Grubby's Warcraft 3 Guide Crash Course - Tutorial (Part 1) | Warcraft 3 Reforged

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right welcome everyone many words hello we have words yeah well welcome everyone to the hero's hearth Channel Jules and coffee thank you for the hand off the countdown was very very helpful welcome everyone here I know many of you are grubbers but if we have some non grabbers as well first of all a big warm welcome to everyone from the twitch heroes hearth regulars also hello to slash heroes hearth which you guys should all subscribe to it's free and you can see a lot of cool amazing content a little bit of background on hero's heart heroes hearth is a big player in the heroes of the storm scene I've happily coexisted and worked with them in my during my time in heroes of the storm and they are a community oriented organization that has done a lot of cool stuff in heroes of the storm and now with fight night this Friday they're going to be entering the Warcraft 3 hemisphere atmosphere stratosphere eSports sphere something they're going to be entering it insofar as that works so they got this thing coming up Fight Night so first of all I'm gonna tell you about Fight Night and then I'm gonna tell you what this segment is all about because we are in grubby's crash course Fight Night is going to be a really cool simple showmatch constit by myself and kendrick swish who I've done a lot of casting with as well in here's of the storm great guy is from Germany lovely accent really nice thank you for subscribing Mike Downey jr. to here is hearth very nice first one ever very cool yeah so I'm gonna be casting that with him and our first two contestants of this show match are going to be insuperable and hunter in super bowl from canada and hunter from peru i believe made in peru they're going to be playing a best-of-five and the prize money for the win we'll be $200 the prize money for the loser $100 because he rose hearth is awesome they want to make sure that everyone can walk away with a little bit of extra also entering the system for thank you for the subs guys awesome J da da homie and falmouth welcome they want to make sure that everyone can get something out of that and it's also really cool what they're doing with bits you know the twitch cheer bits system all the bits that are coming in during fight night are going to be nice I know that lovely lady thank you for Cassandra finally putting some good use to that switch Prime's up all the cheer bits that are coming in are gonna get split 1/4 to player 1 1/4 to player to 40% into a communal prize pool a bounty and 10% to the amazing production of Heroes hearth now I hope you guys are going to enjoy the show a lot I think it's gonna be really fun to be casting some Warcraft 3 but this is gonna be really cool and every two weeks on Friday will return unless someone like gets sick and can't make it we're gonna return every other Friday night for the winner of the previous match to find a new challenger and they will also play for the bounty prize pool so that bounty that keeps growing maybe in Super Bowl will run away with it get three wins in a row get a huge bounty and then suddenly meet someone that he can't defeat or he thinks and he can walk away with his tail between his legs keep the bouncy cash in the derly big ones but he doesn't get to play anymore and he will get banned for a few weeks as well banned kind of a dramatic word but he can't come back for a while maybe three play days but if he loses he plays and he dares and he loses the whole bounty goes to the new player so it's a really cool system now that is the system that they have been successfully employing for very for great interest in heroes of the storm there now coming into work are three with this system as well but what is Warcraft 3 you know what is worker 3 I know World of Warcraft I know hearthstone I know even that new game overwatch and that really cool new on Diablo immortal but what is Warcraft 3 and I thought that Warcraft 3 was just a small game with in World of Warcraft no actually World of Warcraft was built on the same engine as Warcraft 3 just like here's if the storm was built on the Starcraft engine and worker 3 preceded World of Warcraft it's true it's true so what is work of 3 it's an RTS that delved into a completely new direction Warcraft 3 started combining elements of role-playing game together with RTS real-time strategy so it's like a real-time strategy but a bit slower pace than some though you may not guess it if you are new to worker 3 it will seem quick pace with some role-playing elements with some heroes and I think that's what makes it really unique it's a lot of unique cool things about this 17 year old game and it may seem a little daunting if you come into the game for the first time my job tonight is to make sure that you can understand the action that you're following a little bit you understand what makes a player win what makes a player lose in Warcraft 3 how do four different races work what is creeping and how do you do it what are the wind conditions that's what I'm gonna be teaching you so we're gonna be playing some games tonight we're and don't worry the webcam will get smaller are we gonna be playing some games tonight and we're gonna be explaining some so I'm assuming that there's a good amount of people watching this that I've maybe never watched Warcraft 3 or very casually but that may only be familiar with the custom game section as of right now so the first thing I want to do is just go through a replay and it does really matter too much what's going on overall like it's not too precise or anything like that but Richards going to go over a replay and we want to see okay how is this game played at and I just want to look at some basics so we're gonna make the webcam a little bit smaller so Warcraft 3 is a real-time strategy game that means that you'll be using a combination of gold which you can see up here and lumber which you can see up here to build everything you could possibly build but why would you build anything it's this SimCity you asked no you semi astute viewer this is not SimCity building is part of it but ultimately the goal is Warcraft so there'll be some more but don't worry it's just in a game so what is the goal of the game in Warcraft 3 well destroy all of the opponent's buildings that's it destroy all of the opponent's buildings if you do so you win the game but unlike in heroes of the storm the game doesn't just end only when you blow up the enemies core and trying to forfeit like in some other MOBA some other lesser MOBAs which is it possible in here's of the storm that's actually very ok in Warcraft 3 because usually in marker 3 you will see that you are going to lose before it actually happens it is in fact more normal to leave the game when you know you are going to be losing then to stay until the very end and to try it and just make them eliminate all your buildings if you lose large portions of your heroes if you lose large portions of your army the game could be over already alright so now that I know grubby that you need to destroy all the opponent's buildings how do I do it well you're gonna gather the two primary resources gold from the gold mine which generally starts with about 12,000 gold and you're gonna send up to 5 peons inside the gold mine this is me I played this game on Saturday I have an opponent my opponent is here his name is relic if you turn it around you'll get a killer and that's what I do when I meet one turn around 360 degrees and Sprint's away because I only like virtual Warcraft but in real life I practice love he's got five workers in his mind as well in this entangled goldmine there's five wisps one two three four and five yeah so five where splint is mine and I have five bills in my gold mine after you fill up the gold mine you will try to also get some lumber which you do by cutting trees because filthy orcses with their axes always hacking biting burning however Night Elves are nice creatures good night of their wisps symbiosis with the trees and love and happiness and they don't kill the trees so wisp actually stay on a tree and they will gain lumber periodically which you can see by the little green floaty number so wisps maintain the trees but they get lumber and orcs bite and burn all right so now we know the elements of how to gain resources now the question is how do we spend it unit producing structures like barracks and hero producing structures like the altar of storms which he has his equivalent of in the top left altar of elders any player can make an army up to a maximum of hundred units but many units will take up more space than one most units will be 2 or 3 or 4 this is said to be the amount of food that they eat so we can say that relic killer has 22 food being used and 30 maximum food capacity available as you can see in the top right so he still has room for an extra eight food and Archer is to food that means that he can have more archers before he needs to expand his maximum food capacity this is done by building moon wells moon was offered 10 maximum food capacity as does the Tree of Life 1 2 3 that's why he's 30 now 40 on my side orc burrows are what gives me food capacity I have my main base and three burrows so I have 40 maximum capacity we got the essentials down of how we can make army that it costs golds and lumber and now the question is what do we make and when do we make it well you can have up to 3 heroes in your army no more you can't have less than 3 you can go with 0 heroes which is really bad but you can use it to humiliate lesser opponents if that's how you flow I generally try to humiliate people in other ways not by not going heroes just because it's so hard the level difference needs to be really really big in order to not use heroes and win sometimes people wonder can't you win without Heroes you can have more army yes you can but the level difference has to be big ok so generally you make minimum 1 hero you can make 2 or 3 every hero has an inventory you can carry items he or she for example if you can see here actually you know I'm not the hero like my face is here but did you know it's actually not may look it's the blade master but I put it here because it's a good piece of real estate but this place my blade master has 6 inventory slots like any other hero and all of them are in use now you can have permanent items or consumable items everything that has a number on it is a consumable item wand of mana steal steals mana from for example an enemy you saw heals my own units but it's non-combat only that means as soon as someone attacks my unit the effect over time of healing stops everything that doesn't have a number on it is a permanent item that gives a set stat bonus either to only the hero or in an aura around the hero boots of speed makes me run fast sir Klaus makes me hit faster harder sorry amount of intelligence makes me smarter and that brings us to the three primary stats strength agility and intelligence strength gives you bonus health every point of strength is 25 health it gives you bonus health regeneration and if you are a strength hero every hero has a primary stat it also gives you one bonus auto-attack damage per strength point my blade master is an agility hero that's his primary attribute that means that every point of agility gives me one bonus damage but if I'm not an agility hero it still gives three points is in our extra armor which is damage reduction on the hero from everything that isn't a spell and bonus attack speed finally there's intelligence bonus mana and bonus mana regeneration one point of intelligence is 15 mana so by increasing your stat points with the circlet of mobility bonus strength agility and intelligence and becoming better at everything more damage more armor more health more mana the stuff of life basically all right so you can only have six inventory items of one hero this already is a very compelling argument for wanting to go for a second hero who can carry more items some of the consumable items that you can find or buy they do effects on your entire army for example you can buy a heal scroll for 250 gold and it is a hundred fifty point heal on every unit around the hero you can activate it instantly its uninterruptible and it can really bring your army back from the brink of death to healthy fighting shape once again having only one hero with you scroll going on cool down after you use it let's say if you have to you can use one then you must wait a long time that's another great argument for wanting a second heroes gain experience from a variety of things if you kill units of the opponent's you get experience points if you kill creeps these neutral hears of the storm players would call them mercenaries perhaps some mercs will hit the spot yes Lucio it would and mercs here are cold creeps and they are not nice creatures that's why all of them must die when you kill them you get bonus gold experience on your heroes and items for example I just picked up the claws of attack plus 9 gives me bonus damage on my shadow hunter every time he attacks which is great all right now we've talked a lot about heroes but what we haven't discussed yet is when they level up you see a purple bar here this is the experience index when the purple bar goes full and Hero levels up his Nagas see which has zero experience because he hasn't killed any hold my units so he can't level up can she she sorry she can't level up let's see if he kills she kills he here a unit before the end of the game and it looks like this will not be the case because the replay fool meter has been reached and when you can't kill anything you probably can't win so we're gonna have an excellent example of not losing the core and still losing became which you will see usually a player will say GG which means good game and then they will leave it is a small token of respect for your opponent CM is a small token of respect for the epic combat that the players have just conducted themselves in and then they will leave other people they ascribe to the silent departure they will leave but they will not say GG and that's okay too maybe they think it was not a good game or they don't like small talk very possible we will load up another replay to continue our tutorial if there's any questions in chat please ask them I will probably not see them because I'm on a roll but you can't save them up and I will deal with them in due time okay so as you can see heroes are very important maybe you've got the idea so far and I'm going to just restart the game because there was a small audio bug we are hearing but matches syphon mana from one of my earlier latter games so we're gonna restart the game it's back and the back is gone good which one did I start was it the Saturday replay yeah cool okay here we go as I said heroes are very important kodos eat a great hole Luke right I told you guys I'm gonna be doing this crash course and I said no question is silly enough because it's for beginners but whether coders can eat great holes I'm pretty sure you are not really asking that ethereal Kish but I'm gonna answer it anyway because someone else might be wondering no coders cannot in fact consume the enemy main base sadly maybe in reforged so a small little aside segue addendum you guys may be wondering wow so far it sounds like a really cool game and you explained it so well thank you I don't think so but no real okay thank you where can I get work r3 if I'm interested to actually try it out well go to play Warcraft not sponsored actually not sponsored but just giving you the information you're asking for in this well imaginary one-on-one conversation play Warcraft 3 comm and it's 30 bucks you can get reforged and when you do this version of Warcraft becomes playable already you can download the game and you can play the game same game I'm playing now that I'm watching replays off and then when reports comes you have everything extra that reforged will bring which is probably gonna be really really cool new graphics new audio etc okay oh and new Jana and Savannah story arcs I think because there are a heck of a lot more relevant in World of Warcraft oh it's just bit my tongue they're a heck of a lot more relevant in World of Warcraft I think because I said that name then in Warcraft 3 so here we go yes so I said heroes are very important that's why most players will almost always start with the altar so if you're a new player the first thing you want to know is okay what is a built order the built order is what or B Oh which doesn't stand for body odor though if you practice your build order a lot the Biot actually gets worse I speak from experience but at least I had a passion right thank you to Swart for subscribing to hero's hearth really cool you need a build order a build order just like in StarCraft is a basic plan of what to build when and why and what you're gonna do with it so the build order here for instance would be 4 peons in gold one goes to the altar immediately nine seconds later build a burrow ten seconds later build a barracks and then fill up the goldmine five total then seven peons toto on lumber build one grunt a shop and then go upgrade your Great Hall to tier 2 it starts at tier 1 great hole you can upgrade it to a strong halt which will be tier 2 which unlocks new power levels for your race and then finally it can go to tier 3 which is called the fortress which again unlocks new units new upgrades and all that goodness every race has roughly twelve to fourteen different units and there's four different races in Warcraft 3 all of them are more or less balanced though if you speak with any Warcraft 3 fan that has been the game for a while they will not be able to agree on this which race is better which one is worse and generally we find that whatever race was last played and has lost is the weakest race and whatever place race was last played in Warcraft 3 and just won a tournament that's the best because single results guarantee statistical accuracy if the average twitch chat' is to be beliefs of course and I'm no different Oh almost every player will have their opinion on what is the best and the worst roughly things are kind of balanced and when you start playing a game you probably won't notice any of this but I'll just give you a little bit of history Warcraft 3 reign of chaos came out in 2002 and Frozen Throne its expansion pack which in my opinion completes it the game came out in 2003 there has been a large burgeoning eSports around it from 2003 until 2011 where it slowed down a little bit because Starcraft 2 came out Blizzard to newer RTS and then slowly started having a resurgence again some members never left some people came back and worker 3 started growing again we saw a nostalgia movement in 2013 you have people casting the game you had people organizing small cups and tournaments yet players still practicing and in 2018 reports was announced by Blizzard probably because of the great interest among many of the core fans of the Blizzard franchise and they thought ok let's let's make it more accessible because there was a lot of things actually needed to be done with Warcraft 3 to make it more playable again and many of those changes have already happened for example we now have 1080 support you'd no longer need to open ports on your router to create custom games [Music] we now have a launcher kind of a semi bassinet launcher it's not on the main one yet but it will be soon after reports comes out which is coming out this year by the way we've had balanced batches we've had certain bug fixes custom game lobbies have been cleaned up so many cool things have happened already now so that's pretty cool okay so you should generally start with hero's and then basically a standard game of worker 3 will be a mixture of defending attacking harassing taking creeps leveling up and sometimes you will expand for instance if you clear another goldmine where there's a set of creeps waiting if you kill those creeps you can then build a new main base and you can mined with double the speed combined with double the speed which is pretty cool means you're mining twice as much as the opponent one of the coolest systems of all actually and Warcraft 3 is something called upkeep because let me tell you first what work r3 looks like if there is no upkeep you can see here in the top right no upkeep okay let me tell you what it looks like you start at 5 food and your maximum is 100 food heroes take up 5 workers will take up roughly 12 so 17 food is heroes and workers and then you get a second hero you'll be 22 food the remaining 78 food can and will be army let's say you start producing army and there's no real reason to stop bigger Army's creep faster deal more damage are better right so you keep making army if you're making army at a constant rate and so am I then our armies are growing constantly you have defenders advantage I have two fiendish advantage so who really will end up attacking maybe no one right because you don't want to lose now enter upkeep upkeep is a system that the bigger your army gets the more gold you lose from that switch you mind so you're getting plus 10 plus 10 plus 10 every second in fact you get 10 gold per second exactly that means in a minute 600 gold and you're taking those 10 gold out of the mine upkeep means 30% taxes this moment you go over 50 food you start paying up feed and get only 70% income you'll still be drawing ten but you only get seven so the price you pay for a bigger army which can beat my smaller army is less gold after all you need to pay your taxes don't you what that means is the moment you make a decision to have a big army I can make a decision either to match it also make a big army or I can make a decision not to match it stay small but fast a fast maneuverable army that does lightning strikes maybe on your base maybe I'm harassing your army and then running away you're so busy with me you're not even realized my army isn't growing it's actually quite small but I'm getting a lot of gold and I'm saving up my gold you don't have an expansion I don't but I'm still getting more gold because my army is small efficient light on its foot and you've got this big lumbering army ready to defeat me if we meet in open combat but I never will just skirting around the map and then suddenly when the time is right boom mass-produce and when I'm mass producing I will start losing Gold's as well to upkeep but I already saved up so much then I'm suddenly able to afford a large army before you know it you're 60 food I'm 70 so there's a big economic aspect to managing your upkeep you can either be the greedy saving your gold or you could be the rusher there's many different personalities that you can embody many styles that you can embody when you play Warcraft 3 and having such meaningful decisions as where to make army or whether or not to make army makes warcraft three extremely interesting it makes every game of our car three feel fresh even after nearly 20 years of Warcraft 3 which is truly amazing there are a few questions in chat as well who gets the taxes no one it's just lost maybe they build new maps with it do all units move at the same speed no they do not every units have their own movement speed only a few ways to increase their movement speed the tauren chieftain gets a passive aura as one of his abilities it's called endurance aura it makes units move and attack faster undead a race which we haven't seen here yet but which you will know from World of Warcraft they've got unholy aura again movement speed and regeneration rate you can Orca can use a speed scroll to temporarily speed up their units heroes can buy boots of speed to move faster so there are a number of ways to move fasting now what do heroes do when they level up let's talk about that hero starts at level 1 and when they live a lot they can go all the way to level 10 though very few games will get to level 10 it does happen sometimes in pro tournaments or in ladder it has happened from time to time level 10 is the maximum once you're there you can level up no longer but before that every time you level up you get the following things a few stat points strength agility and intelligence which makes you better at fighting and controlling the map you also get a new ability point every level that you love a lot you have three basic abilities they can be level one to three and you've got one ultimate ability at level six you have the choice but not the requirement to pick your ultimate ability they are extremely powerful generally long cooldown abilities that can change the tides of fate in a game tauren chieftain when he dies he comes back instantly with the ability called reincarnation can only activate once every four minutes blade master can spin his swords around in a whirling dervish seven seconds long making him magic immune and dealing massive damage to targets on the ground near him the keeper of the Grove can enter a state of tranquility where he does a massive amount of healing to all units around himself after three seconds you can interrupt him out of this channel and the goblin Alchemist can instantly sell one of the opponent's units for gold not only does it kill the unit instantly but you get gold as well pretty cool every race has four possible heroes that they can choose from there's also something called a Terran in the middle of the map at the tavern heroes reside eight different heroes can be picked from the tavern they are called the neutral heroes in lieu of picking one of your main heroes you could go for the tyrant hero they get hired instantly instead of training in the altar for one minute but if they are boss as a second hero they do cost a little bit more lumber under 35 instead of 100 there's a price to pay for speed after all these eight heroes can be these eight heroes can be bought by any player and also unlike in MOBAs when you pick a hero from the tavern I still can pick it as well it's not like when you buy the Pandaren brewmaster from the tavern that I cannot do so myself we can both have a fun Darin brew master at the same time any questions so far ladies and gentlemen I will drink some water who was afk again so can Dakota eats any building armor type great question how do armored types work okay another really interesting part of our car three besides what you build and when you build it and how much money you get and how you manipulate upkeep there are ways to fight actually worker three I would say is special among all our TSS because the controls and it fights and army vs. army battles are among the coolest in the RTS genre Warcraft 3 fights tend to be typically quite slow much slower than in Starcraft 2 and they are more detailed and they feel more precise than in many other RTS s you'll generally have pretty small armies that fit in one or two control groups you can have up to 12 units in your control group an orc tends to have specifically a few units of every time they don't typically Mass a lot of the same units whereas nice elf does do that a little bit more often but we happen to be watching a night elf that also really branched out from the technology tree entered armor types grunts and pausing the game for a second the grunt is the basic melee unit that is built at Tier one from the orc arsenal he has a heavy armor which takes bonus damage from magic attacks he deals normal damage which does bonus to medium don't worry you can watch this back on the YouTube video on heroes hearth YouTube channel berserkers have medium armor so they take more damage from the grunt they do piercing which does more to an r8 and light walkers spirit walkers have an armor so they take bonus damage from spirit walkers from barber circus and the walker steel bonus on grants so let's say if we had these three units against each other trolls should attack the torrent the torrent should attack the grant and the grunts should attack the Berserker if you and I have many of these what you attack creates really interesting effects because you want the bonus damage and you want to take the less damage it's not important right now to remember how all the units interact but you can always just hover over it in the game yourself and see what it does and you can plan accordingly how you're going to micro defines heroes are special they have hero damage and hero armor and that is quite beneficial generally speaking someone asked to explain the town portal so if players did not have a town portal anytime they would be on the map and they would get caught in a fight that they don't want they could lose everything the game would be over and that would not be very interesting people would tend to stand the loss in their base afraid to go out play your Start games with the town portal the first hero you make will be equipped with the town portal scroll it's a consumable and it can be used to teleport the hero and all of the nearby troops to a target friendly Town Hall you can rebuy them as well they cost 350 goals which in terms of Warcraft 3 economy is very expensive but it's worth it right because you could lose the game if you don't there's one more thing I want to tell you and I'm sure there's more than we didn't cover yet but one more thing I would like to tell you before we are going to play our first game together base defenses one moment and please cut this out of the VOD because there's a stinkbug here I need to take care [Music] it's gone leaving that live is my mother normally darn that many bugs in Warcraft 3 the ones that do exist generally we call them a feature and we use it to exploit the AI on creeps the final thing I want to talk to you about is base defenses okay the orc race has a burrow this is the food-producing structure like I said and it can house up to 4 peons you put the bills inside the Burrow and they start throwing spears that's shirt certain to dissuade any attackers isn't it well burrows are an asset in defense but there are liability also they do not enjoy fortified armor most buildings have fortified armor which means to take much less damage from units however burrows are heavy armor just like the grunt it takes bonus from magic and Fool from everything else so burrows are a liability and an asset although it can fight back they are often what gets target by any attackers so you should also repair them if they get attacked the night elf actually their Tree of Life which is their main base it's got hands doesn't it let's go Hans I can slap you in it it's certainly well so this tree of Ages has 49 to 60 damage let's compare that to the blade master one of the strongest heroes in the game oh he's only got 25 to 50 damage so this tree hits with the force of the wrecking ball and so if you go near it it will slap you pretty hard so this is how Night Elf bases defend themselves take a look at the ancient of war this is their barracks it produces arches huntress clay throwers but it slaps as well the shop is shop also slaps pretty soft but still and the moon wells which offer the food they are actually filled with moon juice as we call it you see this number here the nine that's the active monarch ants on the moon well if it's full 300 out of 300 it has a lots of moon well juice if it's zero it has none by right-clicking any of your night of units on the moon well you will drink the moon will juice and it will heal you up but keep in mind that healing mana is much more expensive than health so if you want to heal your army first heal everyone that doesn't have mana or you will empty them too quickly and you'll be left on Friday night fight night without any moon well juice and that wouldn't be very good because it's gonna be a fun night tune in for Friday night fight nights that's the tutorial until now feel free to ask more questions the glasses that are supposed to make me look smart go off so that I can see again because they're yellow tint is there alright but I don't I no longer need them we're gonna go play a game
Channel: Heroes Hearth
Views: 215,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, followgrubby, warcraft 3, warcraft 3 gameplay, how to play warcraft 3, how to play warcraft 3 for beginners, how to play warcraft 3 frozen throne for beginners, warcraft 3 reforged, grubby's warcraft 3 crash course - tutorial (part 1), grubby custom games, grubby warcraft 3 reforged, heroeshearth, heroeshearth fight night, followgrubby warcraft 3, warcraft 3 tutorial, warcraft 3 tips, wc3 grubby, wc3 reforged gameplay, wc3 2019, warcraft 3 2019, wc3, heroes hearth wc3
Id: vbSfZpllci8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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