrest and soed partner show me 108 wait why does clear task is that all I do okay clear task Works they're good all right well lucky lucky it wasn't a proper proper bad fix so she rest from today for a soul and a official you can down since you maybe glitch out you [ __ ] got awesome ambulance a bag Sherin and a handgun right ratio one person backup I'll move my car quick so that guy in ret trct that or TI war that passes will be the guy in their blue jum suit again like it's just a glitch man you have to constantly Reis people it's so annoying the only way you can actually do is like go off duty properly and then or you know trip straight up just kill him and I'm not going to do that Park out right here requesting a 1010 unit so just Cod to backup General duties backup required on um Crusade Road in Davis all right so handgun and some drugs basically on my way s on a uh public official drug up test she she's a hospital you never know oh there falls in the [ __ ] line over there lot of fors no not uh public intoxicated it's time give a quick Bri test okay every um cop brosen Duos now it's awesome all right well we can get out here now partner I appear is done assistance required near um Crusade Road Davis 10 thanks security guard mate I'm glad that like you know stopped once told him to stop that was cool cuz most call outs don't even recognize that stupid so Louis rhes and now we've got Hannah etman that's going to be um let's go with resisting r with violence was she trespassing I'm not too sure why she was um being technically detained by the guard but uh anyway she had a drugs in repetition I think it was heroin and then she also had a handgun too uh she does have she does have a a handun for license that's good so should does have a license for handguns but not Canal carry that doesn't EX just yet so it's going to be um uh what's it called hold on no position no she's outow to have it but she can't have it on person position a firearm I guess in public I swear I swear I had a charge you that just for that it's not brandishing we'll leave it for now whatever show me tin three lucky um I didn't freeze for the ex been so annoying assist all units we've got a traffic alert on um Olympic freeway in Strawberry I'm not sure what that cop's plan was to go the other way fa enough fa enough I'm try cutting through here by this taxi the all over there I could go after him but uh I don't want to R the same guy back to back like this just seems silly not really realistic attention all units silent alarm near um East mirror Drive in uh Mirror Park all's sit down towards our Rancher now where we were before but we head more towards zarm territory now the banker is a predator and you feed him just it's cool see all like the map and one roadway normally that attention all units we've got a possible disturbance near um Boulevard in Cypress Flats cats lovely how many 4ers out there are today it's like like everyone's bought the new vehicle remember this slam Street got the green lovely every gang seems to be rather peaceful today I they Affiliates not so much but yeah nice when do like the old so like LAPD oh Solen bike maybe not ah it's a [ __ ] Sten vehicle on um Davis Avenue in uh Davis Davis 7ue is is that the main road by the tra I think it might be doggy what's going on to drive right to walk lucky the F should be spot I know it's small but at least like no one else drives that thing around here and what kind of game you drive that kind of vehicle don't really see any oh see they um they got to be gone from the I see I've got eyes on them was Vehicles we can approach like a traffic stop a I lost visual there he is go gain visual again have the grocery where the [ __ ] did he go what oh he's over there by that went down towards tra the tram line no stop stop your damn piece of [ __ ] s sh me [Music] Pursuit two the F it's going to be funny [Music] ass I can't even see the bastard it's so small there he Isle no need mate no need try L towards some like sort of area get off the car right up you ge dispatch we have the suspect in sight all right partner you can take the arrest here fell do you want the arrest mate okay I'll take it then I just don't want to be um glitch out again like last time sh me 10 people laughing that I R just Dr what I spe oh those was jokes it's a gameing who cares get R the blood get the evidence obviously he would Su my department for that but oh well oh it's funny I should probably replace a grer that car right behind it American vehicle we don't really have um shet Suburbans in my country surprisingly I think um Chevrolet do still want to make it a LIF hand drive or whatever right ra right hand drive what I'm on about uh let's just stack it here what if you're [ __ ] screaming people just stop taking you drugs man oh God damn it it could be I'm a high setting people oh it's a pull over that makes sense why here screaming see with this shitty bike SE bike and know I see a figh in distance over there with two chicks they to their own be out who cares something has to deal with at the moment flat assistance required on um Davis Avenue in Davis please ready to what shoot some cck what does that mean me don't [ __ ] threaten to shoot people when you're around a cop like just don't do the ever basically all right right get we you pet down please search [Music] procedure given by my partner there why guys why can I hear fighting still are they still fighting down there they're still fighting that's funny David Marley PCP and a small revolver all right keep the fight is still going on it's so funny I'm look at the H guy um records now jippi the guy that we stopped he's all good David Marley suspended um no gun license Aid in an escape prison prak it's funny all right so he's vehicle piece be a hand gun he's got L for a handgun give my breath test wasn't ABS with us we will give my breath test I mean not every General D unit carries a brutzer but we do luckily he has been drinking what was the license again I actually checked that I we'll take men CU we're pretty close around the corner anyway disqualified rer so he does have license for a bike that's cool he disqualified so not as cool so Dy my drug test found some PE be on his possession you know what I like this fit I like the um sweater today along with the pants and hat go he cooking as well all right well mate you go down town for a long time there people didn't like the um subtitles added to the C Patrol so I'm not going to add more subtitles again I'll probably will bring back CTIC Clips I want to do a separate series um I want to do a new playlist um where a lot of it will be cinematic Clips so I'll save them for that that series will be freaking awesome show me 105 a U turn here so um in New Zealand out of service is like out of service but available so basically taking back to station that's what of thing get there we go all righty reporters [Music] dunzo take him in considering we're in south of the city the gang area it's been a very peaceful Patrol I think considered and U people a lot of people ask what kind of mods I use I will make a mod list because um that way they can just read it and find what they want and uh every link will be updated so you don't have to go searching for the a new updated link yeah in the call out disat 10 three 104 you know I love this Sky man I love the I mean I definitely Pro the hold on scas shy European car I mean if they like it they like it sub not to me at all attention all units we've got possible assault on um Crusade Road in Strawberry all right so um I actually edited my own um fire siren so um yeah see some I see some uh fighting over there show me 108 this fighting in the area what the [ __ ] located in Pursuit lady relax I mean lady relax P relax show me Pursuit maybe not lady how does she um shuun to the chest the boys are going to love you I'm going to detain this one over here cuz if she gets up and gets revived um she can't escape basically just just because time sir please leave don't just get in our way wait sir sir leave are up you get sir get up now no don't run get up leave please me don't get near us we doing that work Chris truck wood dog going nuts but our dogs obviously react to gunfire so why not just yeah you're okay just leave don't bother us again quing an ambulance lady you too mate you too I'll you get ambulance assistance required near um McDonald Street in don't run I when a cop talks you don't run away makes you suspicious you been detained for my safety my safety only now why did you un for there man do you think illegal you I don't know check for yourself what do you mean you don't know you would know all right I'll put you down then that's you do so badly Joe gr is carrying some THC so marijuana and some legal prescription bills and some drug parity well that's why she ran for it then why W she come over here to run away from gunfire to go next the cops when you're carrying some illegal things on you so she's alive that's good news she's alive that's great nice all right you know what I'll take your in [ __ ] it assistance required near McDonald Street Davis P keep check I'll my car we'll take them both in why not I don't I've done that before in my life take two suspects in at once that'd be cool well I'm try this person first since I remember all the details so Jo gray she tried to resist so go nonviolent team to fle on foot two Fe was underr she was being um detained technically but yeah she tried to flee on foot essentially she's carrying uh illegal prescription pills in THC which is marijuana let's find what the drugs are first and uh my partner keep on the lady over there and Dr too will switch it as well any go person you know okay so it's ex say MDMA this beit last of for today the people J nearly ecstasy and then uh fling on foot told her to stop want to have a check with her and she ran off heroin right Dr earlier heroin exy okay anthc so marijuana all right before I freaking forget uh hold on so te to F on foot paria heroin marijuana there we go and X MDMA we go aome St in the car while de with the other person having a fight with someone somebody fights today it's crazy we had like three I mean I did hear one before but I didn't respond to it and we've seen two happen like within like a few minutes all right well can we rep now please partner could be like a drug deal gone wrong to be fair we are in that kind of area today a hand gun all right well I'll check our details there I again another terrorist Mas what the hell Jennifer gills um she ain't got a license for for a hand gun so it's legal position oh that's what I charg it with before legal position anyway uh S no really need to know indeed so just a handgun for um Jennifer gills there so Firearms is going to be illegal position of a firearm she's not she's not she not allowed to have it essentially it's like obviously freaking miss it we'll see if it is stolen though because that would be a great charge to add unless you um obviously SC off zero number see if it's all or not she isn't own it she's got no per license for it it's not hers she could Lally purched it like a day ago but I guess we'll find out if she purchased it a day ago or not and then uh have that charge maybe dropped but who knows at this rate I don't really care all right we'll take them both in CU there are two officers um if there one officer you will take two people in two of us we take the both in today so I would admit today I was going to use these SC to per unmarked but uh I didn't changeing handling for it so it did tip every time you run a qu too fast so I need to get the car optimized properly need go unmarked so um it's a European model but uh it does look pretty cooling lights Poli lights can you please move P [ __ ] want to get my car please mate thank you and the car just about show me 105 can you get in the car K thank you go around it that works too what are you doing man he's tripping out man radio we can actually get out of here and finally in the damn shift good fights a lot of drugs runaways man very good Shi though nonetheless take these [ __ ] in and quality of today guys and cases of course like we always do pass them over again and it's been a very fun shift they go lovely let's park up and for this episode there a good is a good spot it's right behind me right all right come thanks mate um have a good day willia thank you mate appreciate it all right course so first arrest was Lis RZ the guy in the [ __ ] Mo pit was it hit by accident what oh it's the guy fromer earlier indeed he's been fined 2.1k and given 34 years in present sentence makes sense Hannah itman 1.4k and 5 years in prison Joe gray 2.1 fine a 2.1k fine in8 years months in prison get for gills $61 fine and a five is prison sentence there we go I want I want to join partner and having some coffee I'll see you next time want to see more of this leave like com a comment down below and subscribe yeah peace out have a good one [Music] she her I on too much it's only been like 3 months why you take it personal personal like that I like to push your buttons I get tight I say some sick like maybe I ain't your ti problem is you get angry
Channel: SimplyMercedez
Views: 563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grand Theft Auto V
Id: pdEPGWmM6bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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