Grubby | WC3 | [EPIC] Enemies Be HIDIN'!

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or i could play some hots or something i think it's better not to play hots tonight no i'm not getting tired it's just like it's kind of slow cue and i can't do what i really need to be doing now which is prepare builds and stuff i mean i'd be happy to play against undead now but the fact the fact is it's no wonder it's on ladder right now i don't know why i guess it'd be awkward if i met explorer happy online but they're like early birds so they're not playing ladder anymore now yeah espada if i if i wanted to i would have fought against the system this system is just like easier for broadcast and more exciting but it's unfair for the players to have a single best of five instead of double that's the three freaking fly they always come back to the same place because they're damn stupid i'll get them later yes yes oh sorry dumbledore miss click ah yes um is there any undead you can dm for grinding games or is ladder more productive oh that would be that would be useful uh maybe i can see if starbuck is online or get hustle ups out of retirement yes how are you able to balance your analytic having fun content creator site versus pro gamer hunger for competitiveness simple just don't play competitions oh that's okay absolute choice he's another chance for a captain of gondor to show his quality got him look what the bro he flew up again oh he flew into a weapon what a dumbass that's why you don't clear spider webs in your room absolute doorknob should have eaten it like do they hello oh is [Applause] oh absolute i am [Music] yes yes oh use my powers yes oh yes yes is we be [Music] yes my next [Music] [Music] yes i am yours oh yes yes oh yes is hello i am what do you want why are you poking me again ready to ride my power oh the yes [Music] yes pleasure yes i am oh is he's switching to bears his talents are a maintenance army now he's not actually producing yet so we actually we get a small head start if we start first oh yes is oh somehow oh i don't have walkers anymore yes oh oh he's freaking a piece this what yes is yes [Music] yes my blood yes can i help you [Music] will be my next absolutely oh i am yours oh i is i am is oh yes oh oh yes absolutely will be my next victim yes my excellent choice yes oh [Music] oh oh all the time yes i don't remember making another cutter build that's so funny just yes the spirit who who expanded earlier roughly same time so we're both gonna run out we'll see if we can save this do you think i have enough lumber a lot of people say bring the shredder in a fight bring the shredder but it's very weak like against talents but maybe right now it's actually valid i think we're good online [Music] let's go get clarity remember to try to use full mana walkers i am yours here's the last push he added a few dry outs too one involved no heels girl i am yourself oh oh he didn't reach oh my god yeah dude played really really well this was a 50 andy before oh uh he's 37 23 this season i just realized the booster wasn't working like the stats overlay sorry about that [Music] this was a really cool game now how did it get to this point we are enemies be hiding basically we out grabbed him he cancelled he killed the beyond he cancelled five tech buildings it's uh the old classic way of playing talents and he did it on a very difficult map concealed hill counter expanded just he let off too much pressure he let me tower expand like that should never happen right he let me tower expand and that's how i got a foothold back in the game yeah he he improved a lot he's been playing this talent style for a long time but i was really solid by him would be cool to see from his pov how close the final cluster rockets was to the big bad voodoo yeah let's check it out i don't know if it's because i interrupted him or he just didn't reach two minutes i was so surprised by his fight ap is in it like what the hell man 64 speed is one minute one sec all right so it should only take like 40 seconds it seems to take a little longer than that yeah that makes sense i should have realized that fun fact about serpent wards you cannot select them when you do this you only select real units when you do this so you get the headhunter if you do this you get the headhunter and the peon if you do this only if you do this i think you can get the snake yeah you see it now so sometimes yeah you have to click each serpent wired or control click and then focus the fairy dragon he was out of reach you know he was all in so even if we don't get the big five voodoo it's still over oh he didn't know where the shadow answer is he had no vision that's why he missed now he sees it from time to time but it still didn't work because he already left wow that game was awesome [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 13,316
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, reforged, enemies, hiding
Id: WAaFD-DuW6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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