Grubby | Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne | 2v2 with ToD Orc+HU v Orc+UD - All Expos Taken! -Lost Temple

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running us ragged I told you about the expression no I kale I says that sometimes nice guests it means to keep somebody busy like running around running us ragged yeah running he always says I come he's riding him ragged right like what are you talking about I think doesn't work on this Clara's always nice to work with always some new terms yeah work on that you got that one guy checking the races no where's the sip tea I don't know I don't know actually I actually checked myself this time take a Walter Scott - do we need to Scout to see what they were doing or I guess stuff opener there is no surprise possibility small like where are they going okay multi ended and you're scary yeah I don't think you need to then again like we always get surprised by random expose yeah do I get rifle cast you against this yes yes that way we have no pressure to attack against destroyers yep and then I'm gonna go for our upgraded grunts Raider I will skip walkers so I hope orcas next to you because if he's next to me I cannot really win one on one without walkers or kids Nick to me okay that's great just in case it becomes one-on-one times - okay classic opener no wait he has a shot he must have a shop on the high ground he's doing it natural I'm going mid instead I was gonna do my natural but I'll go made his burrow was late so it must be oh maybe I just ducked around yeah I'm gonna check it just to see if I'm right no well it's pretty important info yeah maybe I have time to do my xbox after I do this small twin clamp you could do it right away yeah what if he's not trusted the thing is now it's better to be wrong against a weak opener his borough was late for no reason that means we should win this game no matter what no I think it's just flying around I'm gonna trust the lack of info into Mike's phone and you must be on you we're about to find out trust trust me before he steals my career made it real easy too he's nowhere I mean it's on me it's on me okay played hi stole one oh my god over have something he's really low I gave you a little bit of experience you level up yeah come to me one second okay let's just start the count okay second eyes he's so low we want to force him to commit you can keep it for an hour just pull these did it I'm ready I already do the all impression for the finest actions Thanks did you get it yeah oh I have an idea yeah I go to three I never do that with you and we've never never ever done it or even tested it but it's it's meta these days in orc Mira yeah and I think it should be good let me give you a hidden potion f2 I really don't need it must be good I am especially when I don't buy boots I have enough money for it really tell you where I was going because I didn't really know what I'm doing or yes and poke a textbook pokedex 4g really strong yeah fortified defenses it or pocket expert has so many benefits and i'm running a low econ build anyway since i don't go walkers I'm just doing some random pressure saw my good that's Jeffery actually coming up oh pretty fast look you didn't see it oh my god you haven't seen my Achmed for some time it's a greater healing gonna come in handy here yeah you gotta use it don't be greedy yep my screen nice water Ellie's dude thanks bro I'm pro meatball I know it but I didn't know what it smell I'm not your bro dude I don't let you dude like this hey I thought I was deal getting fortified defenses if you still want to make an arc entire you're free to but I should be safe this attack I don't have a teepee but I think we have too much firepower now that I killed yes this stuff I have it setup I got an offer you cannot refuse freaking steal you stole the book no the creep for this freaking skeleton oh no this is not a good fight very good fine you're shadowing is evil - pretty bad them it's a good fight because you have rifles you're on this gold village where you going oh my god Oh didi escape I need some backpack you really got into it there I like it get that in reference how did you get orb he already adore this whole time maybe Oh then when I run go ahead run good little gift for you oh snap I need help with beatable that's the negative okay focuses to the darkest you man up I'll shut up sorry I was pull you back right on time lightning or get some focus fire up yep you might have to blade okay good push farther behind this yeah are you gonna make Houston oh my god it's like 1200 we need to go back to your teepee now right no I'll run without a back end and snare what you can yeah Infantino fountain coders always doomed in this kind of endeavors oh no tavern man so I can't get my plate at least have 45 defenses but I need some time to get back yeah LTP we need some info on where they are I'd like to quit but I must know they're not sending me a shot to you Expo you can't send a peon to be honest put him on the phone my main this would give me level two point eight they just hit my red spot for two dkh yeah they're coming for me I'll TP very soon I just need to save my I'll tell yourself I think that even the other Red Spot makes the most sense I got evasion for you okay don't tell the other Vespa I'm gonna go to my base because I wanna have militia whenever we have to fight yeah ladies yeah well you're gonna have to dodge that fight I'll try to get level three shadow oh he has no matter almost and I dusted him think I'll try to get up my ramp and if I need to LTP okay the under is doing this maybe this is well who knows there's no upgrades I'm not over fifty years and I'd prefer not to fight if you can keep that in mind okay then I won't break up keep yet I'll wait last second okay but we need some advanced warning if they're coming for us which currently we do not have i'll send when the you to meet this can here some minutes down there okay let you send you the peon meter okay I probably did the bottom right attacking our time should I buy you think visits good I think it's good yeah I think so too has so much damage to their front line or cause bottom lashes that he's dazed little for with almost no it and here's a cloak of fire when circulate and one ring let's see very good talking flames pretty good huh I got let's do this quick regroup you wanna break up keep now yeah sure that tiny sorry should that tiny great off maybe no let's make units the better at this point I think meet me I'm gonna give you a you want to info I don't want any of the evasion you know okay also crafts I didn't break up keep yet pull back as a miniature I don't want to lose my coda way to start with I have broken up you need to as well yeah I did but I don't have my first two units I think I'll TP to the rights of your shop guys soon letting them getting a little bit closer beeping now to the right and shop you got have to go in because I'm gonna be close to them I'm just gonna focus DK because he's focusing like a yes coroner yeah go ahead use one sec don't ever did a no-no yeah I tried weed work oh my god nice nice job yeah so I lost everything how did you do I lost nothing part end girl okay they're exploring we can't hit that and kill them oh you want to just explode take your time because yours will be up quicker than I did it's so good yeah info I used it yeah I took it from you and gave you your box because I had no space yeah can you go to shop it late quick yeah but I will deny myself the healing that's super awkward sorry yeah I'm good cut at the end they're not there maybe you can buy stuff I have a lot of units rifles are two one what do you want to buy I can buy any mystic I wanted one more scroll with us find out I'll send blood nature so they have one bit Expo and so do we that's fine a more day there's no they remove the base on this fairway I wonder if they're doing this they already did it that were there earlier yeah but the granite is all that's the question we can check in a sec they did not do it okay give me a sec I buy scroll okay I'm leaving this I need TP as well oh I did yet I need to buy I need to buy you need to let me buy everything now because I got gold for efficiency really something yeah no no that's let me buy tip alone it's better if I buy it immediately so there's no upkeep detraction okay I'd like to echo a little bit longer if possible can you send that round some Scout you have a lot of lumber give me a bit of lumber and send around some delicious cap actually we should sit at Mike's road and I just Expo and recover it no we have the vision set up already maybe he'll send his play like crazy and we catch it because I got magic century okay quick go and snare it if he walks there let's pull everything back just the one radar at the front like this it's good like this we will not see it on time they did not run out Gollum so if we want we can set up oh wow how do they see so we just sit there okay first of all he has got four or five destroyers so we need two and snare wisely that's it watch out your Union yeah yeah you think yes Shaitan no I don't think so look at how many destroyers three one up guys he's gotta focus here like how 100% Oh a blade reveal no come back come back on the tower I'm gonna go by in Ville no I mean we need every hero needs involve percent they will only focus here everything to my base we need we need vision SEC how did they see my peasants I pretty sure it was in this they must have some sort of century it may be shader century let's see there's they'll spoil it here David remember only they were only focus here oh you need info on our teammates as well I can't have one go so I kind of leave it back and I have in this to work with okay yeah not very reliable they're sitting out there ready yeah it's good if they attack into my century man arcane tower you'd be pretty good for us almost of expose well there's no rush we're exploiting them each to one other grades three one destroyers info on DK you scroll involved place therefore hold back hold back focus Australia's what's up did nice I lost that I'm ten yeah good yeah any some would really but I can definitely have food can you send blade out you know I'll send my time blood mage just make sure you got involves again it's so nice you force the expo oh my grunts really take a beating in these fights but it works send your blade to their shop but a super risky without info what I'm doing now it's kind of risky to I don't really like it should I stop no no - yeah shop yeah but I must I must avoid army because the shade risk time I never had my koto upgrade yes we're getting it now no I can't go to the show okay I got one spare engine for you on my blood match we should attack lesson Acropolis yeah no stop or something I'm just gonna harass echoes we need more veining we need a reveal right here do you have yeah it's just standard fountain but it's not an amazing fight boss sacrificial bid to save our cars we could attack there actually because we would be able to kill it before anything even happens if it's so fragile without there's really no need to take a risk like that I want the bases I want the best position for us there is a shade though I stopped the mining without ah something to commit to a full-on fire we've got three mining bases we don't need to do it the efficient on this it's taken that's the maybe the one we should attack we still need one let's go blade to stop right it destroys our left it's time to go brother long we don't really what do what do you wanna do then pull back no no we can all right pull back pull back at least up you up in the in Silicon Valley here we can fight it off great I still go if they don't we just walk away slowly let me scare hey they're coming hey let's go I gave you info - Shh careful smashing these pools I'm gonna feed pink shadow get ready to heal okay nice evening some more I have no info on I'm giving your what I'm giving you one more now yeah you got it thanks thanks to perfect didn't shadow again perfect dude perfect very nice hahaha nice cool game good job I think maybe one more kid tower would have been nice to clear out the shades and maybe does oh yeah the stove a great idea put it to the back let the blade master get revealed yeah because then in visas we do pee thank you for the bits Jen love thanks for the bits an interesting message kreygasm 100 very good decision-making I think that you had Thanks I didn't think of like pulling back I'm more like you know tilt is lovely beast more carrots for Logan hey thanks to Tom Harvey I remember I had a similar moment a while back on no woods when we had the game and I was like pull back to the fountain they're gonna attack into US and then sure enough that took like one of the worst fights ever yeah like a small alley I have to be healing scroll for my arc measure to make sure I saved it does that helped a lot like during the what would you use heal scroll an arc mesh your arc mesh my blade would suppose like 50 to 100 life yeah I saw you blade about to die I was like he's better to use the healing scroll and like maybe have the army die later but at least save the blame now exactly did you see that the torrent popped right out
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 70,244
Rating: 4.9026651 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Khaldor, KendricSwissh, ToD, Back2Warcraft
Id: vj4KS1NtLqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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