Grubby | WC3 | Mass TP FTW?

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all right we're going to dead unopinionated how did those griffin show up when fast start is dead what is it all right enough let's go to mars telly we power creep to level five and when i say power creep i mean power creep let's build that altar quicker [Music] yes i bet archmage name is peril spellbinder nah it's gonna be around spellweaver grubby what is your montars ink number inch oh 27 inch andrew guesses nylos are canister we'll see a bold uh prediction mr john f easy yes what is it what did i give up i power bill to everything you require my assistance still get the fast tech ready [Music] when you come back to human again if you do once you go or human feels like a lot of work requirements yes me lord orders what is it now to battle upgrades human is my first love i'll always go back to them we will see ready i'm a lord well say the word it's so funny he'll focus the lowest footman but he seems to be totally okay with okay he focuses the lowest footman if it's like at least 20 lower than others but when it's like 10 lower he keeps attacking the one he's attacking ready [Music] request night elf tinker plus hunts early game max factory and upgrade late game spam talons and cyclone to protect factory while you suicide bomb their building bonus points for sapus i'm sorry for this request it's hot garbage yeah but an unusual level of self-awareness that makes everything better hot garbage is really smelly you know professors in the sun it's just one of those days it's all about the ready for action he said she said yes my lord oh he expanded i think you better quit say the words say the word on my way easy of course i respect the grind my brother hello hello well well say the word right what is it orders you require my assistance yes he just saw me because he has the watcher word oops what is it so how surprising will this be fine job's done what the answer did not vary he's not making any tech yet it's mostly just he's in the tower face the terrible tower face every parent knows it say the word on my way to arms all right well hey germany blade two racks upgraded grunts then bats while fast tech to demos with burning oil wind condition go mirror image for creep and obfuscation wind walk for survivability and then crete adapt later game as needed thank you germany well of course [Music] uh is oh he impaled me but i got marsteli as well hell yeah on my way yeah like 1001 10 works what is it now well i can hardly wait no not two times twenty one huh take all my footage with me well um what what is it now ready to work for work yes below ready all right yes i thank you bloody begging a like video for undead dreadlord first kind aside style yeah you got it killed you got it done job done what more gold well all gold is required look for glory research uh black you require my assistance just in case all trees between your base and enemy base must be subject to deforestation and replaced with farms and lumber mirrors it's okay the other races already did their own deforestation now it's our turn shredder and bolsonaro bm with flame strike for deforestation any units allowed for protecting bolsonaro's capitalistic agricultural activities against the socialist tree lovers preferably against tree loving italians i'm not gonna say that's a good strategy but everyone else already played that strategy i i do get the rationalization even if it is self-serving and destructive to all of mankind we know more now we know better than to remove all the lumber i'll take care of it i'm opponent can look on the bright side his gold mine won't be running empty anytime soon horses are under attack i think my sheep died again you required well what do you need get on you have a target uh wasn't it a frog that okay okay yeah sure sorry it's incredibly silly of me right yes that seemed to take forever you require my assistance you know i'm certainly not so sure we're gonna win greetings foreign what is it now okay all right 330 rifles mate and three three footies what is it [Music] what do you need say the word he sees me here too done what is it no i did mastery by accident how many peasants have i got not many anymore what can i help you take your time look around go for a second hero if you wish it's uh it's possible to do our forces you have a target what is it now second hero uh yeah let's get paladin what what you need our forces are under attack me lord bro for real you're killing me job's done but what would you ask if you require my assistance what do you need i'll take care of him got him what well job's done i am not afraid it shall be done ready to work i am about to delve into the forbidden machines what do you need of course right what do you need what is it what right oh yes me lord what you have a target what do you need i on my way [Music] on my way say the word what do you think oh let me face them [Music] say the word let me face the pedal what would you ask me are under attack ready for action what do you need i it shall be done all right let's be lord orders what is it now well i can hardly face the pedal is he ever going to level up like god how many footmen have we uh annihilated our town oh it shall be done at hey he still had a acolyte uh a shade no it shall be done what strike with great vengeance at your call i am not afraid as you wish for honor for my people i am not afraid it shall be done [Music] yikes yeah we said with our stifles thanks guys dj yes did he actually have a shade at the taran no he just had no money left he did have a shade here well we just helped clear up some disk space on a hard drive somewhere out there [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 22,423
Rating: 4.8597937 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, reforged, tp, teleport, archmage, mass tp, request
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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